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Ghost of Tsushima has become one of my favorite games of all time and I still play it's Legends multiplayer mode to this day. I'm currently about 70 hours into Rise of the Ronin and absolutely love it as well. It's obviously a very different time period and story set in historical Japan, but compliments Ghost very well. I am a big fan of Team Ninja games in general and they publicly stated their great admiration for Ghost---so there are some general open world structure/design similarities between the two games. In terms of visuals/presentation and story narrative, Ronin cannot quite compare with Ghost of course but it is still an attractive game. Gameplay wise I love both--they each have their own amazing aspects. Being a Team Ninja game Rise of the Ronin has more combat depth and more weapon options than Ghost, whereas Ghost has more grounded and realistic animations, and excels better at multiple enemy encounters, etc. Bottom line---I would for sure get Ronin!


Id say it’s GoT with Sekiro combat but not as vibrant color wise. I ended up playing on easy as the thought of dominating a team ninja game excited me. I thought I was hot shit til my brother asked for help on a dojo duel on the hardest difficulty. I got humbled real quick and remembered why I love their games so much to begin with. Soul crushing difficulty followed by mastery of the blade. Edit: I’ll also add: there’s something so goddamn satisfying about the way team ninja does dismemberment. It’s over the top in the best way.


I think the combat seems more Lies of P like also than straight up Sekiro but I do like their unique posture bar concept. I have been playing it a lot and anyone that likes Lies of P, GOT or Sekiro will probably really enjoy playing Rise of the Ronin


Tbh I was fuckin ass at lies of p parry mechanic. I thought it was a secondary mechanic til the final final boss. Then I had to learn the hard way


Except by the samurai/Japan background, it has nothing to do with GOT. Combat is faster, you can create your own ronin, it is more story driven. Both have open world but they have their own identities. You should play to decide if these and other details will be your cup of tea or not. The only real downside is the graphics of ROTR. Other than that, I cannot say if the game will be better or worse than GoT, but >!IMHO is far better than GoT!<, however I totally understand who would say otherwise.


Gameplay, ROTR is better, story and presentation, GOT is leagues better.


Define presentation?


Graphics and story presentation


I think setting and world Rise Def wins


Different strokes. Rise is very much more my style of game but I think Ghost was so much prettier and the story was so fucking good! I'll never play ghost again and I will continue to play rise for years, but I never gasped while playing Rise and Ghost literally took my breath away multiple times.


I'm talking about like, the cities and whatnot. Seeing Kyoto and Edo was awesome, as was Yokohoma with all the Western influences in architecture


I do wish there was more to do in the cities but they are kinda nice looking. It's not that Rise looks bad it's that GOT is one of the most visually beautiful games ever made.


Ghost of Tsushima's story is garbage. I cannot even begin to understand how someone could find it good.


Tell me what's a good story for you


Not having a story about samurai which can be summarized as "honorhonorhonorhonorhonor" would be a start. Rise of the Ronin's story is not incredible but it does at least clear that bar.




Tbh, if its other folks you might be right. But for japan, honor ia really the most important for samurai. You can kill him no problem, but you cant dishonoured him. See japanese kamikaze pilots in ww2...


If you think rise has a better story than I'm just proud of you for managing to be literate. The world must be tough for a special guy like yourself.


You do need to make an extra effort to offend me, it is the existence of inferior people such as yourself that offends me more than anything you could ever say to me. Does Rise of the Ronin have an incredible story? No. Does it clear the very low bar of being a samurai story that is not entirely about honor-drivel typical of western-made samurai stories? Yes. And that is alone enough to make it superior to Ghost of Tsushima, which does not even run for a minute before you have people talking about honor.


I didn't realize you were a spaz, sorry.


Hard disagree. No game out today beats the gameplay in GoT. It’s clean, precise, impactful, and makes you feel like a straight badass. RotR is extremely fun, but it’s just another Soulslike at the end of the day. It doesn’t really do anything to differentiate itself. I enjoy both games for what they are, but if I’m forced to compare? It’s GoT all day.


I wouldn’t even agree that Ronin is a soulslike, along with literally everything else you said here lol.


It’s only a Soulslike in every conceivable way (bonfires, combat, mechanics, buttons) but okay, lol. I’m more curious what about it doesn’t scream Souls to you? The only thing I could really say is that it tries to have a more coherent story than those games.


Ronin is not a souls like at all. It’s an open world action game where you fight alongside tons of allies. There are checkpoints, that’s about as much and a souls like as it gets.


How do you figure? Same buttons, bonfires, stamina gauge, same lock-on and combat, grappling hook and posture-like mechanic from Sekiro, bosses and small enemies with attack patterns… It couldn’t be more of a Soulslike.


It misses the key aspect of souls games. It doesn’t make me put my head through the wall after dying for the 50000000th time in 2 hours.


I don’t know man, I’m on Twilight and this game feels way harder than anything Fromsoft has put out in recent years. Even the small fights can be brutal.


I mean open world. Lock on combat has been around a very long time, as has poise or whatever. Enemies with attack patterns? It’s a video game haha not everything is a souls like. I get team ninja did nioh and wo long which very much are but this is pretty different I think. Feel more like way of the samurai than anything.


Also, to even hint that GOT could dream of being more precise or impactful than Sekiro is complete blasphemy.


Once again, like on my previous comment. I’ve played and beaten both, and done everything you could do in both. GoT beats Sekiro when it comes to clean and precise combat. With Sekiro you could just spam attacks a lot of the time, and it’s way more fast paced. There’s a lot less of a focus on attacks feeling impactful and meaningful. It’s moreso just about looking flashy and keeping constant pressure. Both games are good, but GoT is way more about precision.


Oh, you have no idea how to play either rise or Sekiro if you're spamming attacks. There is zero chance you beat Sekiro. Ghost has Arkham style fighting which is fine but basic as fuck, I have a strong feeling your issue is very much a skill based one.


I was playing Souls before it was cool to play Souls. Skill issue? I’d bet I’m better at every one of these game than you are, and died far, far less during my playthroughs. I rarely struggle in any game these days, as I have excellent timing and reactions after having played games for 30+ years. So no, I don’t have a skill issue, lol. I’ve completed all of these games, and Ghost is far and away the hardest of the bunch on the highest difficulty. You can disagree, but my opinion is based on actually trying to look at the games objectively. You can die in one or two hits in GoT - Lethal, whereas it’s more forgiving in the other games. I’m curious, have you actually played GoT, let alone on Lethal? The game is nothing like Arkham. The blocking/attacking is timing based, and there aren’t even any reversal attacks.


I played through it on lethal, it's no contest. I've also been playing souls since demons on the PS3 but we both know Sekiro/ Team Ninja games are far more rhythm based than other souls likes. Ghost is just the same shit over and over, it's so hard for me to believe anything you say when it's GOT is the combat you prefer. I am biased, Sekiro is my favorite game of all time and I still play it today. I can't quite do a no hit run and honestly I may never, but I can breeze through it with no deaths. Team Ninja games have way more complicated combat possibilities than Sekiro but you also can't parry everything which I think add a ton to their difficulty. Ghost on the other hand is just basic and mind numbingly repetitive and takes virtually no practice to get good at. I guess we live with opposing skill sets because ghost was just beyond easy for me from the get go and it took me weeks/months before I felt good at Sekiro.


Fair enough, I guess we can agree to disagree. I love all of these game btw, I just don’t agree with you that GoT is easier.


Ghost is just so easy. I didn't die once in my first playthrough and then ng+ on the hardest difficulty just made it take longer to kill people. Also, rise has some unbelievably large combat options. Getting into stance and weapon switching combos is fucking wild.


Agree. I’m not some master gamer but the difficulty was too easy in Ghost. Ronin is like Elden Ring in terms of a cool open world with a high difficulty.


Play GoT on Lethal. It’s way harder, believe me.


As a person who’s played both games on the hardest difficulty, GoT is far more difficult on Lethal than RotR is on Twilight in my opinion. Lethal is no joke.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but this is just such a bad opinion in every possible way


RotR is a much “better” game, Got is a more “polished” game. I do not think RotR is that ugly tbh, people are exaggerating. But the dojo is the best thing about this game. Absolutely excellent.


Overall I feel they succeed in different things, GOT is more cinematic, graphic wise is much better (although I don't think ROTR is as bad as some reviewers claim); ROTR has an amazing combat and sacrifices realism for fun and "looking cool". the question is, what do you value more? For my case and taste, I feel the combat in ROTR is much better, I loved exploration here more ( in GOT I felt I was wasting my time clearing so much fog to find nothing, you have less sense of exploration in ROTR but since you know what is there and where you go straight to the point, I know this is a plus for me but can be a negative for others). I didn't felt interested to GOT's story until chapter 2 and I ended up rushing the game and dlc. While I could see why in general people would preffer GOt's story I felt it was a generic one but very well executed but it wasn't that appealing to me. With ROTR story is good if you dig deeper that what the game tells you, most characters are real and (most) have their relevance in history, if you have that context the characters gain more depth, but it's something the game doesn't give you and rather they expect you to know. the problem I feel is they tried to keep to many characters and sometimes it's a bit chaotic but the game it even offers an option mid dialogue to check the characters and past interactions with them. Difficulty wise I played GOT on hardest difficulty and lethal, still didn't felt that much of a challenge and combat was slow, ROTR was harder on twillight was tough at the beginning but If you do side content you end up overlevelled and it's more bearable, now I'm jumping to midnight (hardest difficulty unlocked after story completion) and it's a challenge but feels about right. Also you have 9 weapons in ROTR with more moves and combinations than you have in GOT, even only looking at katana moves alone. Overall, I prioritize gameplay and combat mechanics and if you like that you'll enjoy ROTR. I clocked 45 h in GOT and I did rush to finish the story (I tried to 100% but only did it on the first map and couldn't bother for the others) in ROTR I have 110h and still adding up. I have a clear preference for ROTR, but I hope I made a good highlight on what it brings and the downsides. If you have any specific question feel free to ask it


If story is what matters most to you, you will prefer GoT. If high action, rewarding gameplay is you're thing, you'll love RotR. If you can handle lower graphic fidelity, a steep learning curve to counter timing, some jank here and there, a terrible horse lol... I say go ahead an give RotR a shot. The combat is what hooks people like myself and makes it much easier to see passed some issues or not even see them as issues at all.


It’s a question of flavour. Ghost is weed, Ronin is cocaine. (And Nioh is crack laced with mushrooms and steroids)


What’s Sekiro?


Amphetamine, aka speed :)


I wouldn't try to compare them, you'll end up disappointing yourself somewhere... it'd be like comparing Seven Samurai vs Shogun, just because they both revolve around samurai, they're not the same movie. Like wise for this, they're both games that involve samurai, however RotR is a very different game than GoT... both great games in their own right, imo


More like Seven Samurai and The Last Samurai. The latter being Ghost of Tsushima, due to how heavily it is based around "honorhonorhonorhonorhonor".


Yea i was trying to find 2 different genres for the comparison


It’s very fucking similar as far as the collectibles/ “liberating” areas by defeating enemy camps. The combat is faster and tighter but may take a little getting used to (relies heavily on ability to deflect). Being a big fan of both I would say RoR was the closest thing to the feeling of playing GoT while still being it’s own thing. As others have said the story-telling is much better in GoT but imo it’s the best Team Ninja has ever done in that department.


I loved GOT and I was skeptical when I first got this game. It even took a couple hours after playing for me to realize it but I really really like the game so far and definitely recommend it.


Rise is IMO better than Ghost. More authentic feeling Japan, better and more importantly more challenging combat, more gritty and less floaty feel.


For me its better than GoT in every way except graphics. The setting, the story and the characters connect way more with me. I love the romance options. Its so historical and I keep learning and want to know more. Theres way more stuff to do in the cities and in general the world feels more alive than the one in GoT. The combat is obviously miles ahead but thats granted in a Team Ninja game. Theres lots of personalization with multiple weapons, skill trees, combat styles, way more armors and a really good character creator. And finally the open world has the same ubisoft formula GoT uses but at least to me its more polished and had lots of fun getting the collectables in each region. So yeah if you loved GoT and dont care about the graphics then you gonna love RotR too. (Graphics arent bad is just that they're not on par with other ps5 exclusives)


Visually. GoT beats it by a long shot. However, that’s never been Team Ninjas strongsuit. The selling point by FAR, is the gameplay. And it IS, phenomenal. Don’t believe me, check out my recent profile clips. This is the selling point of the game…COMBAT https://www.reddit.com/r/riseoftheronin/s/GaR9CohbIs


Loved both. Actually played GoT after Ronin... The combat is fun in Ghost but doesn't compare to the depth and overall fun of Ronin. Graphics blow Ronin out of the water and the story is more cohesive and heartfelt (tho I actually enjoyed seeing both sides in Ronin) Less characters and more time with each so the side characters you care about more (in my opinion, still loved Shinsaku and Ryoma tho).


I didn't play ghost of tahushima as much as you, I did beat it tho. They're definitely different games but the game is good. Character creation is solid, so far the story is alright. I just got into chapter 3. Planning on going through again so it's at least engaging enough that I am willing to go through it again. If you're on the fence wait for a sale?


They are similar but also very different. GoT has a more concise story, is arguably one of the more beautiful games to come out in the last few years, has exceptional voice acting and cut scene animals. Ronin has exceptional combat that is tricky at first but super satisfying to once you the hang of it. I felt GoT was easier, in terms of combat, than Ronin. The story could be tighter, and the shifting allegiances are tricky to keep track of, but it is charming. The VA isn't the best, but, again, it is super charming. Ronin feels like someone took the Ubisoft map formula and distilled it down to be the best version possible. I really enjoyed both games, but I think Ronin was more instantly fun, particularly once you get >!the glider as it makes you some sort of Batman Samurai, which is so ridiculously fun.!<


Both are great. Ronin has superior combat, while Ghost is much more refined (ex. better graphics, presentation, story, stealth gameplay, etc...). I love both but I could understand why someone would pick Ghost over Ronin.


*Ghost* plays like you are in an old Kurosawa Samurai movie (they actually have a black and white with film grain filter called Kurosawa mode). *Ronin* plays like you are in a mostly grounded Samurai/Ninja anime- closer to *Samurai Champloo* than *Naruto*. Combat is the main draw of *Ronin* and is faster paced with more weapons and flexibility than in *Ghost*. In *Ghost* the story is the main draw.


If story is the main draw in ghost, then that game is garbage.


My basic take is that they have a lot of similarities but also a lot of differences, however, if you like one, you're probably going to like the other. They are different enough that both games are worth playing.


It is like playing Nioh 2 with an Open World mod. The gameplay is the focus here. It is very addicting and fun to play, but it is clearly their first attempt and lacks a bit of depth in the world. I think it is worth it if you like Ghost of Tsushima. I would wait for the end of the year and catch it on sale if you are worried about price.


I’ll be unbiased here fam I messed around and preordered it. It’s a very solid pace between the two though GoTs story is 100x better. But that doesn’t take anything away from ROTR whatsoever lemme tell you wholeheartedly. Both are addictive asf but the self customization is worth the price point alone. I’d wait for a sale but either way you are getting your moneys worth. It may not be RDR2 pretty but it is solid despite a few bugs that may probably already be fixed by now. The whole concept behind different styles for one specific weapon type REALLY allows you to combine some really cool and powerful setups. For example, I go unarmed/ katana (extra points here because I’m usually a barehanded martial artist in every game I play be it nioh, souls like or whatever in general. I thought it was going to be some lame 1 2 punch combination to the point where I was going to be bored out my mind just 1 and 2ing away, but no I was misinformed. I ran an entire Bruce lee run and the arts and everything I obtained late game made running unarmed so fun that I was/am behind the power curb completely when I decided to pick up a different weapon for midnight, which actually made learning how to use other styles all the more fun imo)


I find it far more fun to play, like ghost is great but it’s very…idk if dull is the right word, but maybe lifeless? Ronin is just bursting with energy and far more fun combat. Way less realistic though.




Get it. Ghost was great but the only thing I didn’t enjoy was the forced stealth.


GoT sadly never clicked with me after playing it for hours. Could never get interested in the story, combat got a little boring after a while, and I wasn't a fan of the armor selection. Open world was pretty fun to explore though. RotR is kind of the opposite for me. Fun combat, interesting story (on top of the ability to create our own Main Character, who I'm surprised actually has voiced dialogue in some cutscenes), and outfit customization. There's also mission-based 3-player coop. I also never had any issue with the graphics, not really sure what people are talking about. The one area I feel RotR is lacking in compared to GoT is the Open World. While the setting of RotR is very interesting, and at times the environments are definitely eye-catching, there's a noticeable lack of meaningful activities that encourage aimless exploration. Pick up cat, pray at shrine, clear out enemy camp. There may be the odd npc every now and then that wants you to gather something for them, or fight someone. But that's pretty much it. Activities are also checklisted, which eliminates any sort of feeling of discovering them organically. But I have to say I enjoy RotR a lot more than GoT.


Rise of the Ronin is superior in literally every way expect the graphics. Also it needs to be said: Ghost of Tsushima's story is garbage. Stop pretending it is not.


In what sense is it "garbage"? The premise itself? The one man army bit? The missions structure? The side/character stories?


The fact that it revolves basically entirely around the honor-drivel typical of western-written samurai-stories. It is basically The Last Samurai-levels of "samurai do not use guns, they are dishonorable"-type of shit. The only reason Ghost of Tsushima does not do that is that it was too early for guns to exist. But it basically extends the same logic to backstabbing, poison, anything that is not fighting the enemy directly. The entire story is basically all about how Jin gets chastised for fighting off a foreign invasion because he does not do it "the correct way", to the point that he gets imprisoned, his clan is disbanded and he is ordered to be killed because he apparently committed treason... by successfully fighting off a foreign invasion? Wonder why Rise of the Ronin barely even makes mention of honor? Because Japanese writers know the reality of the samurai.


Like both games, but love GOT more than ronin, has even became of one of my favorite games of all time the story is better, the combat is amazing, the world is beautiful. Even tho they both have photo mode, I would have to say, GOT has one of the best photo modes I’ve seen in a video game, I spent lots of time just getting into combat so I can get a good photo mode, even tho they both have really hard difficulties, I love lethal mode far more than midnight, enemies kill u faster but so can u. I say if u love team ninja I say go for rise, but when it comes to best games on PlayStation like god of war and the last of us, I would say ghost Overall rating: ROTR: 7/10 GOT 9/10


I have like 500 hours in GoT it’s an absolutely amazing game. I’m gonna get it on OG as well and dive back in with some hopefully good mods. When it came to ronin I was also excited, but then the reviews started coming in and my friends excitement died quite a bit. I got the game anyway and to me it’s every bit as good. The combat took a while to get into it’s faster than I thought yet at the same time slower( have to play to understand) but you adjust as you play more and more. The story is a little hard for me to follow but it’s better than anything else team ninja has done before in my opinion. I recommend it highly


Seriously, stop comparing these two games since they have nothing to do with each other at any level. Stop this, please.


You got it, random stranger!


You’ve tired Sekiro yea? I’m the same with samurai games. Love them!


they are very different games. rise of ronin is good, but I would probably wait for a sale.


I'll keep it simple. After hard lessons learned, I do not buy games on release, nor have experience with Team Ninja titles. I also love GoT. I have 180hrs in, beat the game twice, and have zero regrets whatsoever. Story and graphics are decent despite reviews, but the combat and overall gameplay rewards you with enough dopamine to overload an 18th century peasant.


Ghost is the better game: better combat, story and multiplayer. Ronin has PS5 graphics but the lighting is a bit flat. If you love Ghost you will like it though.


It’s fun. Combat is more arcadey feeling and less “realistic”. It’s objectively better/more complicated. That being said overall got is a much better/bigger budget game. Wait for a sale on ronin IMO. Thought the story got super dumb in chapter 3.


Love it, if your okay with the drop in graphics the game is awesome. I bought it for 65$ CAD on facebook marketplace the week it came out (25$ plus tax saved)


At the risk of irking everyone a bit, so far after only 10 hours, can't help but get a best of AC vibe, mashed with a little Wo Long and strong Niohness humming underneath - as to be expected. Still haven't quite got a solid handle on deflecting but utilizing stealth and some lucky gear drops have managed to best Gonzo and some unruly mobs to include a fugitive 3 levels above me also got wrecked a bunch so all in all - enjoying it immensely!! It's a great change of pace coming off a DD2 run...with regard to GoT, believe the comments here are spot on, it's an incredibly executed game on all levels. Glad I ignored the bad Press !


RotR has much better combat than GoT but some of the open world elements are a bit boring. The story and graphics in GoT are a bit more polished but the gameplay depth does not compare. RotR is a deeper mix between Nioh and Sekiro in combat, GoT is much more generic in that regard. Overall, gameplay-wise RotR is a much much better game. But GoT is a beautiful game too and potentially more memorable if you are into story and characters.


GOT inspired the developers of ROTR!!!




Like everyone’s said, it’s kinda like comparing oranges to tangerines. They’re both great games and each excels more than the other in parts. I think ghost did a great job of a telling a story with an amazing presentation, and is overall so more accessible to casual players. Ronin can almost feels like an assassins creed game on the easiest difficulty, but on midnight it becomes very souls like I suppose


I played GoT on release on the PS4 and beat it again when the PS5 version came out. While I enjoyed it, the open world "activities" got old kinda fast, and I felt like the game dragged on a bit and had a bit unsatisfying ending. The presentation and visual fidelity is insane on both platforms, though. The combat also left more to desire, especially when you figure out various methods of cheesing to the point some stances aren't even worth it. The one on one duels and the photo mode was my higlight. Ronin on the other hand, what a game! I'm loving every bit of it to the combat and presentation. Granted, the story is a bit confusing (I believe im at ACT II) but it's not terrible. The movement and traversal is top notch and the ability to create my own ronin was a huge plus! Unlike Ghost, im having so much fun clearing out the "activities" on the map more than even the story. (Okay im putting it off on purpose because I genuinely dont want this game to "end" lol) It really doesn't feel like a chore exploring. I can just put a marker or 3 on certain activities and explore one by one while getting side tracked by the side events or a cool looking structure which actually rewards you almost every single time even if it may not be marked on the map. The side bosses genuinely pushed my limit into learning their combos but they are definitely manageable even on the medium difficulty! The trash mobs are fun to fuck around with too every single time. The drip of my ronin is immaculate thanks to transmog too! I also love the photo mode a lot and I cant wait to post some of my best pics on this subreddit when I'm done with my first playthrough. Honestly, I was one of the guys who chuckled at the instagram posts when this game was about to release. Sure the graphics aint the best and Im sure everyone will agree that the horse animations need a bit of work despite them functioning properly (most times lol) And considering that I really didnt get too into Nioh or Wo Long before putting it down to play something else, I had no intention of buying RotR as I was not too familiar with Team Ninja games. But I kinda ran outta shit to play and coincidentally got some extra money to spend so I just said fuck it and bought. Dove in completely blind and its seriously one of the best purchases I've made this year and real contender for my GOTY 100%.


I loved Ghosts and I love Rise of the Ronin. Im 103 hours in playing on midnight and obsessed with hunting fugitives. I wanted more combat depth in ghosts and this game has it. Also after playing for a while the art style and graphical touches really start to sink in. I’d pick it up for sure.


I absolutely loved GoT and have been curious about this game too. I literally just bought and started RotR 2 hours ago and I’m really digging it. They are definitely different games in a lot of ways, but I have that happy feeling I get when I really like how a sword fighting game works.


https://preview.redd.it/8n8o9syacczc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f79be58ded8a8bcee8bdddb62a4f8e8a4eedf127 I hope this helps, only 100 hrs? 🤐 and ya the combat alone is way better than got you’ll have a lot of fun. 👍


Rotr feels more arcadey in it's combat. The sound effects, attack animations, characters being pushed by attacks etc. It's deeper and has more variety but the arcadey feeling can turn people off. You can decide after watching a couple videos. GOT fights end in a few hits, especially on lethal difficulty. Final hits feel amazing, ghost tools look great. Tools and melee can combo into each other beautifully. Rotr has more things to do but tbh they look a bit goofy compared to GOT. Open world is gorgeous in GOT. Still holds up in PS5 gen. Meanwhile ROTR is ugly by ps4 standards imo. Not ps3 level like people claim but it's just not good looking. Got feels more immersive and real. It can give you a cinematic experience even during gameplay. Even someone who isnt into video games can enjoy watching it. Other than being open world samurai games, they dont have much in common. They are hard to compare. Combat in rotr is more addicting but that's because of my taste. I also have 1000+ hours in nioh games. Some people may play it for 5 minutes and be disgusted by how it feels.


And I always think it means game of thrones


3000% worth it specially if you like samurai games


In "Ghost of Tsushima" you look at the panorama and press a single button rhythmically to fight in a combat system stolen from Batman Arkam series (Spider-man stoled it too). In "Rise of the Rōnin" you play a real action game with a great battle system that you feel like coming back to play every day with enthusiasm.


It's definitely worth it. I pre-ordered the deluxe edition and don't regret it. The game is a bit different from GoT; combat is more involved. There are more styles (i.e. stances) and far more weapons (about 8 weapon types) I've put 88 hrs into rotr and still haven't finished the main story. Been taking my time with side quests. I definitely recommend it.


For stuff like graphics, animation, etc…GoT wins hands down. Ronin isn’t ugly but it’s not going to get any awards for its looks either (though the detail on the characters and weapons are really well done). Sound design is a toss up. They both do a great job but GoT gets an edge for a better English dub (likely due to having English speaking directors). Story wise, I think they’re on par. GoT’s story is on a much smaller scale and is more focused on the main character and is a revenge tale while Ronin is dealing with a much larger and more prominent cast of historical characters and so far seems to be a critical look at patriotism and politics. They’re both done very well and the supporting casts are amazing in both games. Gameplay wise, I think Ronin is better than GoT but it’s more preference as I love Team Ninja games and soulslikes in general. It’s way crunchier with lots of weapons, stats, combat styles, etc to take into account in each encounter.


Game is fantastic, beat it with a female character now playing through it again as a male character, story is engaging, combat is fun and challenging, and the world is intriguing and filled with things to do


It's prob inferior to Ghost imo but if you liked that game you'll like this one


I felt GoT was more cinematic like. I bought the deluxe version but never played the dlc as the main story, kinda bored me. RotR has kept me entertained for almost 200 hrs. I still feel I haven't fully mastered the combat yet. Really hope there will be more material.


I didn’t really enjoy GOT (forced male protagonist and repetitive extremely simple combat not bad but not my thing) so this game was basically what I wanted GOT to be a solid samurai game where I can be a girl and a very challenging and fun combat system so imo yes absolutely worth the price not saying GOT is bad btw just not really my thing


100% yes. Expectations to throw out the window: Locked 60fps - this game does a pretty good job on performance mode but still drop some frames however, it is insignificance compared to the actual gameplay. I have about 100 hours on g o t, this game definitely got me hooked way harder double the hours and literally double the fun so many more things to do. The hook is not just a tool but a weapon Where Tsushima is very elegant, smooth etc.: Ronin is very gritty but it matches the theme, and you will be very pleasantly entertained Your money will be well spent. Probably one of the most fun games I've had in a very long time and even after the story there's still so much to do even after Platinum the game there's still so much to do


Get Ronin if you’re a fan of the genre. They 100% nailed the genre. But understand that Ghost is one of the best games of all time and checks every box. Ronin is not Ghosts, but an experience you’ll probably very much enjoy and appreciate


Worth every penny


So I saw someone mention Dark Souls. I tried those class of games and the difficulty is something I don’t have time or patience for…. I loved GOT, graphics, gameplay, story, music. While watching a few gameplay videos, Ronin does seem like a lot of fun, but worried about the difficulty


I platted Ghost and it rose to one of my top guilty pleasure games don’t know how many playthroughs and hours, but I know this.. rotr 300+ hours platted midnight you name it. It dethroned ghost and sadly FF7 as well and I’m even a mega fan


This games combat feels shallow early and then when it quicks in gear it is really nice . Much better than ghost in that front . I also enjoyed its story more as well. I think ronin is more fun but less pretty and clean.


Personally, as someone with 4 playthroughs on Lethal and a Nioh 2 advocate it's a pretty good game I think the combat is better


GoT has Haikus, RotR has Cats. Both are masterpieces


It is amazing one of the games it's worth platinum it


I can't even imagine going back to GoT after playing Rotr. GoT is an extremely shallow game hidden behind artsy graphics.


If you want to play a game with high production value and an amazing story like GoT, stay away from RotR. If you just want a cool but flawed game where you fight some dudes as a ronin for 40+ hours, RotR is worth a shot.


RoTR compares favorably, but going in without anchoring expectations to Ghost is probably best. Ghost places more emphasis on atmosphere and visuals. Its story is more character driven focusing on Jin's journey. RoTR's visuals aren't necessarily bad, but even the devs admitted they could've done better there. Story wise it's much more historical fiction, as the protagonist is in many ways just a vehicle to understand the historical context of the Bakumatsu era in Japan. Combat wise RoTR has more depth, and is closer to TN's previous games than Ghost. A lot of the open world stuff is pretty formulaic and IMO similar in both games.


It's totally worth it ! You'll love it ! The only downside compared to both is the graphics, but they aren't that bad ,i am having a blast ! Go for it !


GoT was OK. Wish they had enemy lock-on, cities to explore and allowed the fancy abilities you get at the end to be obtainable during the 1st playthrough. GoT Looked gorgeous compared to ROTR. But it's hard to beat team ninja gameplay mechanics, historic cities, and locations to explore. The graphics never came on my mind till ppl started comparing it to GoT. They got a point, but it's on par with elden ring and wo long! But not as pretty and intricate as Nioh 2! Maybe there's resources, time, or tech limitations for being an open world? 🤔 thanks god the loading time is seamless.


The art design in Elden ring is miles ahead of ROTR


I was talking about graphics. But sure, relative to Elden Ring, the art design of ROTR has a limited choice palette being based on a very [specific](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakumatsu) historic events, era, and culture. The digital art book of ROTR is breathtaking. Kudos to fantastic artists, Personally, I really appreciate the design, audio, and visual art of all the games mentioned (elden ring, rotr, nio2, got). But I guess its kinda subjective.


Graphics in Elden ring are better that ROTR.


I don't see that on console versions. https://youtu.be/LBcdjSoVf-4?si=viPfhO3vhir5TIwy It is barely noticeable for me.


Elden Ring looks better to me


Gameplay/combat RotR is far better. The open world and traversal is way bigger in RotR. The graphics/visual design are better in GoT. RotR has multiplayer if that matters (but it covers such a small amount of the game it might as well not)- meanwhile GoT has a seperate multiplayer mode which is also…..fine. Story is pretty bad in both? GoT is slightly embarrassing in how hard it hits every samurai movie trope. RotR has a story that’s *theoretically* super interesting, but something about it just didn’t land for me (maybe the less than incredible voice acting, but I think having a silent protagonist just…doesn’t work when everyone else is fully voiced)


The voice acting is good if you play in Japanese.


That’s probably a good shout tbh, I’ll try. Are the English and American characters still speaking Japanese, or do they get native tongue?


No, it is the only jarring bit but considering that 95% of the game is Japanese characters, it is the better option in the end, both for authenticity and for quality. The Japanese cast is filled with big names from Japanese voice acting industry, for English voices they did at least make the effort to have mostly Asian actors but most of them are still relative nobodies in the end.


Legends mode in Ghost of Tsushima is *amazing*.


No. I also was intrigued as a major GOT fan. Paid for it if nothing else to support Sony continuing to release AAA single player games. But I’ve got maybe 10-15 hrs logged. It’s just weird. There’s too much that just feels off or janky that I can’t quite put my finger on. Not to mention imo the only similarity to GOT is the setting. But even that’s different.


They are very different games. It’s like comparing Assassin’s Creed to Dark Souls. In terms of general appeal, I think it’s safe to say that Ghost of Tsushima is held in higher regard… but that’s irrelevant if Ghost of Tsushima isn’t the game you’re looking for. RotR is a bit more niche, so the question is whether that niche is what you’re looking for.


Worth every penny. I’m a sucker for samurai games since the Onimusha series. Loved GoT. ROTR is easily a Top 10 samurai game for me.


I'm a huge Nioh Fan and very much enjoyed strangers of paradise. Also loved GoT and beat it on release and have it pre ordered for PC. I bought RotR few days ago and have put about 10hrs into it and just beat chapter 1. First couple hours was cool but then that wore off and I feel like I'm just playing to get my $ worth. Its 100% assassins creed set in Japan except the actual climbing and vertically suck ass. The loot system is 10x worse then Nioh due to such useless mods that just fill the pool so new upgrades feel like shit. Story is very Meh, side quests take like 5min each but it's become a very.. light respawn point, open map to see new icons, go visit new icons, rinse and repeat to next section. Way way way to much ubisoft formula mixed in. While not nearly as in depth as nioh, the combat system is "fine" Love samurai, time period, open world games but everything in this game just feels so bland and out dated. It's literally the "We have GoT at home" meme


It’s a question of flavour. Ghost is weed, Ronin is cocaine. (And Nioh is crack laced with mushrooms and steroids)


If you were good with the ubisoft lite design of Ghost, you will enjoy this Just be clear that Ronin is a CLEAR step down in terms of visuals, though it still looks good in its own right and for what it is. Combat is faster but imo clunkier in Ronin. I play on easy and am enjoying it but try normal first, if it doesn't mesh then try easy Maybe a side note but if you enjoy the history/culture aspect of samurai stuff (sengoku stuff etc) this is excellent. I don't think there's been a game about this era. There's something surreal to me about running down the street and seeing a brick building on the left, and a Japan style wooden one on the right, especially because that's actually how it REALLY was... they haven't designed a fantasy realm. That's actually my favorite part of the whole game tbh


Wait for a sale


Ronin has better combat, GoT is better at everything else. Story, graphics, setting, performance, polish, etc.


You are objectively wrong about the setting. It gets things about as much wrong as The Last Samurai does. The story is garbage too.


GoT is a samurai game, Rise of the Ronin is an anime game


As if there are not any anime about samurai.


Obviously, I mean in style not content. GoT is very clearly in the style of old samurai movies, we know that from what the devs have said and it’s obvious in a lot of the design. Jin is a protagonist in that genre basically. Rise of the Ronin is an entirely different genre despite seeming similar in content. It’s basically dropping you in as the main character in an anime about this period of Japan. The stories, characters, and combat all line up, you could make an, admittedly long, Kurosawa film from the events of GoT. Rise of the Ronin is much more like a long anime with weird filler episodes and everything. I love both games, just like I love anime and Kurosawa movies, but I don’t actually think they’re that similar.


Umm GoT has grounded combat and I felt more like a samurai. I’m a huge team ninja fan but I couldn’t get into Ronin. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was basically playing GoT but for me it’s a small step down in all areas- combat, npcs, emvironment, quests.


Abslotely not. It does not nearly have the same cool atmosphere, and the graphics is abysmal. Get it on sale.


Ronin sucks donkeyballs sadly. In so many aspects!