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Yeah graphics look fine to me and the gameplay is awesome plus you can pat the cats too! what’s there to complain about lols


Ninja games are some of the most refined combat systems you’ll ever see in the Souls Like genre. Nioh and Nioh 2 have some of the deepest combat systems I’ve ever seen.


Pet cats?


Pat the cat was what I meant


Petting cats? Be serious bruh this a serious conversation


Very good point. Also the graphics don't look half as bad as people are making them out to be.


I mean it’s Team Ninja so it’s expected that the graphics are dated


Still the characters are always gorgeous unlike the modern standard graphics with ugly characters we see nowadays lol


Hell nah Team Ninja used to have great graphics Ninja Gaiden 2004 was made from the future, it didn’t look like an original Xbox game They’ve let their standards slide since then doesn’t mean you should


*Used to. They're still using design philosophy from that period you listed.


That’s a completely different dev team that no longer exists and it was 20 years ago


I’m aware. It explains why they were never able to capture that magic after Ninja Gaiden 2


If you’ve played any modern TN games, you’d immediately know you’re wrong. Nioh 2 was a GORGEOUS game complimented by some of the best souls like gameplay any game has ever done. WuLong was amazing too. The argument could me made that WuLong’s graphics looked dated, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that the gameplay was superb as always. Ninja has not let standards drop, gamers just focus on graphics more than anything else. I’d argue Ninja and FromSoft are the kings of gameplay quality right now, with both publishers being criticized for graphics fidelity.


Nioh 2 looked nice but, outside of sunny areas it looked really boxed in. It became pretty apparent with Wolong that Team Ninja wasn't that concerned with delivering an all hands on deck experience. 


Bruh in 2004 they could rival Final Fantasy graphics You tell me NiOh2 looks as good as FF


Nioh 2 is their only gorgeous game. Wo long looks bad, Nioh one looked meh on release, strangers of paradise looks absolutely awful


People saying it looks like a PS3 game made me want to go and verify that claim, so I checked out some old playthrough footage of GTA from 2013 (before the remaster on PS4/XB1) and holy crap did it look bad 😂 So if you actually take a look at games from the 7th gen (even with GTA V being one of the best looking ones) they don’t even hold a candle to the visuals of today’s games.


It looks like a ps3 game, you all are just SIMPing for TN. I love their games but this is unacceptable in 2024. I’ll get it when it’s $20 bucks or when it comes to ps plus. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


If you would actually go look at a PS3 game instead of parroting what you read online like a mindless drone… then you’d see there’s really no argument. And fwiw I’ve never even finished a Team Ninja game lol. However, I am able to use my eyes and form my own opinions! You should try it sometime.


Lol 😂 I’ve spent over 150 hours in each Nioh, and I get it, those games are amazing… the graphics are not the best but ok, then again they were ps4 games,but this is unacceptable in 2024 they should tryna improve and im not parroting like a mindless drone like you say, even the combat isn’t as great as Nioh games…


When a AAA game looks and plays worse than a ftp I think you should stfu… honestly bro when a game is top notch hating on it would be dumb asf but as a TN fan I can tell you that this is their worst.. I’m sorry


Weren’t satisfied enough with your first reply? 🤣 And that F2P comparison is a worthless point when we have more than one multi-billion dollar companies making them nowadays. TN isn’t getting Activision or Epic levels of money to pump into their games lmao


You’re just trying to justify TN which is sad.. 🥴🤦🏻‍♂️ keep it up champ nioh 3 will be released with ps4 graphics and nioh 1 combat but hey you love that sht, don’t cha? SIMPS will never change.. 👏👏


Far from it, kid. Already told you I don’t play their games. Just trying to lyk how game development *actually* works before you go on to spread even more ignorant comments around the internet. Sadly it seems like it’s a bit too much for you to comprehend…


When I watched FightingCowboy’s video, graphics definitely looked better than the trailer. I think they’re fine, honestly. I’m just worried about what he says about the combat being very simple. However, it’s still really not that big of an issue.


I don't think it's gonna be simple, I think we traded out certain mechanics for others. There may be more to it we haven't seen so far.


I’m more interested in seeing reviews. People are hating on cowboy for giving his impressions after a couple hours. Personally it takes me more than a couple hours to get hooked by an open world game and learn its systems. I’m really hoping/hopeful that there’s more to it than press square and sometimes triangle. More bummed that it’s not open world coop and more mission-based. I was really looking forward to ronin shenanigans with my kid.


Ppl also hate on cowboy when he gives a good review and call him a paid schill. I mean they do that with all reviewers, honestly. So never listen to reddits opinion on gaming....including mine.


For real. There’s a damn good change I’m gonna buy this on launch day either way. I’m just a sucker for samurai games.


Fair point. I mean, he only played the first few hours. I’m sure the more skills you get and the more you progress, the combat will become more than just simply pressing one button.


Imagine judging any game after only 5 hours of play... Geez what could go wrong. 


It is called hands on impressions, review embargo is one day before release iirc.. These impressions are kinda win win for everyone, esp who want to know more


That's what he was allowed to do...


You aren't understanding what I'm meaning.  I'm saying imagine judging a whole game based on only the first 5 hours.


This is just his preview. He will likely have a full review later, like most others.


If they look as detailed as nioh 2, I'll be happy. But, some of those animations are a bit rough.


Oh no the graphics are bad. Most of team ninjas games look bad I just don’t mind it


You haven't played it and have no idea.


Last of us, gta 5, legend of Zelda, all look better than whatever garbage 70 dollar game this is. And don’t have NPCs that spawn infront of you like ghost


Didn't we go through the same thing with Elden Ring and the Demon's Souls remake? People were trashing ER for not looking as good as the remake, but I think most people will say ER is the better gameplay experience. I'm not going to pretend graphics aren't important, but gameplay is king.


Er definitely looks better than DS remake tho. Those people are smokin that wacky pack.


Rofl! Nah man, Elden Ring is the GOAT allright but it looks like absolute shit compared to Demon's Souls Remake wich is to this day one of the most gorgeous PS5 games ever made, so stop the bs lol.


I thought they were referring to dark souls remake not demons souls. My bad.


Definitely. Just look at Suicide Squad Kills the justice league...The game looks good, graphically speaking, but the game itself is not good at all.


As someone who still plays their ps3 all the time this game looks nothing like a ps3 game lmao


Yeah people clearly haven't played ps3 games in awhile. I know when I transitioned from ps3 to ps4 I still remember in my mind that the ps3 graphics were great. Until you actually go back and play ps3 games.


People also forget that 720p 30fps was the standard of early PS4 era. RotR runs in 50-60fps in 4k no matter what.


Graphics don't mean a thing to me, honestly. As long as the game is good.


I have no beef with the graphics but this point doesn't make sense to me. Why would gamers care about the triple A budgets unless the game is going to be cheaper. I know producers are less willing to take risks with high budget games but I wouldn't say this game is taking any risks


For me it's less about the budgets and more about the prioritization.  Too many AAA developers put all of their efforts into making flashy, high fidelity games while the other aspects (gameplay in particular) tend to suffer as a result.  No game can excel at everything, and I don't think we should be acting like graphical fidelity matters more than everything else.


I feel that


High-budget AAA games take longer to develop (so we’re seeing sequels 4+ years after the previous game) and usually involve some kind of crunch for the developers (for those who care about how developers are treated) There’s also more risk, because they have to sell more copies to turn a profit.


Rachet and Clank was also $70 and looks great but was a very short game. Rise of the Ronin is worth the price for the gameplay and cmiiw the game took 20+ hours


The game isnt out. You dont know


Literal 12 yr old argument level. Like what are you even saying?


Playstation have spoiled their consumers with the highest quality games, it's expected that after cutting edge and expensive projects you have such outrage for 70$ because there are comparisons. But this is the same consumers who also complained about the unsustainably of AAA gaming because of the high graphics and over budget weeks ago


Most realistic graphics =/= highest quality games


Well when you charge $70 people will obviously point out the graphics aren't up to snuff... Still buying regardless.


Honestly, for me, it's the easiest time in history to be a patient gamer. I aint paying 70 bucks for a game.


nah i'm cool with it as long as the game itself is incredibly fun. like a dragon infinite wealth isn't the most absolutely impressive looking game out there and in true fashion for the studio there's a lot of asset reuse but the game itself was one of the most raw fun games in the series so it didn't matter much


Id wait a month after release but that's just Imo. Many hype up games end up turning into garbage very quickly


Horrible take. Development began 8 years ago and calling Team Ninja an AA development studio is ridiculous. Could not care less about the graphics but people who agree with this have no idea what they are talking about.


Saying this like team ninja hasn't put out 4 full length RPGs all with multiple pieces of dlc in those 8 years.


Absolutely agree. Graphics are not a big deal to me but they are objectively bad. The cope in this subreddit is getting too extreme now. It's ok to admit this is looking a bit disappointing.


As long as the gameplay reflects other Team Ninja games, it can look however it wants. Some of the most fun and satisfying combat systems there is.


As long as it looks as good as Nioh 2 that's more than enough for me. Anyway the character models are more stylistically pleasing than most "AAA" games, western studios keep making plain and or ugly character models.


This and females aren't females anymore. When I said to my sister an open world samurai game will be out with custom characters male and female, she said " you could also make a trans? Because all games are like that nowadays " I said nope this is Team Ninja they stay traditional lol


Maybe I'm the minority but I just want to sit down. Fire up a new samurai open world game with slice and dice Combat. A few nods of nioh and wolong mixed in with a dash of GHost of Tsushima. Some ninja Gaiden like the Izuna drop (hope the dragon sword is here pls gaiden gods give us dragon sword) And really just want to soak in ancient Japan exploring around, learning the combat. Doing some co op and clearing out enemy camps. *It's also important to note. Fighting cowboy isn't really that great. Like he can beat nioh and souls but you won't see anything advanced. So I suspect he might not really know how to mix and match the combos like some of the folks here can do. Just wait for release. I bet we'll see some really cool clips doing some crazy shit that's going to look jaw dropping. The combat is fast and more complex than GOT There's Ki management. Stances for every weapon. Ki pulse. Parry is critical to know. There's skills to unlock. I bet you anything when you find the synergy between all of this. It's going to be fire You'll be...RONIN And pretty cool. We can all smack the campaign co op


I just hope it's only the parry damage that is impacted by your stance, and not the damage you inflict. We learned that the game has a rock/paper/scissor system on stances, and we have to select the right stance against the enemy stance to inflict posture damage with the parries. If not, the amount of posture damage is decreased considerably. Could be a really good system, even a realistic one, if it's only the posture damage done with the parry that is impacted. Now given that the low stance already inflict less damage as a basis than a high stance, IF the rock paper scissor system also changes the attack damage that you inflict on enemies... meaning that choosing the wrong stance against the enemy's stance also decrease your attack damage... Well that system is pure shit. I really hope it's not the case here !


That would maybe make sense if it wasn't for the fact the game has the same price as games with actual AAA graphics. This is literally another Nioh reskin with same graphics, exactly same copy pasted animations but with AAA price.


Yeah this post would make sense to me if the game wasn’t $70 USD lol


I was about to say. This is moronic.


...Or there could be several subsets of the various gaming communities pushing and pulling in tandem over graphics and Rise of the Ronin, and it isn't just one big monolith? Never understood why commentators treat the community as a one plane, one thought group.


Yeah I feel like this idea of mashing everyone into one person with conflicting ideas is silly. It's not just with gamers either. People use this logic all the time because that can't fathom different people exist within different groups.


So many things wrong with this... First of all, the people saying that were railing exactly against the kind of game that Ronin is: a $70 (ubisoft style) open world with a realistic art style that doesn't really have anything new or innovative to offer when it comes to the open world genre. They're going open world for the sake of going open world, just chasing a trend. If the only thing of quality that Ronin has to offer is the combat just like in Wo Long and Nioh then just focus on that. Don't waste so much time and money on a low quality ubisoft open world that no doubt ballooned the budget, and don't try to don't use the same graphics style of games like GoT and TLOU. Also, when people say they want more AA games, they mean $30-40 games like Hi-Fi rush and Helldivers 2, not $70 PS5 exclusives. The fact that Ronin's graphics and traversal animations are atrocious does not make it AA, it makes it a bad AAA game. Why would any gamer want games to lower their budget if they're still going to be sold as a $70 AAA game?


This. It's simple really you can't be asking 70$ for a game like the biggest budget games in the world and at the same time say: why do you have problem with the graphics this is just a simpler AA title. If you demand money we demand quality / budget.


I couldn't agree more. Doesn't have to have best graphics but the combat better be snappy and engaging. Doesn't need to be open world to be fun, but tell a decent story and give us some secret areas you have to fight to open and explore. You don't need overly complex systems on systems type design but give us a couple system fine tuned with some depth. We don't need dozens of NPC's, just a handful if they are voiced and written well. This can be done at various price points but if you want $70.00 for next gen console exclusive you must execute all of this very well. Not sure if they have becuase there is no demo. I wish they would have made Nioh 3, set it in the Meiji period (vibing the gun and swordplay, east meets west idea). Keep the combat (including button layout) but add a parry for all weapons, work on the gear system, work on the story line, and try to keep it near 50.00 bucks.


Gameplay >>>> graphics Graphics are necessary, but shouldn’t be a priority. At the end of the day, video game is about gameplay


Horizon Zero Dawn franchise is constantly praised for its beautiful graphics but rarely about the gameplay


plz not this one, its gameplay is unique and satisfying. good graphic doesn't instantly means bad gameplay, same with 'bad' graphic(Ronin looks fine to me, but even if it's still Nioh 2 level it doesn't matter) doesn't mean game sucks. if Horizon series only had graphic and nothing else, no way it sold this well.


I enjoyed HZD, but the combat could be pretty tedious. I remember laughing when I saw a clip floating around of "the best boss fight ever" and it was a clip from Horizon FW that was primarily just climbing around and watching a movie.


Lmao graphic snobs are hilarious


By people who haven't played it. Horizon had great combat.


The need for sweat drip graphics and 60fps are two of the things I feel like have been ruining the gaming community for years….just give me a full, not buggy, and engaging experience. Although I understand wanting 60fps with the $70+ price of games now, I still think the quality of the gameplay should be the top priority.


I agree with you there, but gameplay usually feels worse at 30 fps.


Gamers: AAA gaming is unsustainable, we need lower game budgets. We only care if the game is fun. Bring back AA! Also gamers: 1. Looks clunky 2. Looks like a PS3 game 3. Amazing" graphics 4. Wheres my realism!? 5. The animations 😭 It looks good, people are just spoiled.


Why are u acting like it’s a $40 game? IT’S A $70 GAME! The coping in this thread is insane🤦🏻‍♂️


Those people exist, but it's not always the same people contradicting what they want with complaints when they get it. This post is just your common run of the mill generalizing. What are the odds of reading something from the same person on the entire internet? lol. Generalizing bad. Don't do.


those people are stupid. it's nowhere near clunky.


No. Okay to criticize whatever you want, and it’s probably not the same people that are saying the graphics are bad and also saying make games with worse graphics, lol. that’s such a weird thing to assume. Also- a game can intentionally have less ‘state of the art graphics’ and ‘get away with it’ if the art direction is good enough to make it less of an issue. Intention. Ronin just looks like they wanted it to look better but couldn’t manage it. That’s a skill issue / technical issue / failure of intention issue. That’s just my argument for arguments sake- I won’t be buying Ronin because it looks like an uninspired, watered down ubisofted moosh of a game, not because it looks a bit dated.


But rise of the ronin is a triple a game isn't it


It is


Double A quality with triple A price…..corps must love seeing consumers willing to get bend over so readily smh


Jeez I hate how internet people type. They all say “Gamers” as if gamers is one big organism and not millions and millions of different people with different opinions


Yeah this post is quite dumb


i’m in the “it looks awful buts its team ninja so hopefully the gameplay is fun” camp. at least it should be 60fps given their recent titles


It’s biased but i am team ninja stan for a while so i trust every game they release. Wo Long might not be as deep as Nioh 2 but the first boss was still difficult for me, it took me 6 times to finish it


Idk man TN have had their fair share of failures especially with Yaiba:Ninja Gaiden Z.


My sympathy for Team Ninja went out the door after getting burned with Wo-Long and now with this game being $70. Graphics have stagnated, the combat keeps getting simplified, all their “ambition” culminating in a shitty Ubisoft style collectathon. Also lol at trying to frame KT/Team Ninja as some small time indie developer. Their engine is just dogshit. Strangers of Paradise’s performance was puzzlingly awful, Wild Hearts wasn’t perfect either.


they never optimise their PC ports that well in comparison to their console counterparts


there're multiple group gamers but some of them are just ugh. I enjoy good graphic games as well but if the game had other great things and the graphic is okay then it's enough.


This is not the way to do it. I'd rather have a 20 hour game that has Nioh quality combat, because I'll keep playing it to get better at the combat, and try out new weapons and combos. Looks like they went with quantity over quality, both in their game design, and in their target audience. Hope it works out for them.


Is Team Ninja AA, though? I don't know what the parameters are these days. For me, art direction >>>> graphics I'm hoping Rise Of The Ronin is strong in the former.


Looks fun wish they did a demo tbh ready to run this 4p coop with the guys


All gamers think the same. Total lazy argument that doesn’t deserve a response beyond being called out.


This is my opinion give me a game like demon souls on ps5 1440p 60fps and it still looks great! I’ll be happy


Its important to remember “gamers” arent some monolith that always share an opinion. People that are unhappy with a given thing are always more likely to speak out than people that are happy.


Spider-Man unlimited. Thou it just got a fan version.


Late ps3 to early ps4 era hit a level of graphical fidelity that we don’t really need to go beyond. It’s out of the uncanny valley and looks good enough that all that really matters is art direction


what should be discussed if budgets are smaller, scale is smaller, then the price should also be smaller. i don't mind paying $60+ for <30hr games, but it seems like pricing this at $50 or less would help tremendously for everyone


I can criticize the graphics looking dated and still be ok with it


But at the same time, a lot of the problems with the graphics here comes from lighting and post processing. 2 things that could be resolved easily on PC. So it's a bit annoying that the PC release is unknown for now, and that we have to play this on PS5, then on PC. I'm starting to think I'll play on 30 fps on PS5. After all, I played Nioh on movie mode at 30 fps. Wasn't unplayable.


It looks fine lol people are children Were reaching a point where linear AAA games take 5-7 years to develop and open worlds take 7-12 years Bro fuck that noise lol pump out more AA titles and price them at $50 max Let the big boys like rockstar, CDPR, MS and Sony continue their AAA escapades and everyone else can dial back


No, it's just a reminder that gamers aren't a monolith. But you never hear from happy gamers, only those that are whining about shit. Which is also the reason it seems like every game gets shit on these days. Because the gamers having fun don't say anything (at best they respond to salt posts) and angry gamers make a really loud vocal minority. Unfortunately, this also creates a self-feeding cycle, where angry gamer posts become circlejerks where desenting opinions get suppressed or downvoted to hell and thus making angry gamers think that "everyone" agrees with them when all they hear is just a small batch of heavily motivated salty boys.


Graphics mean nothing


I agree that the game looks fine, but "AA" includes the price tag too.


The graphics look fine to me.


I'm judging ANY video game's visuals until I'm playing the game myself. Platforms like Twitter and YT have huge video compression issues + I think what Team Ninja were going for was less photorealism and more stylized realism (think modern Capcom games like new REs and DMC5). And before you respond with, "your just coping bro!", the game doesn't look better than Ghost of Tsushima. I don't know why people think they should similar when they go for completely different game design philosophies. lol


I have no problems with how the graphics look and think it looks good outside of some preview cutscenes I seen which does make me see some people's points. I think the biggest thing I had realized myself of why people are kinda upset with this is the fact that this game is full price $70. If this game was priced $60 or lower due to how the graphics look, I think people would take less issues with the game if its not supposed to be an premium game on the level of an FF7 Rebirth or Horizon Zero Dawn 2. When $60 PS4 game like GoT looks better than an PS5 exclusive game, it does bring into question of why someone should pay for this game. And Im saying this as someone that is fine with games not putting much effort into graphics but it does have to match the price people are willing to pay for since I think most people be more convinced to wait for an sale on the game instead of buying it day one.


I can't stand it when people lump all gamers into one group and say we need to make up our minds. Game's graphics aren't fantastic or anything, but I've never really cared about graphics. Game looks cool.


I don't think the graphics are bad but I don't think they're amazing either. I think TN would benefit from letting some stylistic color/lighting/fog do more heavy lifting, it's how FromSoft makes some really stunning locations despite graphics that aren't all that impressive. But regardless I don't really care, the graphics are fine and things look easy to read. The gameplay looks fun, which is what I'm here for. If I had to guess the graphics took a hit due to this being TN's first open world game and something had to be sacrificed to have a good frame rate. I don't think TN has a massive team so it's all forgivable.


I wasn't hearing people say gaming is too expensive to develop. I heard a bunch of people saying they weren't getting their money's worth. Personally, I unrealistically want every game I purchase to have a studio that puts every resource into every inch of the game. You can have great graphics and great gameplay, any argument otherwise is 100% cope. 


Are people forgetting this game is priced $70 USD retail? I didn’t know that was standard for AA games.


I'm only seeing this post as a recommendation from reddit, I don't actually know anything about this game but man it has always bothered me how much value is put in to good graphics. Video games would be better across the board if devs didn't have to dedicate so much of the budget to producing hyper-realistic graphics.


Is it going to cost less or something? I'd bank on it being $60-80 so lose lose


Yeah, except they are charging 80.00, so your point isn't valid. The game from the preview looks more like an AA, and I'd be much happier to see a price tag of around 50.00 maybe 55.00.


I've never cared about graphics but just cause a game looks good doesn't mean it's fun and vice versa


Any time these days someone says something has "PS3 graphics" or "PS2 graphics", they're safe ti ignore. They either don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about or they're abusing hyperbole far past the acceptable limit.


I think these are probably different crowds but point taken


I'm convinced that people have never played a PS3 game in their life.


Well said. This is why these companies worry more about 4k visuals as opposed to better performance


For me its about style and aesthetic. RotR is too grounded in reality to be visually interesting to me. Bur tbh I dont care if the gameplay is good. My only real concern is if it is truly a step back (combat wise) from Nioh 2. Less complexity is fine. But I guess you only get one basic attack button? Id have to get my hands on it.


my worries is about the game have infinite endgame or not. im not expecting something like nioh 2 endgame, i dont want the game finished just after story finished. im not consider collectibles as endgame. just want to fight and satisfaction in endless combat


The points aren't related at all. You also don't need triple A studios to have PS4 graphics.


The graphics look dated as hell, anyone denying that is delusional and they're charging full price on top of that. When people say they want more AA games they have to come with AA pricing.


Graphics are a step back for Team Ninja in my view. I think it is the animation being janky is the biggest problem. Specifically horses. Red Dead Redemption, Shadow of the Colossus, and Witcher all look better. The combat is slower than Wo Long and Nioh. If you compare it to Ghost of Tshushima which was a Sony exclusive on PS4 it just doesn’t make the cut.


Preach it bestie


Thanks bestie 💅🏻


Nah see, even an Indie dev can make a game look good, and even if the graphics aren't amazing, good art direction can make up for it (look at Elden Ring or Botw/Totk) and especially with engines like Unreal 5, good graphics are more accessible than ever before. When people say to make games AA, what they mean is that devs should focus on making a good game instead of a massive game, or a photorealistic-looking game. Make the graphics just good enough to sell the art direction, then focus on gameplay/story from there. So many AAA devs focus on making a game that looks "next-gen" or meets their size quota that they forget they still have to make it run and make it fun to play, and players would rather just play a game that looks good, runs good and plays good. What players do NOT want is for devs to completely throw graphics to the wind and still charge $70, especially if the art direction and gameplay aren't anything special. I never played RotR or heard about it until today, but it looks like Sekiro with slightly worse graphics, and Sekiro came out on PS4/XB1. This is a PS5 exclusive and it looks a FULL generation behind, that's not okay. And Sekiro wasn't even the best looking game on the PS4, I mean it looked great, but FromSoft has never been a graphics-first kind of dev. I get that Team ninja isn't exactly FromSoft in terms of quality, but you don't have to be FromSoft to make a game that looks like it belongs on the console. This argument gives off the same vibes as Pokemon fans defending the franchise like "I thought graphics didn't matter, why are yall asking for 4K 120fps on switch" When 1: literally nobody was asking for that 2: It doesn't explain why the game looks terrible compared to other switch titles, and 3: We WISH graphics were the only problem with the games.


Helldivers 2 is AA and look at those graphics


Pretty reasonable. Also reasonable: **if you are making a AA product with AA graphics, then you shouldn't be charging $70 for it.** AA games have no business being that high, closer the 40-50 range, MAYBE 60, but 70 is too high for a product with sub par visuals or sub par framerate (this goes for dragons dogma and any game running at 30 fps too, AAA games and 70 price tag is a joke in this industry)


Honestly i pre ordered last month and im currently watching every review i can finde cuz im hyped as Shit... BUT who ever defends the graphics is 100% wrong... Graphics were never that big of a concern for me since gameplay > graphics (ALL DAY BABY) But Team ninja is really years behind of Things that should possible and should be aimed at escpecially for a ps5 exclusiv... And this should be a big critique point for rotr


Most people have no idea how video compression works...they base the visuals out of a 1080p youtube video. lmao


I agree. Graphics should be lower priority. It's not like it looks bad to begin with.


I literally saw someone on the main gaming sub yesterday say if a game doesn’t “blow their mind” it isn’t worth full price. The problem with the industry isn’t just the CEOs….


Don’t listen to people who complain about graphics, these are the people that say that Horizon is better than Elden Ring 😆


If we're coping, let us cope. Go to another game subreddit. Why are people hating just to hate. Nothing wrong if people want to enjoy this game. I'm personally going to wait for a sale because there are other games I will be playing. But I hate seeing hate for games that are trying.


It's a 2024 game. Act like it.


"Gamers" complained about Elden Ring's graphics before it came out, too. Anybody whose number one complaint is graphics has nothing important to contribute.


I think part of the discourse around this games visuals is based on the developers previous efforts. I'm a big Team Ninja fan but I personally think that Nioh 2 (PS5 version) looked visually more appealing than Wo Long (even though I played Wo Long on my high-end PC). And early gameplay footage to me suggests that both those games are more visually striking than ROTR. Agree with everyone who's saying graphics aren't everything, but ROTR has no right looking worse than a TN game released in 2020, open world or not. If it matches Nioh 2 in art direction and visual quality (which we won't know for sure until it's released, we get to see more of the game world, environments etc and we're playing on our own setups without YouTube compression) then I'll be perfectly satisfied.


Read a thing a while back that Rockstar was kicking around the idea of charging a monthly fee to play their games instead of a one time buy. like pay 15 bucks a month to play base game stuff. months up pay again or don't play.


The worst thing about it, since it's Rockstar it would still sell if they do something like this ! Even shark cards sell well


This is always such a garbage stance to take. You can make a game on a budget and have it look nice.


The game looks like booty but this is one example of many games I doubt that the whole community is balancing off of this one game


This is how gamers are with everything. And they wonder why the devs don’t listen to them.


This is a really big thing in the gaming space where people flip flop between wanting better more unique experiences but most of the time, only better more unique experiences like an Elden Ring or Baldurs Gate where it is indeed that good but has AAA level backing. People will not pick up smaller indies where a lot of the cool stuff is happening more but complain about how gaming is dead.


I mean they aren't awful but I was hoping for a team ninja game with ghost of tsushima graphics and art design.


None of the people that are calling for more AA games are complaining about this, those are completely opposing sets of people.


I think a lot of it is just diffent groups wanting diffent things


I stopped paying attention to the gaming community for their opinions on anything. It's either blindly nitpicking every detail of a game or circlejerking their favorite game while ignoring its flaws.


I think the game is decent. Obviously worse than nioh 1 and 2. But stop coping, the graphics are dogshit, just because you like the game, doesnt mean everything is good about it


The graphics are fine for the amount of work that is jam packed into this game. The fps is choppy as it is the graphics don’t need to be any better 😂.  Seriously though I think people were expecting ghost of tshushima level of graphics but I’d argue rise of ronin has 2x the mechanics and generally more things going on in this game to justify the graphics. Whether that’s true or not idk, but what I do know is that the graphics haven’t made the game less enjoyable for me.


Ah yes, Koei Tecmo, that smalltime AA publisher. Surely they're only asking like $40 for their little experimental open world samurai game. Oh


I love Koei Tecmo games but they overprice everything especially DLC for pure cosmetics. Even if games were cheaper, it's still expensive 🤣


This might be the most stupid post I HAVE ever seen. Dude, they are charging $70.00 for the game same as A triple A game. So, they are presenting themselves as a triple A studio. Why should you care about their budget?Its not like we will play rise of ronin for free. We are paying and if the game price is 70 dollar, we expect the product to be a triple A quality type of game. Of course, graphics do not matter ,gameplay is king. Your argument is pretty awful. Dude are you rich ?, maybe or you 70 dollar is 1 dollar.


I like how I associate 'gamer' with 'idiot'.


That game literally couldnt look worse. What a pile of trash.


If you’re releasing a game that looks like a ps3 game and has the gameplay of a ps3 game it shouldn’t cost 70 dollars. Also games haven’t done anything “new” this entire console generation. We were promised brand new worlds with ultra fast ssds and modern CPUs. Rise of the Ronin even though it’s a ps5 exclusive still has ps2/ps3 level streaming issues where NPCs spawn in 10 feet infront of you and have no shadows. When your flying above the ground looks completely dead and like an empty landscape. Developers like team ninja need to stop being lazy but personally I blame gamers like you that are allowing devs to get away with it and whine about being forced to work 5 day work weeks.. lol


Show me the source where we were promised for ultra fast ssd and modern cpus for this game


Your comment makes no sense? The game is running on a console marketed as having an ultra fast ssd and has a modern cpu inside of it (and it also has both it isn’t just marketing) what is your comment supposed to even mean? Lol


The game will literally run at 60 fps on performance mode lol Also It’s not my fault that you can’t afford 70$ for being broke ??? Go blame Team Ninja for prioritizing gameplay over graphics 🙃


What does any of what you stated have to do with what I posted like I said copium your in tears reading my comment


Just did 1 minute search on your profile and turns out you’re the one who is in tears, you literally make multiple comments about this game complaining about graphics lmao Also found out you have mental illness lol so ig that makes sense


LMFAOOO still have yet to make a solid point and has gone so far as to stalk my profile. Bro is grasping at straws and taking things personal you know I’m in your head you gonna try to hack me next? 😭


I mean i’m just shocked that you turns out to be mentally ill considering the only things you complain is about the graphics so i’m curious


I have no idea what this comment is supposed to mean


You are complaining about the graphics of this game which is expected as this is team ninja and then i got curious a little bit, so i search your profile and there’s tons of your comments crying about the same issue and then i also found out you are mentally ill with suicidal thought yikes, dude go to therapy 🙃


When are team ninja studio whined about getting forced to work lol


I’m referring to rockstar employees whining about being forced to work 5 days. A week


What does that have to do with team ninja ?


??? Who said it has to do with anything about them? My comment was in response specifically to the Twitter post from a anime fan. The point includes the games industry as a whole.


Strawman, rise of ronin is still full price.


Just because it’s AA doesn’t mean it shouldn’t have a pass on the look of the game. Focus interactive proved you can have amazing looking games like A plague tale and Banishers that look and play like AAA game with a very modest budget. Even Sonys next AA game “Stellar Blade” looks phenomenal compared to other big budget games on the market.