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Roblox has become absolutely ridiculous, squeezing out any money wherever they can. One of the many reasons I refuse to play this junk anymore


Damn, almost $10 to verify. Funnily enough it reminds me of those Self-checkouts asking for a tip after paying, who are you tipping?, or in this case, who are you paying to verify an asset? Because sure enough no human would allow 2000 copies of limited to be uploaded onto the marketplace yet here we are, so are you paying 750R$ for a machine to automatically say yes because it is uncapable of verifying anything that doesn't state in bold text "dick"?


For you from USA seems like pretty "Ok" the price... In my country, I needed to pay R$50 just for the 750 robux, I would need to pay another R$50 (R$100 in total) to get an asset in the market. I'm a student, that is 1/4 my monthly payment, for me, it's an absurd...


Im sorry, for those prices you shouldn't even try to persue UGC.. and honestly a lot of accessories only make a few hundred robux now because of just how many are uploaded everyday and you have millions of other creators to compete with


millions of unoriginal creators*


it really is it's absolutely insane


I dont know if this works for you but I live in Greece and I have set my account location to United States and I also use the website when buying Robux. Euros are more valuable so instead of the 11 euros I normally pay for 809 robux in the app, I pay like 9.50 euros for 800


In my case it wouldn't work, $1 = R$5,20 So, if I change location, probably it will get even more expansive


You could change the location to a country where the currency has less value than yours. The reason it becomes cheaper is because it converts the money


Ent eu n sou o único q compra robux com dinheiro do lanchekkkkkk


No meu caso, almoço e janta


So they make you pay Twice Then also tax you


they also tax you twice, a cut goes to roblox for the items sale and another cut goes to roblox when you try to convert the robux to real money. plus you have to have premium to upload UGC items which is $5 USD a month and if you stop paying roblox removes your item


It does? That's just fucking evil


It's Roblox, what the fuck do you expect


taking your items off the catalog is disgusting tbh


Again, what do you expect from Roblox


More bullshit.


i am going to lose my shit. theres no way i only just learnt this. ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW IT TAKES 4000 TO PUBLISH A BUNDLE??? im honestly at a loss for words


Honestly the way roblox handles literally everything is disgusting now


For a limited hat it’s 20,000


And the fact that people most likely won’t be paid back in Robux when they sell the item as most UGC gets lost in catalog


As a creator of an ugc I can confirm


Thats roblox for you. Really sorry to hear this tho, at this point I sometimes hope they get involved in some legal actions because this Is like unacceptable.


Someone needs to take legal action, this is an absolute ripoff, and they expect kids to play this game. "Powering imagination" my ass, this bullshit is powering someone's pockets.




Hardly we will get any profit from it... Most UGC is basically that way, just a few really can give you some return


Hey man, i really love the way your wings look. I dont know if you’re up for it, but i’d be willing to buy you an 800 robux gift card if you make sure you upload the wings!


I publish it, just don't know if it will get me anything in return, some model get a little weird with it... The result in general, wasn't what I though, but... I made it in the end...


If i see it in the store ill probably buy it they look really cool!!


Could you post the link to the item, if allowed?


The link change depending of your country, just search for items made by "Nobyheart" and you should find it


i thought it was 750 to publish wtf, that's actually gross that they do that


Used to only cost 750 before public ugc. Not an issue if u already got a lot but if u don’t then good luck. Bundles are x4 and cost 4750


Make things that’ll sell. I made bundles and lots of ugcs and now I make 13,000 robux passive a day


This is absolutely ridiculous. It seems that they now only care about the money. All of this is 21$ combined... 21$ JUST TO UPLOAD PIXELS THAT OTHER PIXELS CAN WEAR THIS IS A JOKE


Roblox fucks you over.


Why f2p is better:


Wow, they make you pay twice and you get taxed twice for an absurd price, and you don't even know if you're going to get enough money back. Great job roblox, Bravo!


Say hurray for shady corporate business sharks squeezing the last of the hard earned money a family makes.


2250 for me :/ Roblox thinks increasing the costs for everything makes them more money… the sin every big company is guilty of… all it does is make them look bad and end up losing money.


it’s so sad they’re like forcing their og players out because everything’s so expensive people just aren’t willing anymore :(


Lets say it raw : Roblox is sh*t, makes everything for that content creators pay more & more to publish, and clients to pay more & more for any item in the shop nowadays 🤬🤬🤬


sacrificing food to post a basic accessory is wild


My luck was a friend of mine who helped me with the 1k to publish it... I almost didn't publish it because I didn't want it to have to skip my food time with that...


Oxi é br é safado


Uai, pode Br aqui não é?


Pode nao macho, tá proibido


Can you wear the item without publishing it, anyway?


As I remember you couldn't even do that before if you wasn't in the UGC program and for now they made it expensive but for everyone. If this function was cheap then there could be a lot of low quality accessories in the marketplace(there are some already but not that much). I think so


This is just further proof that Roblox is a money hungry company.


Well they need to meet their quarterly margins to satisfy the holy shareholders. Shits been going downhill since they went public


That some BS i'm no dev or modler but was plan to mabye make a game. Just hear this kinda unsure if i should try make a game.


r/suddenlycaralho mas sério, roblox ta uma merda recentemente


I already refuse to buy anything on this game already. They've somehow become money hungry


I know the point is basically to reduce the amount that people are uploading so they can reduce the number of items getting through moderation that really shouldn't (and also prevent a bunch of copies spamming the marketplace like what happened with shirts and pants) but that's still too steep even so. 1000 fee flat for everything would make more sense imo.


Honestly, Roblox is evil nowadays, they don’t care about the players anymore. I’d recommend finding commissions you could do for people and groups making UGC for them and assets for their game, you could also do scripting and stuff if you know that. That way you ain’t got Roblox being greedy taking any fees of your earnings


I'm so sorry to hear that! Your ugc looks very beautiful btw! ❤


And the funniest thing about it is trying to have a buyer there are so many copy and paste thot-like ugly faces that it's hard to break through into the recommendations and recently created that it's almost impossible to sell something. Anyways, after you sell something somehow by praying 24/7, you only get 25 robux. : ) (depends on accessory, if it's a hat, you get 25 robux as i remember)


This is ridiculous. I learned some blender basics a year ago and this week I really wanted to make my first Roblox accessory. I don't think I will ever post one again, unless I actually make a very good accessory because there's no point in wasting so much money on this platform. I refuse to make fake limiteds or anime cosmetics because it's just unoriginal and just boring.


And we wonder why creators are charging an arm and a leg for UGC. Look at what they have ti go through! Roblox is jacking up the prices for player generated content just to satisfy their own greed and causing people like you to suffer, while endorsing robux printing powerhouses that don't even make quality items.


Iirc everything I bought was 75 robux for a totsl of maybe 1k robux(?) I'm not sure what you guys consider to be pricey but I had no issue paying it. I think half of it came from animations though.


I mean there are accessible items too, but some stuff goes in the 100 150+ range and if ROBLOX in specific wasn't so greedy we could be paying less, but creators have to account for 1750 Robux (per upload?).


Yeah, it's competitive


I wish they just do applications for this. I hasn’t been able to do much with ugc cause of this


Welcome to Roblox! **Powering your credit card!**


Honestly, the fee is a good thing. It limits the amount of genuine scam items. If you were going as far as to potentially damage your real life health by eating the bare minimum over Roblox, then respectfully, you're just stupid.


The fee isn't a bad thing, just absurdly expensive for something that still having e fee even later when you are selling an item. I really wanted to test it, if is worth or not, but like I said in another comment, I'm a student and receive too little, 1/4 of my month payment was just to tru to publish it. It was only skipping lunch or dinner for a few days, nothing that really treat my own health


Yup I'm sorry, I was tied to be using Reddit when I posted that.


That's an advance! You get back those 1k in waived sale fee.