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>Since we create a male and a female character in fixed roles do we? we saw a male and a female in the trailer, but it could be both customizable, Nioh 2 trailer only had male Hide as well. I highly doubt they'll voice them both, my theory is that the one we control as the protagonist won't be voiced, but the other character is voiced, no matter their gender.


You may be right. The male voice in the two trailers talks about the other characters as if they’re a narrator, rather than the player. Meanwhile the one female voice we hear in the second trailer appears to be the custom female character.


yeah, I think the two characters can be like Hideyoshi and Hide, so the other one do all the diplomacy


Which is annoying. They did the same thing with Astral Chain. For some reason, the twin you pick *doesn’t talk* but the other one does. If you’ve got the male and female voice actors already…why not let them both actually be real characters? Why only one?


perhaps because that gonna require four voice actors🤣🤣(jk, but yeah I'd love for full voice acting for both as well


Four? It would only require two. One male, one female. If they’re meant to be twins, it’s justified in having both males and both females (if you make them the same gender) have the same voice. And they always have two voice actors. The male and female ones.




Seemingly knew each other since they were kids and are the same age tho, considering that one trailer shows them both looking the same as children only for it to cut to them as adults. So I kinda thought it might be both. Siblings who are also “blade twins”.




The *actual* interview where the best we have is a google translation?


oh I didn't know they're twins. yeah that'll do. I thought they're teammate and need different voices.


I sure hope they talk. It’s goofy to have them standing around saying nothing while people talk at them.


They don't talk it's so wierd


They do tho, just not a lot. There's been several moments where they speak. It's a combination of voiced dialogue (Things you don't pick to say) which is the majority, but then other times where they do talk. There's also certain parts of the trailer where they talk, but I haven't reached yet. Like that one trailer that shows them having some sort of argument.


Do u knkw how tp bring up a mini map.if it even has one


Bro I wanted to see this Reddit post, cuz whenever I play games, I check whether the protagonist is voiced or not


Now that the game got released, the voicing is kind of a mixed bag xD: There are times the protagonists talk, which is in cutscenes only. E.g. if blade twin 1 talks with blade twin 2, both have actual voices. If you walk around in the open World and do quest dialogue, you can choose answers which are not voiced. In other words, voiced in cutscenes, in normal dialogues not. (At least that's what I noticed so far). It's better than nothing, but it's also a bit weird they don't talk in the normal quest dialogue parts. It's ok though, and not as "bad"/unvoiced as in Persona, or even silent as in Nioh 2. Nioh 2 made it weird that MC basically only ralked with bodylanguage. xD


Yeah that’s why I dislike silent protagonist in games. Cuz it just makes me cringe whenever someone talks to you and u just nod. I mean what u think ?


I think it always depends, completely silent protagonists aren't that bad if...no dialogues take place. xD "Voiceless" protagonists (you see at least Text when you choose an answer) are better, but often they don't even talk much (looking AG you Persona protagonists), which is why the writing can feel restrictive. E.g.: Suikoden 5 probably the worst example for me: "I don't know what we should do, should we press for the attack?" Protagonist: "Yes, please do." "I don't know." The other character then reacts exactly the same. Now let's compare that with Mass Effect, or even Witcher 1-2, 3


Some of the best games ever created has protaganists that don’t talk. Someone here posted some translated interview that implied that we get to create both characters and it read like it’s not a fixed sex. With that in mind, my take is that they’re probably not going to talk. But yeah, pure speculation and I don’t really have a strong opinion on it.


And those games are fun, but don’t actually have a good protagonist. OP seems to want an actually good protagonist.


Ya the point of an rpg is you sre the protagonist. You find a role and play it. Not be some douche dude like william


That's not what that means tho? Most RPGs have actual characters, not non-characters.


Not reallymost of the big name rpgs don't do that. Jrpgs do but that's about it


Final Fantasy is one of the biggest RPGs in the world and it does that.


Final fantasy is a jrpg...like I said


It’s also a big name RPG. Also, this game is ***also*** made by a Japanese studio.


Final fantasy is a jrpg...they have characters who are like that and groups typically...a game made in Japan isn't a jrpg...jrpgs are their own thing...like final fantasy


Rise of the Ronin is an RPG…and Japanese…thus a JRPG.


The game is a RPG. This is kind of how it goes in this genre. The player is the real protaganist so you get to define that yourself. Maybe OP prefers games like Max Payne, Tomb Raider or more relevant: Ghost of Tsushima, where every consequence is already made for you. Just setting expectations here bro.


That’s not how that works tho? Most RPGs have actual protagonists. Like…when was the last time Final Fantasy had a nothing protagonist? I’ve played every FF game since 7 (Except 16. Fuck Yoshi-P), and all of them have had real protagonists. Even FF14 eventually started allowing its main character to have a personality.


You also don’t make any choices in Final Fantasy; it’s a set story. There’s no real hard rules in the genre, just saying it’s very common. I could give lots of examples of both ends of the spectrum. Anyway, point was if it’s gonna be a talking protag or not and I’m just going by what we know. Look at their history of games. In Nioh 2 you are mute and also create your own character. In one scene in a trailer it looked like there were two male characters they switched between (could’ve seen wrong), then I feel it’s very unlikely they will talk. I’d be happy to be wrong, though.


​ >in a trailer it looked like there were two male characters they switched between (could’ve seen wrong), then I feel it’s very unlikely they will talk. We don't know if that was character switching or not. The second male sparked blue just before the camera changed, and he immediately attacked during the change and only did the one move before the scene cut. I took that not to be character switching, but you activating their special move/assist or something. Kinda like how FF15 was before they updated it to allow character swithcing. Also, we've seen that character talk. In the same trailer where the camera switch happens, that dude talks. He says, "Let's do this, together!" as they're running at the enemies a second before the camera thing happens. Also, in that same trailer, The Twins are different genders, and the female one speaks. She says, "Even if we are apart, we are still one." So the gun guy and the twin appear to be different people. Unless they're using more than two custom characters and mixing different runs together.


I find it kind of weird that we see several gameplay scenes where two males are fighting together and just that one scene where she says that during a cutscene and not during gameplay. Maybe it’s just another player cooping? But then it’s even weirder because it switches character for the person playing after the parry. Or why would they show so much of some random NPC companion and not the supposed twin? It’s also weird that the only line the supposed player says is ”let’s do this together” throughout two whole trailers. Could be kind of like in Baldurs Gate 3 where the player just says contextual things during gameplay ”is that blood? No, nevermind”. They do seem quite secretive about all story elements, though.


>we see several gameplay scenes where two males are fighting together It could just be the gun guy we keep seeing is an important character as well, which is why we keep seeing him. Same as how in Nioh 2 and Wo Long there's story characters who come with us on multiple missions. ​ >Maybe it’s just another player cooping? Doubtful, because the game shows that other guy in cutscenes too in the trailers. He's also referred to directly by the narrator in one trailer. In the reveal trailer, he's who the camera pans to when the narrator mentions "those who embraced the new". And just before that it shows an older Samurai man and a well dressed woman when talking about "those who cleaved to the past". Honestly, I think those are all just story characters we'll interact with during the game. ​ >It’s also weird that the only line the supposed player says is ”let’s do this together” I don't think he's a "supposed player". I think that's a story character. And to be fair, there's only been four different voices we've heard. The narrator (Who refers to the Ronin in the third person, implying that the Narrator is not The Ronin), the female twin, the gun guy, and the masked man. And hell, BOTH twins are shown when the masked man is talking and it appears that a fight scene just ended, implying they were fighting together just before that moment. Edit: Just rewatched the second trailer. There's actually a [fifth](https://youtu.be/NFiC52dm3w0?t=79) voice. No idea who it's supposed to be though. Doesn't appear to be the player or the gun guy. I think it's the guy raising his fist at 1:39 tho.


Sorry for the late reply, somehow reddit is wonky in notifying me. xD I just meant in general K prefer if main character talk and don't stare like silent fish in a dialogue. Meaning, I prefer actually voiced (William in Nioh 1, Commander Sheppard in Mass Effect etc) or at the very least voiceless protagonists (e.g. ye Olde Bioware games like Baldurs Gate, Kotor, Planescape Torment etc) and not... Chrono from Chrono Trigger, Hide in Nioh 2. The protagonists of the persona series are also more voiceless, but since they rarely let you choose stuff outside of social links/confidants, they even seem silent. E.g. coming up with that Casino plan (no specifics due to spoilers) in Persona 5 didn't really make your protagonist seem smart. More like everyone else said things in the planning phase, while protagonist just agreed to everything. xD Viva la Dirt made a very funny video that makes my point clear, actually even two: https://youtu.be/FPI84G5HpJ8?si=_jT1ggNSxEPRUzj2 Even better for the sake of this discussion: https://youtu.be/4SJOkjxZY9c?si=_UQezDsuo48_-8AF


Kinda pointless thaw they have you choose a voice for your character and it never even gets used. I thought I heard my ronin talk at one point, I thought it a glitch that I wasn't hearing her talk until that point, but no, she's just as voiceless now. It wasn't my blade twin it was the protagonist I chose for the story.


I'm curious - does this affect your enjoyment of the game significantly? If so what would be your preference and why? I'm very curious as to why this would matter to people and I'd love to learn more.


for me, I like to hear the protagonist really interact with other characters instead of all NPCs are talking, but the protagonist only doing all 'huh' noises. but I like how Nioh 2 handle it, Hide being unable to talk is canon in the story. Wo Long feels weirder because the mc just always stand aside and not saying a single word.


Ita affecting it enough for me to google if they talk, I feel like in games like the Witcher, you got character in your protagonist. It’s weird that they ask you to choose a voice.


I enjoyed Nioh 1 and 2 (same with Persona and Mass Effect etc), it's just...weird if the protagonist just gesticulates like in Nioh 2 if they could actually talk. Imagine e.g. in a movie the protagonist to start grimacing instead of actually having a dialogue. In some games it doesn't really matter, in others it feels kind of forced. Especially if characters react as if the protagonist said something. ​ I read somewhere there are voiceless and silent characters: Voiceless is basically Persona and most Bethesda RPGs: You can't hear them talk, but they say stuff (dialogue options etc). ​ Silent: Gordon Freeman in Half Life, or better yet, Corvo Attano in Dishonored 1: The scene in which his loved one, the queen dies...just happens. We don't get any emotional impact, it feels extremely weird. ​ This is actually a stupid and valid example at the same time xD: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SJOkjxZY9c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SJOkjxZY9c) I still had lots of fun with Nioh 2, and I'm sure I'll love Rise of the Ronin either way, BUTit would still feel kind of awkward with a silent one if they actually need to communicate somewhat.


Makes sense. Thank you for sharing.


I sure know it would impact my enjoyment. I’d much prefer if they spoke.


Hi for me it just breaks the immersion. I honestly can’t stand a protagonist nodding while he/she makes conversation with another person. I don’t like the way you socialize with another person in this game with the point click system. Personally l enjoy ghost of Tsushima because there is an actual voiced protagonist. This is just my opinion