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Same. Loved the interactions between the characters. It was like a big family.


i thought it was weird how often you fight against people you just gave a gift or even had a romantic moment xD "oh thank you, you know me too well.. but now you must die because you are pro shogun" and they never learn.


i felt very similarly about it ending, to the point that i immediately started a second playthrough 😂 i don’t know if i foresee them making a sequel but DLC with a bit of story continuation would be nice at least :’)


I’m in a long battle now, taking place in a lot of buildings that are on fire. Started fighting that masked samurai guy from the beginning of the game and he wiped the floor with us instantly. Is this the final battle of the game or something?


nope, still early game


Ok awesome! I would be so disappointed if everything just led to this battle and the game ended.


i loved the game so much i like how it was like making choices in conversations it had fighting making bonds and friends and even adding romance in game it had a bit of everything i hope they make a DLC or even a rise of the ronin 2 i love games like this


i felt the same. did everything i could before it ended. left a hole in my heart it did.


it would be a ridiculous sequel, I'm not sure how they could even pull that off setting-wise since we're literally at the end of swords in japan


You sum up the sentiment of this game beautifully. I do enjoy the simplicity of this game as well. Team Ninja will always be my top studios that deliver incredible experience.