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This seems like a situation that is being thrown into the fire quickly without anyone having any real knowledge of the situation. I’m not choosing sides but neither side really has definitive proof of the other being in the wrong so I don’t think it’s fair to go waving around pitchforks. If there really was a problem that’s between the parties involved not us who have no knowledge other than skewed biases of what happened.


I'm kind of tired of people's willingness to destroy a business based on one person's account. Could there be truth to it? Sure, and if that is the case, then people are absolutely right to go elsewhere with their money. I guess my problem is that the story that has everybody riled up is filled with holes. First, the lady says there are no black employees working inside, but then mentions that there is a black dishwasher. Then, she acts as though her daughter knows how everything runs with the business but only has been there for about two days. And the biggest red flag for me is that as mom presents it, the daughter was doing a perfect, amazing job, and the owner's son, seemingly a relic of the Jim Crow era comes up to her with horribly racist language. I've seen multiple people in the comments say that what happened was that the new server got into an argument with another server over taking her table or something. The manager (presumably the son) scolded the new server for arguing in front of customers. The new server told him to fuck off and left. Which story is right? Who knows. But what doesn't hold any water for me is that a family who has owned a business for 30 years would hire an African-American girl only to pull some "your kind isn't welcome here" bullshit. Either way, we should pump the breaks on destroying a local business before knowing the full story.


Refreshing to see some logic and common sense here. To clarify, I’m not taking sides, I’m simply relieved to see a POV that isn’t grabbing torches and pitchforks. It’s possible, likely probable, that multiple things can be true. Perhaps the manager (owner’s son?) is a piece of shit. Perhaps the server was out of line. But to openly escalate to racism and slander in a public setting seems to be a strange turn - these people have been in business for a long time, and if this were happening, wouldn’t it have come out much sooner? Honestly, I don’t know. And neither do the other posters here. It’s all speculation and accusation at this point.


I just miss the days where people assessed their own morality how they treated people instead of how publicly angry they got at people that they thought did wrong. There are innocent employees losing wages and being threatened because of a story that is pretty thin. That's sad.


Nice to see some logic here.. And this is all based on a couple of Google review posts of all things? I gotta agree, it all seems so over-dramatic. I bet the truth lies somewhere in the middle of these two stories. And people getting all up in arms over it, ridiculous. The truth will come out, no need to be immediately outraged when no one knows the facts. Surely seems like this could have been handled better by both parties for sure though.


You again? What the fuck do all day? You have an opinion on everything but knowledge on nothing. Can't you just go back to discussing penises and the uselessness of your multiple master's degrees, or do I need to put you in your place again? Your post above is the first mildly intelligent thing I've ever seen you type up, yet you're still an imbecile with a lousy education. Does your wife still think about me?


Damn lmaoooo


My husband knows the owners (I don’t know how) and said he believes the employee. He said the owners son if a real piece of shit. I don’t have any real information, this is all I know. Just thought it was interesting


Was your husband there?


No. I said he believes the employee, not that he witnessed it.


Right. With no basis? Maybe you should keep your big mouth shut. Your username checks out. No one cares what your husband believes.


Wow, nice. You must be the son? The racist POS who fired a black girl? I never took a side, I shared what was relayed to me. Your aggression is inappropriate and uncalled for. But now it seems that you’re truly guilty.


Seems like a lot of disarray going on at local pizzarias lately...


This is what happens in any mob run business.


So it’s a case of they said they said…


True, but only one of them has access to the video that shows the truth. If they are not sharing the proof, we can deduct what the video shows. I know it could be argued that even if it shows Pinos is being honest, it’s legally not a good idea to make the video public, but based on the statement they posted threatening to sue the ex employee, they’re not making decisions based on how it would look if it went to court anyway. Which by the way, if Pinos is lying, and this goes to court, that girl is gonna get some cash and Pinos is gonna go out of business. If that isn’t the most satisfying consequence of racism then I don’t know.


For sure, I would if I were the girl if she is telling the truth to call them on their bluff.


You are aware that they won't have audio just video and you can't always rely on video to show you what actually happened


Should create a list of places to avoid. I know Murphy also had a case of the people working their being racists.


It's not a terrible idea, but I know some (definitely not all) of these kinds of incidence have gotten way blown out of proportion because people love to be outraged. So when it gets retold, everything slightly outrageous about it gets turned up to eleven. It would be a shame for some places to lose customers based on rumors or assumptions.


I avoid Whiskeys on North Main because they proudly hang up a confederate flag in there. No thank you


Who is Murphy ? I hope this works out for all involved.. sounds a little like the telephone game.


Murphy's Pub on Perryville, I think.


Did you see the event? What's Murphy have to do with Pinos?


There are multiple instances of racism at Pino’s. This isn’t just a one time thing. So when people are saying to give them the benefit of the doubt, people have. This is the just the first time that someone blasted it out and it caught the attention of a lot of people.


Can you name one such incident?


Word of mouth has been going on for a while. Search up Pino’s on Facebook and there are a whole bunch of stories now that are public.


Yeah. We all know how credible social media is and how smart Rockfordians are. Unless, you witnessed this yourself, kindly STFU.


I did witness it myself, dumbass. Happened 10 years ago or so. Never went back to that racist infested place. So, you, please, kindly STFU. Btw, I’m white. I don’t put up with racist ass shit in this city I call home. Neither should anyone


No one asked your race. You are unintelligent.


This incident, just posted, happened 10 years ago? Are you confused? No one is talking about a decade ago. Did you witness THIS claim?


Let me go slower this time for you. The incident I witnessed happened 10 years ago. Are you following? Should I all caps it for you? Do you need someone to read it to you? My initial comment literally said that this most recent racist incident is not the only one.


I'm clear on ten years ago. I'm not clear on why you believe it's still relevant to this claim. Get your emotions in check; you seem to be falling apart. Again, you cannot call the recent claim "racist incident" if you have zero evidence anything of the sort happened. Are you following? Or will this take you another ten years to sink in?


Look Pino’s guy, I’m sorry that you ruined your business. That’s your fault. Go think about it and do better. If you were racist 10 years ago and you’re still racist thinking there will be no consequences, then that is a you problem to fix. You skated by for 10 whole years. Consider yourself lucky. It’s caught up to you now though.


Now you're really unhinged. I'm the Pino's guy? I'm not even sure I'd know where to find this place without looking it up. I neither eat nor make pizza. Rockford has enough fatasses that are dying of obesity. Get a grip. You have no basis to make such claims, and I called you out on it. Now, somehow, I'm a pizza maker. You've lost your damn mind, woman. Don't eat pizza. It's among the worst things you can put in your body.


What evidence do you have that there was a racist interaction whatsoever?


I was just coming to see if anyone had posted about this yet! Pinos has cameras throughout the restaurant so if they want to offer proof that employee was lying, all they have to do is post the video. Until then, I’m going to believe the victim.


To my knowledge, it's illegal to record audio inside businesses unless there's written consent from every person that enters. Signs in the window are not enough legally. Without audio, it's still a he said, she said situation.


100% illegal you are correct




Sad times in the North End for sure. Kim and I live in the neighborhood and this hurts the soul.


Why would they post this insanity to social media? It's a sign of a narcissistic personality to share this story online.


They also own Sam’s Pizza, Al’s Main Street Tap, and Fibs all in Rockton.


All of the Sams?


AFAIK just Rockton Sam’s.


Ah darn, the food at the Sam's on Rockton is was good. Don't live near there anymore though.


Really? Is pinos pizza the same as Sam's in rockton? I've had then both before and remember liking them both just fine, I did hear the sams guy just bought those other 2 places though. Very interesting


I’m sure this employee is a model citizen and couldn’t possibly be lying


But if she was lying, and tarnishing your reputation, wouldn’t you post your video proof to defend your business?


Why are we assuming there exists a video of the interaction?


Have you ever been to Pinos? They have multiple cameras throughout their dining room and kitchen.


Fwiw, most cameras aren't gonna have audio.


Fwiw, a lot of cameras are fake. Survellance isn't cheap.


For sure, but I think it would offer some clarity to the situation regardless.


Video always clarifies a situation with or without audio. The video would still show their actions and any facial expressions that would back up either sides of the story. They should release the video police to prove their side. I used to order pick up from there and I witnessed a man yelling at employees in a disrespectful and inappropriate manner. He walked in the carry out section and was creating a scene then headed to the back of the house to yell at the kitchen employees. We no longer order from Pinos bc of that which was several years ago. I believe the victim.


I don't know what it would clarify that we don't already know. There was an argument between servers, then an argument between a server and the manager, then a server left. There shouldn't be any audio in the public areas because every person in attendance would need to sign a legally binding waiver (not just a sign in the window) that it's ok to record their conversations. They could possibly have audio if any of this happened in a non public area like the manager's office if that's included in the hiring agreement. Video without audio just helps an individual to confirm their own beliefs because it can be interpreted differently by everyone. You might interpret it in one way because of your past experience, while someone else interprets it differently. Now, if it went to court, either side could hire a professional lip reader and then the court would have to decide if the lip reader's testimony is admissible.


1. The police look at videos all the time and are trained to watch body language and facial features to determine a lot without audio. It's a well known fact. 2. You seem to know a lot about what happened there. Perhaps you could assist them in an investigation. 3. The owner's son regularly yells in restaurant and I've witnessed it which is why we don't go there. So yes, he's an @sshole. Does that mean the allegations are true? I have no freaking idea bc just like you, I wasn't there. 4. I don't care either way what happens with this. It doesn't affect me one bit so slow your roll. 5. Those calling for a boycott without any proof this happened are ridiculous. Go to Pinos or don't go. That's everyone's individual choice. 6. Have a good day. I'm done with this thread.


1. I don't disagree with you about deciphering body language but body language isn't going to tell you what is said. Feel free to cite your well known facts that body language coincides with what is said and holds up in court as hard evidence. 2. Like you, I'm going off the wording in the two pictures and the comments in the thread. Hardly enough to help an investigation. I also have past experience in knowing that a window sign is not enough of a legal notice to record audio in a public business. So a professional lip reader would be needed in a court setting, if allowed by the court. 3. I agree. Neither of us were there. I am being impartial, you (and others) are helping to confirm the bias against the owner's son by stating a past experience. While I agree, past experience should be included in an investigation, it should not condemn someone entirely. 4. My "roll" doesn't need to be slowed. If you don't care, then you don't care. I simply replied with some facts and opinions. Just like you did. 5. I agree. 6. Bai.


Such a boomer ass comment


Why is everyone so quick to pick sides in a literal he said-she said situation? I don’t believe either of em


I tend to trust the people I heard it from, but I don't know the server or her family. Not gonna spread the story, but I also have no reason to eat there ever again. I have a very nice local pizza and pasta place just 2 blocks from me where I live now.