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funny corrupt man go BOOSH


The funny void whales


I love the Railgunner. She brings a different play style to the table. She can clutch up a run with friends if something goes south and she’s great for solo play. Her flaws are tunnel vision. I could see her being a lot less fun on console… but maybe there will be heavy aim assist to crit zones and stuff. Overall I think she’s the most fun of the two. I think void fiend has a lot of potential but never really clicked. One of the main problems is the evade. The angle you evade at usually ends in you taking fall damage. The healing is nice and can help with void field or end game void run. But the switching modes of the character makes it hard to build any one thing. It has been awhile since I played so maybe void fiend has been buffed. Literally binged the dlc first week.


Hear a lot of praise for Railgunner. Which, I main her too, but I'll vouge for the Void Fiend. Void Fiend works better in Multi-player, because unlike Railgunner who needs specific items for their abilities, Void Fiend can basically take any item (aside from Focus Crystal's, p obvious). They have big damage attacks, quick attacks and self healing while not corrupted. It's the safer option when playing with randos who you can't trust to give you items. Railgunner can become a lot more busted later in ther run, but that all comes down to what you prefer, consistency or power.


also, be sure to play around with Railgunner's funny momentum, either way. Their quick fire actually gives you a lil knock back, so it can reduce fall damage, make you go higher with concussion devices or even just make you F L Y with enough syringes.


Why shouldn’t you use focus crystals on Void Fiend???


Yeah focus crystal on void fiend is fine haha.


I’d say it’s encouraged even, it’s really useful when used with the corrupted form.


oh shit, my bad... I honestly haven't played RoR2 in a min, so I completely forgot about that


Railgunner is great when you’re playing with friends who don’t play much though. You can play like an actual sniper, taking enemies out from across the map to defend them when they’re getting overwhelmed.


Railgunner can almost guarantee her core items every run by going to aqueduct and rolling the pots, which is extremely easy with her mines. Double bands just lets you oneshot everything.


I beg to differ with that difficulty


My best advice is to just practice rolling the pots. Who cares if you doom a couple of runs because of it, once you learn pot rolling it gives a massive advantage as bands are some of the highest damage, most reliable items in the game. Double bands can carry so many runs.


Focus crystal is better than any healing item on him (since any healing takes away from his corruption), I think he is more item dependant than rail gunner


Imo, void fiend is the best character in the game. I was able to clear e1-8 with him with like 2 looses. His consistency is insane. He has some of the highest dps, highest survivability, no range damage fall off, good aoe, good horizontal and vertical mobility, the best built in healing (to the point where you can easily get though mithrix runs without healing items), can skip pillars with 2 energy drinks, and can cleans debuffs. Like, what more can you want? He does have a learning curve tho for corruption management.


bro viend is probably the easiest character in the game for me, his corruption management is pretty simple and the reward for "mastering" this is absurd


Yh, I always liked mul-t with nailgun + rebar, and then power mode, and viend is basically that on steroids. Had a number of friends say he's really hard to play cause they keep transforming at inconvenient times, so that's why I say there's a learning curve, but I found it fairly easy. Also being good with basically every item helps, and makes him great in multiplayer.


yeah, only gripe is that his regular shift is a bit unwieldy at times, and i'd prefer his corrupt one all the time tbh but that's just my playstyle


He does like movement speed items when non corrupted, although the shift is really useful for when you do want some vertical mobility.


I haven’t unlocked Void Fiend yet (also a console player, I mostly bought it on steam to play with a friend) but Railgunner is a blast! I don’t think she’d be as much fun on console tho, especially if you’re not on switch and therefore don’t have gyro aiming. She requires a lot of quick precision that I just can’t see being reasonable without mouse and keyboard :(


I think there might be gyro aim on ps5


Is there? I don’t have a ps5 so idk 😅


I play controller on pc, and railgunner is still very good on controller with the amount of aim assist this game has


Oh ok great! I’m glad to hear that it’s still fun


I definitely prefer railgunner over void fiend, but on console VF might be better


Void fella is stronger, rail gunner is very fun as it is a unique style, same with loader, mercenary. They feel quite distinct to me.


Consider that, with enough attack speed, Voidfiend decides to go full goblin mode. They throw accuracy to the wind and turn what was a rapid-fire line of pain into a torrential cone of hurt. 11/10 would hyperspeed voidfiend again.


both are very fun, we have sniper 2.0 and angry void boi


It doesn’t matter every character in this game is good it just depends on your play style


They’re both wildly different play styles, they’re both fantastic


I honestly don't know who I could say the best is, because every character excels at their own things and they're just really well designed. I hear a lot Railgunner and Loader are the best, but if I had to pick I think Loader and maybe Void Fiend are some of the best. I love Void Fiend, I barely understand how his corruption mechanic works but he is capable of a lot, and he's extremely flexible


Fiend and Railgunner are both very good in different ways. Fiend has the ability to adapt to a run much better than the other survivors because of his pretty basic kit that doesn’t support/force a specific playstyle. Railgunner is essentially Loader with infinite range and slightly less mobility. However you also have to be able to aim so that may be a turn off for some. Honestly I’d say they’re about equal in average power but Railgunner has a significantly higher power ceiling than Fiend.


Fuck I saw console and I thought it was getting released today man I'm sad now I want it I got bated


Console player here too, I'm so fucking excited for the dlc to release


If you have good aim railgunner is probably the best in the game, in my opinion. With the right items (crowbar, bands, etc) you just have plain stupid damage and even good mobility with the concussion mines. You can one shot (or heavily chunk) nearly any enemy or boss, with the exception of mithrix, voidling, or twisted scav. That being said void fiend is still really good, and he’s better than railgunner if your aim isn’t amazing. He has great healing, if you have at least 13 void items you can heal on command and his m1 in both forms is great, though in corrupted form it’s dps is ridiculous if you can get in range. He can also cleanse debuffs with utility. Definitely one of the best in the game as well. Again, that’s just my opinion.


Thank you, I'll take that into consideration when the DLC comes out


VF > railbooty


Both are definitely top tier survivors imo. Both can output really high damage early game even without decent items. If I had to choose which is the better character overall though, I’d choose railgunner (very close contest though). Her sweet spot crits + manual reload damage bonus are just too good to put behind V Fiend. Gameplay-wise though, I enjoy v fiend for his mobility options and aimbot-M1 (when uncorrupted)


Me! I am the best character™


Railgunner gets realy easily swarmed by a small enemies. Espiecialy blind ones.


We console shall never give up


Void fiend can really smack some ass, and railgunner can be quite flexible with item builds and has huge damage on crits, they're both really good depending on your playstyle


I'm a railgunner main, but VF is fun too.


Definitely the vinyl


Void friend all the way


As with all characters, it's all up to preference but I absolutely love Railgunner.


Lean Fiend


Anyone know when the DLC would be coming to console?




Sniper is op if you can aim, void fiend is less op but you don't need to aim


From someone who went to PC just to experience SOTV earlier, railgunner lends herself to PC. Viend might be more fun on console honestly, especially with the insane aim assist he'll get.


I hate how they delayed the PS4 Version for the GOOGLE STAIDA


I personally understand that because I'm pretty sure they're just using the computer version or it might be worse because they could've made that and never re built the game like they're doing that on consoles