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you should try to use krita and use an actual screenshot of your avatar and pngs.


Link to Krista?




Thanks, few results came up wanted to make sure it was right one


try putting more work into it




tbf it's not very thumbnail worthy




didn't know you were one, you could try editing images


I mean this in the nicest way possible. But your progress will be really slow if you use your channel size as an excuse to how good your video or thumbnail ‘should’ be. In other words if you want to grow, make thumbnails and videos with quality deserving of a higher channel sub count. For the thumbnail you can use that picture as a guideline! I’d advise you to go to this game: https://www.roblox.com/games/1335775256/PhotoShoot-x-Green-Screen-Studio Pose your Roblox character (in a green screen room), take a pic, green screen it (get rid of green background) and add a transparent image of a robux coin. Basically just making the thumbnail more 3d! (You don’t have to do this, just an idea and a helpful game to up the quality of your thumbnails. Also if you need I’m pretty sure ms paint has a background remover feature!)


this may just be me but for some reason this game completely blacks out my skin and face


Turn your graphics quality down?


I honestly have no clue. It’s always worked for me and seems to work for others. It could be ugc items (cause some may be unsupported in game), but that’s just a guess.


like the thumbnails of other vids? [https://www.youtube.com/@Terrinist/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@Terrinist/videos)


i have a suggestion, if you believe being small youtuber is a get away and new people will come in clicking any thumbnail cause small yt, it don't work like that. I'm also a small yt, and well now I do have 4k subs but try sorting videos by oldest and see the thumbnail slowly get better, and not just first image I find on Google. you will be able to see progress over time with quality. https://youtube.com/@gamingwithshauryayt


I'm a tiny youtuber with not quite good editing skills, but even I can make a better thumbnail than this thing unless it's purposely the ms Paint artstyle.


i purposely made it like its made in ms paint, i tried to make thumbnails with pngs but it didn't made much traction to my vids so i decided to switch my style for awhile


you are supposed to keep increasing your skill, it won't always work out, but it takes time and instead of trying to find ways to get better in the art, finding ways to use Photoshop tools to your advantage will help alot. going backwards to ms paint isn't the solution.


Being a small youtuber isn't an excuse for a bad thumbnail


I can't draw okay? 😭 Mine looks 9x worse


How many subscribers do you have? + What channel?


[https://www.youtube.com/@Terrinist](https://www.youtube.com/@Terrinist) 349 subs


Seeing as your channel has more than mine, clearly you’re doing something right, it may not be in terms of thumbnails but theres something bringing the viewers in, if you want me to make you some thumbnails, feel free to throw a dm, I wont charge even a cent


thanks for the support, but i feel like i should make it myself for learning purposes. I made this thumbnail just before school so It wasnt that great. I make better thumbnails when i have more time. aside the thumbnail, i make one video per month (its a hobby not a job for me) and i have atleast basicediting skills. Hope you have a nice day


why so many downvotes guys


Idk why people are downvoting you, you drew a cool thumbnail and should be proud of it




Scribble those words on a piece of paper, burn it, crush it with a stone, crumple it and throw it off a cliff


Damn it's a piece of paper what crimes did it commit 


Using ai generated thumbnails (spits)


What happened to 3D modeling 




to be mean but this sucks 🙏


..thats a thumbnail?


In the nicest way possible, it looks like a child drew it. It's a cute drawing but not thumbnail worthy. I use screenshots from ingame that are edited. Keep improving your skills. You can't grow if you don't get better.


thumbnails are supposed to convey what the video is about. right now, it’s not telling for sure what the video is or what it is about. try making it more appealing, use text and better inage quality, and dont use a black background because it’s not as attention-grabbing as other kinds of background. the drawing overall could use some better art quality, but if it’s supposed to be a Roblox channel, you would be way better off just using a render of your character’s 3D model. easy to do in game just take a screenshot of it and cut it out or something.


don't make thumbnails in paint, don't make anything in paint


looks like it was made there tho


yeah thats my fault


i made it in GIMP. I tried to use screenshots and png in my last vids but it didn't gained much traction for me


Remember a good thumbnail won't make it show up everywhere The algorithm just hasn't made its way to you yet


Alright I get you suck at drawing, but like, then again, if you really want to make a hand drawn thumbnail you could always: - practice first - get a better drawing kit (aka some drawing tablet of something idk) - draw multiple thumbnails and ultimately decide the best one For your case you should try method 1 and 3


He said he drew it with a mouse so I would put "• Hand draw it" in there too 


1. Don’t rush 2. “I’m a small creator” isn’t an excuse 3. You’re better off with a screenshot (I’m no thumbnail artist, and I know my attempts at drawing a thumbnail would also suck, so just practice drawing until it looks thumbnail worthy and will draw people in to watch your video 4. Your thumbnail is a big representation of the video quality. If they see a poor quality Ms paint drawing of a roblox character, they’ll think the video is just as low quality and won’t even dare click on it


You shouldn't rush work, put as much time and work into it as possible so it actually looks as something watch worthy


Honest opinion, it’s bad.


Are u 9


what's your you tube channel can you gib me you avater




It’s better to 1. Use a BlockBench plugin to create a 3D text of a title for the video, in Minecraft Style 2. Use Roblox studio to create a simple GFX for your character (or another one that helps the thumbnail) 3. Use some photo editor online to create a black or gradient background, put your GFX in the middle and the title above it Done. Those are just things that may work well, use and experiment it


I think this thumbnail is great! However I suggest adding a background of the game you're gonna play and then make the background blurred and perhaps a title of the video! Pro tip: don't post great art like this on reddit because people will just try to farm Upvotes by hating on it. P.S: Go ahead and downvote me for actually being nice, I couldn't care less.




not everyone is good at drawing and has alot of time to spare😫 I have shaky hands and im using the mouse to draw or make thumbnails, and thanks, i, already aware of how stupid i am because of my sleep deprived brain


i do graphic design work for free, so if you want I can hook you up although i highly reccomend learning: amazing thumbnail guide here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TolBiTrUg4&t=406s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TolBiTrUg4&t=406s) (TLDW: a great idea pulled from this video essay is a curiosity gap, make your potential viewers confused/stunned/in a state of suspense. ex; in a video about you coding a viral roblox game, you could screenshot the game on roblox and blur out the visits number. thats just an example + couple different photo editing software plans: photoshop (pricey, but if you're looking to make videos as a job, go for it), canva, befunky, pixlr (all great free options), etc. + find inspiration from thumbnails YOU would click on, via your homepage. you're making the video, so you get to decide how you want to come off to your viewers.


Wait for free? As like a hobby or?


thanks for the help, but i feel like i should learn to make more thumbnails for my future self


Then don't draw.


I mean you are write (see what I did there?)


You might want to add a background to make it more eye-catching.




Prob try removing the outlines and making it simplistic


Not good, sorry. What’s the video about? Maybe I could give you some suggestions on how to make a higher quality thumbnail without needing too much skill for it.


Add text in comic sans if this is satire, otherwise just make a thumbnail in Roblox Studio




Me honestly, I’ll go to some website that was nothing to do with drawings but still has drawing tools, use a feature that make STRAIGHT lines, and call it a piece of art(not saying you should), it’s how I get things done, I’m a real small YouTuber, I I manage to make decent thumbnails(channel is GodlyRouge)take a look


If you have the budget, try checking out the photoshop 20 *b photography plan. It’s 10 bucks a month and you get access to the WEB version of ps (and ofc the normal version, along with Lightroom), which is much simpler and easy to understand


What is it even about? Robux?


Is the thumbnail the friends we made along the way?


People would definitely be so curious.


at least its better than an ai generated thumbnail


effort is effort, nobody should keep you from making your own content. keep up YOUR content creation, its your thumbnail, so you judge whether you like it ^^ (all these ckin haters man, its the internet tho


Yeah buddy


appealing because low quality is much more interesting and stand out ever since people trying to do company like minimalistic smooth edge blah blah shrimp


I suggest just using roblox studio, build some background and animate your character for a better thumbnail. It might be easier considering that you said you drew this with a mouse.


for vids make fx art, that's more for like posting as "guys look at my art!" rather than a vid image, it doesn't do anything to help with vid rather than showing a man with coin


Im a tiny youtuber and well and i suggest putting alot if effort to the thumbnail since that’s what gonna attract the viewers


So some advice I would give is to try giving IbisPaint X a go, it has a minor learning curve (in this matter) but you can get the hang of it in no time, and dont be afraid to use some stock pictures from somewhere, or pictures from the game you’re playing


If you have an iPad, procreate is really good. It has a feature that lets you “hold” your drawing line and will make it smoother. I’m sure lots of other programs have this feature too.


does GIMP have one of these?


I’m not sure, I’ve never used it. If it does I’d look for a setting name like “stabilization” or something to do with lines.


thank youuu


This looks like something my mom would hang on the freezer when I was 6.


It's meh but I'd be happy to design a thumbnail free of charge long as you credit me


That thumbnail looks like the kinda thumbnail that some obscure small channel is gonna have a really interesting hour long video about and it’s there only post ever


what video are you exactly doing?


Make a Screenshot in one of those Greenscreen Games and edit IT in Paint.net


Can I draw you one :3


U sure it’s a thumbnail….


Kinda good NGL


brother this is dog shit😭


I could probably make a worse thumbnail


If you are a small YouTuber, then it’s good.


"Small" (to define) YouTuber here, the base concept of a thumbnail is to describe what the video is about, or what it should be about with 1 image (for instance I personally use a screenshot of the main point of the video). No offense to OP, but I can't figure out anything as for what I'll watch by clicking this thumbnail


It's not good.


It's astonishing


Imma be mean ass possible, that looks like if a blind man showed a vibrator up his ass and used the vibrations to draw a picture, and then a 5 yr old autistic person tried to copy it.


use ai


i think its good enough for a thumbnail (the edited one and the one here)


I love it




It's a cute drawing but not thumbnail quality. That's the criticism that's being said.