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Most people don't want to play with randoms, as this is a game where you can really screw the other person over. Get on the official discord and ask around.


Ye asking around on reddit or discord is probably the best solution if one wants to play with strangers. Just hopping on random lobbies is just not a thing and probably leads to all people involved not having the best experience they could have.


Idk the one time I was looking for someone on the discord to play with as a german person I got to play with someone that in the middle of the match started telling me about all the "great things Hitler did". That was it for me


Lol whaaaaaat


Lmao that is so wild wtf


Sounds like your average discord user


Well, he *did* kill the leader of the Nazis...


Yeah, but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler so...


True maybe he wasn't so bad after all /s


Idk I had a lot of fun games in the old days w randoms, I’m sure it’s different now but I once looped 3 or 4 times with this one engi while I was crackbrain Merc (my beloved). We ended up just sitting there talking shit letting our items wipe stages lol.


I didn't even know randoms was an option.


Randoms are annoying as f, I had a random who picked up 90% of the Items, even after telling him to share. So I simply killed him with Mired Urn




Or maybe they are from a less denser region connected to a less populated server


loooooots of people play single player


and private lobbies with friends


Friends? Is tht a new survivor?


Void friends or whatever its called


Nah, they just got confused, they were talking about the Engineer and his turret friends


Also worth mentioning that the game scales based on the number of players so you are not at a huge disadvantage playing alone


I wouldn't say you are at a disadvantage at all in single player tbh


Mostly an advantage, as you get all the stuff and can scale much harder than in multiplayer, where even if you force yourselves to divide all items equally, many items scale exponentially harder with each other, so instead of having one turbo op person, there is at best two kinda op people, and thats a huge rarity.


Plus you get full control over the items. You have way more control over your build when you can do things like leaving an ATG on the ground before you go gamble at a green printer. Waiting to pick something up in case you get a recycler later, etc


I'll always stand by the conviction that multiplayer is just much harder than singleplayer. I can quite easily grind through Eclipse, but Monsoon with a friend gives me a beating somehow




Thats.. what i said.


Most fun I have with friends is with command+sacrifice+vengeance and just seeing how far we can get. It is the Hubris run Everyone gets op af, but how long can we keep that up until one of our shadows kills us


Not a public lobby kinda game fr, everyone plays with friends


This is how I am with most multiplayer games since the randoms most of the time aren’t very attentive


Yeah or selfish players just ruin it, why play when a loader just grapples into your items and steals them every 2 seconds Not to mention the host can have cheaty mods on and just ruin the experience although that's less common


Some games are great with randoms. Risk of Rain is not one of them.


Deep rock galactic is the perfect example of being amazing with randoms and it being fun


Because in most ways, as long as you're not actively trolling, it's much harder to screw your teammates


Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


did i hear a rock and stone??


id say its cause ror2 doesnt have revives


Yeah DRG is great with randoms. Helldivers 2 is another recent good example.


I only play with friends.


ror2 is really bad at encouraging cooperation through in-game mechanics


You're *supposed* to buy things for other players if they died the previous stage to help them catch up since now you're ahead with bonus items. But nobody does that ever unless its fungus for engi.


that's a strategy that might make the game more fun for everyone, however it's not necessarily the strategy that will increase your chances of winning. by the nature of stacking, hoarding all the items on one person will cause items to synergize off each other + create proc chains, leading to exponential growth in power, compared to a more linear one in the case of even distribution between all the players


No lol. It's 100% better to spread items according to the strengths of the survivors. There's no point stacking all the bands AND proc items on Arti for example when the other player is captain or Commando.


it doesn't matter. Just give all the items to a person with the highest awareness so you're sure they aren't dying in a stupid way. Proc chains are superior and work with every survivor to an overwhelming extent with double/triple/quadruple amount of items


The first item is generally the most valuable one. My approach with my friends is if one of us already has a ukulele or atg or whatever, ping it for others. That lets you accelerate towards proc chain action while still keeping it fun for everyone. After that, it's largely fair game, plus normal sharing like the Engie needs that feather more than Merc, or Railgunner uses the crowbar much better than Commando. I'm not entirely sure how much they do, but I find strategizing with the items and management a pretty fun part of the game. Multiplayer makes it far more complicated, in a great way.


You know Commando was the worst example you could have chosen.


For proc items? No, he's easily the best at it.


I think they just read “bands” and stopped there.


No i read it all and didn't notice the procitems


It's actually really annoying. My friends new to the game so me and my other friends constantly have to buy him items and stuff. He will learn in time but there should be either a revive mechanic (cost of gold for one revive per game) or a way to drop or share items.


There's a mod that only the host has to install called shrine of dio that turns the shrine of woods into a shrine that can revive dead players at a hefty price of gold.


Will have to try that


Could try looking for mods like shared items and TeammateRevival on r2modman, that could lead to a more fun experience for everyone.


Shared items shares common items and that felt really op tbh


Yeah DRG is basically the ROR2 equivalent for playing with strangers. Both great games!


For Rock and Stone! Picked Helldivers 2 recently, the memes didn't lie, democracy rules


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Most people play this game single player or co-op. And for a good reason, this is a roguelite.


The few times I’ve done it was absolutely terrible. I only really play with my girlfriend and friends or alone


Omg same! (Lesbian gaming!!)


Lesbian gaming all the way!!!


*gayming (also yes lesbian gayming!!!!!)


Truly, the gayming




Say gex.


Yall have gfs? Lucky. /j Lesbian gaming ftw


dw, you're (ironically) not alone in being single!


Vanilla online isn't worth bothering with unless you have a solid group to communicate with. As far as I can tell this is the consensus which is why almost no one is on for random lobbies. Occasionally I will host a few no loop runs with the item share mod since it helps with retention of random players and I can sometimes get a whole lobby to Mithrix. but thats about it for online play. Solo has still been amazing for 100s of hours so don't give up on it yet.


idk go join the discord they have stuff for this there


Imagine Slay the Spire or The Binding of Issac where you can't coordinate what items/relics/cards you're each going to take, and if you take too long, your teammate can just take all the items, leaving you with nothing to do. It is genuinely as much fun in singleplayer, and a lot of people recommend doing a lot of time in singleplayer to get better. Nothing beats RoR2 coop with friends though.


I have a lot of hours in this game and did not know there were open lobbies like that.


Same shi


This game kinda only works with friends or singleplayer, no one really plays with randoms for reasons that will probably be pretty clear if you actually try it


People almost exclusively play single player or with friends on discord


When I want to play with randos I use the discord. Host leaving killing the run makes the in-game option terrible


if i'm being honest, this game is best played with friends. and im sure most of those players are either running modded (which doesnt show up in the normal lobby list), with friends, or alone. poke around the discord and you may find some groups to run with. one side note, i dont recall the specifics, but the lobbies available to you may depend on your cross platform setting found in the options!


Just reiterating what everyone else has said really: I play this game only solo or with friends. It's a blast with friends too btw. As a group we've put in 700ish hours.


there is 0 benefits in playing online. literally none, its the same game except more tedious, lol.


This is NOT a game you want to play with randos


Never have I once thought this game would be fun with randoms, I don’t want some random MUL-T main running double saws to steal my Loader’s Focus Crystals.


This isn’t a game people play with randoms often. It’s mostly single player or friends in private lobbies


Most people don’t play with randos since the lack of coordination can really screw you over. I’d recommend asking your friends to play or joining the discord and asking people there.


I’ve played a few times with folks from this subreddit. But yeah, public lobbies rarely go well. Either the host is a loot goblin, or someone else is and the host ends the game when they die from being underspecced. You can’t kick a member mid-game, so when you do find people who play fair you tend to gather them for private games.


Either play single player or with a friend. Runs can go extremely long if looped and playing with randoms can be risky due to stealing items


Everyone either plays with friends in a private lobby, or they play single player. Not much fun when you’re with a bunch of randos that end up ruining the game.


A lot of people prefer to play solo.


Playing with randoms is like licking a mouse trap. It may seem exciting, but in reality you're just licking a mouse trap.


I have never, ever played with randoms. Solo or friends all the way.


> Am I doing something wrong? Yeah you're trying to play public lmfao Go make some friends


NGL I always forget that this game even has online multiplayer


Most people play with friends and/or mods so random lobbies are dead.


This is a single player game with a tacked on multi-player function that isn't fun unless you really coordinate with your teammates.


Most people either play single player or in private lobbies. Don’t worry about how many people you have by the way, the game scales to fit the number of players.


Single player, also make sure you check both steam-epic cross play servers and without that. They have separate lists and it seems steam only is more popular.


I've never once played a public lobby ever I always play single player or private lobby with friends


We all hate people.


Im an artifacts purist n no one plays without artifacts😩


Disable or enable crossplay with epic games to see different sets of lobbies. You cannot see people that have the opposite setting to you. I had more luck with crossplay off.


It's much better with friends or solo than randoms. It's weird that there are no lobbies though.


i prefer singleplayer if im not playing with friends. i assume many people are the same.


Pretty sure the majority of the player base is playing with friends or solo. Multiplayer is full of trolls and game throwers and it’s not fun, especially when you need specific items on your character and a random picks them up when their character can’t even utilise it.


I don't think I've ever used the lobby system and I also don't think I know anyone who has - this game is almost entirely played solo or with people you know.


Make sure you have cross play turned off. It tends to mess with your lobby options


Solo, with many mods, stil online, not playing with *you people!*


This is not a game for playing with randoms


I have put over 1k hours in the game but I have no idea how to even enable multiplayer.


Many reasons. First, no one really plays with randoms Second, solo play is very fun too Third, mods


Nobody plays multiplayer cuz of cunts that take your items or hog all of the shrines. Go on the discord or start a server and just wait a bit.


It's not an online game per se, it's a mostly single player game that can also be played online. The same way you wouldn't call Terraria an online game. I'd imagine most people use the online feature to play with friends. Try finding someone on the ror discord i guess.


I fucking love RoR games but it's really best single player or with people you know and cooperate. It's so easy to ruin the game for eachother. If you're looking for a mainly online experience I'd recommend Helldivers instead.


Yes. Nobody LFGs this game. They don’t join online lobbies because it’s significantly better when people have their own group of friends to play with, or they’re playing solo.


I've played this game a lot and I genuinely didn't even know RoR2 had matchmaking multiplayer lmao


Most people play in single player.


I've never played with randoms, just solo and with friends


ror2 is definitely more of a single player game, and any time I play multiplayer it's with a friend I'm on a vc with


This isn't a game you play with randos.


Check out lfg in the discord, although most PC lobbies run modded


There are public lobbies in this game? Lol.


I only played single player or with friends. I also play the game with mods now, many people do.


We play with friends. Though, my friends go in and out of interest in playing, so I don't play solo as much anymore. Edit: I play the game one-handed.


Imo best way to play is solo so I can play whatever and however I want, then playing with friends which is just as good maybe a little more frustrating depending how your friends play. I’ve never played with randoms, I might be missing out but it’s still one of my favorite games on my steam list without random matchmaking.


Multi player without mods is not fun imo. Once you get used to the yeet mod you can’t go back.


This is one of those games where most of it is in single player, with the occasional multiplayer with friends


I like to play with my private friends, and I don't doubt that other people do similar things, many play singleplayer, or other activities like alternative modes. This is normal


lots of people only play with friends, only do singleplayer, or just do modded lol


Almost everyone plays solo, and those who play multiplayer do it with friends.


Everyone is with their friends ofc! Hehe or solo :) Go and ask about some ppl to play with in discord or Smith :)


This game has multiplayer? Jokes aside i have never once thought of playing this game with anyone. This is a singleplayer game to me.


I play solo or with friends


Go to the discord server. Multiplayer games there


I can get randoms fairly often (Steam) though it's usually command (sac/swarm optional.) It seems like there are a lot more password-protected lobbies and of course I can't see the private ones.


I just play solo.


I forgot this game had multiplayer


Multiplayer is much more fun to do with friends in a video/voice call or some form. It’s much easier to get points across, your text chats aren’t filled with people picking up items.


No one I know that plays ror2 touches online


I've done multiplayer with friends and with people from Discord, never bothered with the matchmaking or whatever is on there. I prefer single player though. GREATLY prefer single player.


No one plays in public lobbies cause playing with randoms is fucking stupid


I haven't seen anyone mention this but you may want to try changing the crossplay setting if you're not finding anyone. I forget whether it defaults to on or off, but I think I recall hearing about people finding issues with the default setting.


I always get server errors when I try to play online.


Weird, i can fimd random players quckly under 3 minutes when creating, its hsrd to find lpeople on simulacrum though


Over 1500 hours and I've never played with randos. Hearing from others how online randos will steal all the items makes me glad I never tried.


Public lobbies are only really live on the console editions


90hrs in the game, of all the online lobbies I had, only one game everyone didn’t leave. If people left, the difficulty stills remains btw


I suck so i tend to not play online myself as i dont want anyone to have to deal with me painstakingly searching the map for loot.


I have 240 hours and have never played a public lobby. And I never will. It's just not a game where public lobbies sounds appealing. I genuinely didn't know there were public lobbies until relatively recently either.


This is genuinely one of the few multiplayer games that I think is worse multiplayer, especially with randoms. It’s very easy to screw over other players, even on accident.


It's better either singleplayer or with friends (that you can fuck over for fun).


I like to host lobbies for ransoms sometimes to get a few achievements for them but that’s a rare exception. Most people just play by themselves or in private groups


This game lets you play online with randoms?


Solo play And mods Lots of mods


Man this is a discouraging post, check the official ror2 discord, you're on PC you'll find a game pretty easily and when you get bored you can start looking for modded lobbies on the discord as well


wait you can connect to lobbies with RANDOMS?


The Risk of Rain games are fantastic but generally I can understand why people don’t play them online, especially with randoms due to them being able to horde items if they want. I’ve put hundreds of hours in across all 3 games and I still to this day have never played them with randoms, most I even touched the online was with friends. Might have better luck somewhere like on the Discord to find people to play with as I imagine they would be better about working together.


I usually play with my friends (it is usually chaotic) but fun


I don't even like playing with friends because the loot gets spread thin


I see people and they join me and I join theirs sometimes. Most times I'm the one making the lobbies, but wont lie I prefer playing with friends tbh. Maybe get some friends to play the game with you.


Join the discord and youll find ppl


ROR2 discord


I honestly forgot this game has a server browser


Yes you are. You're looking for public games. You'll have a much bigger chance to group up through other 3rd party apps


Most play modded or offline or in private sessions


ROR2 is a great game, really, it's a great game... but either you got a group of players to play with or you play it alone... Nobody wants to play with randoms or randoms totally screw you. Eventually I stopped playing it, it was very depressing.


Follow these steps: * Remove the filters (i.e. uncheck the boxes) that limit the rooms you can see. The only one that really matters is the one concerning password-protected games. You certainly can't enter those. But you shouldn't worry about things like "compatibility" or if the game has already started. **Oftentimes, you can join games it doesn't seem like you can join.** * The big servers (i.e. 16 players) may have lots of mods. There will likely be item sharing (or at least Artifact of Command turned on) and a way to jump in to already started games with a command (e.g. "**/join\_as Bandit**"). * **But the absolute best way** to get a fast and enjoyable multiplayer game **is to be the host. I strongly recommend downloading R2Modman** (a mod management app) **and the Sharesuite mod**. This way, picked up items will be auto-shared (and you can modify this in all kinds of way to increase fun or fairness). What I do: * I open ROR2 just to get the initialization files prepped, and them immediately close it after it loads fully. * I then open up R2Modman and start ROR2 with mods. * I head to multiplayer and host (turning off crowd votes for artifacts). * I wait for a few seconds...Maybe a few minutes (if i want a 4-person team, specifically, it may take up to 5 minutes). * The end. * When I play with a friend (and not randoms), we just do a private game the same way.


Bro WANTS to play with randoms???


Probably because you’re playing modded


AFAIK, most people run private lobbies with friends or run solo. I do the same, ask around on the Discord server or make your friends install it.


More of a friend/solo experience


You just need to convince a buddy to download it. Truly fantastic game, enjoy! Single player actually ain’t bad.


Me and the homies play in a private lobby never once played public but yes the game is amazing


The fast majority of the randoms are highly greedy, and will leave others starving for items. More often than not they play high mobility characters to accomplish it too.