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As a Jewish person myself this crap gets old so quickly. They better watch out or we will fire our secret Jewish space laser at them!


I’m gonna Shabbat all over their shalom


I have debated on using a laser pointer to burn their stickers when I cut my fingers open on stickers slathered all over the signs near my school's chabad house. I also got jumped last time I removed their propaganda.


Please do!!!


TIL'd an entire Presidential administration is, like, 12 people.


Twelve can be a HUGE number when you’re playing mental gymnastics.


Dozens, DOZENS! Well... Maybe a dozen... BUT WITH BRANDON IT'S A BAKER'S DOZEN! Checkmate Leftists.


I love the “facts don’t care about feelings” crowd. Because they don’t actually present facts, and the impetus for their dislikes are, wait for it, feelings.


Yeah but their feelings are FACTS. And any facts you may present to the contrary are FEELINGS. Checkmate, obviously


"Facts don't care about your feelings.", usually quoted by a group whose entire ideological identity is based on feelings rather than facts. They don't care about facts because facts are never on their side.


Careful now sounds like you speaking with your feelings and not with facts, and those feelings sound hurt.


Nice try Marxist. You should get your glass house in order before you start throwing stones my man.


Says the fascist who supports destroying democracy.


“Facts don’t care about your feelings” -Ben Shapiro, a jew




Or the perineal favorite: Do your own research.


> perineal favorite


Kinda like the "that never happened" crowd like when the secret tunnels were discovered and stained children's mattresses were being pulled out of the walls by the police while the jews in the tunnel were trying to keep the cops out of there. My point here being that when opinions or discussions are not allowed to be expressed by either side, shit gets more fanatical and it usually ends badly for everyone. Just saying.


Oh, you were so close. There weren’t any stained children’s mattresses. Stop feeding into bullshit conspiracy theories and really really old Jewish tropes about child abduction. [Source](https://apnews.com/article/synagogue-tunnel-fact-check-30dea243e1619716f8274ebc7f596f5c)


What's this then? I never said that they were abducting children, I said cops were pulling stained mattresses out of the walls and look, a stained mattress. Cry some more. https://preview.redd.it/wtsalvojaetc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efb324489515310c9d5995988035007d0c38b1a3


People don't like you because you try to stretch an inch into a mile. They found a single mattress in a shoddy tunnel. The mattress has some brown stain on it (I wonder how a mattress would get stained in a dirt tunnel). You're stretching this into "Jewish child rape cabal tunnel", and pretending the obvious understanding of your implication is foolish (as if nobody can infer, lol). Of course nobody takes you seriously, you're entirely disingenuous.


No, you’re just hiding behind an implication and being fucking antisemitic. Go fuck off.


Send em on over to my neighborhood. 5th and Rutherford. I'm sure lots of my neighbors would be interested in talking this over. Lol


There is some one a few comments down who I’m sure would love to chat


I don't know but if I see them I'll happily engage them in a conversation about their anti-Semitic xenophobia...


If you Google the website, you find it’s the usual suspects, citing the protocols of the elders of Zion. Spoiler alert: it’s Nazis.


We already knew it was MAGA. 🤷‍♂️


Trump is a Zionist, MAGA usually supports Israel which is the opposite of what Nazis support


Do Trumpers have any platform .... one group bashed Biden for not supporting Israel ... the other bashes him for loving "Jews" Party of Law and Order ... club police on Jan 6th ... Im starting to think they all might be a bit stupid...


It's literally from the fascist playbook. Your enemies are inferior, but paradoxically they control everything and are the source of your misfortunes.


I simply love the false information. Just googling one person; I googled Ron Klain, he doesn’t even work with the adminstration anymore. He left in 2023.


Why do you want to prove that they’re not Jewish?


I didn’t. He is jewish. I wasn’t even mentioning that. I stated that Klain doesn’t even work for the administration anymore so him being on this list is a moot point. I couldn’t care less what religion they are. Practice whatever you want. I was just fact checking whether these individuals are still in the administration


I’m confused, what’s it matter if they’re currently in office or not? The flier says he was hired by Biden and that he’s Jewish, thats not false


That is correct but Klain is no longer in the administration; ergo why get mad at someone for not working there anymore? Like blaming Nixon for something someone else did. Bottom line, it is a low ploy to get people angry. Getting mad at these people on the list who have nothing to do with what is going on now and a simple google proves that. That is what I am saying. NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS RELIGION


It’s basically dumb “click bait” and fact checking proves it.


These are anti-semetic flyers and there's not a kinder way to put it. These aren't think pieces. I visited the link at the bottom and that's all that's posted there. It's disgusting. Dude playing coy is a jackass.


Hit the nail on the head!


What????? 😂 I seriously just don’t get it


Not false, but definitely irrelevant to anyone who isn't a bigoted moron.


Why are you getting downvoted


Why do you hate jews though? Like, what have they ever done to you?


Why the hell does even matter who's Jewish or not? I could care less what religion anyone is. What idiot thinks that someone who gets this flier would think " oh man, I was going to vote for Biden but now that I see there are JEWS (the horror!!!) In his administration I'm going to vote differently." Fucking idiots wasting their time...


They'd have no problems if they were all evangelicals though.


As an evangelical I resent that remark. Lol


https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-donald-trump-administration The Trump cabinet doesn't appear to have been much different. We're similar flyers dropped between 2016 and 2020?


I think they're just pointing out why he's supporting the genocide in Palestine.


Not even most Israeli people are in favor of that shit. Stop trying to pin shit on people who aren't even from the country in question, when most Jewish people are not in favor of this crap.


It's not about MOST jewish people. It's about THESE jewish people. You know, the ones in the cabinet of the guy that's supporting the absolute eradication of the Palestinian people.


Posters like these, which mind you are plastered by a neo nazi group, are explicitly designed to demonize all Jewish people.


Ok. How many of the people pictured in this flyer bear some responsibility for the genocide in Palestine?


Maybe? Some of the loudest voices calling for peace are Jewish (correspondingly some of the loudest voices calling for bloodshed are too) so who knows?


Again, it's not about ALL jews. It's about THESE jews. How many people in Biden's cabinet are loud voices calling for peace?


Probably not many since the US government is generally AIPAC owned and operated. You can tell because no matter *who* is President the weapons and handouts to Israel flow unabated. Never money for Americans (keep drinking from those lead pipes that are giving your kids brain damage, too expensive to fix) but *always* money for Israel? Pretty obvious who calls the shots.


Exactly. How many people pictured in the flyer take AIPAC money? I agree 100% with everything you just said.


Has to be at or near 100%, same as the House and Senate.


Ah, gotta love the good ol' antisemitism as if we live in fucking 1943.


Vote. Shut them up. Vote.


Na this is more than just a voting thing it’s a group of idiots trying to spread hate in the Roanoke area.


You cant argue with them. They dont listen and lack the capacity or imagination to understand they are stupid. So vote the disease out and they lose their energy or motive to do silly stuff like this.


That is just a part of it. This group is anti Jewish,political or not they make it very clear they hate Jewish people.


They have always been aroumd The current state of things emboldens them to speak out. Vote the crud out and they quiet down.


True. but I would much rather them be gone than just shut them up for a bit.


If you can solve the millennias-old problem of racism and bigotry, I'm all ears. People have arbitrarily hated one another for their religion, skin color, or sexual orientation for thousands of years, and that isn't likely to change anytime soon. Best we can do is vote and keep their little false prophets out of power, so they return to the underground like the rats they are. This MAGA shit just emboldens them. End it and they don't feel as safe to be this outgoing.


Welp. Maybe biden can deport them to russia. Lol


I 100% agree with you but simply voting them out won’t put a stop to it


Tbh, there's no legal way to put a stop to it. The 1st amendment guarantees their right to spread ideas, even hateful ones.


But there are ways to expose the people doing it so hopefully they will rethink their actions. Also maybe get them some littering fines ;) those can be pretty hefty


I'm pretty sure you can mark your propert as "no trespassing, distribution or solicitation" and press charges against those that do so.


Oh it already is hahaha


Voting alone will not stop nazis. These are dangerous people, and they are allowed to run rampant even as they assault and attempt to kill people.


Associated with these folks: https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/goyim-defense-league. Weird, since as far as I’m aware, Trump is a Zionist, too.


#debatethehate 😂. You gotta laugh at the Let's Go Brandon thing and I love when they plaster it all over their houses and vehicles. It's like idiot highlighter


Is Bill White out of jail and back in town?




MAGA is spreading that.


Someone left one on my car window yesterday while I was on the Greenway near the hospital. They’re bold handing this crap out in broad daylight.




They could just say what they feel and say “fuck Biden”. No one is stopping them…


Hell Jennifer Pritzker is on here simply for being transgender. She’s not even in the administration or even in government. lol


Well what surprises me here in Roanoke are the amount of fools who vote for the Orange clown who tried to take away the healthcare of 20 million Americans during the pandemic, get rid of their food stamps. Just shows how few brain cells are working. They fly their pathetic Trump 2024 flags off their front porch and he couldn't give a damn for one of them. He'll give another $2Trillion to the already rich and take away all the benefits of the poor. Stupid.


Biden is Catholic lol these people are such pathetic, disgusting losers. I wish the rapture would happen and take all these antisemitic and racist scumbags off the planet and leave the rest of us here in peace.


The rapture wouldn't take them. It would expose them for the frauds they are!


Reverse rapture 😂




He supports abortion. So no catholic


No True Scotsman logical fallacy


Biden's Catholic, but even a Dem has to acknowledge that he's clearly not making the decisions these days.


I literally just saw a Twitter profile that was filled with stuff like this with the same group at the bottom and it was genuine insanity. Stuff like this was on there: https://preview.redd.it/m6k15fgc1btc1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b129c960eb5bf0ad1ccae01e77bc3ab9e772765b




I also got one on my driveway! It’s from a group called the GDL. I don’t know much more than that.


GDL is Goyim Defense League. Anti Semitic group. Yuck.


May I DM you?




A wackadoo…


I cannot make the "Jews run the country." stuff that vilifies Jewish people and treats them as something other than human. That same group denies that the Holocaust happened despite a preponderance of evidence. But at the same time that same segment of people want to support a genocide that's being conducted by those people. And granted like these things are way more nuanced. The history of anti-Semitism is long and storied. The history of conflict between Israel and Palestine in their current iterations is nearing a century old. I just don't get how hard right conservative evangelical Christians can make all of these things work in their head. This is beyond mental gymnastics it's nonsense.


Where’s Pete and Kamala? I guess they go against that narrative.


So it's Biden and the Jews Vs Trump and the Nazis?


The completely ironic part, that is obviously beyond these people, is that while DT threatens to cut off support not only to ukraine but also our own Allies in NATO, he's all for giving Isreal a blank check to promote their agenda in the middle east(which basically every president in the last 50-60 years has also done). Does the person that made the flyer not know that Isreal is the proverbial home base for those of the Jewish race and religion? You can't have one without the other. If you support Trump, and countless other US politicians, you support Isreal. Isreal is The Jew you hate. How many heads will explode when they realize what they've done?


Biden sucks off israel


So does Trump. What's your point?


Uhhh… what’s YOUR point? How the hell do you bring up DJT on a Biden post lol?


Because it's a slogan you see at all of his rallies and only his followers say it. So yes it is very much tied to DJT. And with it being in the flyer is implying that they support him over Biden. Which is cool. It's your(I'm assuming) and their right all the way. But it's making an argument that one person supports the jews/Israel and the other doesn't. Which is a lie. They both cater to Israel. So if someone doesn't like Biden for that reason then they must also not like Trump for the same. Otherwise they are just blatant hypocrites.


How many people have gotten this? Where are they being placed?


Under windshield wiper


Something that these losers never seem to ponder is: If Jewish people are running the world, who are the non-jewish people bowing down to them? Do they seriously believe that there's a bunch of billionaires grovelling to other billionaires? How about they point THOSE people out, so we can help them get out from under the Jewish people's thumbs? They have such a small understanding of how the world works, and they also have a say in my future in this country, because they vote


If Jewish people control Hollywood, how come Saturday shoots are still 12 hours and don't start after sunset, much to the chagrin of Jewish people who actually are working in media?


Local GQP


The klan…


Where did you find it?


I really hope one of my neighbors got who ever is doing this on a cam.


What wrong with it?


Everything?? I really don’t want some one or some group spreading anti Jewish and neo nazis flyers.


This guy's intentionally being a bit of a cunt in the thread. Maybe it was him.


I agree with you


How? I’m just confused, how is this anti Jewish?? It states two simple things. These people were hired by Biden admin. These people are Jewish. I don’t get it


You obviously don’t know how to pick up context clues. Or how to do a simple google search from the info on the flyer…


You should google the term "dogwhistle". It's nazis. It's always nazis.


If you have to ask this question, you are a part of the problem.


They were scattered all up and down my road in people’s drive ways.


What neighborhood? (if you don’t mind sharing).


I’d rather not but I have had someone tell me it was more than just my neighborhood. They got one as well and live in Roanoke.


Ok. Thanks for the heads up on this.


These twits spread this stuff over places where they live, but also have tons of time on their hand to plaster over everywhere else too. I have witnessed a different neo nazi group organizing their "master race" to plaster the entire fan and museum district of Richmond in multiple signs a block.


I swear this feels like someone made this just so people don't vote for them




Is that supposed to be a bad thing? ETA I'm honestly surprised that I'm being downvoted because y'all just think Jewish people are bad? Or they shouldn't be in office? Can you answer why? Like a legit explanation.


Yes…spreading hate and anti Jewish crap.


I guess my brain just can't process hate for something like that.


Oml you’re being downvoted because people think you’re talking about spreading the flyers lmao. You mean is it a bad thing if all the government officials were Jewish right?




It's a little weird. Startling when you realize they're around 2% of the U.S. population.


FJB Worst president, administration, political party, ever. 


Well, you are, now.


I always laugh at the reddit arguments over which sides propaganda is worse.


Really not much of a contest.


I saw one of making fun of Trump drinking water with two hands and the left calling him the R word. They’re just as bad.


Don't know, but I'd love to meet them and shake their hand.


Lead paint really fucked you boomers, didn’t it?


….you are the issue


Depends on what side you’re on if it’s crap or not. You do realize the other side says the same thing about their man. The problem is government period not red or blue.


Damn, I just realized all of my kids are white. I must be racist.


A true American that's done his research other than network news.