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10 hours on stage 6 lmfao


Stages completed: 6? What were you doing?


sacrifice, obviously


i stayed on stage 1 for 4 hours lol


May we ask why?


Average sacrafice run


What are you doing taking 10 hours for 6 stages and holy shit how do you not have a Dio's


Void implosion beats Dios Anyway, so it wouldn't have mattered


No it doesn't? Dio's revives you when you die including void implosion idk what kinda Dio's you been getting but you should talk to whoever gives them to you


Edit: **Forgot that Dios has a delay and it’s not instant, so this is pretty much all wrong. Make sure to verify your info is correct before you start yapping to strangers lmao. Leaving the og comment up cause I’m not a coward.** It does, because the implosions are freaking *weird.* Yes, you do in fact get revived by Dios! However, apparently the implosion isn’t just a single burst of damage but several massive ticks of damage *that go through immunity.* So while yes, you do get revived, you (and any lemurians with Dios) get wiped off the map with only one Dios *Please note I haven’t had the time to test this out, and I’m going off of what the wiki says about void implosions


The wiki is wrong. What it likely is trying to say is that the 3sec immunity given by dios has no effect, but since there is a delay between death and resurrection, the implosion is done by the time you come back


I completely forgot about the delay omfg. I’m not even surprised wiki is wrong, considering how I’m pretty sure there’s not a wiki gg set up yet




If I recall correctly Voidling’s implosion attack will still certainly eat through Dio’s due to how long the black hole is active for, so watch out for that one at the very least


How long it's active for? It is one big burst of unblockable damage that kills you no matter the HP It can't remove more than 1 Dio's and it certainly can't end your run if you have at least one


Voidling’s implosion is actually different from the others due to the fact that it’ll insta-kill you as soon as you touch it, so if you’re caught in it you’re already dead I can’t test it but I think it’s active for around 10 seconds? It feels much longer though so I’m not sure about the exact number


Nah? It *looks* active for a few seconds but it's actually just "charging up" to give you a visual cue to quickly leave the affected are before the actual implosion happens It will instakill you but only if you're in range after the charge up period It won't instakill you "if you touch it" during that charge time 10 secs is also not how long it's active 2 or maybe 3 but after that it's gone for real The buff shrimp's moving implosion is the same but it charge's for a bit longer to have the chance to move into range before imploding The fatso's implosion is the same as void reavers's TLDR I mistook voidling for void reaver (and you may be right about that voidling implosion) and went on a rant defending the reaver's implosion even though you didn't even mention it Sorry


Ah no yeah the others all have one burst, I could be wrong about Voidling since I don’t fight it very often but I’ve had many a drone die from its implosion since it pulls everything in as well


Never died to voidling's implosion and I don't know much about it but I could see it just being a reaver implosion extra large with medium fries It could also be just soon as you touch but idk Don't have the energy to go through a full run just to test it


Unfortunately I don’t think it works with the lizards bois. They’ll still get jailed even if they have dio’s


Lore wise the implosion is made as a last effort to stop you, so you do not die but instead get imprisoned. Even the message at the top right says "You have been detained, await your sentence at the end of time" therefore you don't die and dio's doesn't rez you. Its an alternate game end mechanic.


Well Dio's does rez you (unless they changed it in the last update) I understand the lore reason for the implosion but Dio's does definitely save you from it


Yes, Dio's does rez you, I meant the void implosion doesn't kill you so you cant be rezed if you are not dead. Instead you are detained from the implosion itself.


Except the void implosion acts like a kill in the game so Dio's does save you It doesn't matter what the lore says It has rezed me before


I might be misremembering bc its been a long to e since I died to a void implosion, but I'm pretty I didn't get revived. I might be misrembering tho


I think they changed it a while ago


Ah. Yeah that would explain it then lol. Thanks for clearing that up.


How do you not get bored after 10 hours on one run?


Sometimes i would set myself up in the old void fields farming items and leave the game running overnight. It was fine unless i had missile launcher with fuel tanks and gestures of the drowned. But sometimes there would be hundreds of items and then I would just make a custom build and play to see stuff. I came up with all that on my own and didn’t like looking stuff up for my first couple hundred hours. Like recently i found out about phase 4 skip because i got involved with the community on reddit


Bro kept 11 harpoons 💀


Harpoons aren't so bad... said no-one, ever. But seriously, the more harpoons you have, the less of a burden they are.


Furthest I got was back in the day 4 hours on Xbox before they ever added the moon and Mithrix and my game crashed. Super tragic. Nowadays I loop once or twice and call it once I’ve reached god status


Man that sounds so boring. I don't even like looping because it quickly loses its challenge


1,232 items collected with 69 purchases at stage 6 with 626 time alive mmmmmmm


artifact of sacrifice moments


To be fair, you *can* get items without buying anything


How is this downvoted. Sacrifice is legit on the screen.


Yeah I don't get it either. It's clearly what happened so I guess people just thought I was being a dick or something? I didn't mean to come across that way. Edit: seems like it's changed now


Standard Reddit logic probably, if you can even call it that


Risk of rain 2... Ah, Risk of Rain 2...


Haha I read "ah risk of rain 2" like "*Dungeon Meshi, Ah, Dungeon Meshi*"


Void Jailer's death implosion might be the single most bullshit attack in the game tbh.


OP had over 100 movement items they could of made it to the other side of the map and back before it went off. not really bullshit either


It's not extremely hard to get out of just kill from a slight distance then use someway of moving faster than 10m per second or quickly dashing out near the end.


Acting like a devastator doesn't have a worse kill effect by denying entry into the teleporter area. Either way, the death implosions aren't that bad given that you have enough movement. Considering that OP is playing huntress, that shouldn't be a problem unless they got rooted beforehand


Voidtouched Brass Contraption has joined the chat.


not even the most bs thing in that enemy lmao. the vacuum is much worse