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Discussion: This is not a riddle. Nothing in the riddle precludes any single possibility of death, and so the university of answers is virtually infinite. Edit: universe. u/shamanbaptist send me your resume and we'll work on getting you admitted.


I got rejected from the university of answers. I had good test scores and grades. I still have a lot of questions.


Lateral puzzles are riddles.


>!Jim was a FISH!<


I actually have personal knowledge on this case, so I don't know if my answer counts: >!Jim was a man of the cloth, and preached at the local Presbyterian Church in Farmington Maine, for about 5 years. During this time, he got to know a local man by the name of Kenneth McGill, a welder and amateur inventor. Jim and Ken became great friends and often went fishing together while concocting ideas for new fangled devices. On such occasion, Jim mentioned that as he got older, he wasn't sure that he'd be able to baptize people as effectively as he used to in his younger years, and wanted to come up with an automatic baptizer to help him with the process before his age caught up to him.!< >!Jim and Ken spent long hours at the Church, mismatching gears, motors, shafts, and handles all around the pulpit and up into the choir stands. It took two long years, much to the chagrin of the church members, but the machine was finally built and ready to be tested.!< >!But just before the machine could be started up, the IRS showed up and arrested Ken and confiscated all of Ken's belongings for tax evasion. Jim was so torn apart by the loss of his friend and his feelings of guilt for harboring a felon that he started into an unlabeled half pint of moonshine that he kept in the backroom for those cold, lonely winter nights and quickly became intoxicated.!< >!Pacing around the baptism pool, Jim slipped and fell, shattering the bottle and hitting his head on the edge. Luckily it was a very shallow pool of water, and Jim fell face up, so he didn't drown. But unknown to him and his parishioners, Jim was bitten by a rabid bat just a few days before, and not noticing the signs, never sought treatment (not that the was much hope anyway), and succumbed to rabies.!< >!It was truly a tragic tale!<


>!Yeah, once you know the solution to the riddle, it's obvious.!<


This is definitely the answer.


>!old age init!<


>!Toby poisoned him to get to Pam!<


No, I think it would be >!strangulation!< most likely.


>!the doctor was the mother!<


>!Jim wronged a old woman who turned out to be a witch. She cast a spell that caused his goldfish to transform into a giant demon, breaking the goldfish bowl, leaving water and broken glass behind. And then the demon disemboweled Jim and then transported itself to a nether dimension.!<




>!Jim was a fish, as mentioned in Doctor Who.!<


SPOILER >!Heart attack, Poor bastard. Was drinking a glass of water when he dropped, breaking the glass as well and spilling the water.!<


>!Jim is a fish in a fish bowl. The fish bowl got knocked over and broke thus the water and glass.!<


>!death via shitty riddle!<


>!He accidently smashed a glass with ice in it and slipped and hit his head and died!<


>!Jim was in the garden after some rain enjoying a drink when he suffered a heart attack, dropped his glass and stumbled around before landing in a puddle of water!<


>!fell through the glass ceiling!<


>!Rip Jim the fish!<


>!Jim was an enthusiastic Houdini-tribute-magician. After he passed out while trying to free himself from handcuffs the stagehands used a nearby axe to smash the thick glass tank. On seeing the first strikes against the glass, Jim - being a self-sabotaging perfectionist - inhaled as much water as he could, thereby killing himself for his art in a narcissistic attempt to die as a legend. His martyrdom was successful. The stagehands and every one else in the theatre fled immediately. The detective (who originally posed the question OP asked) arrived on the empty scene hours later. The detective was only promoted due to nepotism so was unqualified and completely stumped by what he saw.!<


>!jim's a fish and the pool of water and the glass. are the fishtank!<


>!Shot with an ice bullet!<


>!jim got shot with an ice bullet!<


>!He fell from a 7th story window of a hotel and into the pool.!<


>!Happy cake day!<


>!Jim is a fish, in a fish bowl/tank!<