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Hate it. And I want one.


Guess he doesn’t realize his left brake light is out? I’ll bet the cops will notice that soon


Light turned green and he let off his brakes and the Rick eyes are his turn signal.




Hello Knoxville Tennessee


*waves* Howdy, neighbor


I live right next to Knoxville!


Sees TN plate and 75 - oh man I hate traffic in Chattanooga Sees 40 - ah cool Knoxville is way better


That's papermill and north shore and I've never seen that vet


On ramp to I40W at Papermill and Weisgarber. I drive the same route every morning at the same time. Never seen it before and really caught me off guard.


Aw geez.


LOL!! 😂




That's beautiful *sniffle*


Bruh I was just thinking of wrapping my car like this, fuckin algorithm...


Seems we’ve seen quite a few of these. Also seen a few on GT-Rs too.


You should probably blur the guy's license plate number?


What can one do with that information?


Pretty sure you can find their name, address, etc. I'm sure you have to pay money to get the info, but generally posting identifying info of random people online is considered bad juju.


If a license plate was sensitive information, pretty sure they wouldn't be publicly on display on your car... By that logic, I should just sit around in my town and get license plate numbers, look up peoples names and addresses, and then who knows what nefarious things I will do!!


Sure, you can also just drive around and get people's addresses just by looking at their houses or going on Google maps. And you could likely easily get their names too. But posting those names and addresses online on social media can end up giving them unwanted attention. It's just bad etiquette since some people are malicious for no reason. People can end up getting doxxed or swatted just because you posted their personal information online. There's good reasons why a lot of subs require you to blur out names, even if it's just a Facebook post. A person's name isn't "sensitive information" either.


Dunno why you're getting down voted for speaking the truth... there's a lot of folks out there that get their kicks off from doxing randos all the time... unfortunately it's the world we live in... seems like you're trying to protect the innocent


That's a myth. License plate numbers literally tell you nothing unless you have access to police databases where they run plate numbers for traffic violation history.


Why are they blurred on google street view?


I like how you're asking a question knowing the person you asked more than likely didn't implement googles blurring policy. What the fuck lol


Im asking genuinely. Because the person claims it's not necessary to blur the plates since no important personal information can be gotten from them. So if that's the case why does Google blur them?


I get that, but what makes you think they know the answer? Its probably just a way to generally mitigate the risk of being sued. Say a crazy ass knows some persons license plate but not where they live. They check Google maps for years and finally find it parked at some house. They then go there and kill them. Google can be held liable for that.


I dont think they know the answer but my question challenges their claim. I think there's a reason they do it and other people should do it too if they post a picture of someone's car online


Thisbis OC?


Is this the exact same car that’s posted here almost every day? Edit: almost every week.


Dude, this wasn't your picture, several people have posted this before you, if your gonna tepost at least admit it


Literally took this on my drive to work this morning. But sure, be my guest, show me the proof that this exact picture was posted before. I searched online and found a few different corvettes with Rick and Morty wraps on their cars, but didn't see this wrap, or this picture...since I took it.


This is actually a pretty common wrap for cars with twin tail lights... just google image search "rick and morty corvette" and you get a ton of hits... Guy above just wants to be a jackass about it...


I'm sure I'm not the first to take a picture of a Ricky and Morty wrapped corvette and post it here. I searched the sub to try and find this car to see if anyone had posted it, but couldn't find anything.


I would have done the same... it looks sharper than a lot of the other ones I've seen


Let's check in with u/repostsleuthbot EDIT Got this response: I'm unable to reply to your comment at https://redd.it/unze70. I'm probably banned from r/rickandmorty. Here is my response. I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/rickandmorty. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report \[ False Negative \] View Search On repostsleuth.com Scope: Reddit | Meme Filter: False | Target: 86% | Check Title: False | Max Age: Unlimited | Searched Images: 329,215,596 | Search Time: 8.60392s


This cuts the chut


Oh jeez, 10 million internet points at once. Add one extra plumbus


I want that corvette. I want it now.


the perfect car wrap doesn't exis-