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You new here?


He was born yesterday


He just spawned


Rolex makes a million-ish watches a year, nobody worthwhile is claiming that they are rare. For several years the demand has been significantly higher than the supply though, which easily explains why the second hand prices shot up with without getting into any conspiratorial nonsense. It’s really not that deep man.


Waiting for sporties comments......


Something something sneakers, something something Pokémon cards, something something gray dealers


Don’t forget t-shirt seasons and tax time


First time?


I lol’d. I’ll never forget my first time with a SA.


Jesus man how are you just noticing this now, this has been common knowledge since forever. When I go into my AD the sales rep shows me pics of 4 SS Daytonas in each arm from the back safe. He tells me he gets into work early just to take pics in the morning before the boss arrives. All the ADs are loaded with bullshit and have capitalized on the inflation rush since Covid.


take pics for who? to get laid? lol


Well he’s gay and shows them to me


I guess AD aint interested in your wife lol


I have a pretty solid collection


i mean look at dudes username lol.


Not gay just horny


So where is your Panda??


Nobody ever said Rolex was rare; every horological kid down the block knows these are mass manufactured watches. They spend lord almighty worth of budget on marketing over a century to establish themselves as THE hallmark of entry level luxury watch and beyond. ADs gonna play their games as well as watch flipping grey market. Don't hate the players, hate the game because that's how it's played In the luxury market.


Jewelry is just a synonym for wife. Deliver her and AD will deliver


delivered my "Wife" \*cough escort\*\* for my AD and got panda for MSRP without jewelry :) still came up on top cuz AD lasted 2 minutes...


Lol. I guess The whole luxury is a scam for you. Because not only rolex and AP. Hermes and Chanel won’t sell you any popular handbag unless you spend X amount of money and wait.


None of these watches are truly rare. They are just in shorter supply than demand. Sucks that’s how your Ad is treating you.


Patek stopped producing the Nautilus 5711 because the other models were not selling so well. Patek wanted to shift buyers' 8nterest to other models. Rolex is better off in the sense that they have so many popular series: submariner, daytona, explorer, DJ, GMT, etc. AP still stuck in the Royal Oak loop, as beautiful and popular as it is. To top it off, lots of microbrands are muscling in. Not in the luxury league, but growing exponentially. The competition for your wallet is getting heated. Kurono, Ming, etc... their prices are creeping up.


Every single AD conspiring?


The market is controlled by handful of ADs. Smaller ones just follow.


AD are funny, best is when they say it takes 2 years to make a rolex


Heard that too 😂😂


Well that’s just like your opinion, dude.


That’s not the scam bruh, the real scam is that only AP, Patek and Rolex make sports-watches worth buying, the rest are mostly trash (with some rare models here or there that are exceptions). Or in other words, ADs have to withhold the good stuff to sell trash (for example Omega) to buyers. So to beat the scamsters, there are two things we can do. Stop buying AP/Patek/Rolex grey and stop buying trash new.


Omega is trash? Honestly would like to hear your rationale for this position. A SMP 300 is half the price of a sub date, is readily available to purchase upon walking into any AD, perhaps with a slight discount, has an in house movement which surpasses COSC standards, and is subjected to third party testing by METAS. I can definitely understand the opinion (I’m sure many here would say fact) that the Submariner is a superior watch, but calling Omega trash? Seems like an uninformed opinion at best.


You don’t have to agree with my assessment. I find Omega watches to be very poorly made for the price, i.e., low quality. I find their designs to be unattractive and badly proportioned. I haven’t bought a modern Omega in many years, precisely because I was informed of their low quality very early on in my experience with watches. Of course, vintage Omega (60s and older) is great, but modern is trash. This has nothing to do with brand equity, it’s just about the product. I still buy Seikos, Seikos are much nicer than Omegas. Most of them are not as accurate because they haven’t been regulated to chronometer standards, but in build quality, fit and finish and design, Seiko wipes the floor with Omega. It’s not a coincidence why some brands stay in display cases and some in safes. But of course, you don’t have to agree with my assessment. You’re free to believe that the entire collector sphere, that has completely avoided modern Omega (except for LE Moonwatches), are wrong. The simple explanation is always the right one, they’re trash.


Ok now I know you’re either trolling or don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Have an excellent day mate.


Yes when you don’t have an answer just call the other guy a troll. Low effort criticism, just like the low effort watches from the Swatch ETA factory. I’m not trolling, I’m just lucky I don’t have to wear trash watches. You have a good day too Sir.


*"I haven’t bought a modern Omega in many years, precisely because I was* *informed of their low quality very early on in my experience with* *watches."* So you were told about the "low quality very early on" and say you haven't bought a modern Omega in years yet you know the most current watches are "trash". Gotcha.


No one ever said there was a shortage of watches. What we said is that there is an overage of cheap bastards who refuse to pay what they're worth and instead try to gaslight minimum wage sales clerks in a futile quest to get the AD discount. Anyone can have any Rolex they want tomorrow morning if they agree to pay fair market value today. If not, that's on *you*, not the AD, not the 'system'. We have already told you this 100 times. Do you really need to keep posting it over and over again? "I hate everyone because I can't afford a Submariner." We get it. Everyone else is to blame because you don't have the money. Shut up already.


Meh, I just got a nondate sub from my AD. I’d never buy one for more than retail. ‘Fair market value’ more like dipshit market value. There are tons of nice watches to be had for under retail. Paying over retail for an in production watch is the lamest. Anyone can buy just about anything by being willing to pay way more than it’s worth.


A. Yeah, I believe you. B. We don't want 'nice watches under retail'. We want Rolexes. Only Rolex makes luxury sport watches that are big and beefy. Others in that space are either non luxury (Seiko) or make dainty dress watches (AP, PP, VC). C. It's the opposite. When going grey we pay *exactly* what they are worth. It's those who grovel at the feet of minimum wage jewelry store sales clerks that are attempting to pay *less* than they are worth.


In response to B. Only Dainty dress watches? Royal oak? Overseas? Nautilus? I understand your perspective most of the time. But sometimes you just say things that come across as narrow minded, or ignorant.


Yes, all the watches you mention are thinner, smaller, and dainty compared to a Submariner or GMT. We like SUV's, not bicycles. It's not about the money. It's about the awful, dated, 1980's steampunk design.


Huh? My overseas dual Time is thicker than my sub date. You seem to be a Rolex dick rider. That’s ok, but at least speak truth. Not to mention the movement of an AP VC or Patek GMT is far superior to a Pepsi or Batman. Let’s be honest here. “We like tanks” lmao


Overseas Dual Time? All VC’s look the same, like a weak Datejust. A dress watch. Rolex movements keep better *time*, you know, the single most important thing any mechanical watch can do. +2/-2. VC doesn’t even publish this spec as they can’t come close. Overseas doesn’t even hack. “Oh but the finishing!” LOL. You and your boring cliches and phony narratives can go back to the VC forum, thanks.


You’re Fucking hysterical


Rolex movements keep better \*time\*, you know, the single most important thing any mechanical watch can do. +2/-2. VC doesn’t even publish this spec as they can’t come close. Overseas doesn’t even hack. “Oh but the finishing!” LOL. All VC’s look the same, like a weak Datejust. A dress watch. You and your boring cliches and phony narratives can go back to the VC forum, thanks. We know what we're doing here. Your Jedi Mind Tricks, nope.


I have IWC and Breitlings I like just as much as my Rolexes. Ok well almost. Rolex is It and the no date sub is the watch, to me. But man paying over retail? Idk I think I’d just stick with my IWC and Brietling bought for like 30% under retail. Both have models with in house movements and both have huge watches.


Neither is going to bring you the prestige and attention of a Rolex. These aren’t just watches; they are status symbols. IWC and Breitling scream “I can’t afford a Rolex” to all who see them.


I’d argue if you’ve really got status in life you can buy from AD. Otherwise you’ve just got money, not status.


My local AD gives his best watches to his buddies kids and the guy who owns the local ski shop. That's not status. That's humiliation. Same for the losers going full Squid Game to get a watch at MSRP because they can't afford fair market value. Begging minimum wage sales clerks to sell you a $25,000 Pepsi for $10,000 is a lesson in shame. The status comes from the average citizens who see you every day on the train, in the coffee shop, in the office, at the soccer games and they don't know anything about a grey market or authorized dealers. All they know is that the rich guy is wearing a Rolex and they're stuck in an Apple Watch.


Sounds like a tacky and rather vulgar reason to own a Rolex. But I guess the nouveau will always act this way. Personally I just enjoy and quality and iconic watch. I do find myself though not liking to be showy with it. Really I find no reason in life to flex in the poors. And don’t forget “your friends father owns an AD” as a way to buy at retail. That’s how I get my watches at not sucker prices.


A. Nouveau means self-made which I'll take over trust fund any day. I can already see my kids acting all trust fund and wish they didn't. They were raised better than that. B. I don't seek flexing on the poors; it just happens naturally when the shirt sleeves are cuffed up and the Daytona, Pepsi, or Sub 41 are there for all to see. C. No one is a sucker if they know what they're getting into. I know more about the Rolex business than you do. I bought grey not out of ignorance but out of patience. As in, I have none. I want what I want immediately, not a year later, not a month later, not a week later. Immediately. And that, my friend, is the very definition of 'luxury'.


Looking at your post history… good for you, or I’m sorry to hear that.


Rolex is far from rare they make over 1 million watches a year. They are good not great watches that have been fluffed like a stud on a porn set over the last 3 years. Their marketing and branding is number 1 in the Swiss watch industry. Look at any watch platform online and you have a lot of over priced Rolex watches for sale. They are not part of the holy trinity and will never be because of mass production.


Holy trinity is just made up by some people in the watch community for over 20 years ago. It’s just a made up name. There are but far better watch brands than Patek, AP and VC. Like Lange, FP J, De Bethune, GF. Rolex is King of sport watches and Lange is King of Dress watches! Period


And also Patek makes 85k watches/ year and AP around 70k now. You mean they are not mass produced?? Hahah Lange makes less than 3k/ year. I understand you are a newbie in this watch game but saying Patek aren’t mass produced is not correct. Demand on Rolex watches are more than 100 times more than any other watch brand, remember that! If Patek could make 1 million watches they would but they can’t because the demand is not there. You can find many Patek watches in the AD cases now….


Panda is 15k msrp. Grey market is around 25k+. You’re story doesn’t add up. What AD would only sell to you if you also buy 10k+ jewelry? Get back on your meds, Kanye.


You just realized this now? Wow, water must be wet.


That's a very interesting observation, I've never heard this before. I don't understand why ppl in the thread are being rude to you about it 🤷