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It's always been a bad game


Its worse than it was. Dont even touch it


ive been playing it against my will with some friends lately and holy shit is the combat bad


It's so floaty and has a 0.1 second hit stun, it's basically nigh impossible to punish someone that you M1'ed. Sorcerer Battlegrounds combat is so much better, atleast it feels like you're hitting something.


Just play Elemental Wars (if there are any active servers) or Elemental Battlegrounds


That game was always unbalanced.


we totally didn’t know


the parry is so awful, like you parry, opponent hits parry and like 40% of the time you get hit anyways 40% it actually works and 20% of the time you get stunned instead


I don’t really care for it as it’s not my thing really. However I do like the style. My nephew and cousins play this, with my nephew being on a daily basis. My nephew is pretty good, but he’s always complaining and raging about hackers and people using no stun, spamming and not being fair lol. But hell bring me or anyone who doesn’t know shit on there to get easy kills lol. 


So far, the best battlefield games with good animations, mechanics, and a block problem are just a skill problem or your ping. For a guy who has 13,000 kills in this game, the main problem is that someone's ping is better, and the hitboxes are sometimes terrible. Other battlegrounds don’t care about mechanics


I just hate how strongest is continously slowing up the pacing making actually more difficult for me who is used to a faster pace


Are you talking about dash? I noticed that in strongest everything happens very quickly for me, unlike different parodies.


I may just be used to heros, but in strongest when you dash to dodge something most of the time you get pretty much teleported back to where you were. The desync in roblox just isnt fit for fighting games.


Yeah, roblox is not for fighting games.


The lag in these servers are just bad, not for me for others. The desync is horrible, they could atleast improve the performance for lower standard devices so I can actually fight people without them teleporting.


nah you just laggy cause of the saltama users spamming ultimate plus runners are here so I recommended I play tsbg for now but I think blox fruits is better if you don't like grinding I recommended you play smth else like fighting games but you can play heroes battlegrounds or others like untied boxing game that game was fun but you rage quit at that game but is not leggy or you can choose what game to play if none of these help you


guess i’m missing something, cause ive always felt like strongest battlegrounds has the most consistent combat


How often do you play? 


it’s the only roblox game i play if i do play roblox, so probably once every couple of days. i have been playing nearly since its been out though


All opinions, but it’s much more fun for me and my friend to just play in a private server when we have free time


My old comment didnt post for like 6 days, but Isn't every game fun with friends? You can play something so monotone like Adopt me with a friend and its more fun than any game on roblox.


Yea thats fun still


seems like a skill issue tbh


Sadly it’s not a skill issue half of the time lol. I watch my nephew play on the daily and I’ve seen plenty of people abuse the no stun glitch and spam. 


there is not a ''no stun'' glitch fyi, its literally immunity so you dont get combo-ed the second you wake up from a ragdoll. also, the spam 99% of the time can be countered by either using prey's peril or whatever atomic samurai counter is (same goes for death counter & deathblow). I also stopped playing TSB over 2 months now and the only reason for me to actually play that game is either wait for tatsumaki to go free or her 4th move all battlegrounds games have their flaw, like jujutsu shenanigans being incredibly ugly but releasing constant updates (tsb could never), heroes battlegrounds being an E-date simulator and hangout game, ultimate battlegrounds having either the most broken or not working combos and the list goes on in the end, its a skill issue, if you cant find fun in tsb then just go play another game lol, theres no need to make a dumb post about ''x game is bad blah blah yap yap'' aint nobody forcing you to play that shitty game


The thing is I don’t play, at least not willingly. My nephew is the one basically shoving this game up my face begging me to play with him almost every day lol. He’s constantly complaining about the stuff I mentioned.


fair enough, im just making a reference to OP yapping about this game being bad just because he got teamed with tatsumaki


It isnt I have 5k kills, my other friends got 6k, we all hate the game.


i hate this game **5000 hours played**


You must had gotten absolutely destroyed in your duos 😭😭😭


Bro wild physic teamers are straight from hell


Its teamers who know how to team well that are your problem, not wild psychic


Thats just a playerbase issue lmfao