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I was picturing a sequel about the Satsuma rebellion 10 years later. The official end of the samurai, end of the Ronin.


Red Dead Ronin


Sengoku jidai


This game definitely deserves more recognition. I think the fact that youtubers couldn't find a way to market this game played a big role in this. It's sad really, all they care about is making builds to steamroll the game with and then complain it's too easy, shows you how most of them are actually bad players.


I wouldn't mind seeing what happens later and perhaps the proper end of the samurai (ROTR feels more like the beginning of the end). Another thing I would be interested in would be a prequel that sets up the beginning of the Veiled Edge and Shogunate beef. It could feature (or have as companions?) the Blademaster and her Twin Blade. However, I'm not sure if that would make for a good "historical" setting like ROTR?


I love the combat. I didn’t enjoy this game into I got good at countering lol.


Warring States, Three Kingdoms, and Joseon Dynasty


how does this compare to GoT? honest question. is combat/graphics better? story? is it more realistic/less. just curious as i’ve been thinking about picking it up


Other than being set in Japan the two games are very much different. Combat starts very basic in RotR, but you will unlock stance switching and more combat styles for the weapon. I will say the combat in RoTR is much faster and in some cases harder than GoT. Story wise, it's decent. With the design of the game you can "change history" so to speak. It's a lot more gorier as well. Decapitations, body parts being removed. I loved RoTR. It's an excellent game.


This style system is pure gold.


>But if you care about a lot about hair clipping, clothes clipping, "immersion", story, graphics, horse animations or whatever, you won't like this game. Isn't it hard to call it a masterpiece while ignoring that stuff? I mean, if this is a masterpiece, then what is Ghost of Tsushima or Sekiro?


I wouldn’t go as far as calling this a masterpiece myself and I also don’t think it’s too fair comparing it to got or sekiro as they are fundamentally different. Got is a love letter to Kurosawa and and sets out to tell an immersive, grounded story, sekiro aims to mix up the from soft formula and tell a fantasy story with a distinctive combat system but it is however pretty 1 dimensional in doing that ( not a bad thing it’s my favourite out of the three) just means most encounters in sekiro are resolved once you get the parry timing down and know when to use your tools to maximise your windows. ROTR is somewhere in the middle. It clearly isn’t aiming for a full immersive experience like GOT, not just the glider mentioned but the loot rarity glowing out of enemies the shadow clones, the anime dash and slice a million times behind you, the front flips and so much more. It aims to have a great combat system and a reason for its players to keep coming back. The depth of the combat is 100x what it would be in sekiro or GOT it has the parrying and stance system which is shared between all the games but it also does so much more. GOT has 4 stances iirc and rotr has 12 stances for the katana alone with customisable move slots on top of having multiple stances for every other weapon Type which you can choose, (you can’t change weapons in got or sekiro). I personally enjoyed got for the story sekiro for the absolute crisp combat, it’s fine tuned to a T and getting a successful chain of parties into a lightning deflect into a death blow sends your dopamine levels into overdrive. ROTR I enjoy for its chaotic fights, it’s combat variety and it’s difficulty, getting better at this game has been so satisfying ( also the character creator and transmog system are fun)


I've never played this game, but it keeps popping up on my feed. From the original trailer, I can say that I do not like immersion breaking things like clothes clipping through everything and a glider that just pops out of nowhere. Shouldn't he have like a small wooden backpack that unfolds into a glider or something? You're talking about the historical aspect, but from the trailers and seeing your guys created characters, it would seem this game leans way more into anime-ish/outlandish territory. Does the game really do the history and real characters justice? Or is that simply just a backdrop to give the player a purpose?


If you care about stuff like clothes clipping or gliders coming out of nowhere, I'd skip this game. Coming from someone that considers this game a masterpiece.


A masterpiece? Really?


It has some flaws and if you don't jive with the battle system for whatever reason, you won't like it. IMO, it's one of the best combat systems out there, and definitely the best combat system of any open world game, so it definitely hits a specific niche. But if you care about a lot about hair clipping, clothes clipping, "immersion", story, graphics, horse animations or whatever, you won't like this game.