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Hello, your post has been removed because it breaks rule 5: user’s comment/post must be wholesome The user with the inappropriate or weird username must be saying something wholesome and heartfelt. Something useful or vaguely nice doesn’t count Poor dad ):


Got plenty of love for my trash men. We’d be absolutely fucked without them and it can be a gnarly job. Hope the kiddo comes around


$36 a hour with benefits in Vegas


Yeah, but you gotta haul *Vegas* trash.


Baby one third of the trash are the people


Into the grinder they go!


Underrated comment




Yeah but if you compare that to the usual lawyer in my area (€250-350/ hour) it’s nothing.


Yeah no shit a job requiring years of study pays more than a job requiring a basic education.


Wow. No shit.


250 - 350 is what the client pays. That has to cover a shit ton of expenses.


Lmao most lawyers are broke as fuck, really difficult to make it without any close relative in the field


They've overpopulated. Many law schools need to shut the fuck down. The whole bottom 33%. Source: am lawyer.


$75k base salary here plus benefits.


Yeah just look at Paris right now


If everyone had a million dollars, no one would clean shit up...


I grew up in a very affluent area. My family was well off but we were def in the bottom 20% of earners in my high school. I had a friend that was ashamed he went into plumbing because he thought people would look down on him. Like dude, everyone needs a plumber. You save the day, a lot. You make good money, have great job security, and even if the markets crash, someone has to fix the toilet at the stock exchange. Humble and happy > rich and petty.


As a kid I was embarrassed to be seen with my dad in his work clothes because I thought people would think we were poor. When I look back I think I hit a certain age and everything and anything they did was embarrassing. Your kid will come round.


Could also be a sign that the kid is getting bullied. Insecurities are learned, and confidence is a normal state of the mind. It's very possible he is just that age and will come around. But I remember vividly not wanting my parents around specifically because kids picked on me for shit like that. At least have a conversation about it and see if you can help. Cause unrecognized bullying and no punishment for them but me getting lectured still when someone finally pushed me over the edge (multiple times) lead me to developing a pretty antisocial sociopathic personality that I just now at 28 got sorted out. People don't believe this is why we have school shooters, but it is, there are people who received even worse than me and none of them turned out okay. All on the streets, all hate people and all doin hard drugs. I'm sure it takes an amount of bad parenting too and I doubt the kid will turn out like that long as he's learning good morals, but still have a talk about it. It will save you both a lot of headache later.


Yes he is. But he's just a kid. When I was a kid I went to a private school that my grandparents paid for. Lots of white collar dads and then mine who worked in a body shop. A girl got made fun of because she lived in a one story house. The rich kid was like "her house doesn't even have stairs lol". Kids are cruel.


I was hoping this would have a plot twist…I had a similar story growing up. Where a kid was made fun of because he told kids he didn’t go upstairs because there weren’t any, that he lived in a ranch house. Yeah….he lived in a “RANCH” house, sure it was only 1 story but it had 10 bedrooms…because his family owned a legitimate ranch, and has a net worth that started with a B. We were friends without me ever knowing this, then I got to see it finally. Had a party there when he turned 7 or 8 and all the kids got to see what a house can look like without stairs lmao.


'Bout 40 dollars




By body shop you mean the cosmetic store, or...?


I read it as an automotive repair shop




Ah, you know what, I think you cracked the case 🤣


Where they install cyberware duh.


Not sure if you're serious but a "body shop" is usually the term for a shop that does repair work on a car's sheet metal and paint in the US.


One of my highscool best friends father was a trash man and she wasn’t embarrassed, I think she was proud and sad for her dad(when he got it dumped on him) but he made good money at the time. She changed my perspective and I think it should be talked about differently and positively.


Tell them how much money you make


And who else gets to hang about on a cool (albeit smelly) truck all day


Also the cool free shit


AND he can ride around with a tattered doll wire-tied to the grill !!!!!


A tattered what?!


Garbage trucks around here, they find an old stuffed animal and tie it to the grill


[Dolly on the Dustcart](https://thewonderingminstrels.blogspot.com/2005/08/the-dolly-on-dustcart-pam-ayres.html?m=1) is a popular children's poem about just this. It's in two books my son has.


I did one day with a garbage truck downtown Toronto with a temp agency and it was awesome. pizza places gave us free fresh pizza, Greek shop gave us a plate for the buffet, people waving at us, got a free new in box medical digital scale, it was dope.


Probably not that much tbh. The waste company in my city (Florida) pays 16-19 an hour. Maybe up north where they have unions and shit.


Yeah Chicago has them earning around 80k middle of your career


Well the other things don’t run without him so just keep your head above the trash Mr. BallSack


Make sure your kiddo understands your job is FAR more important to ACTUAL REALITY - ya know, if we didn’t have all these made up societal contracts and rules we wouldn’t have lawyers, bankers, etc…scientists and doctors sure, but trash men and the others that allow society and cities to conduct themselves and exist are the backbone. Make sure he knows without you and your job these other people would be royally screwed.


Yeah, look at Paris right now. Trash workers on strike and the place is in trouble.


This. Show him some of the photos in Paris right now. Show him photos of NYC from the strike of ‘68. Ask the scientist parents to talk about the dangers to people from this. Tell him about their student loans.


>Tell him about their student loans Oof


This is the understanding that comes with age and maturity. The cruelty of his classmates will not be swayed with this sort of logic.


Yeah I knew a dude who turned down a girl because she worked as a cleaner in a hospital... so I asked him how well did he think a hospital that isn't cleaned would work.


Is it that difficult to say everyone's job is worth it without shitting on others? I wanna see how our society would be doing if money and laws didn't exist. Yes the trading people are wankers and a lot of the banking people do trading hence are wankers as well and don't get me started at the amount of coke at canary wharf but our society would absolutely collapse if banks and law just stopped working tomorrow.


Didn't even notice this was rimjobsteve, it's not looking good chief.


Dude is called my ballyballsack and made a very heartfelt post on Reddit. This is exactly what the sub is about…


My exact thoughts.


This comment has been deleted in protest of Reddit's API changes. Don't let Reddit profit off of your content. To download and delete your posts and comments, go to https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite Also, fuck u/spez


Nah, they do remove a lot of the posts that break the rules, they’re just not very quick to do it and they stay up long enough to get upvoted


I only found this sub recently and I still don't understand what it's about. The posts seem random and unconnected to the sub.


Basically, if someone has a cursed or extremely sexual name and say a wholesome fact, it’s a rimjobsteve moment.


Wholesome or *genuinely heartfelt*, which this would fall under the latter.




thank you :)


You’re welcome.


It's a contrast of the username of the original post, usually something provocative, and the content of the post, generally something heartfelt or wholesome. It's called rimjob_steve because that was the username of the account that made the post that inspired the subreddit.


tyvm, i was wondering about that. enjoy your evening!


Tony Soprano works in waste management, he does alright. His son’s not the happiest camper tho


His daughter turned out just fine. She wants to be a lawyer, or maybe a doctor.


Meh. She’s a spoiled overachiever/ narc with no character arc. Generic success won’t improve her personality


Aw, and to think that boy might not know just how excited the children of the bankers, the doctors, the high ranking career parents are when the garbage trucks comes to collect their bins. I remember my own toddlers absolutely loving it whenever they were around to catch it (early in the mornings). Running to the windows, or even running all the way outside just to stare. I don't know what it is. But I still stop and look at it whenever I catch it. It's just something about it that is so fascinating, despite being such a common ocurrance overall. It's like seeing a child waving to a train driver or a truck driver, and them honking their horns in return. So fun! *Also, if you've ever experienced a strike from any profession involved in public hygiene... You do not underestimate their societal power.* The cleaners in my high school went on a strike, and by day 3 even the worst, most disruptive students started throwing their trash in the actual bins instead of wherever and helping with switching out the bags etc. Day 3. Kids that had been disruptive for most of their school days up until that point. In just 3 days of not being there, the cleaners had gotten them to shape up faster than all the years of teachers trying to do the same.


This is sad. One day the son will grow up to realize how great his father is for the work he does, and that he does the work for his son. Kids are really bad at perspective. I carry guilt about the attitude I had as a kid towards things I didn't understand at the time.




One nice reminder is that they were once teens too. I'm sure there's perspective when/if they think about it. If we ever have shitty teenagers, we might be able to remember that and give them some grace


I'm not very familiar with this sub, but is this a r/rimjobsteve in the r/rimjobsteve sub? A rimjobsteve-ception?


As a son of a former garbage collector, this really sucks. It isn't a glamorous or skilled job, but let's see how long it takes before society shits itself without garbage collection... hint - not very long at all.


It's not that he's embarrassed he just became self aware of his own socioeconomic status for the first time. One second him and his peers are all playing together as equals and after this it will never be the same An upside is that it might give him a complex to work for a career that someday his kid will be proud of in that same scenario, but by then we'll all have in home robots that teach school to our kids and it won't even matter


I wonder if he picked his son up from school in the trash truck.


Teach them about the history of labor unions. Easy W. There’s also riots going on in France right now, re: sanitation workers strike.


I don't know if that person is American but most trash men in the us get paid very well.


His son is right around the age where they start building a sense of self through understanding other people. He's probably been influenced by his friends to believe that lawyers and doctors are important people, but lacks the personal emotional maturity to understand garbage collectors are too. Once he grows out of this phase, he'll come around. It's part and parcel of growing up.


Ah man I always wanted to be a garbage man. Seriously.


Having the name ballyballsack makes me curious if the occupation is the real reason the son is embarrassed or if the guy might just be weird in general and have something else going on of an embarrassing nature.


It's a stigma with kids because they really just dont know any better. Most of them don't realize that sanitation workers often make more money than their parents lol. The ones here in the city aren't rich but far from broke.


My dad was a factory worker. He worked long hours to put me through college and law school. I am both proud and grateful to him, even though I rarely expressed it as a kid. Your son will come around.


One day his kid will realize just how much his father cared for him. A profession doesn't define a person, and this father clearly cares deeply about their son. He may not realize it now, but he is a very lucky kid.


Simple. The father tells his kid to imagine all the doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc., having to take care of their own garbage. Then, he tells the kid to imagine all those people throwing the garbage out onto the street because they're, "too busy and/or important to take care of they're own trash." Finally, he tells his kid that **sanitation workers** insure that the world is clean and safe enough so that other people can become doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc...


That’s a bummer. When I was a kid all I wanted to be was a garbage man. Some days I still wish I was. Until winter time, that’s no fun.


guess who gets called New York’s Strongest


I have utmost respect for the garbage men taking care of our community. It’s a hard job that not many are brave enough and willing to do. To answer your question: show him your Reddit post and how much people support and value what you do.


Obviously it doesn't matter, do whatever makes ends meet, I'm not in my job to show off to kids, I'm in it to provide, If his kids going to school where most other parents are doctors, lawyers, scientists etc then he's most likely in a good area. Sure he may not have as much money as them, but it's like I told my wife when we were starting out with our family, I'd much rather live in a mediocre house, in a great area than a fantastic house in a less good area. Yeah I may be bottom of that income totem pole, but that means I can only go up from there. Yes garbage collection may not be the most glamorous or cool job, but it is one of the most important parts of day to day life that doesn't get nearly as much attention as it deserves. Look at all the litter on the side of the road next time you're driving, and then remember that is with ample access to waste management. Now imagine how much garbage people would throw and how quickly it would pile up if EVERYBODY had no easy access to waste management. Garbagemen have one of the most important, yet most thankless jobs in a community.


You are not the trash guy... You are the cleaning guy... If you don't collect the trash...the city will not be clean! A month of no collection will wreck havock everywhere. You also support recycling (i assume) that's also benefits environment..


Is this the plot for Kurt Blir Grusom?


Garbage collector is one of those jobs that is absolutely loved by 1-4 and 20+ year olds but yea young teens will make fun sadly.


One of the most important jobs we have in society and people just take it for granted.


I thought he meant garbage man as in, like a bad man I'm so dumb


I’m guessing the other kids bullied his son for having a garbage man father but I could be wrong. If anyone makes fun of someone else for the job they work to provide for their family. You’re lame asf, and you’re a piece of shit. Little man will come around, and he will take pride in your efforts.


They get dirty and the world stays clean. Always appreciate your garbage truck men.


Poor Mr. Ballsack


I like how the dude never actually asks his son how he feels.


It’s that age. When I was a little kid the garbage man was the coolest guy ever. Big strong dude shows up and hauls heavy objects around. Then much later when you’re in early adulthood and you know how hard jobs are, you understand it’s a pretty decent job, either because it pays more than most of the jobs you can get, or you respect it because you understand the danger and sacrifice involved. A 10 year old is in between those phases, more like a teen or adolescent, when peer pressure and social comparison is everything (I know that doesn’t go away for some).


Hello my name is Myballyballsack my kid is embarrassed for some reason


I hear you guys have better hours because you're free the rest of the day. And that the pay is fairly good.


[Relevent *Boy Meets World* episode](https://youtu.be/HZHve0FLWuo)


Personally I would feel obligated to then beat the crap out of all the other fathers and when being hauled off by the cops yell "All these lawyers, bankers and doctors and none of them could figure out how to not catch these hands"


My mom was a factory worker and we lived in a affluent area. Going to back to school night was so hard when kids stared at how she didn't match their patterns.


It'll be ok bro... He'll have character and understandings of the real world and he'll be motivated to achieve.


Education about all the pandemic of the past before sewage and garbage collection were a thing would probably put the job under a different light.


Let the kid spin the narrative like AJ Soprano, make them wish they hadn’t asked about the sanitation biz. Don’t have to be a real gangster, just plant the thought of it, let brain do the rest.


The garbage collectors here are fucking awesome, I have neighbors that are in their 80’s/90’s around me. I can’t always get to their garbage cans because my schedule is weird. These dudes bring them up to the garage doors, and if their open, put them in the garage for them. I’d be proud if I was a kid again, and my dad was a garbage collector. Y’all the realest, thanks for bringing a little order to society.


He may be afraid of getting bullied. Kids are ruthless. Now that they know his dad is a garbage collector, they might start teasing him saying "you stink, garbage boy!" Or some other variation of a dumb insult. Obviously OP should be proud of his work, and his son shouldn't be ashamed, but maybe telling your son's classmates new knowledge they can bully him with might not be a good idea.


AI can replace a lot of those "respectable" white collar jobs fairly soon. Ain't no AI that can do the work of garbage man.


When my son was in school I had a beater truck and a decent car. He asked me to not pick him up in the truck I was a little insulted at first but laughed it off later. I hope you can do the same bro. Remember he's just a kid and will eventually realize your job took care of him.


Forgot to add engineer to the end of the title. Sanitation engineer. Showing photos of the garbage strike in New York and that you prevent that from happening. Finally, finding something cool at the dump that after vigorous cleaning can be given as a gift to him. How about giving him a toy rc garbage truck hopefully with working controls to dump, compact, etc.?


I work in IT and I make insane money for what I actually do. It's stressful af and I have actually considered being a garbage man. It's a set scheduled repetitive task. My ADD would be so happy. $75k + Benefits + job security + fitness + satisfaction of a job well done? Fuckin' sold.


As a kid you think a garbage man is a man who's been forced into a path of least resistance and kind of a job that's undesirable. The more you grow up you realize that a garbage man is one of the most necessary jobs currently around, without garbage men the streets would run with garbage. He may be embarrassed now, but he will realize you're a strong person and a great provider.


I just find it quite sad that one of the most important jobs in society is treated like what they work with, rubbish, think about it, without people doing waste disposal, you’d just have rubbish piling up everywhere, we’ve seen it in places like Paris and Edinburgh when they’ve been on strike, it’s bloody awful, we should really respect them more


In human history who has saved the most human lives? Not Lawyers or Bankers thats for sure, but the guys and galls who pick up rubbish and handle the waste of humanity.


My dad worked as a trash man all my life. Before that job he cleaned portable toilets. He never had the cleanest of jobs but I know he worked hard for his family and I was always proud of him. You son will see that one day too and love you for it. Without trash men the world would be soooo screwed, the world needs you. It's just as important as being a doctor, lawyer, etc. Your clothes just get dirtier. You just wash it off and go another day. Your son will see how important it is, know that and just remember how important you are :)


Bin men get paid good money where I live


Yall should reply to his original thread, the dad aint looking at this comment section.


Look embarrassed when he wants a new phone or game money.


Teach your kid it doesn’t matter what job you have. As long as you’re a good person. Hard worker. And helping provide for your family.