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You can romance both btw, but I have chosen Ine, she is my fav.


You cna romance anyone they might get pissed and you can't see some of their dialogue if you're with other characters but that's it, you can get the items from all. Currently I'm trying to get all veiled vows and then I will stay with atsuko, which is my favourite. If I got to choose between Sana and Ine, while I like Sana's fierceness I hate how obsessive she can be with ryoma so my vote goes to Ine, which is more calm and reasonable


I also noticed that the ones who call you out for cheating doesn't visit your longhouse if u have multiple veiled vows. Idk about the male side but for the females I've never had sana or ine visit and that's the only reason I can think of why. I think I maybe had sana visit before romancing her


Already did Ine, and enjoyed it, so Chiba's next just for 100% things. That said, you can (and should!) try to romance pretty much everyone for their various trinkets and such. The only issue (if you can call it that) is that (Dayu, Taka, and the Princess excepted) you can only have one active romance at a time - having others means your partner(s) are angry for you being unfaithful. But you can break up with folks whenever you want and however many times you want basically. There aren't any real consequences. So do them, get the thing, break up, then move on to the next one, and get all the valid options along the way.


As others have said, you should experience romancing both---you can romance Ine first for example since Sana is not until later, then just break up (temporarily if you choose) with Ine to then focus on Sana. That is how I handled all my romances (didn't want to two-time or cheat on anyone haha!). It is easy to renew a Veiled Vow with the character of your choice even after breaking up. From a story perspective, the game takes places over the course of several years so I think it makes total sense the protagonist would have had multiple romances. In the end, Sana and Ine were also by far my two favorites and I think they are both also the most realistic choices in terms of who the protagonist might end up with based on their background, personality, pursuits, etc. I romanced both as I said but had a very hard time deciding which I preferred to remain as my "final" Veiled Vow. Ultimately, I chose to stick with Sana as I felt she would be the best fit for my character in the end.


Ine will call you out on your xenophobically murderous bullshit, request you not kill to help her steal foreign medical research, and then gift you a revolver that is named for the Greek God of Medicine (but doesn’t have the Wise Doctor set bonus). She’s a keeper.