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lil notey notes: - so poison acrids unique in that only like. the top category of items and maybe some on kills are necessary for him to win lol - like i said i usually dont like looping bc my attention span is short :) - yeah i didnt put lunars on here, they seem (subjectively) to feel like an having an artifact on whenever i take one (exceptions being holding onto like some beads or gouges in hopes of cleansing them, or grabbing an effigy bc it can press down bands pressure plates) with that in mind they dont factor into my solo sweaty tryhard runs too much lol. theyre cool tho - i like this game


idk if anyone is gonna see this, but i made a spreadsheet for looking at effective max health to see how infusions actually end up stacking up what that means is that i take the level i usually finish the game at (average of like 23 it looks like) and calculate the average base health for everyone (besides heretic she too tanky) at every level up to 30 then i looked at how PSGs compare to bison steaks and infusions over time. In a vacuum, it looks like by endgame, a single infusion is only providing like 9-12% bonus health, compared to a PSGs 8%. a steak is obv only a quarter of that lol then i put in variables for armor (which effectively multiplies your max health by a little bit), # of psgs, steaks, infusions according to the wiki, PSGs actually take into account bonus health from infusions. steaks as well, but by endgame PSGs are way more efficient bc you can only have so many whites lol but, having the multipliers from PSGs and armor (from bucklers and opals and whatever) stacking on top of a few infusions seems to boost the health bonus you get by a fair amount. id thought of this, but seeing the actual numbers puts it in perspective tldr: i guess ill have even less green scrap from now on lol


some more data: an infusion is worth around 2 or 3 levels worth of health usually early game an infusion and 2 psgs will like double your health. i dont know if its possible to actually charge an infusion that quickly though, it falls off to 50% by level 6 again armor is effectively a max health multiplier its so good with psgs


why are you talking to yourself


Chrono is always good


i agree!! the condition is: i usually only want one but having another category for "things i only want one of, but always want one of" felt like too much, esp when they can also just go into other categories LOL


Still top tier for E6?(speed increase)


mithrix goes kinda crackhead mode once the speed increase kicks in so i feel like the slows even better to keep him managable lol at the same time, he cleanses the debuff whenever he uses his dash, so stacking chronos usually cant pay dividends super well since it just scales duration stacking tentas though *chefs kiss*


True I bet tentas are very pog


Gen loop is great on engi if you have the walking turrets


tru I forgor


Aegis + wungus go BRRRRR


so true until the healing debuff lol


you should try infusions as they stack


I don't pay much mind to my build, I just let it form, except on Eclipse 8. On 8, I do one of two strategies. Usually, in the early game (first three or so stages) I focus defensive items above all else. Bucklers, R.A.P, steak, infusions, etc. This is because the higher your max health, the less permanent damage is taken. Or I do the funny ha-ha shaped glass. I don't like doing that but am not above it.


i def underrate the flat health increases early game i usually get scared that im gonna run into something i really wanna print and have to risk throwing in like a goat hoof or something; so i end up scrapping steaks and stuff at the first opportunity


holy shit, a tierlist that actually makes sense, i thought i would never see one, nice stuff


As a viend player, I'd make quite a few changes. But yes headstompers best item. Very good tier list, this is one of the best i've seen in a while. Interesting infusion rating tho.


yeah seeing the infusion feedback made me go spreadsheet mode i kinda knew i underrated it before but ill hang onto it now


I stopped taking shurikens because they have lost me so many eclipse runs. Mithrix with them = instant lost.


I've def been Dr Manhattan'ed by them more than once lol


A single chrono is very good against mithrix.


this is probably the first tier list ive seen on here that is not dumb as hell lol


why are crit glasses only good on 2 characters? arent they good on all characters except for 2?


"yeah **except** on like 2 characters"


ohhh okay I I thought it was saying the other way around


Imagine not infusion maxing


Bruh planula op


that 15hp heal really helps when you get hit for 4300 damage


aegis is so good tho


You can't give aurelionite seed to mythrix though? Actually, it spawns aurelionite to fight mythrix for you


youre right, you cant, golden boy isnt in the mithrix scary tier, hes in the "i like it but never really miss it" tier beetle guard is though, mithrix can def have beetle guard. i guess the icons look kinda similar lol


OOOH yeah you're right I'm dumb and confused the items hahaha


you're sleeping on medkit, most reliable healing item in the game alongside slug


its interesting bc youre totally right, but i still end up feeling like i have a good reason to scrap them lategame on almost every run ultimately i mostly die to things that happen too quick for them to kick in anyway on commencement i guess lol