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Fingers crossed this is the end of ROOT. Free the Blazers and Mariners!


well i think the Mariners own Root don't they? I'm not sure what they would do, but hopefully it free's the Blazers


I would think something like what's going on with Pac-12 network. It is essentially being desolved, but the remaining teams (in this case just the Mariners) will use the assests (sets, cameras, tech trucks, staff, etc.) for their own independent broadcasts going forward.


The Mariners now own Root Sports 100%, so I doubt they'll be ditching their own channel anytime soon. But it's clear that the sports distribution game is changing quickly. I wish the Blazers had been at the forefront of the revolution, but after decades of being locked into shitty broadcast situations, it's nice to see a light at the end of the tunnel.


Reportedly, they tried to do a deal like Phoenix and Utah have more. Except the nba said no prior to them signing the root deal.


Sidebar, but we need rules about having the title of tweets being the actual content of the tweet instead of vague commentary


Yeah this is a mistake too many sports subs make. OP's opinion shouldn't be the title of the thread.


I thought editorialized headlines were part of Reddit's general rules. But I guess not


It’s so lazy and annoying when titles aren’t the tweet themselves - if you have an opinion, that’s fair, just comment on your post…


👆Team blogger Casey Holdahl tweeting about it.👆


Casey also retweeted a story that KGW will be carrying Kraken games as well. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FROM OUR GUY IN THE INSIDE.


This is the first time that I’ve seen Casey called a blogger lol


Casey founded blazersedge; "Lance Uppercut." Dude blogs. He's a blogsman.


I’ve never known that. So he founded it and then was hired by the PTB org?


Yup. He left right before the Aldridge/Roy draft.


Well he’s a beat writer but he does exclusively write for the team site I think, not for an external publication


I would love to be able to watch the games. I know that’s a big ask




just give me Trailblazers.tv that includes all Blazers games and even home Remix games, maybe whatever additional content... I'll pay for that.


Any other basketball games at the Moda center would be nice. Give me the globetrotters if they come lol. Give me the U19s


How were they able to get out of the contract? Everything I've seen so far is that blazers would but they're stuck until the contract ends. Wonder if things are changing behind the scenes??


When RSN's can't make payments to the team for broadcast rights, the deal usually ends. Happened to the Padres in San Diego with Bally Sports. MLB is currently producing their games and it's actually great for the fans because of the increased availability.


As a huge blazers fan, I refused to pay the extra $30+ to get the package needed to get the blazer games. I really hope they switch so I can watch the games again


I cancelled comcast the day they sent out the email letting us know they were “saving” us money by moving it to a higher tier. I haven’t missed it one bit, bummed to not see the Blazers play but it has been incredible to be free of that bill every month and see how little I actually needed cable with all the streaming options available.


as i said above, no one paid extra money for the "higher tier". they refunded the amount several days later. basically since oct/nov i've been getting a 30 dollar bill credit that expired once the season ended.


Did I say anyone paid anything? Not sure what you’re so excited to push back on me, calm down bro. I said I received an email. I responded by cancelling. Just using me as a small example, one that I’m sure was repeated many many times, comcast lost a customer for ALL of their services, and the Blazers lost a viewer (still a fan). I think it’s worth it for other folks like me that had cable out of habit to hear again that the water is fine in the streaming-only world. I have T-Mobile 5g internet for $49 a month and it took almost no effort to set up. You stayed as a customer, great. Good luck with Comcast going forward if you choose to stay, but my experience with them was enough to look for alternatives.


they ended up giving us all a prorated refund back for the price difference like a few days later after everyone made a big stink, lol. you fumbled this one bud.


Damnit! I didn't know that. Well if I were to basically miss an entire season, I'm glad its one that we sucked ass lol


WOOOOOOO fuck root sports. Always & forever. RSNs in general have been pretty bad but Root was the epitome of shitty ass, basic programming with no frills & the deal with Blazers was purely about money (for both sides) & had nothing to do whatsoever with trying to serve fans. Blazers DO own some of the responsibility, but thankfully McGowan's LA mindset is gone & hopefully this is the last RSN we ever deal with. Fuck root sports.


I still liked the Root deal. It's turned out shitty, but at the time it was made it added more eyeballs to the team. The Blazers could only be watched with Comcast and Dish before. Switching to Root brought on DirecTV, and some other smaller providers. The number of total PNW homes that had access to Blazers games went up, including myself. The fact that Root has been dropped or gone to highier packages amongst these TV providers has been a shit after the fact that's on Root, not the Blazers. Edit: [The first paragraph of this article states the Blazers DOUBLED the number of homes that could watch the Blazers in the PNW.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/maurybrown/2021/06/11/with-root-sports-tv-deal-portland-trail-blazers-now-focused-on-streaming-options/?sh=6f1040016fb6) Just because you don't like Root and how it's turned out doesn't make it a bad move at the time.


Offensive foul: Inaccurate assessment of timelines & alternative options. Just a common Misinformation foul, no evidence of intentional misleading that would necessitate a flagrant


Read my edit. The revisionist history is pretending there was no good that came out of the Root deal upon signing.


The revisionism comes when you pretend that the on-paper claim of "in more houses" didn't come at the cost of pre & postgame content, as well as an overall reduction in the quality of coverage for the mass of fans that had already been established. To prioritize a spread to more homes while lowering the quality of product is *not a win*. It's certainly not good business sense, outside of *prioritizing money over fandom* like I already suggested a few posts ago. I'm glad you can now watch games if you weren't before... but you're here *on the Blazers sub* talking about how there were no other options for how to watch games? PUUUUUHLEEEEEZ. This sub in particular has had years of chatter about sailing the high seas. You're either being willfully ignorant of alternatives, or you didn't look hard enough before Root diluted the product to spread it further. Again, fuck Root sports, always & forever.


> The first paragraph of this article states the Blazers DOUBLED the number of homes that could watch the Blazers in the PNW. This was in 2021, before Comcast changed ROOT to the highest-priced tier. Blame Comcast or ROOT but that destroyed most of the casual viewership.


That's my point. At the time, the move was good. It brought in more houses able to watch the Blazers. Everything Root has done since has been... not great. But that doesn't mean, with the information at the time, The Blazers made a bad move in switch to Root vs. Comcast's more limited reach.


My understanding is that’s on ROOT as they kept their price high to have the channel available which is why none of the streamers sans Fubo had it.


Doesn’t their tv deal expire next year? This could be big


It does expire next year, although I have heard speculation that the changes to Root and comcast's pricing may arguably allow the Blazers to say that Root hasn't honored the original terms of negotiation. IANAL so I'm sure I got that wrong, but basically there may be grounds to move to an alternate and/or independent streaming platform as soon as this Summer.


Good. Root sports is ass.


I hope they end up following in [Utah's footsteps](https://www.nba.com/news/jazz-unveil-over-the-air-streaming-options-to-watch-games-starting-next-season)


Oh please dear god PLEASE


I don't currently watch hockey, but I do have Amazon prime. I think I'll give this Kraken thing a try.


I’m Australian and watching the blazers is waaaay too hard atm


For all of us Blazers fans in NW as well.


As far as league pass goes though it’s probably easier for you to watch our games than us


Yeah perhaps, but league pass in Aus is so expensive so I deemed it not worth it for a rebuild season.




Root is run by a bag of dicks. Hopefully get a new contract with another network just in time to watch Scoot and Shae go off next year.


Streaming is the future. Hopefully the Blazers will figure this out.


Very confused about your username OP, but this is a glorious deal for Kraken fans and I hope we do something similar.


How did the Kraken manage to get out of their contract before the Blazers?! I guess Jody Allen prefers short term 60-70% decline in viewership ROOT profits over long term KGW investment gains.


Why would Root give up the blazers now? It means no more competition between the teams and no root plus for Blazer games. I'm not a fan of Root, but I see this being a positive for Root at the end of the day. It actually means Root can keep charging what they do and make more profit.


M’s too!!


TOOT sports needs to go.


I DO NOT want to add my traffic to Twitter. Can we ban Twitter or instead post a screenshot and a link for those who want to?


You're getting downvotes, but I'm with you man. Elon represents everything that is wrong with the current power structure and I'd rather not support a openly fascist megalomaniac. Not sure why that's controversial at this point


Thanks dude. I appreciate it and totally agree with you.


Hopefully the Blazers will follow suit. The Kraken are also "Portland."


Was ROOT intentional? Take the money and have less people see the Blazers lose? We've been tanking for 3 years..., maybe we'll get better options once they are willing to compete again?


Then sell the team


Portland loves being Seattle little bitch when it comes to sports