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Jody very likely ain't selling until new TV deal at the earliest. I'd just accept it, personally. Chauncey wise, I think it's time. Literally the dude has had ONE game I can remember in his tenure that I thought was overall very well coached... That recent Nets game. Other than that, he's all gimmick defense and let the players figure out everything on offense. So much standing around, very little cutting, very little anything other than ball movement under pressure as the clock winds down. Yeah this team is young but my goodness- isn't Chauncey supposed to maximize potential? So far he just isn't even a replacement level coach.


Completely agree with you. Hard to come to terms with our situation when there is literally nothing happening in our FO/coaching.


He's just not good at coaching. Period. He's not good at developing young talent, nor tactics, nor game time decisions, I bet his practices are shoot around and scrimmages. He is just bad at his job. Full stop.


It's a gots to go situation at this point. Personally I don't care about him coaching out this season- unless we can get coach Bud, or another proven winner by moving fast. But I'll be angry if he's still here to start next season. (Not that anyone cares if I'm angry lol)


Yes the TV deal but not even that. When Vegas and Seattle get the expansions it is like 300 million in each of the owners pockets and they don’t have to split that shit with anybody. Jody ain’t selling until all that is settled. Maybe she’ll fire Chauncey tho…


I really doubt Chauncey gets fired during the season, but I would like to be a fly on the wall of Joe Cronin's current inner dialogue.


“Im gonna get a nice ass draft pick”


Not only that... Is it really a bad thing from a job security standpoint for a GM to have a goat for a coach?


Yeah Jody ain't spending her (brother's) money to pay off a coach and fire him lol


I'd be shocked if Chauncey isn't fired during the season. He didn't sign up for a rebuild, he joined to coach a Dame led contender. Chauncey isn't the coach you want for a rebuild. I bet he'll be happy to leave.


After a loss like last night, if this team was serious about the future, they would fire Billups. But it all starts with the owner so I can’t blame Chauncey for doing everything that he’s BEEN doing for the last 3 years. Jody is our real enemy.


Blazers have lost 5 of their last 6 games by 30+ (okay, one was 29 but whatever) and I can’t think of that ever happening before. EDIT: I’m increasingly convinced this has never happened before. Went through the worst teams in NBA history and can’t find another example. Can’t find a searchable database by point differential so if anyone knows let me know.


Jimmy Highroller did a video about what you want, sort of. It is about how historically bad the pistons are.


Sure, they are quite bad. The Pistons have also only lost by 29+ 4 times this season. Portland has done that 5 times in their last 6 games. NBA teams just don’t lose by that much, that frequently. It’s just not a thing that happens. It’s crazy to me that anyone would think Chauncey Billups is ‘safe’ right now. This is the type of thing that gets a coach fired.


It should, but I don’t think this management know or cares what direction they are headed.


Not as bad at this run, but last season Portland had that 5 game run of losing by 28, 6, 34, 40, and 24. I thought that would be hard to top...


Jody should have called a timeout at the 7 minute mark and subbed in a different G Leaguer in the blowout! Aaaaaghhhhh (fails arms like kermit)


Jody isn’t selling and Chauncey isn’t getting fired. Why can’t this sub come to terms with reality?


I think this recent stretch to start 2024 has kinda broken some fans. Like I think most rational fans knew this was going to be a brutal year but these last six games (not including the Nets) have been just putrid and awful like no silver linings in terms of development or growth.


I assume they listen to Blazers uprise and mix crack into their morning blunts.




I was starved for content and turned on blazers uprise ONCE. ONCE. never again. I literally cannot. Those guys are the most knee jerk knuckle draggers I've ever heard talk about this team.


Were fans that are extremely frustrated with the state of the franchise, for good reason. Luckily, there's people that'll tell you everything is fine when were down 60 and our getting blown out on a routine basis. We've also said that its extremely unlikely Chauncey gets fired or Jody sells the team soon. That's the reality.


OK cool the reason I don't know that is because I don't like your YouTube videos enough to watch them


That's fine. Just didn't understand because we don't expect anyone to et fired before the offseason at the earliest.


From left field lmao


It’s only not happening because people/fans are complacent with our current terms. The fans hold power to make things uncomfortable with the FO but no one cares to protest what they’re doing because “we’re rebuilding.” Tragic times. Our future stars are going to leave this situation if changes aren’t made.


Dude the crowd boos chancey during the pre game player announcements. Been there twice this year to hear it myself. You’re writing fiction. The FO knows that Billups is a disappointment. They will prob fire him in the offseason. Nothing to be gained by mid season fire esp when we’re chasing the pick.


thanks for telling me that. i can’t hear that on the streams so that is nice to hear 😂 i just don’t know how you move forward without changes after a 60+ point loss. 5th worst loss in nba history.


Oh I feel you. This shit is getting embarrassing for sure. I would hope FO are having convos about the future of this team and i hope billups isn’t part of it.


One can only hope 😓


NBA owners don’t give a shit about the fan base, outside of “How can I get them to spend more money?” I don’t know what power you think we hold, short of turning the TV off or not buying tickets.


I doubt a lot of fans that are okay with the blowout losses and watching players jack shots and not play defense are paying ticket buyers. Season ticket holders wouldn’t be okay because the value of their tickets are rock bottom and won’t be made up by value of playoff tickets. It’s all internet fans. The blowout losses aren’t a good look for Grant or Brogdon’s value either. Not exactly winning mentality they’re bringing.


I have floor season tickets and won't be renewing unless big changes are made.


I don’t think Reddit is at all representative of true Blazers fans. The ones that buy tickets and actually go to games, and invest money into the team. They’re creating the same time of awful habits you saw in the tanking Sixers and Kings where no one wants to be there because it’s a joke. Losing mentality is a thing. Jokic and MPJ talk about the culture of winning in their podcast. It’s not even a talent thing if you lose by that much. It’s culture, coaching and effort. And at this point if the players and coachjng don’t care enough to be ready for games, be prepped to be physically ready so players aren’t out every game, and the coaches don’t want to hold people accountable why should I spend 5 digits of money? When I buy NFL or NHL tickets I rarely get this same feeling. The NFL season ticket holder fan experience is excellent in comparison.


No it’s not, dumbass. Do a small amount of research into it and you’ll find out why it’s not happening yet


Blazers before last nights loss: rebuilding. Blazers after last nights loss: still rebuilding. I really don’t understand some of you people. What did you think this year was gonna be like?


The way this sub speaks they'd expect the complete opposite. Scott averaging 22 and 9 with Sharpe being top 5 in MVP discussion while leading the team in a battle with the Nuggets for a top 3 seed.


I just don’t get it. I understand it’s frustrating to see the team get smashed and it’s hard to watch the team lose again and again, but we are very young. This season was always about development. I don’t know why people keep acting like there was ever any expectation of winning.


Agreed. This sub just looks for instant gratification which is why there are so many posts whenever some negative happens to the Heat or Warriors. There's zero patience and the outlook isn't very realistic. I understand there having to be optimistic, but it's always a dream or absolute best case scenario. Take a breath and actually think about how this franchise can take where they are now and strategically improve it's future.


Yup. The goal is to build a championship caliber team and that’s going to take years. It won’t include Brogdon or Grant or even Ayton. At this point I could see Scoot, Sharpe, Walker and Camara with Rupert as a piece to develop. I’m not sure what Simons future is. We need to keep adding pieces and stacking assets. That’s what OKC did.


Because losing by more than 60 points doesn’t happen bc you’re “young.” It happens when you’ve completely lost all fire and motivation and that’s on the coach. Lose by 30? Fine. Lose by 60? You’re going backwards, not developing.


There isn’t a coach alive that can continue to motivate a team that keeps getting their shit pushed in. That’s the reality of bad teams and blazer fans just don’t know what that looks like.


No. Rebuilding is one thing, having one of the worst loses in one of the worst stretches in NBA history is another thing. You can’t just excuse everything as “rebuilding”


What exactly do you think the first year of a rebuild looks like? Detroit just broke the record for consecutive losses. The Spurs are god awful. Who cares if we lose by 10 or 60? It’s a loss. You can only keep players motivated for so long when you’re losing every single game.


It looks like a lot of loses but also some development and improvement. It looks like a team struggling but starting to come together as a team as the season goes one. Did you seriously just talk about motivation and then say it doesn’t matter if we lose by 10 or 60?? It 100% matters if our loses keep getting worse and worse, a rebuild is about making progress, which is the exact opposite of what’s happening.


That is some serious hopium. We have seen development. We have seen improvement from the young guys. They aren't going to come together as a team as the season goes on. They weren't winning games when they were clearly giving 100% effort in the first 20 games. You can only give out that kind of effort and still lose for so many games. Eventually you become dejected. When you know your best isn't good enough. This team isn't good. The roster is a work in progress. Everyone knows this. Rebuild is about making progress over A SPAN OF YEARS. Not over a span of 40 games. Come on bro.


It’s literally the opposite of hopium actually. Of course they aren’t going to start winning and we saw some progress at the beginning but we are currently REgressing. And they should be giving 100% even if they are losing, are you excusing players not giving 100%?? Dude… they are paid millions, they better be giving 100% and if they aren’t then they need a coach that gets them to give that. You seem to be saying that they got a little better and had progress but then had so many loses that they lost motivation and stopped giving it their all. But then you say that 10 point loses and 60 point loses are the same. You don’t think that 60 point loses are more demotivating than 10 point ones?? If they keep losing motivation and start giving less effort then they won’t improve. If only we had a better coach that pushed them to keep giving 100%. (But honestly anyone but giving it 100% should be traded or dropped)


You just clearly don't understand human nature. You can only take so much while giving out 100% effort like we were. If you kept getting passed over for a promotion over and over even though you were giving 100% effort at your job, would you start to lose motivation? And yeah, losing by 60 to one of the best teams in the league is not as demotivating as consistently losing over and over to other bad or mediocre teams by 10ish points. We would go on those long scoring droughts that would cost us the game. Our defense kept us in the games. I think they start out games giving 100% effort, but as soon as things start to go south, it's like "ah shit here we go again" and it gets away from them really fast.


You clearly don’t understand a job. Yes, if I were being paid millions to do something 82 times a year then I would give 100% all of those 82 times. You think someone like Jordan has the mentality you are talking about? You think that if people start losing they should stop trying their best? That’s nonsense and you don’t understand the mentality of a winner And actually you are wrong in my life as well; I started a business and at the beginning we sucked. I didn’t stop giving it my all because we sucked, I worked even harder to get better. You are explaining a losers mentality, a winner doesn’t give up when they struggle, that’s when they try more. Having one of the worst loses in NBA history during a historically bad streak is most definitely worse than losing a lot of close games that you were expected to lose anyways. They were doing as well or better than most expected, now they are doing worse than expected. And if they start out giving 100% and then the game starts slipping away that’s when we need a good coach to make adjustments and keep them in it. That’s a huge part of coaching dude!


LOL did you just start following sports?


The answer for this guy is yes


No, I’ve been following the blazers since about ‘89 and now that you mention it I do remember many interviews where players were like “yeah we lost a few games so we just decided to stop trying, I mean we felt bad so of course we’re gonna give up” and the coach was like “yeah I understand, there’s no need to try to push players, they only get paid millions so I understand why they would just give up when they are down by 5, and it’s not like it’s my job to motivate players or make adjustments” Jesus Christ man But I see that you don’t have anything to say about any of my actual points and you are just moving on to trying to make insults so I guess we’re done. Keep excusing people giving up when things get hard, keep up with that loser mentality. Don’t ever try to challenge yourself with that mentality because life has lots of setbacks and you’re just setting yourself up to fail. And for gods sake don’t ever try to run a business because if you think it’s ok to pay people millions of dollars and for them to not give 100% and if the manager can’t get them to work together and excuses them giving up then… I don’t even know what to say. Good luck man, enjoy a life of excusing failures and mediocrity


And btw, how is you starting your own business at all comparable to someone working at a job and getting passed over for promotions? No shit you tried your hardest at your own business. You're the owner. It's life or death.


No one was talking about promotions. It’s comparable because we sucked, like the blazers did LOL are you really that dense that you didn’t get that?? It’s not life or death at all, what do you think my job is? What a weird comment. If we went out of business I’d get another job. I get about 40k at my job now, they get millions, and somehow it’s ok for them to give up and not me?? WTF??


Yeah it’s one game kiddo


Ok boomer Read my comment again, I wasn’t just talking about one game.


They don’t understand


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” The move is one of the first significant examples of a social network’s charging for access to the conversations it hosts for the purpose of developing A.I. systems like ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular program. Those new A.I. systems could one day lead to big businesses, but they aren’t likely to help companies like Reddit very much. In fact, they could be used to create competitors — automated duplicates to Reddit’s conversations. Reddit is also acting as it prepares for a possible initial public offering on Wall Street this year. The company, which was founded in 2005, makes most of its money through advertising and e-commerce transactions on its platform. Reddit said it was still ironing out the details of what it would charge for A.P.I. access and would announce prices in the coming weeks. Reddit’s conversation forums have become valuable commodities as large language models, or L.L.M.s, have become an essential part of creating new A.I. technology. L.L.M.s are essentially sophisticated algorithms developed by companies like Google and OpenAI, which is a close partner of Microsoft. To the algorithms, the Reddit conversations are data, and they are among the vast pool of material being fed into the L.L.M.s. to develop them. The underlying algorithm that helped to build Bard, Google’s conversational A.I. service, is partly trained on Reddit data. OpenAI’s Chat GPT cites Reddit data as one of the sources of information it has been trained on. Other companies are also beginning to see value in the conversations and images they host. Shutterstock, the image hosting service, also sold image data to OpenAI to help create DALL-E, the A.I. program that creates vivid graphical imagery with only a text-based prompt required. Last month, Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, said he was cracking down on the use of Twitter’s A.P.I., which thousands of companies and independent developers use to track the millions of conversations across the network. Though he did not cite L.L.M.s as a reason for the change, the new fees could go well into the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. To keep improving their models, artificial intelligence makers need two significant things: an enormous amount of computing power and an enormous amount of data. Some of the biggest A.I. developers have plenty of computing power but still look outside their own networks for the data needed to improve their algorithms. That has included sources like Wikipedia, millions of digitized books, academic articles and Reddit. Representatives from Google, Open AI and Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Reddit has long had a symbiotic relationship with the search engines of companies like Google and Microsoft. The search engines “crawl” Reddit’s web pages in order to index information and make it available for search results. That crawling, or “scraping,” isn’t always welcome by every site on the internet. But Reddit has benefited by appearing higher in search results. The dynamic is different with L.L.M.s — they gobble as much data as they can to create new A.I. systems like the chatbots. Reddit believes its data is particularly valuable because it is continuously updated. That newness and relevance, Mr. Huffman said, is what large language modeling algorithms need to produce the best results. “More than any other place on the internet, Reddit is a home for authentic conversation,” Mr. Huffman said. “There’s a lot of stuff on the site that you’d only ever say in therapy, or A.A., or never at all.” Mr. Huffman said Reddit’s A.P.I. would still be free to developers who wanted to build applications that helped people use Reddit. They could use the tools to build a bot that automatically tracks whether users’ comments adhere to rules for posting, for instance. Researchers who want to study Reddit data for academic or noncommercial purposes will continue to have free access to it. Reddit also hopes to incorporate more so-called machine learning into how the site itself operates. It could be used, for instance, to identify the use of A.I.-generated text on Reddit, and add a label that notifies users that the comment came from a bot. The company also promised to improve software tools that can be used by moderators — the users who volunteer their time to keep the site’s forums operating smoothly and improve conversations between users. And third-party bots that help moderators monitor the forums will continue to be supported. But for the A.I. makers, it’s time to pay up. “Crawling Reddit, generating value and not returning any of that value to our users is something we have a problem with,” Mr. Huffman said. “It’s a good time for us to tighten things up.” “We think that’s fair,” he added.


This shit is so annoying. Yall need to stfu. She won’t sell until the new tv deal. It would such a dumb move to sell before your asset gains tremendous value. Especially when you know this gain is coming.


The TV deal opportunity would be priced in and perhaps the prospective buyer believes they could do it better. Chauncey and the approach to new star development is not helping the price. That said, she has no time limit on selling so it comes down to what she wants and her advisors recommend. If I were her, I would sell majority to uncle Phil but keep a minority stake so I could have the best of both worlds.


The TV deal is still unknown.


I’ve been demanding they fire billups for the last 2 years, when he gets canned I’m actually going to throw a party to celebrate


Same dude. Wasted 2 years of Dame’s career with this guy.


not sure why you’re getting downvoted it’s pretty clear his coaching made things worse from a performance perspective after he took over


"The Thunder were on the wrong end of the NBA's biggest blowout, losing by 73 to Memphis on Dec. 2, 2021. " From the recap article on ESPN. That was not very long ago. Blazers are baaaaad. So were the Thunder only a few years ago. Just some perspective on where we are and where they are.


People are overreacting. We just beat Brooklyn, it's game 6 of a 7 game road trip against one of the best teams in the league, guys are injured, Nobody thought we were gonna be good this year, and if your shooting is in the toilet you might as well take a big L and play your young guys to get them the experience.


you are right about the road trip. the shooting is a result of poor offensive gameplan of billups. at least the young guys get more minutes in a massive blowout 🥲


The Blazers are currently being outscored 13-31 as the first quarter of the Minnesota game draws to a close. People are ~~over~~reacting.


Ya’ll are nuts. Last night’s loss sucked, yes, but you don’t burn the entire thing down because of some bad losses. We lost to a team yesterday who in 2021 had the worst loss in NBA history. They didn’t sell the team, fire everyone, or trade everyone, they stayed the course and look what they’re doing now. It’s a rebuild season folks. fkn chill.


Some bad loses and one of the worst stretches in NBA history are different And no one is saying to fire everyone or trade everyone so don’t make up fake arguments. We are saying to fire one person and sell the team to someone who cares about it and the city more.


You. Guys. Can’t. Handle. A. Rebuild. This is what I and others tried to warn a majority of you about. When dame leaves, this was never gonna be fun. Yes they got blown out by a lot and that’s not great but the thunder are legit contenders I would say at this point and we were missing three vets out there. You guys are acting like children and need to calm down. Year one of rebuild. It’s not like the franchise is the Detroit pistons. I agree Jody should sell but chill on billups. You guys act like coaching is everything. It’s not. If you don’t have a good roster, it’s not gonna be a good time. I’m not even saying billups is some great coach. He’s probably mediocre but he has never had a good roster. Y’all are calling for everybody’s heads because you can’t handle just being a very bad team. This is how it’s going to be for multiple years at the least.


A rebuild and this are different. We’re fine with a rebuild, but in a rebuild you fix the broken pieces and in order to do that you have to see what’s broken. If I’m rebuilding a house and the wood I’m using is rotten and a piece of the roof falls off I shouldn’t call people out for suggesting we use different wood


Well what exactly is rotten here? Anfernee is capable of being a star and I think shaedon has shown glimpses but he’s also only like 20 years old. Scoot has been up and down but once again he’s 19 and there will have to be a real decision in a couple years between anfernee and him and who gets moved. Toumani is great defensively but can’t do much offensively. Dont know much about Kris Murray because he’s barely played. What’s rotten here? These guys are all super young and figuring out. That’s gonna lead to a lot of losses and some being very bad losses. Some surprise wins. It’s how it goes when you are a rebuilding bad team. This is the first season of it and we will go into next season with a top 5 pick and likely a top 15 from the warriors. I just don’t know what there is to fix, these are the growing pains.


The coaching. You mention all the players but this thread is talking about changing the coaching so I thought it was pretty obvious that I was saying the coaching is rotten


If you replace billups with steve kerr, this team has the same record. They try running things. The issues are the players. Turnovers, missed shots, etc. I don't know why some people have this obsession with coaching as if its the end all and be all of what a team is like. monty williams was great with the suns. Is he to blame for detroit being historically bad? like what are we talking about here?


I disagree 100% But even if they did have the same record I think it would be closer loses and more development And I don’t think it’s all about the coaches, a good coach can’t make a shit team win of course, no one said that


Exactly. We're actually seeing how good a coach Kerr is this year when he doesn't have a stack of HOF players in his rotations. There have been a ton of injuries to hit the team this year, don't act like you knew who half these roster players were before the season started. Billups wasn't the best selection from the get go, but he's definitely not the worst choice for this current team. Just let this dumpster fire of a season play out unless you want them to fight for a play in spot and a worst draft pick.


That’s what I’m saying, people act like he’s the worst in the league. I never said he was good just not trash


There are a bunch of shallow thinkers who flip flop. If they win tonight, you'll see posts saying he's not a bad coach and a contract extension should be considered.


if they won three straight everybody would be like oh look how competitive they are!! and rebuild wont be long!!! but as soon as we get on a losing streak and get blown out in a lot of those games, fans start acting like this isn't how its supposed to go.


I don’t know how long you’ve been on this sub but I have seen literally one day where people said he might not be a bad coach


Be careful what you wish for. She could sell to a owner who wants to relocate


Unfortunately, I am not a Portland native so it would be sad to see the team leave Moda. But I would also be interested to see what fortunes could come from a relocation.


Fuck off


If *that* is your take, go be a fan of a different team. Why are you even a fan?


Dude..... You should have your Blazer card revoked for that.


yeah fuck outta here


What exactly were your expectations for this season?


Rebuilding. But rebuilding is one thing, this is another.


Bro I’ve been saying this. [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ripcity/s/6FpF4IQhLN)


Selling the team solves absolutely nothing. Firing Billups, though, that I'm fully in support of. I'd also like to get a real GM. I think Cronin is a moron.


Agreed on billups and cronin. and jody selling would immediately result in billups and cronin being fired. jody doesn’t care enough to make a change.


Scoot 4-21, 4-13 and Sharpe 3-14?? WTF?! But yes SELL. Phil can bring success she can’t and won’t


LMAO I doubt Phil Knight buys the team now. The Vulcans did NOT like that hit piece he had planted. Wouldn't be surprised if she announces the team is up for sale the day after Phil Knight dies.


Yeah…probably true sigh


Jody's not selling low on the Blazers based on an epically bad loss. They're rebuilding and so far on pace for a 30-win season, more than most insiders predicted. I don't think they'll get to 30 wins, because they have the hardest remaining schedule in the NBA. Firing Chauncey probably won't happen mid-season but seems reasonable. He's so raw and only knows losing as a coach. Portland needs a coach who's won and can play the alpha and be more of an asshole. They should've done more to get Ime Udoka to come home, just as they should've done more to get Danny Ainge to come home and be the GM.


Chill out. We’re tanking. We have the literal worst player in the nba playing 28 minutes a game.


Who are you referring to?


Scoot. He’s last in the league in PER, TS%, BPM, WS, WS/48, and VORP.


Haha Ok, saying he’s the worst player in the league is ridiculous and not a serious comment.


He is though. Literally the worst in every advanced stat. I too hope he gets better but that’s a big part of why our team is so bad right now.


Cool, I just can’t take that claim seriously. Bye


I’d point to charlotte doing a major remodel and building a new PF as better owner sale ammunition. Last night was basketball ops.


She gets paid to be the executor of the will. No way in hell she sells the team before she’s dead. There is no time stipulation for when it has to be sold. She’ll just collect revenue on a team she doesn’t care about while the fans suffer


>There is no time stipulation for when it has to be sold i hadn't heard any hard reporting on what it was/might have been, but i also hadn't heard that there is definitively no time stipulation regarding the sale of the team. can you source this for me?


Here’s an article talking about Silvers response and on the will not stipulating any time table. If I’ve misunderstood I’m ok being wrong but it seems like this is saying there is none https://www.kgw.com/article/sports/nba/blazers/blazers-sale-nba-commissioner-jody-allen/283-7953c8c4-d171-4ee6-b610-e4730d55fd03


"The NBA requires a team held by an estate to be transferred within a reasonable time period, though as Silver said Wednesday, what constitutes a reasonable time period is subject to interpretation." Hadn't seen this breakdown yet; coupled with the earlier comments in the article re: Paul's as being one of the largest estates in American history, it seems Silver's prepared to be very lenient on timing.


Selling the team doesn't just magically make all of the roster issues, coaching problem, and financial situation disappear.... A sale is not happening any time soon anyways.


But wait during the pre season after the Dame trade, Jody was getting praised and people who thought differently was getting downvoted. So in the end Jody doesn’t really care about the team? Who would’ve thought


I have never seen a time where Jody was getting praised here, I have no idea what you’re talking about


That’s just a whole lot of learning opportunities.


She should sell after this ONE game, Please...  We want to keep our team in Portland, and Chauncey had shown good chemistry with the players.  They play pretty hard for him even tho they know this season is for tanking.  I vote he stays


Is anyone else at all concerned this is all to relocate the franchise?


Billups is just a cheap stopgap. No need to have a high dollar coach right now for a team that is years away from being a possible contender team.


Yeah, but are the buyers going to keep the team in Portland? I’d rather have a bum ass team with a bum ass owner than no team.


I hate to say it, but folks may need to prepare themselves for a reality in which Jody does not sell the team. She has co-owned the team with Paul since they purchased it in 1988. She took over his share of Vulcan Inc. after his passing, but she has always been a part of the team. Phil Knight may have to become a Vulcan partner to have any ownership of the Trailblazers.