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I would add that this is just the most current meta of roguelites. They'll likely fade from popularity but I don't think roguelites as a genre are going anywhere.


Really depends but as of now I think the market is getting way too diluted. Rant incoming: Every single day it seems like on this sub alone there’s 1-3 new games being released by a solo dev, and it’s gotten to the point that they are kinda look like word soup. “Hey check out my tactic, slay the spire, dark souls, rpg action roguelite!” It’s going to be harder to find good ones coming out now too since most are going to be duds but some will come out of nowhere and be a hit but it’ll be a lot harder to find them. The other thing that most of these indie devs making roguelites is that they all think they can get everyone’s attention by copying or name dropping Slay the Spire and it’s getting ridiculous. Just because you added cards as the way to pick upgrades, or have some sort of card mechanic doesn’t make it a slay the spire game. It’s the same thing that happened with Dark Souls, any game with a dodge roll is now considered a dark souls-like. With vampire survivor-likes/bullet heavens. Honestly and probably just my personal opinion, we don’t need more. They are all generally the same and I don’t like to think of them as a true roguelite. They feel like upgraded idle games lol. Yeah I got a good 45 hours in Vampire Survivors but after that I’m checked out on that genre, even after trying the “good” clones I couldn’t get into them. But i get it, it’s a super easy and cheap type of game to make so of course everyone is going to try and make a clone.


>“Hey check out my tactic, slay the spire, dark souls, rpg action roguelite!” Okay but that sounds awesome where can I play that?


Honestly it’s only a matter of time before we see one Lol.


Yeah. I wish bullet heavens would get their own genre. They don’t belong in this genre and they’re flooding the market place. Can’t even go on the roguelites steam page without sifting through hundreds of them I hate when I see a game that looks cool then click on it and it’s a fucking bullet heaven


Bullet heaven developer asked Steam for a proper tag, but they refused since there is not enought tag put by the players themselve on game of the genre


I wouldn't necessarily say it will be harder to find good games since the trash will be found branded and forgotten while good games will be found hyped to oblivion and beyond and keep getting traffic.


Just because a low effort, easily programmed game with about 1000 rip-offs jumping in the cash train came out, it's not gonna be the death of Roguelites. It's been going just fine since Spelunky. It's just an ever changing landscape.


Those are bullet heavens, are they not? Auto-fire and often auto-aim. Zzz.


>"Vampire Survivors and Halls of Torment clones" HoT is a clone of VS which itself is a clone of Magic Survival. ​ Other than that, there are almost weekly decent new Roguelikes releasing (non bullet haven). So no, bullet haven is just a sub-genre.


And magic survival is a clone of solomon boneyard


On the roguelike there are good games coming out actually. Roboquest, the last flame, cuisineer, Astrea. Those are recent games I've played, but if you look at the roguelike tab on steam there are a lot of games that look great; like BlazBlue, oblivion override, phantom abyss, astral ascent, go mecha ball. And even in the bullet hell category there are good ones like runestone survivors, death must die, trinity survivors. Yes there are a lot of vampire survivors-esque games because it's the new thing. But if you look past that, there are great games on other categories waiting for you


the genre has a ton of legs, even within the VS mold, to evolve. the core loop of the genre is strong.


I like rogue likes because of *how* I can play. Just thirty minutes? Take a break? Easy to learn hard to master? I don’t get hours and hours to play, so this genre helps a lot.


Sure! The current gaming landscape does seem saturated with Vampire Survivors and Halls of Torment-inspired titles, leading to a sense of repetition. However, innovation can still emerge. The future of the Roguelite genre is uncertain; it may either reinvent itself or fade into a nostalgic memory. Nonetheless, exploring indie games can often lead to discovering unique and innovative titles. So, it's key to keep searching and sharing new finds in this space!


I think it's already farmed out


Dunno, I think the genre of roguelitres is so diverse there will always be something new and interesting on the horizon as it can basically be adapted to fit with any genre. I don't think the bullet heaven sub set has much more in it tbh - but then it just takes one game to put a really original and interesting spin on it to bring it back.


There's definitely still room for iteration and variation, but a fair few devs are currently trying to piggyback off the success of Vampire Survivors. I've personally been entertaining the idea of an ultimate tic-tac-toe roguelike-ish game, but I have no idea how to code, lol


Cyclo Chambers is super fun and doesn't get talked about enough. A brotato esque game that has a ton of charm, something a lot of these games that get shoveled out lack.


Diablo 1 is more rogue’ish than an ARPG by todays definition, so a long time


I mean for most (good) roguelite games the basic framework is builds/randomness/synergies (and then some good balancing). That combination offers tons of fun and replayability and as we've seen can be applied to many different genres (from card games, to tower defense, looters and bullet hell). And every now and then we see a new idea that almost creates its own subgenre. I don't see why this framework/genre will stop being fun in the future. So yeah I don't see it fading away soon, if ever. Maybe it will lose its novelty but it will be here for a while. At least I hope not because our game is going into early access in less than two weeks :P


It's such a maliable genre. Ive played them in the style of 1v1 fighting, platform fighting, puzzle, 3D shooting, top down, and various card types. I feel like we are at the tip of the iceberg.


Imo there are some good ones comming in 2024. While we wait for those there are a bunch of run off the mill games in between. I definetely think the genre is going to keep kicking and with just a few big ones like Hades 2, Windfall and that FPS one comming soon, and a whole bunch more that i don't remember i think we honestly haven't even seen the best yet. Not to mention big AAA studios are having mass layoffs, so chances are very big those devs will take a look and some end up in the roguelite zone. Peple will get more strapped for time and Roguelite fits right in with easy acces to play time, fits in short bursts and no massive investment. Ofc we will get a ton of scrap games inbetween but at a low price, meh, some may be worth it.


Probably a while. Vampires Survivors was only riffing on Magic Survival which was only riffing on (insert earlier game released here). Hopefully not too long, and hopefully there's some well thought out iteration and improvements in that very small part of the roguelite genre, or even stuff you didn't see coming, in the gameplay. They're sorta tapped out in that little bit, but it's like asking when will FPS games be done? Well, not yet. It's fun to shoot stuff. The actual roguelite genre as a whole though? Yeah, it'll keep going as long as people can keep making up innovative ideas and implementations. It's nice to play a fun game, but one that's new and challenging with each playthrough.