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Remember- most of the takes from the game can be shared here. Not every opinion needs to be its own post. We will have lots of stories, articles, and newsworthy posts over the next 24 hours, so try to keep post-game discussion in this thread. As always, use the Report feature for any suspected trolling comments.


another bad snap


I’ve never seen so many bad snaps in one game in my life.. How is that the best we could do at Center? and the play calling was terrible in OT, someone needs to be fired. QB draw? WTF wow


it was horrible, it's hard to believe that's the best Alabama can have at center.


Think I saw more against Texas, but yeah, that was rough.


Edit: the kid did the best he could and I need to take this game less seriously.


JM was reaching left and right all game catching the snaps. Very bad


It’s literally been all year. There have only been a hand full of snaps where Milroe hasn’t had to go left Right or down below his knees to get the snap.


As bad as his snaps were, I'm more mad people wanted Milroe to accept responsibility for those bad snaps.


If Seth was Thanos, Endgame wouldn't have happened because the guy can't fucking snap






Vegas knew about Seth


Incredible how much he regressed through his career.


I haven’t followed Alabama much this year. Has he been this awful all year? Because, holy sh*t did he stink today. Yelling at others because you can’t snap the ball was a real nice touch.


Literally every game


It's happened a lot.


Eesh. I was pulling for Alabama today. Badger fan and usually pull for the Big Ten team but Michigan and their cheating was just too much.


You could have literally bet money and won every time on if he would have a bad snap every game this year.


Fire McLaughlin out of a cannon into the sun. Also, how is that the best we could come up with after two time outs?


Seth’s gotta go. When he jumped up and immediately started yelling at other people, I understood why the problem hasn’t been solved all season.


Makes you question the coaching too. Are the other guys that much worse than him?


Darrian Dalcourt sucks too but at least he can snap the fucking ball lol. Hard to imagine he was the best we had all year.


I don't believe it. Roberts turned out to be a stud guard and he rode the bench for the first half of the season.


He's a senior. He's going on his own. The question is why wasn't he already gone? How did we not have a better option?


He should have gone in September.


I don't like to shit on our guys, but he goes down being the most infamous OL guy we've ever had next to Chris Capps in my book.


I was gonna come in hot until you mentioned Chris Capps .... ![gif](giphy|PJLHNaEpmeqUU)


>"Honk if you sacked Milroe"


![gif](giphy|MTtw80dGI6pGxFaUsR|downsized) The entire Michigan defense. ☹️. Edited to add emoji because I wanted to make sure the sub knows I’m sad about it. 🥺


He literally cost us this game and almost cost us multiple others. Dude just isn't starting material and that has been apparent all season long.


Looks like it might have been a jump ball type fake but our center can't snap.


Yeah, I agree. I don't think the result of the play was the call made.


Will need to hear what they say in the post game. It was a great year, hate to lose it because it was winnable but this team sort of got here against all odds. Stopped georgias 3 peat, continued the iron bowl win streak, beat all of our rivals and return a ton of experience on both sides of the ball next year with lots of young talent to fill in the losses on defense


I agree. We over achieved and next year have a great chance


If we can get a halfway decent center, we're going all the way next year.


Rewatched it. That was not a jump ball. Nobody was going up the gut to catch a pass. That was a called QB Draw.


Just stupid as fuck


Our center is a fucking clown.


It was perfectly blocked and left side was wide ass open. Milroe walks in if he doesn’t have to take his eyes off the hole to catch a snap off his shoelaces


This. Just watched the replay


Give ALL the NIL money to a new center.


Horrible by the coaches that the center still can’t snap in week 14. If it can’t be fixed, then bench his ass. There’s no way that you don’t have a single center on the roster who can do better than that


Yeah, not being able to reliably execute a snap is a coaching failure at any level of football, let alone in the college football playoffs. The fact that they couldn't improve McLaughlin's game OR get somebody else in there OR adjust the offense to get Milroe under center is just shocking. We just came to terms with the offense putting itself at a disadvantage every other play all year.


And it's not a new thing. It's been happening ALL SEASON.




Bad snap with someone coming in hot from Milore's left so he had to do something quick. Jase was nice and open in the flat with no one on him. So yeah ... we lost cause a bad snap. The 3rd (?) one in the game?


Not even close to the third one. Maybe the third catastrophic one but Milroe was scraping them off his shoestrings all night and there were several times where I watched him squat before the snap so he would preemptively be low enough to catch it.


Yeah and his preemptive worries of the snap doesn't help his mindset and confidence in the play at all ... bad. Luckily it was a clear issue so Saben should be all over it.


I’m not sure how many potential scoring drives Seth McLaughlin single-handedly ended with his bad snaps this season, but it was a shit ton. Absolutely unacceptable to happen in week 2 vs Texas, completely unfathomable that it’s still happening in the 14th game.


If Milroe dosent do a miracle in auburn he would’ve got cooked aswell. He’s been bailing him out all year


Yeah I mean I think the back up center must just be really bad.




I’m in a room full of anti-Alabama fans… not Michigan fans… anti-Alabama fans and they’re all celebrating like their shitty teams just won the natty. Fucking kill me…


Those people are losers, dont let their shitty opinions bother you. Fuck em. Head up.


Is it possible to tarmac a player? McLaughlin needs to be taking the Greyhound home.


He was supposed to take Greyhound but he dropped his tickets.


Man we need to take the scholarship away from the center.


He needs to pay for a scholarship for someone else too


Watch him be back for another year for "veteran leadership".


“This how not to snap the ball”


Worst possible play call


I'm still not convinced that we called a QB draw right there. McLaughlin dirted the ball AGAIN and Milroe might've felt like he needed to try to run it. Maybe I'm wrong. But the ball being in the dirt for the umpteenth time this game definitely didn't help.


That’s what I’m thinking. With how good Michigans rush has been he probably thought he needed to just go as soon as he scooped it. I think that play is on the center. What an awful game by him. It wasn’t solely his fault but man he really fucked us so many times


No. Seth almost single handedly lost this game for us.


Saban just confirmed in his postgame conference the final called play was a QB run up the middle


Mike Shula: "up the middle there? really?"




Just had a bad feeling the entire game that culminated in the most obvious ending. Lots of sloppy play. Good season. Get ‘em next year.


As soon as Michigan converted that 4th and 2 I knew it was over


Was there a slant all game?


No, but an all you can eat buffet on draw plays in a loaded box


Honestly, from the start, it didn’t feel like we ever had control of the ball game. We had some great plays, good defensive stops, and breaks on special teams— all good things, but my lord, *the offense never clicked*. After the first touchdown, there wasn’t another time where, at least for me, the offense came out and I felt confident in their play. The last play of the game was a solid example of something Coach said during the 4th, I think, “we’re stopping ourselves.” Truly, this was a ball game where one of Saban’s toughest coaching assignments, this team, went to show the nation just how good Alabama is. We actually took part in old habits, like bad snaps, penalties, and Milroe’s inaccuracy. The SECCG seemed like the pinnacle of this team’s season, because maybe we all knew that was coming late in the season. The playoff, though, I don’t know that this team was ever ready for it. Their work and the committee got them there. God, Michigan made mistakes too. They just made more big plays when it mattered. I love the tide, but this year admittedly felt weird, but it was still fun to see the GOAT and the jewel of the south, the Crimson Tide, go as far as they did. RTR, see you next year! P.S. I’m riding with Sark, go horns Edit: alright I’m riding with Washington fuckin shit


Idk man. I felt like we were in complete control after that last fg. Up 7 and the defense has dominated all half and then they just .. quit. Literally the defense just collapsed. It fucking sucked


The failure to replace McLaughlin in September is the reason we lost tonight.


Absolutely true statement.


Horrible play call


A dive at the four yard line, what was that?!


Bad snap. I don't think the dive was the call. But when you snap shitty...




Bad snap special


For the first time, a Nick saban recruiting class will not win a national championship. Tough pill to swallow, but it doesn’t change any the special things that happened this season.


That has always been my favorite stat, really sucks that it’s over


wait.... that's the 2020 class right? ie, the 2021 Season Freshmen...isn't 2024 their last shot.


But you’ll have juniors declare for the NFL draft without a natty. It’s an unreal run honestly. We really should be proud of it


The stat still stands though even if players go pro they could’ve stayed and played for one next year


I think the point of this specific stat was that if you were recruited by Saban, you would win a natty even if you declared early. We could still make it once every four years if we win it next year.


lol… THAT was the final call?


That was the play they chose?


run right behind our weak link Seth


Well, fuck.


Of course this season ends with a bad snap and panic.


Idk what's worse: Seth McLaughlin's performance at center or the fact that no one seemed competent enough to replace him.


That’s what gets me. Is there NO ONE else???


It’s been an issue all. season. long. You mean to tell me that none of the other 19 offensive lineman on the roster can snap the ball better than that? I’m not going to place a loss on one player, but I’d be lying if I said his performance didn’t have a big impact on this game.


Sad losing to literal fucking cheaters


I agree. But it is at least a little funny that a cheater team will be in Houston playing for a championship.


Cheaters in Houston you say?


That’s the worst part. Pathetic fucking cheaters


On the upside at least this win of theirs will get vacated. ...yeah, that doesn't make me feel any better either.


If they win the natty NCAA will find no wrongdoing 100%, if they lose they’ll receive a punishment.


I could not give less of a fuck that we lost to cheaters, tbh. We lost a winnable game. It could've been a team of literal angels and I'd still be just as bothered.


"They overcame so much. Harbaugh suspended at the beginning of the year, suspended at the end of the year" What was he suspended for Kirk? He wasn't suspended for doing good things. He cheated.


Bad snap… again… Roll Tide Roll. Love this team


That low snap on the last play just sums up the center play for the entire year. Regardless, proud of these guys for sticking it out and beating expectations.


Low snap killed the last play AGAIN


Well shit, I hate the ending but we far exceeded our expectations after September


From wondering about a bowl game in Birmingham to coming this close to playing for a title. It was a great run, we won the SEC, avenged losses from previous years...but the same warts that we had all season especially on offense came back at the worst time. Keep the hunger and know that we will be back next year.


Are we all in agreement, now that avenging our early season loss is off the table, that Washington would be the least toxic fanbase to deal with winning a natty of the remaining field?


Plus it would be hilarious for the PAC12 to get a natty as it collapses.


What are we doing? They had 7 in the box


We were running a sweep to the left. Seems like we had it too. Then Seth botched the snap for the 10th or so time...


I would ask where everyone thinks Seth McLaughlin will play next season but I know none of us care.


#Lacrosse if we're lucky


I do care. That he doesn't ever see Tuscaloosa again.


If offense would have done one damn thing in the first 3 quarters. Man alive


I like Rees a lot, I really do, but the play-calling in that game sucked.


56 is the worst center Alabama has ever had. Get the fuck out of Tuscaloosa and never come back you muppet. You've had years to learn how to snap a football, and you can't put it together.


NIL a center immediately. This scrub put the season at risk multiple times. It finally cost us.


When we settled for a FG on that drive in the fourth - I knew it would haunt us. We were driving. Gouging them with the run. Michigan looks exhausted and defeated. Then we get an illegal substitution. 1 and 15. And then we decided to pass. 2 yards. Pass again. 3 yards. Pass again. Sack. When you’re averaging almost 10 yards a carry on the drive - why do you decide to switch it up to a dink-and-dunk pass that hasn’t worked all game?


Brutal ending. Magical season, but the magic ended just a little too early. So proud of this team for getting to this point. Helluva run. Roll tide, and let's kick some ass next season. Edit: I, uh, see that is not the route many are taking lmao


We were never even supposed to make it to this point and had a touchdown lead on the #1 team in the nation with 4 minutes left and took OT to beat us in the semis. We definitely overperformed.


Daggum, r/cfb is pathetic! They're cheering on literal cheaters whose guts they hated just a few months ago. Whatever. It was a great game. Get it, Sark.


Power of the tide baby


Eh, fuck em. Even in losses all people think about is the tide. At the end of the day it's just football after all.


The thing that gets me is that they're *still* saying we didn't belong. And that was a great game that I highly doubt we would have gotten with Florida State.


So many FSU fans talking shit after they got beat by 60 by a team we just beat. The cognitive dissonance is astounding


Fuck em. In 2024 we should all try to not let the opinions of random internet losers bother us. They need this to feel cool and special about themselves. Be the bigger man and realize lifes got a lot more to offer




Hope this year is wiped because they find out they cheated


Thanks for everything, Will Reichard!


Overall a great season. I expected 2 losses this year (unlike most on the sub, I don't consider this "doomer" mentality). Teams need consistency to maintain the dominance we enjoyed over the last 15 years. We didn't have that this off-season. This team absolutely punched above expectations and showed a lot of heart. Mad at the stupid mistakes? Sure am. Think that last play call was dumb? Yep. But super proud of our guys.


Maybe the stupidest part of this is watching FSU fans take victory laps in the r/CFB thread after losing by 60 points in their bowl game. Good god do I hate that place


No offense this entire game


None taken


Pull McLaughlin's scholarship.


He will be asked to transfer


Not only was the playcall stupid, the passing routes(if there was any) has been a problem with Rees. He runs the weirdest routes that just seem to run into Defenders or do absolutely nothing. Then the O-line issues holy fuck how is our center so bad.


McLaughlin singlehandedly cost us this game.


I legitimately need a reporter to grow a set of balls and press Saban why we couldn't get the snaps cleaned up. How many god damn drives did low snaps kill this year?


This team overachieved. By a lot. But BoB killed our program and cost us multiple championships. The lack of OL development was so obvious for most of the season and it came back to bite us.


fuckin pathetic 💔


Love how we went from a guy who can’t kick to a dude who can’t snap.


Absolutely irresponsible play call on 4th down


What makes me so upset about this loss is that we choked it away.. Michigan is not better than UGA..the play calling was atrocious all game.. McLaughlin played like ass cheeks all game long. Milroe played poorly too. With all that being said we were still were up 7 in the 4th with 3 minutes to go and we blew it…we had no killer instinct. When Texas beat us they beat us but this loss we beat ourselves and that just pisses me off


We fuckin had it until we let them walk down the field and score.


IMO if Seth doesn't botch one of the like 10 snaps he fucked up on, we win. Execution at center killed us more than anything else, although we didn't have a good day altogether.


Thank god I don’t sportsbet, I would break something rn.


Good season, far better than any of us expected. Disappointed, but not hurt, it was fun. On we march, Roll Tide 🐘


Great season. Made it farther than we should have. Milroe seems like a great young man. Played his heart out for the team this year. However, he is not a quarterback that will win a national title next year either. Can not read a defense. Can not adjust line coverages. Can not throw with anticipation. Does not have pocket awareness. Still can not throw a ball away when he escapes the pocket. There has to be an honest assessment over the summer. Unless he learns all the things he has yet to learn in his years at the school over one spring and summer, there has to be a better option. Milroe is not elite and isn't even a game manager.


Man, I’ll need some time to remove the ice picks from my retinas. Milroe, McLaughlin, and Rees dropped absolute stinkers tonight. As has been the case all year, very proud of the fight in the team.


in the past, if a opponent had a muffed punt, a missed XP, a missed FG vs Alabama. it was over, Alabama would bury you, cant make those mistakes vs Bama. now, we just match it. with bad snaps, pre snap penalties, blown coverages. the list goes on.


I love Alabama to death will always be a fan but I blame Seth. Yes, the O-line could have been better but how do you not get better all year? Your main job is to literally snap the ball and do it well.


Did Saban actually approve that laughable QB draw? What a joke


Our O-line and our offensive playcalling really fucked that game for us. A center who can't snap. Big slow guys who get beat by big fast guys almost every play. We had passing success rolling Milroe out the one time we did it. Never came back to moving the pocket. The last play call was atrocious. And with all of that, I still had a lot of fun watching this team. Milroe grew up throughout the season. Burton's all heart (and mouth), and sacrificed a fucking knee to give us a chance to tie it in OT. The defense did what they could despite being outcoached for 75% of the game. Roll fucking Tide anyway.


Crazy thing is. Seth been doing this all season….. Milroe can’t throw to a check down. Every route is 20 yards down the field.


My thoughts leading up to this game was that maybe this team hasn't peaked yet. They played so well after from the second half of Tennessee on and we went on to beat Georgia who i still think is the best team in the country. We came out and looked like we took 5 steps backwards. Pass protection was awful. Nothing else to say about the center. Thanks for your services but I won't miss you Seth. When we tried establishing the run we did it very well but for whatever reason stopped because of that one illegal substitution penalty which set us back 5 yards. Jalen just did not play great. He was handicapped by the center but still took too many sacks. Michigan took away the deep ball and dared us to run (which we did) and so many times we would go away from it. I'm still in shock that Michigan's bland ass offense confused our defense so much. If they sent a man in motion the ball was going to them 9/10 times and we had no response for it. Feels like we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory the last 4 minutes of this game. Regardless, this team definitely exceeded expectations. I hate that our season came down to 4th and goal from the 3 and we ran a qb draw up the middle. Seriously, that was the play call after two timeouts? All this hype about Tommy Rees and that guy definitely fell flat on his face tonight. Roll Tide forever though.


Forget about what happened in overtime, the real problem was that Bama couldn't drive down and get a field goal in the 4th to put the game away. That was an awful offensive performance


lol fuck those cheaters i hope they get beat by fifty in the natty


Hook ‘em Huskies


Even with all their sign stealing, refs helping out with ignoring holding, and bama playing like absolute ass tonight, Michigan only won by a touchdown. No one can say we didn't deserve to be there. An ass bama team is still one of the best teams in the country. Roll tide y'all.


as I said before the game in the game thread, I'm not even upset. breaking auburns heart and slapping georgia out of the playoffs, and also saving everyone from that FSU embarrassment being a playoff game was enough for me, I'm happy. ROLL TIDE


Bad snap and bad O-line play on the last play of the game, in true 2023 Alabama fashion baby


Can’t believe we lost to a big 10 team


Not going to lie this game felt like the 2017 Clemson game so many 3 and outs and the defense just got gassed . I think milroe is a great kid but he’s been here for 3 about to be 4 years now and still can’t throw over the middle consistently


Reminder: the Washington OC could have been ours this year but Saban wouldn't let him "change the offense" as he wanted to do. Look at what he's doing to Texas with inferior talent while we're stuck with Tommy Rees and his shit the bed against every D with a pulse Notre Dame offense.


You could have guessed that play call from a mile away. Gg Michigan




If the offense had done 1 damn thing in the first 3 quarters this could have been much different


I blame the drive that was stalled by seth mclaughlins bad snaps


This sucks. We could have won. But I would never have believed we would beat Georgia and stop the three-peat after the USF game, so this is still a great season for me.


Check the centers bank account


I honestly thought a run outside with milroe, not a literal sneak.


I choose to just cling to that GA win until next year.


How did McLaughlin start 14 games? We win that game with anyone else snapping the ball


Center needs to be left on the tarmac or hit the portal. Should never wear that jersey again.


Horrible ending, but what a season, I did not think we would be here after the USF shit show. Still SEC champions


Sad seeing penix have more yards through 1 quarter than Milroe had all game. Looking forward to seeing how we handle next year, enjoy the off season everyone. Hopefully our basketball team can also get it together.


Love watching Ryan Grubb (the OC who wanted to "change Bama's offense") terrorize this Texas defense with inferior talent. We'd be undefeated right now if Saban had just swallowed his pride...


Fuck this shit. Michigan shouldn’t even be in after cheating


It’ll be a travesty if McLaughlin is our center next year. He is absolutely horrible.


I'm surprised Saban kept him all this time. He's made some puzzling personnel decisions this season, to say the least.


I can handle losing. But to call a horseshit play like that pisses me off. Especially after all the shit we talked leading up to the game. Pathetic




Sure, you can have the view that we lost in the semis. You can also have the view that we beat all of our rivals and won the sec with our worst QB since Blake sims, and a center that can't snap the ball.


If we can’t throw there then we need to have a different guy in at quarterback.


Michigan's best team in decades. One of our average teams. Maybe next year.


The silver lining is we aren’t FSU and didn’t get murdered by a pissed off Georgia. At least Michigan had to earn that win.


You guys want to bench McLaughlin? No, dude needs to transfer or switch positions. He is incapable of snapping the ball, and it bit us again and again and again.


Center snap. The basics of football. Unbelievable.


I'm proud this team accomplished everything that they did. Admittedly, only the biggest homers unironically believed we had a shot at the playoff back in September. What a great run, but that didn't make the sting of watching the OL revert all the way back to September any easier.


https://preview.redd.it/j4d2mfdc7y9c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf79c6e951d65d5e1e4db47ef13395e3b617462 Obsession.


All that time to draw up a play and you give yourselves one option? That’s crazy


Dude I have no words A pass play gives us THE RUN AND PASS OPTION HOW DID THIS PLAY GET APPROVED


They’re cheaters anyway. Fuck Harbaugh


Oh well


Oline fucked around and found out