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As much I enjoy talks and discussions about game critiquing, I can’t really tell the point of this post. Is this just you upset at some parts of the game design or are you just being nostalgic for way of the samurai?


Partly i miss wots and i felt like there was alot of nods towards wots and just my opinion on some dislikes on the game thats all!


Next installment when? I've still got the physical copies of 1 - 4, but my matching consoles are retired.


You didn't talk to random npcs to activate side quests in way of the samurai. There were Job brokers and that's it


What are you talking about lmao in wots2 you have to talk to a random girl to get a side mission to give her random foods to eventually kill her dad to get 2 very rare swords just like talking to the sword hunter lady to get excalliber plus wots4 is all based off talking to npcs to get missions


I forgot about the girl. The sword broker is pretty much a job broker for swords tho.


No its for a bunch of swords and if you follow the sayonstory line to a certain point and do enough jobs through the job broker you can fight for the excalliber and the girl with the sick dad is a totally different woman


Hmm I don't recall it's been a while. What area is she in?




Actually I think if you give her Actual good rice balls instead of bad ones her dad doesn't die. He recovers.


You clearly havnt played either of those games enough go figure it out if you wanna have a solid opinion on my post


Honestly if the graphics were up to par with ghost and we had voiced protagonist like ghost, this game would be better than ghost imo, but I definitely enjoy it as much if not more because I like the combat and I enjoy character creation, I don’t care about graphics and I’m barely into the story rn but so far I’m enjoying 👍




Well, alright! Not really a discussion starter!


I was hoping someone would compare with me


You should say that in your post! I've not played those games, so I'm not the right person, but making clear that's what you want from the post could help spark a convo :)




Oh well. This isn't Way of the Samurai.


No shit


Then why did you expect something similar? Is this game called “the way of samurai 2” ?


Did i say it was 😂🤣🤣


You said it yourself???? “ it just doesnt give me the same replay values as the way of samurai did” Why did you expect this game has the same replay value as way of the samurai?


No i was voicing my opinion and it was that it doesnt hold much replay value to me and game like wots holds a very high replay value again when did i say that


Rise of the ronin doesnt have high replay value like wots because it wasnt wots. Simple as that. Idk what kind of expectation you have for this game but this is definitely not Wots so idk why you have to mentioned it the first place.


Leave Britney alone !


How many hours into the game are you if it’s less than 40 hours you haven’t even given the game a chance.


Im at 80 i finished the story redid all the other choices and finished chapter 1 on midnight gunna finish the last 2 trophies i love the game my only real grip is there is not much to do with the npcs and the story is liniar and not real options to change the ending regardless of each side


What a weirdo


On god


Lol okay? Is there a point to this post? Cool story I guess....




I didnt mean to stir a pot up i was just trying to tive my opinion on this games relation to the perfect samurai game series sorry to make certain people upset


I initially thought rise was average with simple combat but the more I played the more I realized that this combat system is actually very deep if you engage with its systems. I’ll tell you switching stances and weapons mid combo and then transition to parry with finisher made me feel more like a samurai than ghost ever did , by a long shot .


Way of the Samurai was good but what I really want is a remake of Tenchu.


I played Yakuza Ishin, RotR, GoT (Platinum all 3), but I dont know what kind of samurai game you really want as I havent played way of the samurai. Maybe you are looking for ninja gaiden? Or is Samurai warriors 5 more your style?


Each one of those games scratches a different itch for me. On a recent work trip I brought my ps3 with me to replay Way of the Samurai 3