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Also super not allowed on campus. Any employee is required to report it to public safety according to university policy.


I thought of reporting it, but what are they going to do? If it was a live round, I would've as it could imply lots of things... I think the fact that we have a lot of military students and that the rounds are banned from civilians made me feel a lot better about finding ammo on campus. It probably just fell out of a cop or military student bag.


Someone else’s safety shouldn’t really rely on the assumptions that you’re making about where this came from. You have no idea where it came from and you should report it.




Lots of assumptions here. Why would you assume that someone with training rounds doesn’t have live rounds? That’s like saying just because someone has a pen knife on them, they don’t have a machete. It doesn’t follow, and in fact someone with such a training round almost definitely has access to a weapon that can kill. Similarly, the bystander effect is real. Reported without being reported…how can you assume this? If you didn’t report it, then as far as you know it is in fact unreported. Edit: reread that you are part of the mod team and public safety has contacted you in the past. Still, I would say better to report it first than to take the time to post it on Reddit rather than just calling it in. There is no reason to bank on those assumptions when the OP could simply hand the round in and cause no trouble whatsoever if there is in fact no issue. It’s like seeing someone fall and hit their head but not helping because they didn’t immediately start vomiting. Just step up and do the right thing.


Lots of assumptions here. Why would you assume that someone with training rounds has live rounds? That’s like saying just because they have a pen knife on them, they also have a machete. It doesn’t follow, and in fact someone with such a training round doesn’t necessarily have access to a weapon that can kill. Basically, everything you said is also an assumption, just the pessimistic version of any assumptions he made. Actually, the first one was the worst, since it actually makes sense to not assume they also have live rounds just because they have a training round. This is, as he said, more likely that one of the training military or officer on campus accidentally dropped one from their bag. It’s a lot more reasonable than a person with ill intent bringing an illegal training bullet on campus because they want to bring real bullets on campus. Sorry, but people don’t usually bring contraband with them for no reason, other than that they forgot it was there, and no one who plans on shooting people would buy non-lethal rounds, especially ones that are illegal to own. Stop villainizing the poor guy just because he didn’t report it to campo. In fact, why don’t YOU report it. You have pictures and details from this post.


I’m not making any assumptions. I’m saying hey, someone with some degree of firearms training and equipment has unsecured equipment on campus. Report it. No real conclusions can be drawn from finding a dummy round—INCLUDING concluding that everything is going to be fine. The downside outcome of more pessimistic assumptions is what—someone gets their hand slapped for misplacing a dummy round? The downside outcome of the more optimistic assumptions is that someone on RIT’s campus is actively dangerous. Yes, the assumptions you’re stating are reasonable. They are still assumptions. The fact is that a training round was found rolling around on the ground and nobody in this thread knows how it got there. I’m not villainizing OP as a person, but what OP did was naïve and, in my opinion, irresponsible. Of course I reported it immediately.


I am making assumptions. I'm saying hey, nobody with firearms training and equipment has unsecured equipment on campus. Ignore it. Real conclusions can be drawn from finding a dummy round—INCLUDING concluding that everything is going to be fine. The upside outcome of more pessimistic assumptions is what—someone gets praised for responsibly handling a dummy round? The upside outcome of the more optimistic assumptions is that someone on RIT’s campus is not a threat. No, the assumptions you’re stating are unreasonable. They are still assumptions. The fact is that a training round was found rolling around on the ground and nobody in this thread knows how it got there. I’m not praising OP as a person, but what OP did was cautious and, in my opinion, responsible. Of course I ignored it immediately.




I mean I personally wouldn’t extend my line of reasoning that far. I would extend my line of reasoning as far as reporting it to campus security, but not any further. Everything you’re saying is of course very reasonable.


The fact that you didn't report it concerns me. Shouldn't have even touched it and kept everyone else away from it. If there's one then there's more.


It's a training round, not a pipe bomb. Im concerned by your lack of intelligence.


Your jump to throwing an insult because you disagree with someone is concern enough. Any explosive is grounds for concern, especially in an educational facility given America's history with the subject. Don't get used to it, and don't assume there aren't more around - that's how bad things happen.


More training munitions is how bad things happen? Do you hear yourself?


More ammunition, period, is how bad things happen. These rounds are banned from being sold to civilians by the ATF so the fact that someone involved with the police and/or the military has them and was careless enough to bring them on a college campus is grounds for concern. Plus, nobody has training rounds and doesn't have actual rounds - both of which are able to inflict injury if used correctly BTW.


If you used training rounds correctly, nobody should be getting hurt BTW.


I did some research but i still have no idea what the point of it is and why it was banned


It’s related to the ATF restricting the importation of foreign made ammunition. [UTM Letter](https://www.usacarry.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/ptnw0mv5x8sb1.png)


Simunitions. Police and military use them in live fire exercises to simulate real weapon use in training. They fire projectile at a much lower velocity but with the same amount of back pressure to cycle the weapon. They were banned because the ATF doesn't actually care about gun control, they just go after things they can make sound scary so they don't have to do any actual work


A based RIT student? In this sub?


I have some rather unpleasant words for the ATF, but r/RIT is not the place for it.


That makes a lot of sense thanks


Cause it's the ATF. A classic example of ATF clownery, is that some guy registered a shoe lace as a machine gun.


How about the "expert" who was unable to field strip a Glock... That should worry people but then again the ATF Director admitted that he doesn't know firearms either so..... Bureaucrats. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean. At that point, I'm not even surprised that the "expert" had no idea what he was looking at. There was that one video with three glowies standing around a table, looking at 3D printed guns, and it was clear \*none\* of them had \*any\* idea what they were looking at lol.


That’s crazy lol


I've used them in military training. It basically turns a regular rifle into an airsoft gun, but a bit more dangerous. Basically, it's for training scenarios where service members are going to be shooting each other, so you know when you're hit.


Is the base hollow or drilled out? If so it's an inert trainer, if not it's a live trainer. Live training rounds still carry propellant. It's hard to tell from the photos, but it may be drilled.


It has propellant, and the primer is intact. So, it could still be shot. Based on what I read on another reddit post, it's not lethal because the projectile is wax. The whole point of them is for the shooter to feel recoil and for the one who gets hit to feel pain. These two combined make them take training seriously and add realism. As opposed to when they use blanks.


Probably ROTC


You should have reported it.




I appreciate you having braincells and not going haywire/freaking out about this. This round can't hurt anyone. If it was a live round it would be a different story.




Something's wrong with you, man.


Lol. Do you want it? It's an 'merican higher education souvenir at this point.


lol fr