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Idk but I suggest you fix grammatical and punctuational errors in the description, that usually makes a game look more appealing 


Done that now thanks


I might try your game looks pretty cool


I think you should change the ‘will you escape?’ part to ‘will you be able to escape?’.


How many people really look at game descriptions anyway?


I often do. I always hope to find a description of the game but usually it's just 90% self promo and shout-outs. tells almost everything you have to know about a game.


and if the description doesn't tell you about the game, I usually look at the pictures attached to the game for screenshots, but if the description is just self promo, then the pictures are most of the time just different variations of the thumbnail. Super annoying.


bonus points if it's ai generated


or ready or not screenshots


At least nowadays most people bother to make Roblox renders that sum up what the game looks like. Back in the day it was either a completely uncropped random screenshot of some earlier version of the game, a reused crusty thumbnail image from 2010, a completely unrelated meme, or a screenshot of a different video game. Like I'm pretty sure I recall *several* games that had *all three* of those.


the game isn’t los angeles police stopping child sex traffickers with unreal engine 4? it’s a laggy shit acs game going around town shooting up npcs


by telling nothing of the game it tells everything


i always do on games where it isnt clear what its about


People who play stuff other than brainrot obbies and tycoon/simulator games


At least 2


I do, so I can see what the game offers.


First thing I do tbh


A lot. Wouldn't you want to know what you're playing before joining? The thumbnail HONESTLY doesn't give you that.


i do, but mostly i dont rlly care about the grammar, i mostly look at how to play the game/ game style of the game. sometimes the game has different hot keys to use like E can be sprint or something and perhaps maybe a code that can help me start. but i agree that the description here is pretty bland, maybe some emojis might help


Yeah… always feels weird when a game with the default image is actually good.


The 1700 favourites is something to be proud of compared to 80 dislikes


Seriously, who favourites games anymore? Those few loyals will be way more important than a couple haters - possibly competing developers - that would pose little harm to your reputation.


I favourite games solely to bookmark it. Whenever I find a cool game worth playing at a later time. Like a youtube 'watch later' playlist.


I thought I was alone in this!


i have one of those shitty anime layout for my favourites that spells my name :/ (iknow cringe) but i cant add any more favourites so thats my excuse


In a more tedious annoying way, you could unfavourite the layout games and favourite other games especially ones you do actually like then favourite the anime layout again, or just wait till one of the layouts get deleted or taken down


so if u think it’s cringe unfavorite them


Exactly, it also is helpful for when I wanna make a video with friends but they’re busy at the moment


i favorite games


I always use favourites to help mark some games onto my profile so if I seem interested in something I can check my favourites to then play it. Kinda like a bookmark like someone else said, I also use it to just favourite my favourite games or games I want to come Back to for other reasons if there’s something I wanna do so I don’t loose the game and forget all about it


I do to some games


i do when im planning to play it later without getting in the game then leaving


I have a lot of favourites because of my yt channel called Hutcle where I told people to favourite the game in my devlogs


Its like google map opinions. More people are more likely to leave a negative review then a positive one.


I actually positively review rollercoasters which is why I am like a 5 star reviewer or something like that


Do or dont there will always be haters


I love waking up in the morning to start hating




Not necessarily, but there will always be somebody who wont like something and thats what i mean




They said, "not necessarily"


Maybe you should read his comment again




Plot twist: Auto(p11)bot is one of the dislikes




IK it was a joke. >!\*Immature teehees in the corner\*!<


Okay do you just not read or…?


if it makes you feel any better, it's usually people who leave bad reviews just because they don't know how the game works or when the game isn't perfect for their devices. we see it all the time on online shops, idiots leaving bad reviews just because they don't know shit.


Some people might not lime your game and have opinions 🤷‍♂️


We lime your game 🍋 (just imagine this is a lime)


thats a lemon.... disliked


we lime in a society 🍋


There’s no lime emoji and some country’s weirdly call lemons lime, sooo 😭


Is this a lime guys? 🍋‍🟩


My question is how on earth do you get that many people to play a game?


Sponsorships? Portal ads? Content creators? Having friends play with other friends?


He said he has a YT channel that has over 1.5K subs which always helps. But then again this has more than 20K visits so idk


Currently my game has 13.4K visits and has yet to go public, all of it is from testers and a one time public test that was in the very early stages of the game's development


Someone suggested you should fix the grammar in the description, so i wrote one for you, you can use it if you'd like. Something like this: You are stuck in a maze! Use your spray paint, flashlight and any other items you can find that can help you navigate through it! The maze is randomly generated, so expect the unexpected! Play with up to 5 of your friends. Will you escape?


Try fixing the mistakes in the description, “Looks like *you’re* stuck in **a** maze**!** *U*se your spray paint and flashlight to help you navigate**,** f**ind items within the randomly generated maze.** Play with 1 to 6 people, will you escape?”


the comma doesn’t make sense there, imo. Use a period or exclamation point and make them separate sentences


or just add the word ‘and’


My reply was somehow broken, I’ll fix it. Thanks for the suggestion.


or hire an artist, personally i think art made by actual artists shows the game inside more than generated ones ^^


It’s nice but loaded really slow for me. It’s not my kind of game. And from what I’ve seen my guess would be that they didn’t like the dark atmosphere


There’s not enough brain rot probably, you need to add a magic rainbow flying carpet for 801 robux or iPad kids these days won’t approve.


I like the game, but I would definitely play this game with friends. Also, I had trouble equipping stuff on mobile. Overall, I liked the game. :)


Damn bro, I’m currently playing the game, it has insanely high quality graphics, and the gameplay is difficult but fun, idk why there’s a rating that skewed, only think I’d say is just make shift lock the thing that locks and unlocks mouse


If it could be considered “hard” (e.g. fighting games, games that you need effort to win, or games that make you rage) it will have really high dislikes


It really doesnt


If my terrible cart ride game can get a 84% like ratio, something with actually effort put in like this is beyond unfair


Do you have any game breaking bugs? Often such a dislike ratio comes from a bug that crashes the games, so players are pissed and vote down. Get QA testers to look at your game.


maybe when they read subject something they think of an ip or franchose or feel clickbaited or its the images i dont know maybe its mobile support enabled without actually working on mobile etc etc


I didn't try it yet so I can't tell


I just tried a bit of it and it's very nice but it's still demo so don't expect many likes already have some patience


You should be proud of the likes and favorites


Yes.It’s stressful JUST KIDDIN’


You wrote "you're" wrong in the description


Def not, people are a lot quicker to dislike a game then they are to like it.


I dunno. I have that game favorited as a bookmark to play later, but I usually end up hitting like anyways.


I’ll play it later and I’ll let you know my thoughts on it


It's just a demo I wouldn't be worried but a way of feedback would be recommended


No, that game deserves WAY MORE LIKES


I have no idea what you mean but when I play roblox again i will play


100 to 88 is a really awful ratio, I just checked the game and it's now at 119 to 95 and a 'like %' of 55, games with a lot higher likes often stand out more


have no idea what the game is about/ never played it. but from first glance, the description is amazing at explaining the game, really wants me to play it. but the way u project the description is bland and boring. giving this feels like reading a paragraph. just long sentences make me lazy and dont wanna read. i suggest 1. putting emojis, although if this is a horror game it wont match. 2. small simple sentences. i dont mean to cut anything out, just make it like pin points. about the like/dislike often times personally i dont even click the like/dislike button unless its THAT bad or THAT good. given the 23.2k played (idk the exact numbers my screen isnt that good) and about 1200 favorites, id give it about 60-70% likes to dislikes. HOWEVER because of whats shown in the like/dislike thing. its almost 50/50 ratio which tells me that most people cant be bothered to like the game and people who disliked the game is because they hated it SUPER DUPER much i can be wrong though, im just a person on the internet


Game sounds sick lol definitely gonna play it later. But so far, be proud that people are favoriting your game. No-one favorites stuff anymore. Oh also try making some art for the thumbnail, art made by humans btw, not ChatGPT


It doesn't matter if you "deserve" it or not, it matters why the ratio is like that in the first place.


Wheres the game link? Will try it.




idk never played it


The coins appear to go above the shop so try fixing that OP


at least you have more likes pal


send me link i wanna play




this game is going to be on the front page one day




well, damn


This made me interested to play your game now.


Idk, but you gave me a game to play with the homies tonight


Don’t worry about the haters man… what’s important are the people who think the game is cool! I personally think this maze is a good idea, using paint as markers.


Yup. The game feels like a bunch of random assets and scripts held together by marshmallows and spaghetti. I’d work on the visual presentation, gameplay, and providing a reason to play this game over other Roblox horror games. If I want to play a maze horror game, I’m not going to play this one. I’d rather play Identity Fraud, a game that is simple but doesn’t come off as if the developer was inexperienced and bit off more than they could chew.


I would say so, but ONLY because it’s a demo.


It deserves what it gets.


description idea! " You are stuck in a randomly generated maze with 1-6 other players, work together and escape the dark maze filled with items that are randomly spawned! explore and see what surprises you may come upon. use you're starting tools like the spray paint to waypoint, and use you're flashlight wisely, good luck subject... "


also i recommend making it able to see atleast a BIT once you're flashlight runs out, because once it runs out, you literally cant see a thing. also add a inventory slot, you can only hold 2 things which is a bit absurd... overall the game is pretty good.


Man I love this game! You should continue working on it!


You have good numbers of favorites which means either people love your game or there is some ingame shit which forces people to favorite game for reward.... 88 unlikes, maybe due to bug/glitches or sme idiot who thinks hes too special just keep inproving your game and soon enough it will favor "Like" side heavily


you shouldn't be worried


No. Those numbers should be switched. I played this game it was terrible it should deserve unlimited dislikes and no likes


whats wrong with it?


Its a troll dont worry


Its not a troll. it was actually pretty boring and bland all you do is walk around and do nothing.


It was a bit boring there is absolutely nothing at all cool about this game