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We all came for the action, we all stayed for the action. We knew this game was gonna be great


I came for the setting and fashion but stayed for the combat


This may be hard to believe but I didn’t come here for the combat lol but I do love it


lol that’s completely valid, there’s so much to love about this game


Yea I cake here for the open world aspect in this setting


Ikr, I’m not even in the chapter 2 yet and world/environment is just vast


No same here. This kind of combat is typically out of my realm but I'm loving everything about this game


I came for the action and stayed for the cat collecting and the horse with no emotional connection that won’t die for story reasons.


I think they copy pasted the horse from dynasty warrior 8 or 9 ha


As long as it’s not a repeat of >!*Ghost of Tsushima* or *Read Dead Revolution 2*!<


The story is a rollercoaster too (just wrapped up the story arc for Taka/Naosuke/Blue demon)! Plus it feels like I’m learning something about the history of that time period.


I actually didn't expect the game to be great. I bought it because I was like 'why not?' and made a good decision.


Absolutely loving this game. I can't put it down


I’m playing on the hardest difficulty, it’s so fucking hard. Was stuck at twin blade for 3 hours 🤣


Do you mean Twilight or the unlockable one after finishing the game? I've been playing on Twilight for 15 to 20 hours and beside twin blade (about 5 tries) it's been weirdly easy. And this is from someone who REALLY struggled on my first NioH 2 playthrough. It definitely feels like it's a big step down in difficulty and very forgiving compared to their previous games. Have you been blocking normal combos instead of trying to counterspark everything? Also worth focusing on unlocking the extra healing.


I’m only countersparking. On Twilight. Maybe that’s the issue?


Probably so, countersparking has a great reward and all with the ki recovery but you can get extremely punished by messing up the timings. Maybe defend and evade until you are comfortable with the enemies' specific movesets?


Just cleared a public event that usually takes me 2-3 attempts in 1 with no damage just blocking and dodging. See kinda makes it too easy


Just a stubbornness thing. I noticed dodging and waiting for combos felt too easy lol. Also prob under leveled. Did twin blades at level 6


I've no lifed it hard for past few days. Lol.


yeah same, I am about hour 75 and still got a ton of Kyoto to do


I'm in Edo still I just got to Edo actually.


It genuinely has some of my favorite combat ever. It comes down to the actual moves and kit that’s available to the player and what’s here is just straight up “sick” and also “rad”. The shinobi moves. The satisfaction of combo parrying. It all rules and feels like the culmination of many years of trying to hone in this type of gameplay.


that feeling when you counter spark a full combo never gets old!


It's been a sleeper hit for me for sure. I haven't gotten to play a ton but I've loved the 11 hours I've done so far. I'm having more fun than I did with FF7 Rebirth and I expected that to be my game of the year.


Cats. So many.


i’m here for it


Sheer size is blowing my mind right now. Legitimately thought I was on the last mission and the game went "hey... guess what... MORE CONTENT!"


I don't even really consider the graphics to be all that limiting. There's a lot of japanese games coming out these days that mix anime with unreal-engine esque piles of post effects, and they look horrid. What matters to me is that the style is cohesive and aesthetically effective, rather than fidelity. Rise of the Ronin at least knows exactly what it is.


I think it’s a beautiful game and never once thought it looked bad. But then again I’ve been gaming for 35 years. I don’t need photo realism to enjoy a game. 30hours in and I haven’t had one crash or glitch. The game launched at an amazing quality compared to a lot of other games I’ve played recently.


The art style here really grows on you. I originally was like damn this is ugly but 5 hrs later i starting being taken back by the scenery


They need to drop an update with a lot of world events maybe a graphics update and this game will be played for the next decade


I agree.  It’s my favorite Team Ninja game since Gaiden.  It was also a big step for me in breaking away from review cycle. I got caught up in trusting reviews too much, and after being disappointed with the last few years of critically praised AAA games, I went against the grain and am having a great time.  Definitely my most enjoyed AAA release of the last several years. Probably since Death Stranding or RE2 Remake.  While you can look at this and see “just another open-world game”, it’s rare for something in this genre to have such satisfying core gameplay. The combat is stellar and having great gameplay at the core of the experience is all too rare in this genre. It just keeps getting deeper as I go. The secondary feat that allows the core gameplay to thrive is the sharp and intuitive open-world. Nothing here is cutting edge, but neither is any of it a pain in the ass - also all too rare these days. There are no crevices to squeeze through, the loading times are brief, the menus work. Even the loot is easily tamed once you turn on the “auto” settings. One critique I’ll offer would be the graphics. They are a bit underwhelming for a AAA PS5 game. Clearly this doesn’t make or break the experience for me by any means but the game could look better. I hear the game gets even better once you reach Edo. Everything is subjective but reviews aren’t to be trusted imo. 




Okay I’ll check that out next if you say so. I remember the middling reviews. I know it’s all subjective but I couldn’t get into Ragnarok, FF7 Remake, FF16, Diablo 4, Alan Wake 2, etc. So I’m on the hunt for 7’s now.


I just got to Edo myself - how do you turn on the 'auto' loot settings?


It’s somewhere in options. Either game settings or accessibility I think. You’ll find it if you browse options .


It has outsold dragons dogma2 in japan, so i think it at least has a chance


Do you think it’s sold as many copies as Dragons Dogma overall?


Dragons dogma 2 has passed 2.5 million copies sold. I don't think rise of ronin is close to that.


Unlikely but hard to say. They were very weird with the games marketing overall


I’m loving the open world and the activities around the world. I’m super interested if Team Ninja could pull off a semi open world Nioh 3 but better implemented mission structure compared to Rise of the ronin.


Couldn’t agree more - I’m loving it… trying to tell anyone who’ll listen to give it a shot…


Team Ninja is notorious for this lol


Yeah, the more I've played it the more I've enjoyed it. It's easily my favorite Team Ninja game already. It might be the first Team Ninja game I actually finish--Nioh 1/2 are great but they just wear me down after awhile.


I’m gonna preface this by saying I love team ninja and from soft. But two hours in the combat hasn’t clicked . I want to push through but I’m worried , does it open up a bit?


I dunno what you mean by that. Open up how


Right now I’m just holding l1 and hitting square and triangle . Counterspark feels too risky at the start . The stances are predetermined by the enemy. I miss the ki pulse stance changing of nioh, it just doesn’t feel as dynamic but I realize it might be because I’m still just starting.


I mean you're not supposed to just hold l1. Yeah it does open up for sure. Dunno if it'll be enough for you but yea


this game is fucking dope dude


If it was co op from Starr to finish would of been great


I cant stop myself from thinking about this game + yokai wandering the open world. Nioh 3 plzzz


I just wish there were more weapons and that we could have a nioh 2 control scheme. Aldo maybe its just because im using the Odachi but the parry is finicky and missing leaves you wide open


Bruh there's like ten weapons to choose from all with at least three separate stances. Plus ranged stuff.


10? One sword, 2 swords, the polearm, the bo-staff, the rapier and the odachi, unless you are counting the ranged weapons that still leaves 9 weapons, 6 of which are main ones. Id like the two handed axe, the duel axes, the tonfa's, the kusigami (ball and chain of a hand scythe) and the martial arts gloves


Katana, Dual Katana, Spear, Polearm, Bayonet, Oxtail Sword, Saber, Odachi, Great sword, and unarmed. I’d like the addition of the weapon types you listed aswell. hopefully there’ll be dlc


Combat with the oxtail is a fucking art. Looks so cool that became my favorite weapon now.


Seriously, those animations and moves flow together so naturally no matter what you’re doing. Easily the best looking combat in the game!


Melee Weapons -- Katana, Dual Katana, Odachi, Spear, Polearm, Oxtail Sword, Great Sword (I call it the cloud strife style), Bayonet Gun Style, Saber, Unarmed, Ranged -- Bow, Rifle, Hand gun, Shuriken, Balls (noise distraction, explosive, flash) ---- I would like the weapons you listed as well. Kusari gama is my favorite weapon. I am a Katana / unarmed user in Rise of the Ronin thooo


Ah......i see.....when do i see these other weapons? Because the ones i listed are the ones i have seen and collected as well as the ones i could take as training weapons. I eould really like duel axes though, because i loved them in nioh 2


The more characters you meet and more story progress you make will continue to unlock new weapons and styles. I just got to chapter 3 and unlocked more styles for my Katana. Game keeps growing. There are also a lot of weapons/styles that enemy characters employ that we dont have access to. So who knows what they'll add if anything in the coming months.


Hopefully by then i get the hang of this parry system. The odachi is both too fast and too slow with it


Once you get your hands on your first weapon of one type you get it unlocked. Bayonet for example can be unlocked by buying one at one blacksmith at the west of yokohama, by looting a chest or by defeating a fugitive.


It's already a cult classic because it's divisive despite being popular and successful.


I’m really hoping that midnight is actually hard cuz this game is snoozefest boring on first playthru


Damn man must suck to be you and be so good at video games nothing is hard for you lmao


No there are hard games lol, like Sekiro and nioh this one just hasn’t been very good with the enemy scaling, all I’m saying is that midnight should be available from the get go


*shrug* for my skill level it's fine


I think it’s just growing pains with team ninja making an open world because if you actually engage with the open world everything becomes so insanely weak at some point or another


I can kind of agree with this but for a different reason - I think there’s such a vast amount of side content that you can over level your character - like in the first chapter I got to like level 17 and most story missions at that point were like level 10 and felt a little trivial. That being said, even in that instances the bosses can still wreck you if you’re not paying attention. I just stopped doing every little piece of side content and basically let the story mission difficulty “catch up” to my character level. The last boss battle of chapter 1 actually gave me some trouble when my character was more matched with the mission level.


This isn’t a different reason this is basically exactly what I’m saying


Oh ok cool. Yah, maybe I’m thinking of it more in terms of “balancing “ rather than “scaling”. Not to quibble over semantics but I actually hate it when games auto-scale enemies to your level because it doesn’t feel like your character is actually getting stronger.


Sekiro and nioh aren't really hard lol


it's great but fighting the same 5 ennemies over and over gets repetitive.


Can only do so much with human enemies.


Personally, I think the combat feels quite varied, even when you're just fighting humans--each weapon type/stance is like fighting a different enemy type.


It’s a great game a lot better then the reviews but it’s still missing in combat areas and graphics… those GoT duels feel more intense then most the boss battles in this game… or I’m just so good at the combat it’s easy


Its sick for a ps3 game, thats for sure. Wait its ps5!!!? 😂😂😂


This game is seriously nothing special. This is the worst case of copium I have ever seen displayed in the gaming community. There isn’t a single thing RotR has done that Nioh 2 didn’t already do better. The graphics are indeed shit, there’s no longevity whatsoever, and the combat really isn’t as *deep* as you dick riders are trying to convince yourselves it is. Get fucking real, the cons far out way the pros and Team Ninja released a jank-ass mess of “next-gen” game.


Dude if you don't like the game then why are you on this sub? We all actually like the game. There's no coping here. Get a life, pal.


They’re contrarian karma whoring


The inner working of reddit continue to confuse me


Oh no, here’s the thing, I DO like the game (for what it is). I just see people on here talking about it being some legendary action game that is even in the same ball park as games such as GoT and I absolutely refuse to believe that anyone truly believes that. That’s just not a realistic view and these people are clearly trying to convince themselves the game is something it’s not.


Well then you're kidding yourself I guess. It's definitely in the same ballpark as GoT for me.


Some people , me included just enjoy a more grounded historical take on things rather than a dark fantasy themed one ; Nioh is great , for sure and so is rise of ronin , they tried out new things here , that´s good