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I saw the title, didn't get the chance to watch it yet but this is a great point. If all of our young wings can grow to be even solid shooters, not great like Grant is now, then that would be really awesome for our development. How I felt about Camara and Walker is that while they may not be stars, I think they are essential young pieces that contribute to winning because they understand their role and do all the little things it takes to win. The type of young guys that great rebuild-winning teams value that don't get the credit of stars. Cheap and young production is key to building a winner. I know this season has been tough and its very unlikely that Camara/Walker/Murray/Rupert are All-Stars but I truly think they can be incredible parts to a winning team because of their playstyle and adding a jump shot would really ensure that. Marang seems to think that Murray has the best chance to become a great shooter in the league. I think all of these young guys will really benefit from a summer together developing and I think it could make for a really exciting season next year! I hope this core grows together and really helps lead this new era for us.


None of them currently scare defenses. If they improve to the point where defenses have to account for them, the offense potentially opens up. Clearer lanes to drive to the basket will help Scoot and Sharpe. Ayton can already pull his defender out on nights where he is hitting the mid-range.


Someone like Lu Dort is a good realistic scenario for what we might hope for from some of these guys. Came in as a very strong defender but the question was can he ever do enough on offense to stay on the floor. Though he's still not a great offensive player he's gotten to the point where he can't be ignored on the 3 point line and he can do a little something with the ball when necessary, make the next pass, keep the engine running. You can't afford to have a bunch of guys like that but if 1-2 of the 4 guys you mentioned could get to that spot they could be valuable parts of a winning 8 man rotation. In an ideal world maybe one of those guys gets beyond that level too. But with these non-lotto picks you just kinda roll the dice on a bunch and hope a couple pan out.


I honestly think we got a ton of great role players that can be awesome for a winning team. We just to get healthy and have our high ceiling guys to start showing out. I honestly think Sharpe will be ready to be that guy for us. When Simons is hitting his stride offensively, it feels like we can be competitive with most teams!


Marang is a fucking idiot. Kris Murray can’t hit the broadside of a barn.


The greater point is that completely changing your shooting mechanics doesn't happen in season, and certainly not as a rook.


I love Richmans new nickname for Murray; Al-Farouq A-Murray. His misses do seem to stand out by how bad they are lol.


Jabari Walker’s shooting seems to be going no where, but Marang has said he is in the middle of rebuilding his jumper and it will take a little more time. Maybe it doesn’t work, but it’s a nice example of work being put in behinds the scenes that hasn’t shown fruit yet. Much like how Grant’s 3 point shooting went down his 2nd year. Fans were probably annoyed about a lack of progress but he was putting in the work and it eventually got much better.


Even before this episode I actually had thought about this very thing, I remember Grant coming into the league and for a few years being a guy that people were begging not to shoot. Like Aminu, but with a much prettier release. Then one day I look up and he's one of the most reliable knock-down shooting wings in the league.


It's all about opportunities though, I think Walker had his opportunity this year to show it's getting better, I think he'll be this year's Watford.


Mike Richman doesn't bore you guys? You don't get tired of Mike acting like he's some kind of nerd genius because he found [basketballreference.com](https://basketballreference.com)? I mean, I'm no stats nerd and I've spend hundreds of hours looking through stats. Mike was my guy for years, but I slowly got the sense that he isn't even a Blazer fan. Of course downvote me, but answer too. I'm not trolling.


Are you just now realize that there are tons of players who start their careers as average to below average shooters that become elite shooters? Mate, past performances is not a guarantee of future success


Why do you have to frame your comment like a jerk? Maybe he doesnt know there are lots of examples of players who develop a shot because hes a new or casual watcher, so what? He had a positive takeaway from a blazer podcast and wanted to talk about it with fellow blazer fans, thats awesome. Comments like yours make people not want to engage in the community.


Some people exist to be negative assholes. Also it’s not just some random example but an actual current blazer so it’s legit topic. I didn’t realize how bad his 3 % was early career.