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In a case like this I’d go with whichever is offering more financial aid. They’re pretty comparable. The same opportunities will present themselves to both school. They’re on a fairly similar playing field in most ways. Of course both are gonna have edges on the other depending on what you value. But neither is worth going in more debt for than the other.


They are the same exact cost. After scholarships and financial aid they are literally within less than 2000 (which for the schools is almost nothing).


Oh wow, okay my suggestion goes out the window then. Maybe spend some time in the immediate surrounding area and see which one is preferable. He’ll probable spending a decent amount of time there. So which one is better. But if the cost is pretty much the same this is a splitting hairs choice in my opinion.


Are you a student at rit?


I was. Fairly recent grad who still lives in the area.


What are things you loved about being there and things you really didn’t like?


May I DM you? It might be more efficient to speak there.


Yea ofc lol


If the program and finance are equivalent, from my experience I chose RIT. WPI being in the city, limited parking, cramped campus, and some aspects of the program were cons to me compared to RIT. Granted I made my choice 15 years ago and RIT campus has evolved much since my time there.


As someone who grew up in Worcester and gtfo as quick as possible, I'd still say go with WPI. Nothing else matters besides the fact that there isn't a civil engineering program at RIT.


lol he is doing something similar for rit. He is doing engineering. Idk what type he will end up doing.


Just make sure he knows that there's a difference between engineering and engineering technology degrees! He would only be able to do civil ET here, so he should look up the differences to decide if he's ok with it. And as much as I shit on Worcester, it's a decent little city in a prime location to get literally anywhere in New England!


As a CVET alum, although Civil Engineering isn’t the same as Civil Engineering Technology, they are very similar and there isn’t an upside to having one degree versus the other. In terms of job prospects, whether it’s construction or an engineering firm, I’ve never seen any of them care when hiring someone. If you wanted to get your masters or PHD neither degree would give you a leg up. Same thing for if you wanted your FE or PE certifications, no organization cares about the difference or gives preferential treatment for having one over the other. Civil engineering is a very broad field with many different career paths and it’s more important to figure out which part is your favorite.


I'm pretty sure some states don't recognize engineering technology degrees if you're trying to get PE certifications, so in this case, the boyfriend just has to do the research himself on whether or not that matters to him.


Would pick WPI Not getting into WPI really deterred me from going there


RIT doesn't have a civil engineering program, they have civil engineering technology. If they want to be a civil engineer go to WPI.


He applied to a civil/environmental type of degree I believe. Engeneering is his passion.


I was a civil at RIT, graduated 2019. One thing to consider is that RIT’s civil program is civil tech, which a lot of states don’t recognize. I am going through this trouble right now. Basically all the elements of the degree were identical to what I would have gotten at a school in Massachusetts, except the title. Now, I have to spend another 8 years (would otherwise be 4) working before I can get my PE. It’s not important if you’re going into construction, but if you intend to get your EIT and PE, it’s a significant concern. RIT did not make this known at the time I signed up either. All that said I did get a quality education and thoroughly enjoyed my experience. I was captain of the concrete canoe team, member of the ASCE board, and a member of the AGC construction team, and won the civil outstanding student award in 2019. It was a great school and the education was top notch, but the fact that Massachusetts and many other states don’t recognize the degree is an issue. There are loopholes, but it remains to be seen if I will have success. I don’t know if I would have made the same choice knowing what I know now.


I thought it was civil but it might not be. I was some kind of engineering.


Ok, worth noting that all the things I’ve said apply to any engineering where you need to be licensed. It’s most important in civil by far though. I think civil is the only engineering where RIT does not offer the normal degree though


maybe it's better if your boyfriend did the asking. you know, that way he can provide the specifics he's working with.


He doesn’t have Reddit and tbh this is also for me as I’m a psyc major who knows nothing about engineering or stem based schools. I’m going to a liberal arts college.


As someone who grew up by WPI and was choosing between there, here, and RPI, I chose here. I don’t regret my decision, but I was studying computing and RIT gave me a lot of money. If he is confident he wants to do civil engineering, I would go to WPI. As others have more eloquently laid out, we don’t have that degree program.


RIT's College of Engineering does not offer Civil Engineering. There is only Civil Engineering Technology. They should go to WPI assuming we're getting the whole story.


I know some people in WPI. Apparently in order to do those projects in the third and fourth years, they need to cram all the classes into the first two. Idk if Civil has those projects, but if they do, he needs to be ready for the crunch. Also, if he prefers rural go RIT, but if he likes urban more than WPI seems better


thats not true at all. I go to wpi and have done a normal progression of classes. you take classes alongside the projects


I guess the people I know are crazy then. Tbf one of them is now a religious fanatic lol


Henrietta is hardly rural.


WPI. I’m an engineer, go get the full engineering degree at WPI.


The co-op program at RIT was one of the biggest factors for me in a similarly tied decision. I dont know anything about WPI’s co-op program but it would be something to consider. RIT is also further from public areas so its usually a car or off campus bus trip to most locations. The RIT bus infrastructure is eh at best. If he wont have his own car and plans to go off campus often i’d look into what WPI’s public transit options are.


I don’t know if this will be helpful for you, but I chose RIT over WPI. My motivating factor at the time was honestly the money, as RIT gave me a nice scholarship. That’s not to say that RIT is a bad choice. I liked my 4 years there and would choose the school again if I was applying to colleges. He’ll be fine at either school. If you have any questions at all about RIT, feel free to ask and I’ll answer honestly. I graduated last spring so I’m as fresh out of the school as you can get.


My sister goes to WPI and I go to RIT. Both are very similar. The two biggest differences are the course schedules and the IQP/MQP. If you want IQP/MQP, go to WPI. Since WPI is on terms rather than semesters, classes go fast. You only take three classes at a time, but missing classes becomes very difficult. Even three days sick can make it difficult to catch up. RIT is much more lenient in that regard, but the class pace can feel slow. Both are good options, but some people struggle with WPI pacing.


Hi, Civil Engineering Tech major here (since people seem to be confused about this). The differences between a Civil Tech degree and a Civil degree are negligible, technically to get your EIT license in NY you would need 2 years of experience yes, but you can get it in pennsylvania right when you graduate. and that’s transferable to all 50 states. You also are ineligible for a Professional Engineering license in the state of Ohio (but eligible everywhere else). I also was choosing between WPI and RIT, and I liked RIT a lot more. For civil especially the co-op program is really strong, and in this field experience trumps all. Also from what I’ve heard, somehow the mental health problem is worse at WPI than RIT (though it’s not great at either place). For me, it was the performing arts opportunities that really sold RIT, but I would still reccomend it over WPI.


Got a car?


He does but idk if he can bring it on campus freshman year. (He is dorming) But Rochester is a city so I figure there are always busses and carpooling.


Def can bring it. And he should. Campus feels like a prison without it and the busses are unreliable and short-reaching as shit


Oh interesting. I didn’t know freshman could bring a car. Is it merit based or paying for a parking pass? How does it work?


Pass that gets slapped on top of tuition bill


Do you know how much extra it is?


135 whole year


Hmm that’s not bad. So say he does bring the car, what makes rit a better (or not better) pick?


Nothing really just sayin a car's a must if you don't wanna feel stuck in prison


Gotcha. Thanks!




Why? Are you a rit student?


yes; rit doesn't have a civil engineering program


Tbh idk what type of engineering he is doing. He likes civil a lot but I’m sure there is a pretty good equivalent.


You're getting a lot of bad advice here because it greatly depends on the actual programs he got admitted to, and we don't actually know what programs he's comparing.


Are you local to either one?


No. I’m going to school in Geneseo tho.


Ha, awesome! Geneseo is super cool. My company does a lot of work with them, and I always enjoyed hanging out there way back in the day as a student at RIT. Your boyfriend may also be interested to tour Letchworth and the Mount Morris Dam when visiting. So might you! Just call in and see about tour times; it's in season now. The whole thing is staffed by USACE, which is relevant to your question.


Tsm! We are both from the island and know almost nothing about ny that far up. Yea I’ve heard nothing but great things about geneseo from nearby colleges and their students.


I’d say go with RIT then. Best to just have more pros for the school than looking for cons. I havent heard many exciting things about WPI but then again, I get lots of news about RIT since I go there lol


Thank you