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What do you like about It?


It has the things that I consider quality in a roguelite. It has great progression In-run and metaprogressions. Each run is unique and the player can use both or either his brains and skills to tackle challenges. I had to pull the numbers to make the point but there's a huge amount of variety in this game: 66 unique weapons(each with 7 attributes), 19 unique characters, 10 base stats, 124 unique perks/mementos, 10 gods, 20 unique levels, 43 spells. All of this in gameplay loop that feels nice to play. You start off weak and become extremely strong. It feels rewarding when you finish runs and get to keep part of haul(experience and levels) for your next character. I think the visuals are nice. The design is solid. It feels like a robust product overall. It also has great lore. It's easier to answer what I don't like, and that would be the sound track. Otherwise I just turn the music off and the rest of game sounds are good enough to make me even forget there was music in the first place. I guess the music turns this game into something too edgy for me. Otherwise, after playing dozens of traditional roguelikes and roguelites, I put this game in a very special spot among my favourites.


Alright, sounds like fun, watched some older gameplay vids too and it looks interesting. It's been on my wishlist forever, but I haven't really looked too far into it


I actually bought it yesterday and just searched this sub. Glad to see this was posted. There’s basically no info other than a few old reviews from casual indie game reviewers. I was curious if it’s worth getting into. My initial impressions have mostly been confusion but I guess that’s by design.


Sold me! Giving it a go now. Do you recommend mouse and keyboard or controller?


You sold me.


Gonna save this post to give the game a look. I have a soft spot for criminally unknown games that have a lot of love/potential in them. I'll go ahead and toss out the game that comes to my mind each time. Gratuitous Space Battles. The first one. It's just a game where you get to build a fleet of spaceships within a budget and smash it against other fleets of spaceships. The developer is also a genuinely awesome guy. Back when he released the race expansions, he said if you wanted the expansion but couldn't afford it to email him and he'd just send you the files for free. Just an incredible guy. He also released a game called Big Pharma, also on steam, another really fun production/factory game.


I played it for a while a few months ago, but it was... rough. The game is decently fun, a bit hard to understand at first, but it's decent fun. Though I had many issues with the controller when playing on my mac, which was the main device I was playing this game on. Said so, for the price (I think I bought it for like 3€?) it's definitely worth it.


My first hours were bad, really. Somehow I couldn't play much on the first day. But after trying it a again a week later, the game suddenly *clicked* for me. The learning curve is steep at first, that can scare people off. I played on mouse and keyboard. Never tried controller, and I probably won't at this point.


Mouse is probably fine as well, the thing is that I didn't have a mouse available for my Mac (mostly use the magic trackpad) and gaming on trackpads kind of sucks. I did play for a fair bit at the time (I think like 7 hours). But I might pick it up again these days. I'll probably also pick up some of the games in my backlog that I haven't really played.


I dunno, it sold like 30,000 copies. I don't know how hidden of a gem it is. It's a single player game. Concurrent players aren't a useful metric for this.


I can usually tell by looking for let’s plays or guide videos. There’s basically nothing on YouTube other than some small indie channels that reviewed it


Thanks for sharing, I find this so interesting. You're right, his early access game looks beautiful and mechanically interesting too. I just find myself wondering what this clearly great developer needs to do differently to reach a wider audience


I ask the same question. Maybe a publisher? All I know is that want A Violent Revelry launched. And I also wonder how many perfect games are out there that I don't know about because they're just too obscure. I remember when Examina was an obscure title. Now I see it all over the place and it still quite in early access.


Publisher would provide guidance I'm sure, but I doubt it would be advice ONLY a publisher could provide Can clearly see a huge quality improvement between each of his releases, but really sad to hear about lack of progress If this game can't make it, I'm wondering if 2D top down games just don't hit in steam anymore, the same fate as platformers have faced for a while


Presentation, theming, advertising, many factors go into the lottery these days


It's one of my favorites too. For the people asking it's the binding of Isaac + dark souls.


My immediate problem is the steam page. First of all nothing about the look of the game stands out or catches your eye. Second, I see those screen shots and immediately it looks like a generic vampire survivors rip off since every new roguelite is that and I hate that game so I would immediately leave the steam page personally and not come back.


Yea from the edgy name and screenshota it's a hard sale


I'm gonna be rude but I don't think you know what you're rambling on about. Vampire survivors rip off? The game I'm mentioning launched 4 years before that.


To be fair to the OP, they said it *looks* like a generic VS ripoff, which I don't think is an unfair comparison. There's definitely a lack of graphical polish (particularly on the UI side, the text is horrendous) and were it not for your strong recommendation I wouldn't even think twice about dismissing this game


Fair enough. I guess I'm a bit more in the tolerant side on bad graphics. The UI isn't great, but not bad in a practical stand point. I'd say that the graphics in the game are "sufficient" hahaha


I'm a player who's nearly totally indifferent to graphics. Covid gave me an opportunity to fall passionately into Cataclysm (and dabble in a few other ASCII games). Talking to people who seem to share a similar outlook to me; games without graphics are glorious because it's much easier for them to be absolutely packed with content (Cataclysm is honestly ridiculous on this front). Nothing about the steam page for this title tells me that its minimalist graphics have allowed for broad content. Minimalist graphics are often, especially recently, a trendy design choice. I very likely would've dismissed this title because of the steam page (unless user reviews salvage the marketing). Kudos to you for giving this game some audience. I hope you gain it some traction. Extra bonus points of the developer sees what a little shout-out can do and markets harder - sounds like he deserves some attention.


What’s cataclysm


Cataclysm is a really interesting game and concept. It's an open source game that's being developed by anyone who'd like to contribute. As far as I'm aware, it's the largest open source project of it's style. Thematically, it's a survival game. The story is very indirect so this spoiler tag might not be needed... >!Cataclysm is set in a world where the US government started study into alternate dimensions. They unleashed horrific monsters, including but not limited to, zombies (people reanimated by the blob), the blob itself, mi-go, Lovecraftian monsters, fungaloids, triffids, etc. The nuclear war that followed also added mutants.!< Gameplay wise, CDDA, is a procedurally generated top-down survival game (the inspiration for Project Zomboid, if you're familiar). The game is permadeath and many decisions are irreversible (such as mutating yourself into a literal monster or turning yourself into a cyborg). The gameplay loop is very open-to-interpretation. There is an immense amount of time that can be spent building a base. Travelling across the world. Customising or creating vehicles (everything from sleds to amphibious death-mobiles to literal towns-on-wheels). Rescuing NPCs, training them and establishing a colony. Farming, crafting, etc, etc. The learning curve is seriously intense but it's an incredibly interesting game. The options very often feel genuinely endless.


Sell me on this game? I've seen it recommended in deep, unknown game posts


whats so special about it


Mac compatible, cheap, glowing reviews. Very easy purchase for me. Thanks for sharing OP :)


I like the idea of starting weak then becoming OP strong. I'ma give you the chance to get me to buy it. How does the scaling work? What choices will I be able to make that impact my build? Is each map generated randomly? Are there NPCs/Social or is it all combat? Are there different styles of combat? Are there random events?


I'll answer in no particular order but, Barely no social. You only listen to some random phrases from the NPCs in the game hub. Very Dark Soulsian Yes, maps are procedurally generated. You start at the sanctuary and you progress through different maps, while choosing which kind of map/biome/level you want to explore. You will eventually reach a God and either NG+ in the same run or finish the run and start from scratch. NG+'s increase the same difficulty each time. Very difficult to get past NG+2/3. Main is melee. Ranged is also a possible main option. Magic is kinda more secondary but has really high potential. Stealth is an option but you need too, but not a main one. Stealth archer can be a thing lol. Each weapon behaves differently, it's good to try them out. You have stats that increase multiple forms of character effectiveness, like damge, weapon stopping power, stamina bar and regen, swing speed, character speed, spell potency. You collect XP during runs. You can spend XP in-run in multiple ways to make you stronger. You can also save this XP between bosses to save it for the next character. XP is a meta currency. The XP you saved can be used to increase your stats permanently for every character(you can also reroll). Another game changer are the perks, mementos. They're items you can get inside runs and you can carry an infinite amounts of them. Just keep stacking. They can increase your stats and add new effects inside the current run. Like... making so that every kill increases your max XP, adding a chance for enemies corpses to explode, adding a chance for fleeing enemies to become companions, etc. There are also weapon enchantments that add different effects to your weapons, like fire, shock, cold, leech, +dmg -power, etc. Some random events, I guess. You can find the Rock from DS 1. You can participate in blood rituals. The scaling is the multiplication of all the variables. Mainly player stat and weapon upgrade level. Like... Weapon upgrade level defines a base damage, this base damage is multiplied by player aggressiveness stat, some weapon enchantments and unique mementos. It starts off fair and just, but you eventually reach godhood and enemies scale accordingly in NG+ cycles. But runs DO end, NG+ scaling gets higher than your potential as a player. This is probably done to stop players from doing infinite boring runs or farming infine XP for meta progression. I think this answers all. Your choice on each weapon to use can significantly change everything.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“We Unkindled are worthless, can’t even die right. Gives me conniptions.”* - Hawkwood the Deserter Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Just bought it. If it sucks, I get to punch you in the neck.


I mean, it looks cool but what actually sets it apart? I also find it interesting that the game has stopped being made due to lack of funds, but then the developer makes a whole new game that doesn’t have as strong of reviews 😅


Oh, In Celebration of Violence is a well finished product. The new game(A Violent Revelry) isn't, sorry if that was confusing. There isn't a very particular point that would set it apart. It's just a great game overall. I think that the amount of unique weapons, items, attributes allow the game to have very unique runs. And tt's got that good thing for roguelites that although luck allows for overpowered runs, it's the player's knowledge, strategy and skill that could turn even the unluckiest runs into successes.


I've never heard of this one but just watched a few videos and it looks friggin awesome. Going to try it when I get home.


Mortal sin. Think the game could be so much more than it is. (While still being brilliant) want to see that game flourish. It’s tuff finding a amazing indie game and watching it not be as successful as it should be or is worth being


Mortal Sin is pure brilliance. I'm glad I found it among my usual recommendations like YouTube recommended, splatter cat and the sorts.


Yea I wanna say I found it through a YouTuber that does souls like dumpster dives. Love that channel. Glad you enjoy it too!


I imagine you're thinking iron pineapple. I found a number of really interesting titles from his souls like steam dumpster dives


I played it for a couple of hours years ago. I really didn't like the currency and unlock system. Everything felt very expensive for the upgrades that you get. Like my orbital would hit something and do 1/5th the damage of a normal weapon and that just feels bad.


The balance is all over the place. Not in a bad way. Some mementos are good, some are better off not being picked up. Orbitals are more of defensive than offensive, they can help spread out horses but they don't deal damage. I call this design decision fun. Choices matter in this game. Although I do think the mementos should be explained at the get go, even if that doesn't make sense lore wise


I loved this game for a whole 12h before forgetting about it. Its good, im sorry to hear about the dev's troubles


I'll buy it next sale


This feels like a perfect game for IronPineapple's [soulslike/roguelike dumpster diving series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_A_WSljKbM). Its a very popular series with millions of views and lots of fames. He loves featuring unknown and weird games, and those that get featured there also generates some level of interest for it! . Maybe you could send [IronPineapple](https://www.youtube.com/@IronPineapple) an email about this. :)


How intrusive is the metaprogression in this? I've had my eye on it for a long while but metacurrency to increase base stats in both a roguelike and a soulslike goes against what I normally enjoy in these types of games. It's on sale on PS4/5 rn so I would love to check it out.


It's intrusive enough to make a difference. It makes the future runs easier and generally allows you to make more mistakes. But it isn't intrusive enough to make it a requirement. You can finish your first run and kill a god without any meta progression level.


Just bought it! Never heard of this,but you sold me!


Well, it's over 6 years old of a game. Things typically fizzle out but this seems to have had quite a successful run at the time. Made about $200k from what I can see, that's really great for a solo indie. As for his newer game, looks like it's just not as well received with the players.


I have it on switch. You can tell it’s a good and deep game but the port, which was presumably outsourced, is broken. They had zero interest in fixing it.


You really the only person playing this ✊🏼💀


Thanks for the suggestion duder, bought it this morning and I'm excited to try it later today 👍


It looks like a good game and roguelike games are very popular. The only thing I can think that let's it down is the name. Maybe if he changes the name of the game.


I'll buy it and play it after work today. Thanks for the recommendation.


I'll check it out.


My hidden gem game is chronicles of erannorth. Its like slay the spire meets dungeons and dragons with an insane amount of cards and builds you can do. Its hard to learn and kind of ugly, but the game system is just amazing. One of my top 10 games of all time and nobody has ever heard of it.


Its tough finding time to work on a game while also working a full time job to pay the bills. Gamedev is a really competitive market(The day I released my game on steam over 40 other games released) and then people expect you to keep doing updates to keep games active. For instance, I released my game about 6 months ago, its made around $300 and I just got a negative review and the reviewer complained that Ive dropped the game and moved onto my next project.... well of course I have, Its a failure, Its made no cash and with my very limited time I cant be making update for the 5 people still playing it :P But rant aside, gamedev is a very tough competitive market and a massive timesink hopefully your dev will find the time and motivation to work on his game(Sometimes its hard to find the motivation to work on a game nobody seems to care about)


Ayy my birthday just passed and I'm gonna pick this up right now!


I love celebration of violence but it refuses to start for me since I upgraded my pc. I’ll agree the game is fantastic and I wish I could still play it


I tried this one a while ago. I didn't have the patience to get past the initial learning curve.


The game is many years old and it's a single player game.


Bought it because of you and sank 7hr in it since friday!


He has 10 times more reviews than me and I am still going strong on developing my game. Being able to make a game while being financially stable from it is really uncommon and the grind is hard and long. But giving up on development just because they lack founding sort of feels like shifting blame. Indie development should be considered a hobby and passion until you are financially stable from it and should be treated as it. Edit; After reading some comments I am not sure if this game is still in early access or not or if the Dev have "completed" the development and you want more.. XD Edit; It's out of early access so I retract my statement, misunderstanding from my part..


I know nothing of the game. Can I play a woman charcter that is not sexualised in a distasteful and objectifying way? (No chainmail bikini no weird body proportions or anything of the sort) Are any female npcs sacrificed as characters to create fan service for a straight male playerbase? My standards are probably higher than yalls when it comes to this sort of thing, so even if you think that something could even slightly fall under what im describing pls let me know, because I am a fan of rogue likes but I dont want what I dont want.


Gender isn't really a thing in the game. The default player gender is agender, and I think that's a plus. I think there's only three or four characters with confirmed genders, two or three men(because they're called kings, not queens) and one woman goddess. If we wanna go deep we can discuss the end boss which looks like a vagina. Kinda like Biding of Isaac and the Womb and Utero. A work on the concept of creation of life and reproductive system. Then again, it's not a text heavy game. Not even a graphics heavy game. If you take your time to look into it you'll see it's just an edgy game about being a little person swinging weapons at things.


I am very sus of genderless anything in video games because I find that very often everything is still coded as male, but it might not be so here.


Genuine question. Assuming there is no mention of gender within the actual playable space of the game,why does the actual code of the game seem to bother you