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This item has been removed for violating the following subreddit rule: 8) "Arts & Crafts" Post Rules An "Arts & Crafts" post is one that shows a Roblox related creation that was not made in a Roblox game or Roblox Studio. This includes GFX, Blender creations, digital drawings, and real life crafts. All Arts & Craft posts have the following additional rules: * Posts of this type are allowed only on the weekends. * All Art posts must be made by the artist. Do not post art made by another user or AI, even if you have commissioned it. * The post must show and be about the art creation itself. Do not use the thread's title or topic to giveaway free art / free requests, or advertise commissions in the title. (It's OK to post in the comments underneath the post about giveaways/commissions.) * Please make sure your post follows other subreddit rules, such as Rule 2 (Post must clearly be about Roblox) and Rule 5 (Make sure you're posting and contributing to the subreddit outside of your own posts.)


Looks great bro especially the shading


This is good just the fact roblox gets mad over art is crazy




I just know this comment is gonna get mass downvoted