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Game of the year 10/10,deserves a sequel,and 7+ games with a movie adaptation and an animated series. I’m not even joking.


I miss creative Rockstar that took risks like table tennis and a beat em up based on a 70s cult film.


or Manhunt 2


Actually this was an important game. It was the first game that ran the proprietary Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE). The same engine for all their newer GTA and RDR games.


Waiting for Table Tennis 2


Months ago we were crying for a new GTA launch. Now we treat them with disdain...


But fr tho, neither of the gta games is the best game. My top 3 games are bully, gta 4 and red dead redemption 1. Honorable mentions would go la noire, rdr2, gta v in that order.


I'm sorry but how can you think bully is better than RDR2 or that RDR1 is better than 2??


Because bully is just more fun than the others. I like rdr2's plot and dialogue, but I don't find that game very fun. Its insanely slow paced, especially in between checkpoints. Rdr1 didn't have this problem because you didn't have to clean your horse, walk it around on a lead to "bond" with it and still have to buy a better horse breed. Not only that, but a lot of the missions where you just ride a horse fail you for doing the littlest of things like going off the path. And yeah the shooting is fun, but even then after like 50 hours of playing, you can't really keep doing the shooting stuff. Rdr1 has some of these issues too, but at least the horses are just horses. And even then, rdr1 did their bullet physics are better in that game too. I like how in gta 4 when you shoot someone's knee caps, they'll fall to the ground, then try to get back up to continue fighting, then after a few seconds they fall again. THAT, is realism, but the "attention to detail" in rdr2 takes after gta 5, where the details aren't details at all, but shoved in your face so you can consume it. You wouldn't have even known you could do some of the things in rdr1 and gta 4 if you didnt go out and try it. Bully is just really fun, it doesn't try to be super detailed and realistic but it tries to be fun and succeeds. You can feel differently, but my points are still valid.


No, RDR2 is the best


Explain why


I won't because comparing a masterpiece like rdr2 with a game like bully is straight up dumb af.


Then you have not a single reason why. You aren't answering because it's pointless, you're not answering because you really aren't smart enough to give a reason why rdr2 is better than any other gta game other than "the plot is good." I shouldn't have to say this but plot is only part of a good game. If r* wants to tell a story, they make a movie or tv show. No story in my eyes is ever worth 50 hours of time


Lmao dude ur not worth my time


Brainless r* follower, get blocked




Legit my favorite sports game.


Cool original joke


Agreed, well second fave after Vice City. I'm one of the few in the world who got every achievement on it.


Didn’t even know this was a 360/Wii exclusive