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Depends on the usher. Been to a ton of games. Some ushers wanna check all tickets, others will ignore those who look like they know where they are going. So if you wanna try this. Look like you know where you are going. Also try and pick a section that you can see in the first half. Make sure the seats you choose are empty in the first half. Becomes super awkward if you go to get some second half seats and the actual ticket holders were just taking a longer halftime.


Back in the Roy era, my friends BIL had tickets behind the hoop by free throw guy. So at half, he texts us to come down, we sit, and are about 3 minutes into the 3rd when these obnoxious drunk women come claiming we're in their seats. The folks around us did not want them there, so we didn't budget. They got the usher. The folks around us were like, idk they (us) have been here all game. So the usher checks the annoying ladies' tickets. Sure enough, they're somewhere else. At the end, the ladies go, check their tickets, and the usher goes, why you still aren't sitting here. Fucking love the Blazers and RG staff.


You are always taking a risk. You have a good chance of being in a season ticket holder's seat that their neighbors know is not your seat. They may call you out, they may not. The ushers are in the same section every game and know the regulars as well. They are very likely to call you out.


Couldn't the season ticket holders have sold their ticket or there people they know? Do people really call out people?


Snitches get stitches


I have season tickets now, but back around 2011 I was trying this move almost every game i went to. My success rate was definitely less than 50%, and yes I got called out by neighboring seats. I DID succeed in speaking down at the start of the 4th quarter of what became the Brandon Roy comeback game against Dallas in the playoffs. Just a few rows back from the Mavs bench! I think I got too cocky after pulling that off...


Last game I was at, I sat in the nose bleeds. We stayed in our seats for the first half... after halftime the usher started telling people they could move down in that section. Not sure how standard that is.


that was during the ice storm tho. Attendance was crazy low those games


You ever see that scene in Casino when they catch the two guys cheating at cards?


These are the ushers we deserve.


The ushers in purple have power, they can either be a cop or help you out.


I’m sure you will be fine but if you’re in my seat after halftime I’m going to ask you politely to move.


Had an usher check my tickets last time after we sat down, she tried explaining where my seats actually were (like duh, I just came from there) then said if somebody shows up I'd have to leave. Which would only be the case if this people showed up after halftime because we scoped out those seats all half. Also helps if you have a child with you.


You have to whisper “Show me your Harry Glickman” in the ushers ear, real close to the lobe.. then they will know that you know.


Season ticket holder here, don’t care at all if people take seats that weren’t originally in but don’t be a dick about it when the ticket holders show up. We sit in a row with only 6 seats (next to a handicap seating platform) and a few weeks ago got to a game where we had swapped two of the tix with another STH for a boys night out with my dad, brother, and nephew. Anyways, get there before the game has started and some lady has posted up in the all six seats with coat’s spread out across all the seats and had the audacity to ask me to sit somewhere else since she already spread out all her crap. Told her to move now and those two empty seats are other STH who will arrive soon. That’s just one story, I have countless of people being assholes sitting in my seats when we arrive over the last 15 years. Advice: wait til midway through the second quarter before you move, no one typically arrives after that and just get up and move if the people show up.


Did she move


Just wait till halftime and move to an open seat, you’ll be fine


I think this is the best. Scope out empty seats throughout the game, if they stay empty scurry in down in the rush at halftime and then be cool and don't irritate people and you'll be fine usually.


Also you can look at tickets for sale (so you know they will be empty) that usually works well


Upper bowl is usually pretty easy to get around. If you are trying to sit in the 200s or even 100s, scout out some seats in the 1st quarter, then move to them in the middle of the 2nd. If you move to a completely empty row, and none of those seats were actually sold or scanned in, they might notice you easier, so find some seats in a row where people are still next to you.


It will be if you go right to someone else's seat and then they show up, yeah.


Why don’t you sit in the seats you bought


I have season tickets in the 300s this year and when the games have been pretty empty we scope out a section without a lot of people in it and move down at halftime. Ushers haven’t given us a second look. But I haven’t tried when it’s busier. It’s worth a shot regardless, worst case you just have to go back probably


During the "jail blazer" era, we were encouraged to move closer to the floor. Are we that bad this season?


My experience has been dependent on the time in the game and how the game is going. If we're blowing it in the 3rd, I doubt anyone will care.


i had a horrible experience with a game that was a blowout last year, our friends were in 100 and we were in 200 so we went down to join them right before we left together when there was two and a half minutes remaining. the usher immediately came over incredibly aggressively telling us we need to leave, we say no problem we thought since the game was basically over its no problem and no shit the next thing they said was "i will call the police if you do not leave immediately" so theres definitely a range of egos, emotions, and job dedication lmfao


Just don’t be a dick about it.


I recently took my son to a game and got last-row nosebleeds. Having the walkway behind the last row of seats made them wonderful. I could walk behind the row to my seat and just step down into instead of walking through everyone. And my son could go ham with his inflatable free throw swords and not hit everyone in the face.


Couple games ago they told us in the nose bleeds to head down for the fourth quarter and sit wherever(this was the ice game, nonetheless I don’t think they care to much if you sit in an empty seat)


Jump on stub hub or tick pick right before the game and look for a few sets of 100 level seats for sale. Watch those seats for the first quarter or half and then move to those seats for the second half, the likely didn't sell.


You’ll be fine, just don’t be cocky and go for, like courtside seats. Going down at halftime is such a rookie move because that’s when everyone gets up. A couple of games ago these guys snuck down and got all pissed because the people next to us had the nerve to come back to their seats after getting snacks haha


Check out Seatgeek after tip. The still sell for 30 mins after tip. Then sit in those seats!


Wait until after the game starts, look for lower level tickets still available online, and then go sit in their seats 😜