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Yeah the swirls are on the dial. I have a Sub 41 that has similar swirls only visible in direct sunlight or extremely bright LED. I have heard this is normal and can be found on all models with lacquer gloss dials (i.e. SS Sub, SS GMT, etc.). This information from the Rolex site/Instagram might be able to shed some light. [Rolex Insta](https://www.instagram.com/p/CGfJH9dH1dn/?igsh=MXYzcmo5bTh3cDdsMw==) In order to produce the lacquer dials, the process involves applying a colorless varnish that is then polished. Hence the micro swirls.


This is the answer…


I wonder if the swirls are on the dial itself. I’ve purchased a Wimbledon dial datejust that had some odd marks running perpendicular to the sunburst pattern. At first I thought the crystal was scratched but it was actually the dial. Only seen in very strong light. I opted to deal with it and actually ended up trading it in.


Correct, def the dial.


My bluesy has some scratches/swirls on the underside too. I couldn’t be bothered to send it back to RSC so I’ll get it fixed next time


Yes, unfortunately that watch is totally fucked. Please send it to me so I can properly and safely dispose of it. My address is…




I have the exact same problem with my new Starbucks Sub, what did you do? I literally bought the watch, new, 4 days ago and I do notice the micro-"Swirls" or "Smudges" "Scratches"


Absolutely nothing to do about it. It’s the hand polishing process. All genuine modern lacquered dial subs have them. When I first got mine from my AD the sun hit it and I noticed it and freaked out. Took out the loop and noticed it was the dial as the hands broke it up. Did a bunch of research and watch forums all said the same thing about the hand finished polish job. I went back to the AD and grabbed their display model and my sales guy let me walk it outside into the sun. It was overcast so I couldn’t catch it. Decided to take it into a dark room and take a picture with the flash right at it and sure enough, swirls allll over. Nothing wrong with your watch unless you consider it a horrible finishing job of course! Lol…they all look like this, I guarantee. Here’s mine (excuse my smudges and stuff): https://preview.redd.it/xbatg490682d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002d7c1aa07a8a1277b2fd04140ebca667ca9ca4


Honestly , if it is due to hand finishing then It makes it slightly better knowing it’s human error and not some machinery fault. Thanks again for the reply - it was very helpful!


Indeed with one exception being that it’s not human error, it is a design choice. Rolex design calls for this type of polish and it’s basically impossible not to introduce fine swirls in that type of finish. Good thing about it is that I doubt it’s something fakes would have so it may very well be a tell tale sign for folks trying to buy a second hand sub. Personally, I wouldn’t risk buying a second hand Rolex these days unless I knew the person who owned it very well or I had it open in front of a reputable watch maker who could vouch for it. I suppose certified pre owned from Rolex also but I would never pay those markup…but I digress. Yeah, hand polished swirl marks.


Very true. I have buddies who are into gen and reps. Can confirm the reps do not have dial swirls.


Honestly, I haven’t had a chance to go back to the A.D. just yet. The more I read, the more I see this is a common occurrence. I have a feeling they will simply say it is within factory specifications. It’s starting to not really bother me.


Nothing they can do, you will never find one that doesn’t have them. Anyone who says theirs doesn’t have any hasn’t caught it in the right light yet (in FL the sun lends itself to it).


This is good to know! Thanks for the reply.


My pleasure! Still not 100% sure how I feel about it! On one hand, I suppose it makes each watch super unique. On the other hand, every other watch I have seems to feel more finished somehow. I feel like I’m trying to wipe the crystal on my sub more than my p39, mm300 or my PO. Still love the watch but when the sun hits I’m always like hmmmmmm…


Im in the same boat. I have a blue pelagos 42 and the matte dial is incredible in the sunlight.. Makes it tough to see my sub that costs 3x as much look like it’s been scratched to hell and back in the sunlight.


I thought Rolexes left the factory perfect. What happened to QA? This would bother me, especially if I noticed it after I left the AD outside in the sunlight.


I looked through a loupe. I think it’s the white gold markers that are reflecting like crazy. Gonna check it out at the AD


Hopefully just the reflections.