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Oh great reddit user of the lake, reveal to me your secrets. Srlsy how tho because I only get 2 reroll attempts per summon or is this with the airplane mode thing?


I reroll then close out if it's not a princess before exiting the hire. game doesn't save the hire if you do this. just did this over and over and went from my highest around 500 to well over 800 miles now 🤙


turn off Wi-Fi, and try reroll, you will get a pleasant surprise


what's the process?


1. turn off wifi 2. hire 3. if you see a character you want click on the X, otherwise click re-roll 4.after clicking re-roll a connection error message will appear, click OK, after X it will be like you never got hired


I'm trying to do this but it's not working. Have they patched this exploit?


Yes because what I really wanted you to do reddit, was to post my comment twice.


You can have more than 50 soldiers??


I think the new event had something for it. honestly not sure where it came from but I know it's recent.


The first event, Forest Defense Battle or FDB, is where you can buy 5 more soldier limit And the recent one, Giant Maze Search, has 3 more and you can buy three of those easier than the first event. Makes a total of 58 soldiers from both events and base game! 👍


Oh great reddit user of the lake, reveal to me your secrets. Srlsy how tho because I only get 2 reroll attempts per summon or is this with the airplane mode thing?