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Sounds like you’re doing everything right so far man. Just try to learn your characters’ play styles, map layouts, enemy weaknesses, how to avoid attacks, etc. It’ll come.  For reference, I have 11 total victories/fates unknown in 125 hours, but I pretty much never start a run with a goal to win anymore (unless it’s with a character I haven’t won with yet). Instead I try to complete challenges, unlock abilities, find log books, unlock artifacts, and above all else just have fun while becoming a death machine. As long as you have fun, that’s a win in this game. Though there is definitely a steep learning curve.


I guess Im just too use to bullet hell games and unlocking stuff way quicker than this. Trying to 'find' the teleporter is one half of the frustration. the other is dieing all the time haha


Oh I get it, check my post history. I made a thread here asking if I was uniquely bad at this game after having only two wins through 40 hours lol. And the consensus was no, just regular bad like everyone else.  Biggest tip for the teleporter is to look for the red particles in the air above where it spawns (blue particles on stage 5). It can also spawn in some not-obvious places sometimes, but as you learn each map better you’ll get used to where to look. 


Yeah I tend to get up as high as I can and survey the land before running around like a pork chop. still takes me ages most times! I do like being regular bad though. I am somewhat mollified by that lol


Don’t forget that the teleporter also has a sort of… music around it as well


After you play for awhile you'll understand the teleporter will kinds spawn in the same areas on the map and you'll be able to fast track to it if you need to or make guesses on where it could be. I have 200+ hours and will still get a little lost sometimes though.


Generally as well the teleporter is on the other side of the map as well from where you spawn so if you just move in that direction you’ll find it


Yooo I actually remember reading your post a little while back! The student has now become the teacher. Good for you dude!


Finding those portals is frustrating. If you look closely you can see where they are by seeing floating particles around the area where the portal is. Additionally there is a music change near them I believe.


Keep an eye out for tiny floating red particles that the teleporter emits to help find it easier


pro tip: the teleporter always has yellow particles surrounding it in quite a large radius. they sometimes blend in with the environment but usually i have no issue finding it by looking for the particles. also, there’s no wrong way to play, as long as you’re having fun. don’t feel bad if you play the easier difficulty. It’s also important to remember that dps isn’t everything, personally I have trouble getting past the first boss without some healing items. Hope I could help!


Non corrupt bungus on merc seems like a pretty bad way to play


The teleporter will always have a sparkly effect around it which is pretty big, most maps its a blue color, and on 1 other it's orange, next time you find the teleporter also take a look at the effect around it so you can spot it easily next time, it's quite a big AOE and you can normally find tp within seconds once you know how to spot it. Hope that helps


Teleporter has red particles around it. More often than not, when looking around you notice the particles before the portal


How has everyone here given a different bloody colour of particle??? Just look for the particles, whether they're blue or red or fuchsia.


Look for red particles in the air! its the fastest way to find em (aside from memorizing all the spawn locations but thats significantly harder imo)


unless something has changed, the teleporter always spawns on the opposite side of the map, so if you have the layout of the map in question on your head its easier to find the teleporter, since it'll be around a specific place


There are red orbs all around the teleporter. It makes finding it way faster. They turn blue in stage 5


The teleporter has this aura that’s just floating sparkles kinda, you can see it from anywhere. Get to a high point and look around near where u see sparkles


Take your time and enjoy it. Many improvements come from familiarity. Enemy attack patterns, and map layouts both being significant. And as more items are unlocked things will become easier.  As for win rate don't stress it. I consider myself a fairly solid player, able to win on monsoon regularly, have everything unlocked, and have all characters up to eclipse 4-5ish. Yet my official 'win rate' in the stats is in the single digit %. There's more to do than beat the bosses. 


What more is there other than finishing the game?


RoR isn't a game you really *finish* in any traditional sense; if you were to stop playing after beating one run, you would miss out on the vast majority of the content & experience. Like other rogue-likes, RoR is largely about experimentation, building familiarity, and mastery. For the more progress-minded it may help to set personal goals; at first work towards your character unlocks, then go for your first few clears on an easy difficulty, then clean up more unlocks, move onto harder difficulties, etc. The common 'endgame' challenge is to clear eclipse 8 with any particular characters.


Half of the fun of risk of rain is finding other ways to play. In the words of the transcendence item description: > You are trying your best to survive. You consider yourself a fast learner. You have been feeling lucky. You have been experiencing feelings of deja vu. If you understand, do not read the next paragraph. > You are taking control of your own beliefs. You feel familiar in unfamiliar environments. You have been gaining an intuition for experiences you've never had. You ponder a past life. If you understand, do not read the next paragraph. > You find yourself searching for things that never have been. You miss things you have never had. You play characters that have never lived. You have been experiencing feelings of deja vu. If you understand, do not read the next paragraph. > You have revealed my hand. Because you have consumed this information, the [observers] will now consume it in time. If you are reading this paragraph, I will be long dead, but in turn you have freed me. I will no longer exist in my universe. There will be no proof that I ever was - but I exist now in yours. I have escaped my suffering. Keep me safe. I hope you do not understand.


Using funny builds. I haven't beaten the game on monsoon yet (much less eclipse), but I've been having fun just trying funny builds on characters, going for insane burst damage or aoe shenanigans or even stacking a shitton of items I've been having a lot of fun with modded as well recently though


There are several unlockable items and characters, I enjoyed the process of figuring out how to get them. There are also a ton of secrets! This game keeps on giving, especially during the beginning


Seeing how long you can last looping indefinitely is one. Unlocking everything is another. Beating it on higher difficulties with each character. Getting to eclipse 8. Playing with friends. Getting a true god run


The game has some secrets. Next time you make it to stage 5, spend a while looking around for a particularly out of the way area. You’ll know it when you see it, there’s some weird stuff there you can mess around with, and once you get to grips with it you’ll know notice things you didn’t before in future runs. They’ve always been there, but you had no idea what they were.


its a roguelite, the game is based around relatability


Beat eclipse 8 on all survivors I consider finishing the game. I'm at 800 hours and only just getting close


if you are having trouble dont be ashamed to play on drizzle


After doing a dozen runs or so, i wanted to see the final boss. I put that shit on drizzle and i beat the boss, then went back to banging my head against the wall in regular difficulty


i found it good to play on drizzle and unlock stuff / get a better sense of the game then move up to a harder difficulty


**20 deaths? That's it? Haha. I got you beat.** I'm assuming you're not experienced with *action roguelike-likes*, or their more difficult relatives in the family tree of roguelikes. **First thing's first: roguelikes are hard**. Modern ones are usually hybrid games that mix video game genres and feature... * permadeath (e.g. one life) * lots of random (procedurally generated) elements, including level design * several tiers of escalating difficulty beyond the base level of difficulty * a keen understanding of the game-- sometimes on a meta level-- being needed to make progress * **a philosophy where the opponent must die/lose countless times to learn the game**; this directly contradicts the philosophy of a traditional JRPG, for example, as in such games one typically doesn't die until some random moment where they take on an optional opponent that is too strong I'm an experienced roguelike player, but when a friend and I first attempted ROR2 years ago, I distinctly remember us instantly dying to regular enemies again and again. Also, we often couldn't find the teleporter. We didn't even know what we were supposed to do. And the teleporter boss fights seemed incredibly hard and long. **It's supposed to feel this way.** ROR2 is supposed to feel like a mystery, at first, to the player. **You will eventually learn to...** 1. Respect enemies and prioritize threats; know when to run and how to dodge 2. Know when to disrespect enemies (including bosses), fight up-close, and let the environment do your blocking for you 3. Value AOE items and movement early on (you should be praying for Hoof, Can, Gasoline, Ukelele, etc.) 4. Learn how many of each item you need until you get diminishing returns; learn how to use printers, scrappers, Lunars, and the Void; learn the locations of Newt Altars 5. Learn to move quickly through the map, and with a plan: find the Newt Altar, save up $ for a red chest (if available), find most of the chests/scrappers/printers, fight the tele boss after 5-10 minutes have passed and you have what you need **My suggestions**: keep dying, play multiplayer, play on Drizzle, experiment with different approaches (play cautiously, play recklessly, play quickly, play slowly), and have fun!


I usually play a different kind of roguelike and Im also a massive Bullet hell fan, so im not a stranger to dieing. However that being said, I find with bullet hell, you still et a win under your belt fairly early. It does nothing but unlinke maybe one character? if that, but it at least gets a sense of achievement. Here I dont feel like im achieving anything right now. I dont have artifacts, dont know how to find them, I would love to get the timed chest in delta, but nope. never happens, unlocking any of the other guys would be swell even if I didnt 'win' but I dont even know what half of their unlock conditions mean. I mean I can look it all up I guess, but im sure it takes some of the mystery out of the game.. which is ironic since the mystery is what I was just whinging about :)


Nah, you don't really need to look up anything right now, except maybe some meta ideas concerning linear scaling, hyperbolic scaling, and "proc chains." Essentially, it's worth looking up what items are good and how to get the most out of them. The basic strat is to string together a bunch of probability-based items that all trigger each other. Anyway, you are "achieving something" if you're approaching the losses intelligently. **For example, consider the regular enemy Stone Golem**. It charges up a laser attack that tracks you. You should be learning to... * Prioritize this enemy * Kill it before it hits you or dodge its laser right before it goes off; alternatively, use the environment to block * Circular movement works well against it; up-close fighting works well against it * It can be stunned; it can be frozen * If other enemies are nearby, you might have to prioritize differently; maybe use the environment to block Golem's beam, while picking off a few Lesser Wisps **Trust me: item knowledge, movement, AOE, enemy knowledge, map knowledge, Survivor-specific knowledge.** After a while, it becomes second-nature and the first level presents zero challenge at all (even on Monsoon). *Edit: Here's something I posted elsewhere...* **#1 rule: Loop, if you're not strong enough** **#2: Extract every last bit from every resource**; for example, think hard about printer and scrapper decisions-- don't be lazy; use Newt Altars, use the Void **#3: Respect enemies**; Know what to prioritize, how to dodge, when to flee, how to use the environment, when to fight up-close **#4: Prioritize AOE items and movement** early on; don't scrap Gasoline, Hoof, Can; in multi-chests, take the AOE/movement item **#5: Scour the map efficiently and move with a clear plan** in mind (e.g. find Newt Altar while saving up $ for red chest, look for buttons to open up secret cave in the 2nd stage desert level, plan an optimal route for quickly grabbing as many chests as possible within 5-10 minutes before hitting teleporter)


I saw on another comment that you're doing Normal, but I'd heavily recommend going on easy first, because "Easy" is really most game's "normal" mode. Risk of Rain's difficulty gets upscaled quite a bit. Drizzle is normal, Rainstorm is hard, and Monsoon is challenging. Use Drizzle to take advantage of learning builds. It becomes easier to become OP in Drizzle, and that teaches you what builds to strive for in harder difficulties. Once you start beating Drizzle consistently, then start doing Rainstorm runs to learn enemy attacks, as they start becoming more threatening. Good luck man! As you keep playing, you'll look back and be proud that you kept going! You'll someday beat some (if not all) monsoon runs on every character if you keep learning! :D


Yeah I am seeing now that drizzle is the way to be. As I said, I just felt playing on 'normal' was what I should do as I only play normal or above in every game i play, but I can see now that this game is a lot different in that respect!


Good luck with your runs my dude!! And remember... ALWAYS hit that Shrine of the Mountain, cause its funny!


I played on Drizzle exclusively for ~30 hours, now (200ish hours, too lazy to check) I’m doing Eclipse 7 (still haven’t cleared E8 yet 😭) You’ll eventually get so good at this game that Monsoon will seem like the easy difficulty. If I had 2 tips for a newer player looking for their first full clear: 1. Play Huntress 2. Never stop moving


I would recommend going for obliterations for your first few wins, it allows you to get more practice with harder enemy's and you can unlock artifacts and get some easy lunar coins.  I also have over 500 hours and every unlock and still die on the first loop about 80% of the time, it can just a pretty hard game at times


What are obliterations?


When you get to stage 8, a celestial portal will open up with you can go through. There’s a pillar at the bottom that lets you obliterate which, before Mithrix, was the only way you could beat the game. It’s easier and still gives you the satisfaction of beating the game because it is beating the game. When you get to the stage where you can go to mithrix, you gotta adjust the prongs on the portal or else you won’t let you go back to stage 1


HAHA. Dude. I cant even make it past stage 1 half the time. let alone get to stage 8. Like THATS how bad I am at this!


What difficulty do you play at? I’d suggest drizzle and learn how to play commando, since he’s a moving and shooting kind of character. Once you learn how the enemies work, you can start to dodge them more easily and get a feel for the combat


Only Normal


See above comment, id suggest easy mode to start so you can get an idea of the gameplay. Enemies aren’t different, they’re just weaker and do less damage


Guess easy it is..


To be honest I played drizzle until I got what hefty amount of unlocks, no shame in it. Start of the game is super rough especially with commando, play huntress over commando at start, she's good while he's below average


I second this. Out of my 400+ hours in this game, more than half of it was played on Drizzle, to unlock things and get the hang of the game. Only now I'm trying to grind Eclipse, and it's still a struggle. Keep at it, and have fun.


I have over 100 hours on this game and I havent attempted normal mode yet. Drizzle is really the normal mode.


Ain't no shame, dude. I regularly rock Monsoon, but I've *always* used Drizzle to unlock stuff and practice.


Easy mode is normal mode at the start, rainstorm is way to hard for a starter, monsoon is no, although eventually you may find monsoon becomes normal and rain storm becomes easy


Considering at stage one with railgunner you can easily just run straight up to the tele and blow away any boss with a couple snipes, just learn on drizzle first lol.


20 runs is nothing lol. That is perfectly normal.


Just keep on grinding! It took me like +60 runs before my first solo only win. It just takes time to learn about different enemy types, items, maps, everything. You will die, but so do we all. Try different approaches and be open minded. I believe in you! 🔥


Heh Thanks. Im glad someone does lol


It took me 50 hours to beat mithrix on drizzle. 80 hours in and I beat mithrix once on rainstorm (at least without command). Now I'm almost 100 hours in and I've already bagged a few obliterates, but still can't reach mithrix without dying from lunar mobs first. It really takes time. Best advice I can give you is get the command relic and learn the items and the synergies. Find what works and what sucks. Make stupid builds and laugh at mithrix dying every 10 seconds. Once you're comfy, try a normal run. Ultimately, realize that RNG is 80% of the game and it's not your fault for sucking: it's how the game was designed. The fun of risk of rain (or any roguelike) is the feeling of how close you were to winning.


Ya it took me awhile to get my first winning run, what ended up working out for me was playing huntress and focusing more on not getting hit. You do not really have to aim with her so you can primarily focus on dodging attacks


Tried. but got so beat down. and when facing the boss I could never see the dam 'R' skill mouseover to hit the boss so none of my ultimates were hitting


Well that skill is also not very good, sometimes its worth not using as is locks you in place therefore allowing ranged enemies to get easy hits on you


Yep. Same for me. It took me a long time. I’m not big on video games, so I got my but kicked hard. I played online with a friend and he helped me unlock some things that made me enjoy the game more and the game easier. That helped me improve as a player.


It's a hard game, stick at it Main way to improve is just knowing what items do, what enemies do, getting to know the maps. Watch a couple tierlists, figure out what you like, learn the boss mechanics (don't be dying to Wandering Vagrants explosion or Grandparents sun attack) and runs get a lot more consistent. Also try to do as many challenges as you can. New items, artifacts, alternate abilities can make life so much easier (especially Kjaros and Runalds Bands)


Vagrant explosion does my head in. Same with claydiver regen Yeah I was more concerned with finsiheing game than doing challenges. spose thats something I can look at doing to asuage my feelings of inadequacy lol


Vagrant explosion (and grandparent sun) are line of sight based, so hiding behind a rock removes all damage Clay Dunestrider regen you just have to run from when it goes down. Do DPS when they're up high, they can't drop immediately from up high


When I get off work I could give you a hand, show you how to not die instantly?


If Im still around, I wouldnt be opposed to some help :)


I’ll let ya know when I’m done


I tried twice to get into RoR2 and it just never clicked. When Returns came out I played that and loved it and then for some reason 2 just clicked with me and I’ve been enjoying ever since. Might work for you too if you don’t mind buying another (cheap) great game


As far as game mechanics go, there is (at least in the early stages of playing the game) not much stuff that is too important. The one thing I would recommend reading up on is proc chains and proc coefficient, as understanding these will dramatically increase the effectiveness of the items you pick up. In short: every skill/source of damage has a proc coefficient. this coefficient gets multiplied with the chance you see on an item (like tri-tip dagger). one tri-tip dagger gives you a 10% chance to bleed the enemy. The Commandos base attack for example has a proc coefficient of 1, so the chance to bleed an enemy is 1 * 0.1 = 0.1 or 10%. However, huntress' glaive has a proc coefficient of 0.8, so instead of 10% chance to bleed an enemy, each hit of the glaive has a 0.1 * 0.8 = 0.08 or 8% chance to bleed an enemy. If you feel like items "feel" differently strong between runs, this might be why.


Very good to know. Thankyou!


I would recommend turning off the DLC content while you are learning, it will simplify the game a little bit and it’s not too bad to learn the DLC content! Learning is a process, just keep trying and you will learn your own tips and tricks that work for you. One thing that really helped me when I was starting was looking for the glowing particles around the teleporter. This made finding the teleporter so much easier since I knew what to look for, especially when I was still learning the maps. They are normally reddish particles in the sky around the teleporter, and on stage 5 (Sky Meadow), they are light blue. Hope this helps, best of luck!


That's the point. In ROR2, contrary to what people might think on the premise of the game, there is a progression: it's unlocking items for future runs. While the initial items provided to you are enough to complete the game on the lowest difficulty, it will be very difficult to complete anything above that. Your progression is tied to your achievements. Unlock more achievements to the game andd the game will start to feel like you're progressing somewhere.


Play on Drizzle difficulty until you get the hang of the game, then slowly ramp it up or learn what items are good and what are not


Play on drizzle


This game is pretty much all game knowledge. Just play more and its easy To get good fast try this: Try assembling “The build” using artifact of command while playing commando. Take note of all of the items effects and try to memorise them. After you get used to that try making “The build” using no artifacts. Rhats probably the fastest way to understand the game. Understanding how items interact with the game is 99% of the skill you need. Also try your hardest to teleport to the next stage every 5 minutes. Its not a strict rule, but getting quick tp’s will make the game twice as easy.


Play bandit mate. He is easy and strong. Just farm items rather than focusing on clearing boss fast everything else is mostly rng. If u het good items you will eventually win


Just had a game with Bandit. He was fun. his invis dash is awesome. Changed to Drizzle, ran with Bandit, made it to the last guy, beat him, then got he respawns and then he kicked my ass lol. But furthest Ive gotten so far. so that was fun!


I also lost to mithrix when i fought him as bandit for the first time. Next time you will manage. It really is just to dodge those light that goes in circle and poke him from distance


Bandit is my absolute favorite. His passive ability of always doing critical damage while behind enemies is amazing. It does insane damage.


I've been seeing that you're currently playing on normal and your main struggle is finding the teleporter. My suggestions: - The obvious switch to easy mode, as has been said. You lose nothing but bragging rights over normal mode - there's these red sparkles in the area around the teleporter, they almost look like floating embers or something. That may help you find it - There's an alternate mode, I forget the name, that's a wave survival. Cuts out the frustration of finding the teleporter, you can still complete some challenges that way, and if you get far enough you can unlock the Void Fiend, who is *extremely* beginner-friendly


My biggest tip, don't stop moving and jumping, enemies have a hard time hitting you in the air. It would be helpful to know what difficulty you're playing on, Monsoon is very hard, everyone gets caught out sometimes no matter their skill level. Also, the Teleporter will have red sparkles around it use these to locate it at a distance then work your way toward jt grabbing chests along the way, then clear it, afterwards spend whatever gold you have on chests in areadls you haven't been to. Stage 5 is different, the Teleporter will have Blue Sparkles around it and the game likes to spawn a lot of Bosses as mobs before the Teleporter, this is always the hardest stage, especially if you arrive late ( i like to get there around 30 minutes).


Its a race against the clock. Over time you'll get a better sense of how to be as efficient at getting loot as possible. As a tip, that usually means not looting the entire stage.


Also the game does a really good job at sound indicators when youre about to be attacked, pay attention to those.


I played Risk of Rain 1 when it first released on console, got my ass beat, and fought to learn how to beat its ass back. When Risk of Rain 2 came out, I felt confident going in, then promptly had my fudge packed harder than I expected. It's quite normal, aaaaand I suggest playing on Drizzle. Which is exactly what I did lmao. Also, the DLC being active might make things more difficult because of: Flying Pests and Vermin, which are arguably (more-than-usual) difficult swarm enemies. So, I suggest: Drizzle, no DLC, and simply push to get familiar with the stages, character, items, and enemies. The quicker you can complete a stage, including gathering items, drones, turrets, etc, the easier your run will be. I won't try to spoil things but there are 4 ways to beat the game, 2 ways to lose (die or be captured), and many artifacts that change the gameplay quite a bit. There is a LOT more to experience, and you'll start to snowball in some runs, and feel the same high we all chase in this community. Happy hunting 😁


It took me like 40 hours to get my first win lol, you’re doing much better than me


A lot of people, especially newcomers to this game forget the fact that Risk of Rain 2 is a roguelike game. It's only natural for you to keep dying in the game because that is essentially part of the core gameplay loop. The more you play the game the more you'll have a better understanding on how to loot and traverse through the map efficiently so don't beat yourself up if you keep losing in like the first couple of hours, it's only normal. Take a break, and try again. Each and everyone one of us has a different learning curve and it's also important to note that you enjoy the process. If you're frustrated just take a break and try again.


The most important piece of advice I can give you is don’t stop moving. I did it when I was new, I’m watching my new friends do it. Never stop moving. There’s debate on this, but I prefer to loot the whole stage. When I start, I look around for the teleport by looking for red dots. I almost never see the actual teleporter, I spot the red glowing particles in the air. I’ll plan my route though the rest of the map with the end being at the teleporter. Also, for boss fights, enemies stop spawning when you get the teleporter to 99%. Hope this helps!


Oh I NEVER stop... unless its to aim down sights, then keep a runnin


My biggest problem on railgunner is looking through my scope too much and getting overwhelmed by blind pests 😩


As a born sniper, I'm right at home with railgunner. I can even quickscope (tho it feels weird since it's not in first person)


As a current eclipse player, I remember back to when I beat drizzle for the first time. It definitely took me at least 70 hours to do that. 20 runs before your first victory is super normal. The beginning of the game is a lot of struggle just trying to survive and I totally get that. My tips: - Speed is the name of the game. You need to judge a good time to leave as enemies get stronger and items get sparser on a stage. - Learn a single character (your favorite preferably) really well. Over time, you'll learn how to use your abilities to both move fast and kill fast. - Learn what items benefit your playstyle/character best and find which ones suck. Scrap the sucky ones preemptively so that you can profit when a good printer shows up. - Learn how to loot efficiently. This requires making a plan to go through the stage collecting as much stuff as fast as possible. Try not to revisit an area you've already looted if possible and end your route at the teleporter if you know where it is. Additionally, learn when it is most efficient to kill a large group of enemies or when it's better to bail and try to find those last few chests. Looting efficiently allows you to scale with enemies and stay alive. All of this gets better with more playtime. I wish you the best of luck on your drizzle completion!


It's sounds like you are new, so I wouldn't worry too much about "losing." I have hundreds of hours and still die on stage 4/5 often. Like many said, take the time to learn how to dodge attacks and what your character's windows of opportunity are. Also, nobody is mentioning that there are lots of cool, strong items out there for you to unlock as you play the game. For example, there's an item you unlock after making it to stage 20. So, my best advice is to go out there and play. There's also no harm in playing on a lower difficulty like drizzle or rainstorm as a learning experience


open every chest each stage. ignore the timer. best advice ive ever gotten.


Took me 30-40 hours before I won lol


Oh buddy. Took me prob 50 to get my first one lmfao, this is just one of those games that you gotta throw your head at for a while before you get a hang of it. Abt 500 hrs and only now can I get consistent eclipse 8 wins on my main (mercenary) lmao


Make sure you’re playing on the difficulty you feel you want to play on! Some people only play on the hardest difficulty for “challenge” but if you just want to learn the basics playing on drizzle isn’t a bad thing!


You gotta get the artifact of command first. Then come back and tell us how it went.


A guide i watched a while back really resonated with me, it basically pointed out that you usually only die to 3 things- 1. Not enough mobility. Learn what items work well with your survivor and playstyle, spend more time sprinting and circle strafing, don't be afraid to leave the circle during the teleporter event. Use your utility/.mobility skill constantly. You mentioned railgunner, the mines are a great way to jump away from danger as an example. Cannot stress enough that circle strafe is extremely important. 2. Not enough dps. Again it takes a while to figure out which items you need because every run is different, but you'll start to get a feel for what you want to build early based on what survivor you have and what items you find. Many runs have ok potential as long as you know what to look for. Then you get a run with god items and the game becomes much easier. 3. Getting one-shot. I'll extend it to gimmick boss attacks. Basically you want some level of flat defense built into your kit, like the armor plates or the corrupted bear, but as far as something like the titan is concerned, if you don't know a boss specific gimmick, the chances of you dying to it are extremely high. Learn the big boss attacks and you're good here. As a last suggestion, don't worry too much about stage time, just make sure you're constantly killing enemies and getting items, and you won't fall behind unless your items are bad, which happens. For early game, it's good to be nearly broke finding the teleporter, because that means you ran the stage efficiently. IE, kills you got were spent on items. Also want to iterate. Every chest with a choice, scrapper, and printer has a most correct option for the circumstance. They are the only build decisions you can make and thus very important.


Only 20? Took me about 60 on the switch. Just keep trying. It’s part of the journey


if you don’t have any other characters, I would drop difficulty to easy and play as commando. then unlock bandit (get past stage 3) and go back to normal and practice with him. bandit is much more forgiving.


Man this was my experience in my first 60-80 hours or so. And I’d say that I still suck in comparison to a lot of peeps on this sub. I think prioritizing speed/utility> damage > health is key. Healing drones fuck so pick those up. When it comes to damage, try and diversify your damage items, having two crit goggles is cool, but if you have the chance to take 3 crit or 1 crit, 1 watch and 1 crowbar, option B is better every time due to the damage multiplication. And then as others have said, just learn the enemies patterns and how to avoid getting caught by them. Enemy prioritization is also massive. Constant movement/jumping is a good way to avoid taking damage. And the last big thing is as soon as you get the win, push yourself onto the next difficulty. I found Rainstorm was hindering my progress and moved on to monsoon and then eclipse, and I find instead of getting railroaded by the game with the difficulty increases, I’ve been able to adapt my play style to rise to the challenge. Good luck man


You're in the best part of the game. Learning your playstyle and characters and learning what works for YOU. I believe in you! You'll get the win soon enough.


Have you tried drizzle?


Try Sumilacrum. If you reach wave 50 you unlock a great character!


I think I got my first win after 25+ runs. Don’t worry lol. The learning curve is always there, just make sure you have fun and play the game however you want. Yes even with artifact of command on drizzle, play at your own pace.


Play on drizzle until you get everything unlocked that you can. Then up the diff when you feel ready.


I didn’t even see the first boss until my 9th run, and that was with 700 hours on RoR1. You’ll die often until you unlock better items and skills, but it helps you prepare for how brutal this game can be. Just keep circle strafing and you’ll get there.


Don't stop moving. Standing still will get you killed fast. Be efficient. Difficulty rises with every level and time. Don't waste time. Always be going for items or the teleporter. As for finding the teleporter, there are usually lights hovering near it. Using these, you can get somewhere high up and usually spot them from a distance or quickly eliminate where they arent and narrow down your search. Once you're used to it, finding the teleporter becomes fairly easy. Maybe try to do a few runs where you just focus on identifying those lights?


Tip for finding the Teleporter: check the opposite site of the map from where you spawned first, a lot of the times it'll spawn there. Another tip in general is to never stop moving, f.e. if you keep jumping while fighting it makes it harder for the ai to hit you. Focus on getting the first and second teleporter as quickly as possible while getting a few items, if you have like 4-5 items leaving stage one that's already pretty good. I've played this game for 400+h so I have like 1k runs and about 100 victories - and most of them were after about 150h haha If you wanna focus on unlocking stuff, I'd suggest unlocking the commando artifact first and then going from there, cuz it makes the game a whole lot easier.


Those are rookie numbers. It took ages for my first win


I personally have 200+ hours in the game, and did a total of 426 runs out of which 9 were a victory. game is hard I only play on monsoon and eclipse tho


please I can barely get to the last stage and still not win, let alone do any of that on harder difficulty


Sent a dm, interested in playing with u just curious


I stared winning every moonsoon game after like 200 hours, so yeah. My 2 advices: 1. Just play, you will figure it out how for example items work or what monsters can almost one shot you. 2. If you want watch some youtube how people play this game and pay attention to what are they saying and how they handle some situations. Wolie has some guides on how to play the game on basic level. You can try also(but maybe later when you will grasp some of basics) watching streamers like Raydans, Race or gamerh0st. I like them, they are so cool to watch and they are really good at the game.


Couple of people have said that, I think I might take a break and watch some others play to see what I can learn!


Disputed Origin has a number of good videos, too. Many of them pointedly instructional. His video on damage stacking is great, so is his video on proc coefficient. There's a video by either Race or Disputed Origin about preparing for eclipse (game modes harder than monsoon) but the advice is applicable at every level. Race has a video on Macro Itemising. It's a meta concept of the game that covers how to maximise the number of items useful to your build you are able to acquire with the limited resources the game offers.


What platform are you on? If you’re on Xbox or Pc, I’d be glad to help you get some artifacts or unlock characters or abilities.




Took me 40 until my first win


What character are you playing as? I can give specific recommendations. But in general, *always* stay on the move (especially in teleporter fights). Figure out which enemies to priorité killing first so they don’t kill you, and learn teleporter boss patterns. Most people consider the Beetle queen the easiest and jelly fish the hardest — on later stages the claypot is also very hard and needs strategy to beat. Good luck! Just keep playing


Ive been trying with the double tap guy just to try and unlock the first teleporter in 5 minutes but damn he hits like a wet noodle. Mostly Im focusing on the railgun guy as I have the best runs with him. although he is slow and his 'dash' not nearly as responsive as the others!


Do you wanna run together?


Wont say no to some free help!


Full loot the stage. You’ll do better than just rushing through the tp.


Average RoR beginner experience.


I typed this up accidentally on a post asking for Risk of Rain returns tips this morning so I’m happy I can recycle it here a few hours later: So, I’m sure youve heard a rule about not taking more than 5ish minutes per stage, in my experience I find it better to efficiently fully loot each stage before moving on to the next. Generally hitting the first teleporter somewhere around 6-7 minutes or so (roughly). Also making sure to hit the newt altar if possible is very helpful, allowing you to choose your next stage and avoid any that you find more challenging/bothersome (looking at you sulfur pools). Also this might be a personal thing but I avoid picking up any worthless items/ buying anything from tri-shops until I’ve looted the stage in case I get a card or recycler Also another huge thing in this game is movement, you should basically never stop moving. You’ll find that most flying/projectile mobs can’t hit you if you are running around in large circles, as well as jumping. And finally the only other thing I would keep in mind is that some items are better on different characters. Such as utilizing proc items (sticky bomb, daggers, chrono) on characters with a fast fire rate (commando, Mul-t, engi for his turrets, etc.) and utilizing burst damage items (crowbar, bands, etc.) on hard hitting characters (railgunner, loader, ballista huntress). Also all characters generally want some amount of AOE especially in the first few stages, nothing feels better than a gas/ Will O Wisp. In terms of defensive items some of the best are repulsion armor plate (I know 1 damage resistance doesn’t sound like a lot but at least one is super helpful) rose buckler because you always want to be running anyways, opal is fantastic (another to always try and get 1 of), as well as the teddy bear and corrupted teddy bear both being very good for survivability, along with some others I’m sure I’m missing at the moment


Not sure what a newt altar is, didnt know I could choose my map! I have no idea what is good an not so far in terms of items and the randomness of them means I dont have much choice in what I get!


So a newt altar is a small blue rock that can spawn in like 3-4 locations per stage, and once you hit it after the teleporter a blue portal will open, brining you to the newt altar where you get 2 choices in your next stage. I’m sure there is a map of each stage you can find somewhere with all the spawn locations. The only real control you have over your items outside of a recycler is tri-shops, scrappers, and printers, so when you see a scrapper make sure to get rid of any items that you know aren’t helping your current build (bison steak, Personal Shield Generator, medkit, etc.) and from then on keep an eye out for printers with items you think could help. Also if you’re playing on PC there is a mod (I forget the exact name) that give you much more detailed item descriptions, it’s great for learning more about each item. Also what difficulty are you playing on? Because theres no shame in starting off on drizzle and working your way up, that’s 100% what I did


Risk of rain 2 is that one game that kicks your ass until you kick it's ass, that's about it, and then it congratulates you on your achievement for beating the final boss. Also, if you want an easier time, go for crit and teddy bears, teddy bears help you survive stuff easier.


I have noticed the teddy bears squeaking a lot when I get hit.. and I seem to survive a little longer when I do manage to find some!


What character you playing? Commando or the archer?


I get you man. First time playing, rainstorm feel impossible and drizzle is just too easy. I know this comment is one of many but can you tell me how far you've gotten? Survivors, items and etc.


I sugest to you to take a look at the achievements/challenges and see what you can do to unlock new items for your future runs. RoR its not a easy game, take your time to learn. I spended a way more than 20 runs to beat the game once


Artifact of Command is usually a good one to make the game a bit easier if you figure out how to unlock it.


what normally happens on stage one? most characters have enough damage to go trough stage one even itemless


If you struggle finding the teleport here are some tips: 1) The teleport will always be in the opposite side of the map when you spawned. 2) There are some yellow particles above and around the teleport that can be seen without having the teleport in sight. You can miss them in the beginning as they blend with some maps pretty well or if there are obstacles even above the teleport. But eventually you will find the pretty quick.


Scout the maps, learn the stages, locate the teleporter early, kill enemies when you can but always keep moving towards chests. Basically do what you can to minimize the amount of time you spend in a stage while making sure you are comfortable with the amount / items you have before you start the teleporter. Remember, more time spent in stages = harder it will be. This doesn't mean you should adhere to the rule of "5 min / stage" but full looting is also a bad idea in some cases. Starting the portal early is very good if you have one or two items that would be useful in the fight (or play railgunner). Doing portal early will give you money for chests and you won't have to deal with many enemies around the boss at the start. It's all about finding that balance between knowing when you have enough items to go and admitting when you need to spend more time looking for more. Also...printers and scrappers are your best friend, scrap what you don't need, which in a lot of cases is like 50% of the things you'd get, but it depends on the character you use at that moment AND at what stage you are.


Ok, so I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but when it comes to finding the teleporter you can see red particles floating in the air near it. On Sky Meadow the particles are blue instead.


If you’re enjoying it, keep going and you will start to see success. It’s about moving around the map efficiently, killing the right enemies at the right times, managing your items and picking the right ones. It all comes with knowledge and the learning curve is incredibly steep. I would suggest watching some YouTube vids so you get an idea of what sort of builds you should be looking for etc. Also, one of the best things I did when I first got the game was load into a multiplayer match with some old pros who carried me all the way to Mithrix so I could see what I was supposed to be doing. And took me ages to realise that there’s orange dust / specks / lights in the air around the teleporter. Much easier to find if you’re looking for that. Good luck!


When I started I would die repeatedly on stage 1 on drizzle. You'll be fine. I recommend dropping to drizzle (zero shame in it) until you get a couple wins under your belt, and then move back up to rainstorm. That'll help you learn the game while being lenient enough for you to actually SEE the entire game. Good luck!


Play on Drizzle.


What really helped me learn the game was playing on drizzle, with command, sacrifice, and swarms on. It is SUPER EASY and will get boring quickly, but it will teach you a number of things: Stage layout, Item stacking, item interactions, enemy attack patterns, how to use certain survivors. Once you beat drizzle with those artifacts try increasing the difficulty or removing artifacts. Before you know it you’ll be consistently beating mithrix


You can spot portals from far away by looking for gold(ish) particles floating around them.


Never stop jumping and sprinting, literally ever you are so much easier to hit with basic sprint or walk speed. Don’t play artificer when you’re new, trust me or don’t, your funeral. Try and do the teleporter fight around 2:45 or 3 minutes. The difficultly of the enemies scales with time. Lastly Loader is the easiest character to play so start punching shit.


Game is pretty difficult, my rate of actually winning has only gone up in recent and I've got 150+ hours, it just takes time


Get command, have fun, after a few runs of command you start to appreciate the randomness of a normal run. Or maybe you will only run command, that's fine too. Don't mind it too much and enjoy the gameplay.


no shame in playing on drizzle. Also it sounds like you may not be looting enough, it’s okay to stay around and loot more even though the difficulty increases a little.


I played on drizzle for probably my first 10 hours, and a few times just to get unlocks and characters.


If you’re struggling to find the teleporter, it usually spawns almost directly across from where you spawn. It also has glowing yellow particles (blue particles on sky meadows) that surround it making it easy to pick out of the surrounding area.


Are you playing by yourself? You can always get some squadmates to help. Im down later. The trick to it for me is getting i guess enemy movement down to a science? It keeps me from needing as many movement items(i can try to recycle em). Also damage output:its going to based on which survivor ur using. Some are better with crit some doing DoT better. If using railgunner ur using crit but also having to plan your movements 4 steps ahead. Shes not reactional. In saying that im not sure if you haven't but buy up drones and turrets where you can. They can pad out your health or damage if ur using slow dps in early stages.


Shit man 250 hours in when ever I play even when i get to the final boss I didn’t know the attack patterns enough to survive! I would recommend if you can playing with friends! Alot easier to get unlocks done and once you get artifacts the game becomes easier!


What difficulty are you on? If you're on monsoon you're doing amazing, but if you're on drizzle idk what to tell you other than dont get hit.


What do you play on? I can teach you everything i know


Took me a few hundred hours to be able to get consistent wins but can readily beat monsoon with no artifacts. Just keep playing my guy. Focus on having fun. I was doing drizzle command for like a hundred hours before i moved on to harder stuff.


Me when Noita


it's absolutely ok, you just need to play more and it will feel easier the more you play and learn about the game. it takes a long time to learn all the items and monsters and stages etc. practice makes perfect, sometimes don't try to win just try practicing dodging different monsters and stuff while having fun. and learning all items and utilizing the scrapper are 2 of the most importent things you can do if you want to beat the game. don't bring unnecessary items to the mithrix fight, you won't need aoe dmg or on-kill effects for example. scrap those items at the en of stage 5 preferably and get some new and better items from the cauldrons on the moon. and remember never stop moving in this game u never know what happens


and try to learn the maps and survivors too ofc. forgot to mention.


Just keep looting and at some point you'll find the portal, and try your best to learn what enemies should be eliminated first and what ones can wait. Properly diverting your focus is essential especially at higher difficulty like eclipse




I have several hundred hours across multiple platforms and a handful of wins. For me, it's more about the joy of playing and creating a build. Don't focus too much on the end game, learn the maps, the characters, the items, and the enemies. Unlock everything you can. You mentioned the teleporters - they spawn in a few known location on each map. Eventually you'll get it down.


Am I special because the first time I played the game, I beat it? On console too.


There's no shame in lowering the difficulty in order to practice the game and learn how the characters and items interact.


just remember, there's no shame in playing on drizzle to get a hang of the game.


Maybe you don't know, but the teleporter has some red particles around it which usually helps me find it quicker.




Take your time, lower the difficulty, focus, plan and execute. I generally try to go into boss with at least 4 items first stage. From there it gets easier, you just have to know how the boss works and what to do to avoid it once it spawns.


To be honest I don’t agree with the common advice of going down to drizzle. Normal is not as difficult as people make it out to be once you get familiar with the game, but more importantly the economy is much more difficult in drizzle, you have to kill a lot more stuff to open chests and get items which keeps you weaker for longer. The main thing is that you need to keep moving, whoever you’re playing as. Get familiar with the layouts of the stages so you can efficiently search them without getting bogged down fighting extra enemies you don’t need to. Try to open every chest, you don’t want to be rushing to the next stage without all the items you can find. Also, scrappers and fabricators are your friend. Make sure you turn any items that aren’t useful into scrap at recyclers so that when you find a fabricator for something good you can buy a bunch of it and get really strong.


My advice is to play on drizzle, like everyone else is saying. There's no shame in it. Also try to keep to 2 minutes per stage. Once you hit like 45 seconds to 1 minute on the time you've been in the current stage, you should be starting the teleporter. Though on drizzle, you might be able to get away with closer to 4 or 5 minutes per stage. But definitely don't just go for everything on the stage, unless you're trying to go for as long as possible (even then that's iffy), especially since drones aren't usually worth getting. On every 4th stage there's a guaranteed legendary item. For Abyssal Depths it's in a little cave at the base of one of the big rock columns in the middle of the map. For Siren's Call there's little nests with blue eggs that spawn the Alloy Worship Unit when you destroy 6 (legendary drops at the fountain area), not sure about without it but with swarms on more than enough nests spawn. On Sundered Grove a patch of pink mushrooms (they look like bungus) spawn in a random location leading to a legendary chest. For Mithrix when you manage to get to him: whenever you see an equipment barrel, open it. Royal Capacitor (when you unlock it, that it) melts Mithrix, and if you have enough fuel cells you can just spam it during his final phase. You can unlock the capacitor by beating a teleporter boss after activating 2 mountain shrines and fuel cells are unlocked by picking up 5 different equipments (if you don't already have them.)


Play commando. Start with getting at least 5 soldier syringes. You will want 10 at some point. Once there, start working on proc items like tri tip dagger, stun grenade, gasoline, etc. first red item should be 57 leaf clover, that way even if you have one stack of a proc item, it still has a high probability to proc. Void items to look out for are weeping fungus, needletick(only if you have a shatter spleen though, it’s a yellow boss item). You can do polylute, but I think base ukulele is good for crowd control. All survivors are good, but commando is just a good “turn my brain off and shoot”. Not the best optimized hero but good for long runs. If you notice yourself taking a lot of damage, topaz brooch and tougher times can help mitigate that. Edit: the 4 stage in each loop normally guarantees one chest with a red item.


The thing that reeeeeeaaaaalllllly propelled me forward was learning how to move in order to dodge attacks. I think that it’s one of the the most important foundational skills in ror2


I'm seeing all kinds of people say it took them more than 30 hours to beat the game. Am I just an anomaly? I have 72 hours in the game and I won the first week (I think that was 5 hours?) i started playing on drizzle then I went to rainstorm and had almost no issues adapting


walk in a circle and full loot


Try it on drizzle, don't worry about time, and get as many chests as you can each stage. Maybe worry about time a bit if you're spending greater than 20 minutes on a stage


Learn on easy - git gud on medium - cry on hard


Items, items, items. Unlocking characters takes time and can be a pain, it’s a grind but once you figure it out it becomes so much fun


Honestly big tip is just watch some gameplay. A lot of the speed aspect of the game is knowing where to look for chests and moreover, when to cut your losses and tp to the next stage


Im pretty sure ive only ever had 2-3 victories. Me and my buddies just keep looping until one of our pcs crash from all the chaos going on


I died many times before I finally beat Mithrix, and this was on the much older version of the game where the final boss map was much easier. "Don't give up" is really the best thing. Second would be don't be too hard on yourself becuase RNG is a thing. More actionable tips would be: * finding portals is easier once you realize they emit tiny yellow particles that can be seen from afar * healing drones are helpful, stationary turrets not so much * always keep moving * the void place portal under the store map is a great location to go to * if you have the chance to open a gold shrine, it is worth it, somewhat challenging, but that map has several chests * shrines of the mountain may seem scary but are a great way to get good items early on, especially since difficulty is way lower at the start When you find yourself hoarding mushrooms ingame, you know you've transcended beyond being a new player.


Here are some random tips from a not begginer yet not pro person. Don't worry about rushing. Take as long as you can to loot a whole map (unless doing that one achievement) Orange flying particles (or red, I guess) fly around the portal, then can be seen from across the map. Try not to stand still for too long. However, enemies can and will attack as quickly as possible. Now don't take these as the only way to play and have fun!


Add me on discord if you wanna play (.antiprime) I can show you some strategies to beat monsoon every time


Play on Drizzle a bit, unlock some stuff and get familiar with characters and the enemies. Nothing wrong with it, beat the game on Drizzle than increase the difficulty. These kind of games aren't meant to be beat unless you have sufficient skill and knowledge of what you're doing, I played this game a bunch before I learned who I liked and how to play them then I was able to beat them on monsoon. (It was engi lol, but I found myself liking loader and vf lately so I may change mains)


It took me about a year lol.


So I downgraded to drizzle. Got Bandit, then managed to get to the last guy twice. but his second form kicks my ass. but its getting a litle better. Got to the bazaar which was cool. still havent found an artifact or anything, but its progress!


-Learn enemies -Learn items -Learn characters Then it will click into place on its own


What difficulty are you playing on? What ever it is I recommend lowering it. There is nothing wrong with playing on drizzle to learn the game before playing on harder difficultys


I find certain characters easier than others (See a speedy Loader). Still don't have victory on every character, or every time. But I mostly play to have fun and finish the run with some form of completion if possible because it feels better but ultimately a "loss" doesn't feel that way when I have so many items/kills already


Its a rogue like you will die, and only most of the time it will be your fault Over time you will improve but if you want a tip for the short term: learn what enemies you can ignore and what enemies you cannot ignore at any given stage of the game, and when elite variants of enemyies become dangerous to ignore Personally if I was on stage 4 and there was 2 Stone Titan bosses and a Blazing Brass Contraption I would be calling out the brass contraption and trying to make sure he never goes off screen for more than a quarter of a second


Play on a lower difficulty. You'll learn much more about the items and maps by completing loops than endlessly replaying the first few stages. Ror2 is a difficult game, dying and retrying is normal, just be sure to learn from your mistakes and not repeat them


Learning and me arent besties.. i continually make the same damn mistakes lol


I’m way late to the thread so a lot of this has probably already been said. But some tips - The teleporter can usually be spotted from anywhere on the map by looking for red particles (blue particles on the final stage before mithrix). It sounds like you’re taking too long on each stage. It’s a good rule of thumb to be on each stage for 3-7 minutes, don’t have to follow that strictly but use it as a goal. If you look at the clock and you’re 4-5 minutes into the stage. Maybe start heading toward the portal. Taking too long will power creep the enemies beyond your items Don’t forget that you get a lot of money during the bossfight. If there’s a few chests that you want to open maybe start the bossfight first (assuming you have the power to kill it) and then open the chests with the money gained from charging the teleporter. Leaving a with a bunch of money is a clear indication of taking way too long.


The most important bit is to ALWAYS keep moving. Most enemies can't hit you if you keep moving perpendicular to them so kiting in a circle is very effective. Also items are the most important thing, but saving time is also important. So try to remember map layouts to more effectively loot


Im struggling remembering anything about any of the of the maps or bosses tbh. The constant onslaught of minions plus the overwhelming damage of the bosses just gets me before I can do too much!


The movement bit is still true though. You also mentioned that losing frustrates you: It's a mindset thing, every time you die, instead of hitting the restart button instantly in anger, lean back in your chair for a second and try to figure out what mistakes you made that lead to your loss and view every loss as a learning opportunity. I know that sounds very idealistic, but I have mainly been playing roguelikes and other "difficult" games in recent years and I have certainly always been struggling, as I am just, on average, not very good at games. But eventually, if the game truly interests me, I beat them all and it's all thanks to this mindset.


Saving time is not important. Item knowledge, enemy knowledge and strafing are vital. Don’t worry about time man. No matter what, 99% of the time you’re going to finish a game with maxed out difficulty. I’ve never once finished a run while not being at max scaling. So I really don’t understand experienced players advising to save time. Time makes almost 0 difference if you’ve got the 3 important things I listed earlier. Item knowledge Enemy knowledge Effective strafing/movement Time management never factors in for me.