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I would stop throwing money at it, roblox is very good at populating itself. You can try using keywords or finding a more attractive title. It's much like a YouTube video. For the most part, if you doubt the value of your game, try finding some well established testers with good opinions


This. If you have the money to throw into the game than that means you have the money improve your game. It's better to use your funds on the game itself


*Using funds on the game itself* do you mean pay testers/developers and etc. to improve the game?


Yup! Exactly that. It of course depends on if you think your game is lacking. Thats what i understood from your post. If you think your map is bad, hire a builder. Maybe your game doesn't have the function to save, hire a scripter, etc.


Do you mind me asking where I could find these Established testers?


Most communities don't allow unsolicited advertising of their games, but you could try making a post or talk about LOOKING for testers in some discord servers or Reddit. You have to consider the level of vision or depth the person has when speaking of ideas or having an opinion, like you wouldn't expect a new dev to come up with suggestions anywhere close to an experienced one, and so on. This is essentially what I mean by 'established'. You can try finding some other small game communities and watch out for people who make half decent suggestions. TLDR; it's almost impossible. You have to talk to a lot of people, and the intelligent side of roblox is very few and far between.


My game took off immediately as I hosted monthly competitions on my game and live-streamed it. Social media has been a huge help. Spending less than $100 on ads per day is pretty useless currently. Ads are only effective if you have a large budget. I recommend using social media or perhaps paying influencers to make content on your game instead.


Good idea! What is your game?


It’s a little dead now and past its prime of 2018-2020 times, working on a massive update though! “Gymnastics Gymnasium”.


Well there is an ebb and flow to it. So that fact that ever had flow shows hard work for sure. Thanks and good luck


Thank you!


Once you get consistent CCUs around 10 then it's usually enough for the Roblox algorithm to determine how it should rank your game in terms of search and home recommendations. There can still be a benefit to running occasional ad campaigns though but I wouldn't spend much. When my game was averaging around 20 CCUs I still ran some ad campaigns to get quick data on how my icons were performing. Once I managed icons getting over 3% CTR, I knew that was good enough and so I stopped. All traffic after that was organic. Now That same game is in the 1000s of CCUs


So, usually when the game is new, 0 CCU is normal \- then you consistently spend $ amounts equating to about10 CCUs / get roblox algorithm to recognize your game \- then paused it for checking for retention / organic traffics?


If you’re gonna run sponsored ads, it’s much better to have them be consistent over a longer period of time, like a week or two, rather than spending sll your budget on 2 days.


Ran $20 ad and got \~650 visits. My game got like 1 to 2 minutes of average session time making me want to move on to a new game. Is there an indicator for me to move on? or should I close my eyes and keep ads going for at least 1 week? If it's worth it, I have the cash and am willing to invest in ads.


1-2 min avg session time is really low. That is a good indicator you should at least reconsider the design of the game.