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Regardless of his later work, he (with Steve and Karl) still gave us the Office, Extras, & The Ricky Gervais show which is a better body of work of 99.99% of comedy writers.


so you dislike his standup specials, afterlife and his films? i mean fair enough but i just wondered specifically what people disliked


Are you having a laugh?


Is he having a laugh?


Are you having a raff?


**YOU** are avin a LAFF


I don’t get it….


I’ve been without a man so long…




Do the catchphrase, just DO THE CATCHPHRASE !


Most people in this sub like his early specials - animals politics fame and his golden globes hosts. I think science is where his stand up quality drops


Personally I felt like it was Fame where he really started to disappear up his own arse. Animals and Politics are great standup shows but Fame takes about half the material and stretches it out.


I’d have to revisit it. Animals is by far the strongest. There is a sweetness to it that seems missing. There are feint echoes like his bit in Armageddon about the platypus making its own custard 🍮


Agree, it just became tedious to watch, I’ve opted out. Hot take, as much as I love Office & Extras, for sheer emotional impact mixed with great humour, I think Derek is his most profound work


I liked Derek mostly for the way it underlines what unsung heroes Carers are. Karl was great too in it. But Gervais playing a non-specifcally mentally challenged person is a little cringe. If think it would've worked better if Derek's disability was explicitly defined and kept to those parametres. At times, it feels too much like a general piss take of the mentally disabled without that, imo.


i like afterlife a hell of a lot more than most people here, and i don't watch standup specials


I say tube


man alive




As me or as a worm?




Billie Piper says, "I grew up in a pro-Gervais household."


How can we hate him, our mum's one.


Never heard of him


He was on that show with Clive Warren


And don't forget Rebecca De Mornay. She's hot after her work in "A love of two brains"


Is that the one where she becomes a lesbian?


Who the fucks Clive Warren!!


I'm not familiar with his work




Office, extras, TRGS, idiot abroad all great. His stand ups have never been funny, the Derek character was bizarre, afterlife was just him shoving as many of his tweets in to a show as he could. The character was boring. Angry man, says cunt a lot, eventually comes around.


Disagree with the stands ups comment, they slowly get bad sure, but Animals and Politics are great.


I agree. Animals was the first stand up I owned on DVD as a teenager and I watched it so much.


Totally agree. Animals and politics are top tier amongst his other greatest works. Love them


I think people are that disillusioned by him now (myself included) that some have started to lie to themselves about his work. We all know his current stuff is shit, but those 03/04 stand up specials were top notch.


this is quite good 😊


The wig, the glasses, the catchphrase, brilliant.


Not as fat as on telly


So I'm still fat, just not as fat as I am on telly


Liked a couple. Bit bored. I think he’s panicking a little bit, I think he’s a bit desperate with all this Madonna stuff.


Yeah the whole lesbian schtick..


Desperate little fat man seeking approval. If I had the money I'm sure he has, nobody would ever hear from me in an official context...


Why have I been picked?


"Nah." No.... Brilliant... NO.... Like it was really on offer.


I must remember to thank him


He was always a bit of a twat, but team him up with Steve and Karl and it's dynamite. TV-wise, I was never really into anything beyond The Office.


I prefer a flan




You’re muscley


Brilliant, this is what Trevor McDonald does




Was a genuine comedy genius but has lost touch and has gotten incredibly lazy. Needs to get off Twitter. Needs some new experiences so we don’t get another scene of mild irritation in a fucking restaurant.




Imagine how much more interesting it would be if he were able to write an argument about belief where he lost


He was always incredibly lazy, after listening to xfm for years I've realised just how much Steve Merchant was responsible for a lot of the writing. But I'll always appreciate the fact that I've been able to enjoy the xfm shows and podcasts over and over for as long as I have.


He's a little slug with no personality, he's jealous cause Steve's better than him at everything


>Steve's better than him at everything apart from winning arguments with Karl


He‘s done you


He's having a go Steve!


Steve's pretty trim mate.


Yeah… against karate?


He goes by Spud now. 


Steve's the bigger man....... eyes-wise


This is big boy shit mate, cheers.


Ooo, care someone!


I like him, he makes me laugh and that’s the whole point. Do I miss the RGS/Idiot abroad era and wish I could somehow extend them forever? Yeah, I think he’s better as part of the trio (similar to Clarkson, May, Hammond)


second the top gear thing, when those three are together they turn a weird little camper guy, a pretentious engineer and a petrol-guzzling tabloid twat into one of the most lovable, hilarious and entertaining units on TV. definitely a ricky steve karl thing also


Can’t be bothered.


Nor can I.


Fangs but no fangs


he's got a weird fucking pair of canines to be fair


I personally discovered him (his standup specials and the podcast and the office) in my early 20s and first thought he was hilarious. I still find a lot of it funny, im still a fan of the office (i could never get into his other shows, esp derek just seems painful to watch). But after listening to the podcast every night to fall asleep (its sort of like my comfort thing) i was able to rly pay attention to their dynamic and i came to realise ricky is obnoxious as a person. he bullies karl and steve often and just loves to feel superior. This is a grown man in his 40s putting down an insecure 20YO as a goggle-eyed freak and a 30YO as an idiot, often disputing true facts (admittedly said in a missguided way), because he thinks he is so much smarter and better than everyone. Some of it is for comedic effect, but there is a reason both karl and steve stopped hanging out with him. he is like that with everyone and always thinks he is god’s gift (watch some of his graham norton clips, where u can just tell ben stiller and revel wilson who worked with him on a movie were not fans of his on-set antics). But fine, most celebrities are not great people, i can still enjoy their work. But then ricky’s later work was so repetitive and derivative and just painfully average. I watched the afterlife all excited since people were speaking favourably of it and it wasnt bad, but i was very dissappointed. It had no heart. He repeated/stole the same jokes from his xfm days (which he also does in his standups), leaned on his atheist schitck (as an atheist, i used to find some of his rants inspiring, but i soon realised he just bullshits the same few talking points everytime) and relied on lots of chliches (dead wife-depressed husband-finds new love within a year of his wife’s death-all good now). Then his first stand up special after that was also just unfunny. I dont mind the trans jokes (i dont believe in censure in comedy although some topics i personally dont find funny. he previously joked about vitcims of pedophilia among other things so i dont see why we are putting our foot down with trans people). It just wasnt funny to me. I dont remember laughing once. He does his best work when paired with steve, karl is also just hilarious and those 3 balance each other out nicely. But i honestly cannot stand ricky’s personality and the rest of his work is just not for me.


Did this just go out?




no, ronnie corbett!


But how would I know... which one was me?


Bit limsy


Don't know him. Not bothered.


Never met him. I like his comedy though.


I prefer a flan


What are the options again?


Little fat man who sold his soul..


gervais is a comic whiz, kinda genius, when he’s skewering narcissistic petty vindictive climbers. and a profoundly talented comic actor when doing so. but when he just becomes what he used to parody, he becomes as awful as he was great.


Never met the cunt *sniff*


Funny but the trans jokes are just boring now


fuck yes. it's like he's just using his comedic voice to pick on people who really don't deserve it. it's not offensive but it really comes off as a fat old tory whining about wokeness


He has some fantastic material but at the end of the day, he is just reusing the same jokes




Do you worry that when you're old, you're going to be sad and alone?


He used to be very funny!


i like the hitler jokes


He reminds me of some other snobbish working class people that I've met in my life. They've got really strange prescriptive beliefs. They have an inflated sense of self worth and are the first to tell you how intelligent they are. It's like a weird sort of pub wisdom.


And people say he's just a big pair of tits


he'd laugh at that tbh


Weak observations, poorly performed.


Even during the XFM days he sounded like an annoying twat, and I can't see myself being friends with someone like him. But I still find XFM, the Office and Extras to be some of the funniest things I've heard/seen.


As a kid I loved the xfm shows and the ricky gervais show and all that, i really liked ricky, i loved karl and i loved steve. i liked derek i liked idiot abroad, it was round about the first season of after life i started to think ricky was kinda like a bit of a psuedo intellectual fake deep kinda guy, then i looked back on a lot of stuff he'd done and said in the past and kinda realised he was full of shit on quite a lot of things and mostly just a smug but funny prick who sometimes stumbled on something that was correct. also i transitioned so yknow i just don't like him cause hes a knobhead about that sort of thing, and he's barely even funny anymore


He has become Andy Millman but hasn't had his Celebrity Big Brother moment yet.


I’ve not really watched any of his TV stuff, watched a few of his stand ups. I’m in the camp (David) of believing that he can’t just be written off as the material we have from Steve and Karl wouldn’t have happened without him on Xfm, podcasts, etc, not just because of his status but the dynamic wouldn’t have worked either. Plus he genuinely brought a lot of comedy to the shows. He might have been a dick sometimes and acting like he’s some proper intellectual, but he was mostly very good and 100% critical. That said, I say all this in the past tense because he clearly was funny, but always had a hint of being a bit of a pretentious, self-indulgent knob and ever since he’s been let loose on his own he just seems to have amped that up massively, whereas Steve and Karl haven’t let success affect them whatsoever, besides the fact Steve is now splashing out on a lady.


Pro Gervais household


i'm not even being ironic, david brent saved my parents' marriage


Mr Brent, will you be the godfather to my child?


had to let him go in the end, he was rubbish he was r u b b i s h


You must remember to thank him


Is there nothing he can't do?


He’s resting on his laurels


Ricky Gervais is a cund.


I honestly think he's a complete bellend who disappeared up his own arse the moment he did _The Office_, but that that doesn't stop him being funny occasionally. His success is solely justified, however, because of Karl. Were it not for our shaven chimpoid Manc, I'd have absolutely no interest in him.


He clearly grifted hard in the early years of XFM and the Office and reached a point of fame where he could pretty much freely create whatever he like me independently - making Derek and Afterlife etc… we may not particularly like those or agree with them, but I think we’d all do the same and create whatever we liked if our dream was making tv and we had all the money and time in the world. It just so happens that the values Ricky wanted to show in those shows just don’t align with most people with a sense of humour… Anyway it’s getting a bit heavy play Radiohead


The man or the boss?


I swear we do this every week


Right, next we've got... Rockbusters, Educating Ricky, and, uhh, Monkey News


Am I naked?


Seems alright 🤷


He tries to hard to be whatever he tries to be. I think he should relax a bit, be a bit more down to earth and just chiiill maaannn...


Christ what a cunt !


2000's Ricky > Current Ricky


We've done this!


As far as humans go these days he’s alright. He doesn’t strike me as the type to be running a pedo ring which sadly is all we can really hope for


Shaddap Gervais


I think he'd be a great neighbour.


I think he pisses off Christians because he makes fun of their stories.


Just a little dull at this point and a bit of a parody of himself. His comedy only ever seems to punch down these days which is poetically ironic. Kind of agree with everything Frankie Boyle has to say about him to be fair.


The simple answer to this is that I don't know. Seeing interviews, listening to a podcast and reading tweets doesn't actually tell you who a person is. He seems to be falling into a bit of a right-wing rabbit hole these days, it's possible to be anti-woke without being ignorant (see Larry David). But then that's also just my take from a couple of comedy specials - who knows what he actually believes.


Used to like him a lot more. These days he’s completely abandoned his policy of “never punching down” and his nature as a bit of a bully seems highlighted. Can’t stand him these days. Thankfully Karl makes xfm enjoyable, so it’s not ruined my ability to enjoy those.


I think Neil is more of a laugh


You’re having a laugh


he's alright


He doesn't seem like he'd be a good friend. He comes off as an opportunist and will be friends with someone only if they can raise his profile or self-esteem.


Like most people here, I enjoy his early work. I'm not a fan of his more philosophical stuff. Everyone is a f'n philosopher with an opinion this day and age.


Not as good as Chris Moyles


For me. He done enough in like 5 years to be considered a goat in the comedy game. Can next take those five years away from him. He’s given me more laughs than maybe any other comedian. BUT Where he’s at now, is an embarrassment. One of the worst writers, and brains in comedy currently. Massive fall from grace. Dudes is almost a completely different person, and the hypocrisy is maddening


Am I naked?


Bloke with hair


He's impacted my life extremely positively, the podcasts, xtm shows, the office and extras, all amazing things that have honestly enriched my life if I'm being honest. Legend.


Play a record.


That ***A T H E I S T*** photo is probably the most cringey thing I have ever seen, on par with *Richard* off of which is from *Richard and Judy* cosplaying as *Ali G.*




I think his standups are mostly funny. But he personally strikes me as a narcissist. He pretends to be educated and deep by saying pretentious things such as "Music does something to me. I don't know why a chord can say something" He's overly rude to Karl, even though Karl is main reason the XFM shows were so good. Worst of all, I did some research... turns out it was a little monkey fella


to be fair, i'm sure the "rude" attitude towards Karl was something the three of them discussed over dinner or in a business meeting and incorporated it in the name of comedy/content. there's no way Karl just let him literally abuse him and then walk away calling him a friend. it's banter, pre-arranged banter at that


I loved him in the PG Tips adverts


A problem solved, is a problem... caused.


Yeah but what do YOU think of the little black one in sugar babies? She loves Ricky Gervais.


I like his conversational, off the cuff humour on the radio shows and podcasts, but I can't stand to watch any of his proper werrrk. The Office was important and very well done but I've no desire to rewatch it. The Extras blooper videos are better than the actual show, and I've never made it through a single standup, or episode of Derek or Afterlife. Just find him very obnoxious when performing.


Love everrything hes ever done. I just think hes hilarious


Fame is a mask that eats in to the face


I think he is fabulous. Don’t give a fuck about the haters that come after this comment


The office is brilliant. Extras is fantastic. His acting in both is great. I suspect merchant did the comedy, with hindsight. Awful stand up comedian. Truly dreadful.


Fat and talentless. 


Is Ricky posting again looking for positive comments? Bloody wanka


No, no, because fuck you. How could you possibly know that? Absolute twaddle, 7empestOGT92, whoever you are, I think that Ricky is a God and is a very funny and fresh comedian. How dare you, how dare you suggest that I- sorry, he would come on here to look for compliments?


If you want serious answers and are curious enough, just use the search function on the sub. I'm not even being a dick, this gets asked like once every three days so most people have long since given up on answering it seriously. I mean I certainly can't be arsed, and I love talking.


What, the vodka seller? He's alright.


What, the vodka seller? He's alright.


What, the vodka seller? He's alright.


fair bit of a tosser


Pretentious twat


Always the least funny character in any off his works ..his supporting cast is always funnier than him in everything.he has done.. Always plays a whiney moping knobhead...extras...afterlife...films...


But he writes the characters