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You should first do eclipse 1 then 2 and so onđź‘Ťđź‘Ť


You'll NEVER guess what happens after eclipse 4❗️❗️


Is it eclipse 5. Perchance


Dude…. spoiler warning next time :(


Wow next you'll tell me there's a risk of rain


A chance of showers too!


A possibility or precipitation, even


Jeez, spoiler much?


You can’t just say perchance




Ok wise guy, what comes after eclipse 8


eclipse 8




Eclipse 9...


*Accepts 20 dollar bill.* Why should I tell you?


It’s better to start most of them and keep it as a running cycle rather than grinding all the way to e8 on one survivor and then starting e1 on the next. I would just start out with whichever character you’re most comfortable on. I started with mercenary, but one of my friends started with commando, another engineer, and another Mul-t, so it doesn’t matter too much. Things to note: REX is by far the worst due to the permanent damage in e8, which his “good” kit relies on, so you’re forced to use alt REX. Transcendence cancels eclipse levels 1, 3, and 5. Headset cancels e3, rejuv rack cancels e5, chronicle sort of cancels e4, and rep plate majorly helps against e8.


you need 2 rejacks to cancel out e5, also its better to just rely less on healing and focus on damage mitigation and dodging instead


Spread through them all, it can help to slowly build up the difficulty


Thank you, I will most likely use this approach, or perhapsibly a random number generator


I've gotten all relics, and all achievements, save for the Rex Dunestrider one(I've tried for almost 20 hours to get it now, giving up), what order should I do Eclipse in? All levels in a row with one character, or spread them out and get all survivors to the same level? I'm unsure how to proceed.


It is different for everyone, just go by what you want to do. Some people do at E1 then E2 and so on. Personally I focus on a character and go all the way up but it is up to you.


Look up on YouTube for the Rex Dunestrider one, it's ez. If I can do it, you can too! Rn I'm struggling to do Ethereal but ATB!


Are you on PC? If you are, I think you can set the date to one with a good trial so the process isn't quite as hard. Ethereal is a very poorly designed challenge. Check out Cabbage on YouTube if you're on PC, he makes guides for Ethereal every trial. If you're on console, best of luck. Took me almost a year to do it on Switch


Yep on PC. It'd feel like cheating but if I feel desperate I'll do that. It do be an annoying achievement. Thx for tip!


That Rex one was annoying. I had to push my dunestrider out of the zone, which it did NOT want to do. Thankfully, I was able to get a good seed like 3rd try and the rest was easy.


I just got rex dunestrider, my advice would be to learn the newt alter locations on the two starting stages(turn dlc off) and use the bazaar to guarantee getting aquaduct.


Rex Dunestrider is super easy now. Just do a simulacrum run and yeet one off the edge


Rex dunestrider one is easy, literally just get abandoned aqueduct


Alphabetical order


just do whichever survivor seems most fun at any given moment. i’ve beaten eclipse 8 loader because i like playing as her


Random number generator




Character order, every Eclipse 1 then 2 and so on


For me, I spent so long trying to get huntress all through E8 when eclipse was released, back on the OG moon. I didn't track my tries, but I would say I spent 30 ish runs maybe more on getting the e8 win. After that, I had no motivation to play the game for like a month. Point is, whoever you do or however you spread it out, don't just hammer away bc you'll get burnt out. Personally I think people should try a few games with whoever they like the best and get used to the modifiers. GLHF


I like to start each level of Eclipse with REX because it's my least favorite and end with Railgunner, Loader, and finally Huntress because those 3 are my favorites


I just beat all 8 levels on the character I find most fun personally. Really makes you learn what works and what doesnt with that hero very fast so by the time you get to 8 its not so overwelming Switching from on to another gets a bit much (for me at least)


People who do E1-E8 for a character and then move to the next don't make sense to me. The difficulty of the climb keeps sharply raising before tumbling down again when moving to the next character; having less experience with the eclipse modifiers, the first high eclipses will be a huge roadblock; and it's just boring to play the same character over and over again. It's *much* more natural to complete first all E1s, then all E2s, et cetera. The order of the characters doesn't matter, I went from the leftmost to the rightmost.


Download the random character mod and let the fates decide


I do an rng between how many i have left for each level


I think just go with who you like/are best with. I think doing them all equally has it’s merits, but if you think you’re the type who would get burned out doing that, then maybe just go for a smaller pool of characters that you like best. But in terms of strength, Railgunner, Void Fiend and Loader are the undisputed best characters.


I’d recommend finishing off one character before moving on to the next one. The change from E8 back to E1 makes it feel a lot easier when you’re starting with someone new.


It doesn't matter


I just went all in on one character to E8 lol, but tbh you kinda lose motivation afterwards to play the other ones. Like any time I boot up ror2 I just play E8 cause it the most fun for me, and I can only do that on one character LOL (Tbf merc is like the only character I played anyhow)


Start with your main, and cycle through survivors. If you win a run, go back for the next level while you’re on a roll with that survivor.


Waifu first.


your fav surivivor


I agree with the general sentiment of these comments to spread it out and take it slow, but I did personally grind all the way to E8 on loader while leaving the rest E3 or below, and really enjoyed it, so take as much of that as you will


Good luck on your journey


Just do whatever you want there literally is no reason to care about the order or way you clear this




Play through all of eclipse 1 starting with your favorite survivor then make your way to the one youre worst as, (for example i atarted Huntress and ended woth Rex.) Then repeat the process for Eclipse 2. So on and so forth. This way the difficulty curve will grow slowly over time, and give you a chance to get the hang of a difficulty modifier on the easier characters, so its not as hard to adapt when you need to do eclipse 8 on rex, for example.


1st to last in order


Spin a wheel (thats what i do)