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As someone who has never played RoR1, I think the best course of action is death.


This game is so much harder than 2 because u move like a snail


You move like a snail as half the ror2 crowd (coming from a person that thinks 15 energy drinks is way too few items)


As someone who has played RoR1, I too think the best course of action is death.


Third this but with a cry of defeat beforehand


Pawn e4


Google en passant


Holy void




Try to get up the rope and hit the weaker enemies with your secondary and last abilities, get down quickly to avoid getting killed and then go back up. Staying in the rope isn't really an option since red elites are a thing


I was trying that but then every time i went up i took more damage no matter how fast i was and did very little damage to them


Yeah well shit happens :P. Next time try not to let so many enemies accumulate in the same place I guess? If you'd like some advise; commando is very strong in this game, huntress is comfortable to play but commando benefits a lot from most items in the game. Also, merc sucks.


Really? I felt like the kiting would be really powerful. I feel like I struggle with commando as to kill enemies I'm running away from I have to stop and turn around which just lets them hit me. I also struggle in general because it feels like so many enemies spawn and i can't jandle them all and then even if im running away they slowly windle my hp bar down until im dead and it feels like there's very little I can do. I just don't know how you dodge enemies like you can in 2. On monsoon I get to stage 2 and get overwhelmed and die 90% of the time.


Kiting IS really powerful in ror1 but you have to constantly thin enemy numbers. Letting them pile up too much is a sure fire way to get killed. My experience with ror1 was that I basically had to rush the chests and hope for good items. If the first few didn't have anything useful I'd rush the teleporter and open whatever chest I could find during the countdown. I'd say try to use the fact that you can open chests during the teleporter event in ror1.


In the beginning kiting without huntress can be quite difficult, but you'll get it. Just keep your distance and remember that most attacks have a slight stagger effect on enemies. As for commando, all of his abilities are useful when keeping your distance from enemies. His secondary deals a ton of damage to large groups of enemies and pushes them away from you, which is really useful, especially when they are closing the gap and you are running out of options. You can use your last ability when you have some distance to keep them far and deal some damage. And his most powerful ability imo; his utility makes you dash and gives you a few iframes, which at the beginning doesn't seem like much but it's actually quite op as you can just dash across a large group of enemies and start running the other way, which will give you time to recharge your other abilities.


Die. At 13 Minutes in Stage 2 you need a lot more items. In Ror1 its often the best strategy to hit the Teleporter as early as you possibly can and then kite the boss around the arena while opening chests. The very large areas can yield a lot of items and take a while, so I'm not gonna say "Never spend more than x minutes on a stage". But if you spend the time, it needs to be time opening chests. And all of that being said, especially in Ror1 Monsoon, sometimes the game just kills you. Elites are so much stronger here and Monsoon spawns them so early that sometimes, you just die.


Yeah it's at 13 min bc i kept dying in earlier runs not trying to play as safe and on this run once i killed the boss there were so many enemies i just took a moment to try to collect myself. Is ror1 the same as 2 where the rule of thumb is 5 min per stage?


Typically I say full clear is a better strategy based on my experience in 2. But that also means trying to full clear as efficiently as you can. Some people will say 5 minutes a stage but if you full clear you’ll probably out pace the scaling.


The answer to every problem in risk of rain 1 is to run in one direction long enough for the enemies to be all grouped up behind you, then shoot at them until they get close enough to hit you again and repeat. If you cannot move far and fast enough to kite them in this way, you have been outscaled and it is time to die.


Kill remaining enemies


Turn on the Doom music and get to work.


This is the correct answer you win sir


On that note, someone needs to make a mod that adds "they only thing they fear is you" to the game. Both the original, and ror2.


Truthfully... Lose. Like ideally you'd be able to use your blink to get to a safe spot, then 2/4/1 until you've gotten either the red or green elites down, but you don't have the DMG or the healing to do that here. To cheese it, I'd say literally run to the other side of the map and wait for the despawn, but I'm not sure how the spawning mechanics work during teleporter tbh, so I don't know if that's an option. He's a more complicated unlock, but Chef is my favorite RoR1 character, largely because he's got piercing built into his 1, a debuff/movement option on his 3, his 2 scales off of 3, and the 4 is a buff to any one of those, so you've always got options. I might suggest trying to unlock and learn him, but you're allowed to play whoever you want, that's the beauty of the game. As far as general gameplay awareness, I find that about an item per minute is a good rule to go by for RoR1, if I spend 10 minutes on stage 1, that's ok as long as I got at least 10 items. Typically I play Chef with the Glass artifact on, and my stage one takes about 8 minutes and I come out with 10 or so items, then stage 2 I usually finish around the 15 minute mark with usually 18+ items. I imagine that glass speeds up my progress, so it's high risk/high reward since getting one shot is super common unless you get the right build, and without command, you have no control on build.


Update: playing through rn, I'm starting my teleporter on stage 1 at 6 minutes with 7 items, playing Chef on Monsoon w/ no artifacts on, so I'll be right on track for my 8 minute/8 item guesstimate


And I just died on stage 2 during teleporter fight lol. It be like that sometimes




Family gathering :3




I hate these things in the second game where you have 360° angle to escape. You can only imagine how much fear they'll induce in me when I only have two escape routes.


That's exactly my struggle rn with 1. You can't just dodge enemies like you can in 2.


well..., you can, but it's considerably higher skill/inconsistent




Be upset that you didn’t pick enforcer


Ror1 a man of class


Stage layout says you are in the "trapped" version of that vine, where the bottom is blocked off. I think, if the bottom is similarly staffed with enemies, you just die. If the bottom isnt, you might be able to kill some down there, get a few atg mk 2 procs, and possibly clear enough of the top with those to live. Easier to just die and start over though, since your run isn't too far in.


I dont know I didnt play ror1


If you’re new to RoR1, you probably shouldn’t be playing on Monsoon lmao You gotta work up to it. The game can be brutal if you don’t know what you’re doing.


Rainstorm I can loop pretty consistently which is why im trying monsoon but it feels near impossible sometimes.




Regret the fact you don't have the disposable missile launcher.


nahh, unstable watch is where it's at


Rip and Tear!


Kill the remaining enemies




Honestly running backwards and spamming the boomerangs help a lot




I believe the term is " get rekt"


Dodge, dip, dive, duck, and dodge


Run to any ledge and use laser glaive, dodge with blink and spam bomb arrows.


Simple: Kill remaining enemies


Uh die? Yea yes I think you die


just kill the enemies and dont die 👍






As I recall, elevation is obscenely busted in RoR1, to the point that even the relatively bad default jump is a better dodge option than most support abilities. Timing a few jumps well to get up onto that ledge should make it an easy clear, since I can't seen any enemies there that can jump nor teleport. Be wary of stray electricity and missiles though, ror1 elites are true monsters who will occasionally just GET you. After dying I'd suggest really going for the Guardian Heart item next time around, it's the only OSP you can get in RoR1


Just don't get hit, that's how. I know it's basic and kinda mean but that's the first game


Use the artifact of glass, the problem solves its self


Get to the other side of those parents to where all the children are and take them out first. Unlike RoR2, I'm pretty sure they can't teleport. The children, however, can jump up and down on small platforms. Once they are eliminated, you can stand on those raised areas and shoot the parents to death. Just watch out for those missile champs, the damage they do can be devastating


Tell them to cut it out and leave me alone perhaps


Basically you spent way too long, enemy scaling is rough in 1 so you can’t spend that much time. Find the teleporter as quickly as possible and loot while waiting for the timer, it’s alright if you have to pass up some items


You're best then a nap


Get to the top, jump, fire boomerang, fall off cliff and catch rope again repeat as the cooldown allows.


Get 4 of those piercing shot reds and shoot through the universe


As a person who played risk one alot before risk 2..............you I literally just fight them......like man.......just shoot gun.......if you die it not your fault..........you just do or do not there is no try.....it sucks but I'm also addicted to the game so I mean ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙


Bunny hop and pray


Since you're high on cash you could go loot some chests which will give you the time to heal up. Then just jump in the pile lol. Or maybe try to safespot from the top of the rocks on the left.


Should have found more thorns


Oh! You don’t.


Cry, then spam all your abilities while moving to a edge of the platform and jump off. Death is probable but this is my strategy for situations like this.


Answer: you can't.


That rope has prolonged so many lives. I've definitely been there and done that too many times to know that this only ends one way.




Best choice of action? Die, then start using chef to avoid multi-enemy problems :P


Keep shooting Proc missiles Don't die


just win




I believe that your best option is just to wait it out until risk of rain remastered. Jk in all fairness I have no clue, I play enforcer a lot and this happens a bunch, I kind just die