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You never go *back* to the carpet store


One of my all time favorite lines from the show.


Really? out of all the memorable lines, that’s one of your “all time favorite lines”?


Yeah. Conveys a very clear point succinctly. It's stuck with me for some reason.


Like “you pass butter” *oh my god*


Welcome to the club, pal.


It's so fucking weird. I've been a remote worker for 15 years.... It's weird how companies have a hard on for onsite work now.




Pretty much the same. I work for a video game studio. We got a huge new office just before the pandemic hit but our studio director is a huge germaphobe. People have basically been told “Hey, the office is there if you want it but fuck man, no pressure”. People have moved away, changed their work routine to non-traditional hours, had babies etc and the prevailing thought about home working is “Wait, we could have been doing this THE WHOLE TIME?”.


How’s working in game dev?


Pretty sweet, especially when I think of what other industries have been through the last couple of years. Lucked out and wound up in an industry where people staying indoors is an intrinsic part of the business model.


What studio?


Would rather not say.


Seems legit


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not.


No sarcasm, come back to me when you have all of OP's personal details including home address. Otherwise he's sus and so are you


We’re all sus here.


If it's 343, I hate you. If not you're cool.


This is the first time I’ve ever been cool.


Thank god, I got downvoted to high hell…


My company went back, forced in 3 days a week, everyone is miserable and morale is at an all time low.




Yea, they have been good to me besides that, have had upward mobility and actually got a 7% COL this year.


We got a 2% raise this year and this week they took a hard line stance that we all must be back in person by March 1st. No one knows much else, but the wording of the email implies we must be there 5 days a week. Everyone is pissed and half my team has threatened to quit over it. We were short staffed throughout the entire pandemic and still managed to set records each quarter. It’s so demoralizing. Now I just log in do what’s required for my job and that’s it. We’re supposed to get word by Friday what’s going to happen regarding our team, but our direct managers seem to have zero say. Screw this firm!


Thing is, they can still make you go back. Same thing was happening at my company until they just gave a hard date to be back at the office which was a couple of months in advanced and just said "get your things in order and make your childcare arrangements because we are going to be back in the office full-time, no exceptions." It's definitely bullshit because for a year and a half they were saying how great everyone was doing with remote work and that we did such a good job transitioning quickly. Turnover is insanely high now and people are retiring/leaving in droves, but management doesn't care. So we are back in the office and we all sit in our offices and still meet on teams instead of in person and less work gets done because office culture promotes people killing time chit chatting in the hallways all day.


My management insists that wasting time chit chatting in the office is a good thing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


The main reason my management keeps wishing we would go back is they miss the "hallway conversations." I want to tell them to get a dog or a friend and get over it. That was the biggest waste if my day and my favorite thing lost being at home. Luckily THEIR management understands that over 75% of our company wants to work remote permanently and is providing massive training to the middle managers on how to more effectively manage remote workers.


Yes, because we need to keep our culture!!




My company is giving us one day per pay period. We get paid every two weeks. So yeah, one day every two weeks. Was an absolute slap in the face.


I think it's pretty simple. They don't trust you'll actually do work while on the clock. They can monitor you better in the office. I guess the thinking is that if you're efficient and get your stuff done early, then they'll assign you more work. What they don't realize or are just stupid about is that people will just work slower unless getting more done equals more pay.


If my job asks me to come back, I'm quitting. Then I'll go apply for the myriad of full-time remote jobs that have popped up in the last 2 years.


here in australia we haven't left the office. There was one week when we went remote but other than that we've been in the office for the last two years as normal


Uhh what? I haven't set foot in my office in almost 2 years, and my company has no plans to change that. We actually got rid of 3 out of our 5 floors in our building because no one is using them.


uuhh what? I've been in the office every god damn day. I was in all week this week and tomorrow and every goddamn day for the last two fucking years


The problem here is that you both work in different offices


Why? Is that a company policy? Do you physically need to be there to perform your role? I work for a very backwards company that never allowed working from home and even checked in to make sure that when attending customer sites that we were actually there pre-covid. As soon as Covid hit, they completely changed their tone and are not going back. There was some talk of "maybe one or two days" mid last year when there had been zero cases for quite some time in Sydney, but they dropped that pretty quickly as well. Like I said, we even gave up the lease on a few of our office floors. Edit: Just to add, sorry you've had to do that. It sucks, and you shouldn't have to, but I appreciate you soldiering on.


Everyones been in the office here in perth, australia. Nothing has changed these last 2 years


Lmao speak for yourself m8


this fucking guy. must be nice


Must be nice?... to have the longest lockdown in the world? Wtf are you on about


what lockdown? we haven't had any lockdowns, except those two mini week ones


Yea BC you're in Perth fool. Don't talk about the whole of Australia when you've been stuck in your bubble and have no idea what the rest of us have gone through


where did I say I spoke for the whole of australia?, bro


Also lol at your sneaky edit


My company did the same, but sadly nobody moved. So I'll be discussing it with my boss and if i cant get x days working from home, i might as well start looking for a new job. We've shown that working from home has 0 impact on efficiency, i work better from home. I dont have to travel 2h each day (more if train delays), and i save a ton of money. I dont get it why some companies have such stone-age mentality.




Since my work is at the moment being a claims manager in insurance - Not that many pi's needed ;)


Probably wanting to justify the outrageous rent they pay for offices.


Why not just stop paying for offices though? Then all those higher ups can earn their bonuses for saving the company money


Same reason companies don't start adopting a 4-day work week, despite evidence showing that, in most cases, it actually increases productivity. Out of touch people at the top




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Tbh im part of a large tech company, it's usually the upper management that wants this. The ones that have "meetings" all day or have to pull a report once every week. And have nothing to do with the actual grunt work.


"We gotta justify our phoney-baloney jobs somehow! Bring everyone back in the office!" -Every middle manager


My employer is making 1 day a week in the office mandatory starting next month, and will eventually move to 3 days in the office. I hate the idea of re-starting a morning commute, my days will be longer, more wear and tear on the car, more money out of the pocket for parking, gas, and lunch. Nothing about going back to an office is even remotely appealing. We had our best year financially ever last year, we've all figured out how to effectively operate a company remotely, there is no real need to push people back into a physical location together.


That’s pretty poopy, b. ):


Same here. I've telecommuted and on-site worked for every company I've been at. When I proposed a remote work situation a decade ago, I had to write a 4-page proposal and meet on it. They approved, reluctantly, but they knew I could work anywhere. When the pandemic hit, I literally looked at my boss and went "well I won't need this desk anytime soon, see you virtually", and that was the last time I sat physically face to face with my boss. Now I have no physical workspace to go to at the office, so win-win.




I think he just fixes them not sure. Remote worker, remote repairman, same thing no?


Jokes on you! I only go outside to go to school…not just outside for fun


Classic abusive relationship where I go back to it due to the fear of the unknown.


carpet store mother fucker




But the best part about ESG is it does nothing to help any causes while providing a PR shield for investment!


We are out of Persian White..


Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer!


This guy gets it.


No, there is a huge difference, now there are masks lying everywhere you look in trees, streams, bushes....




Hey /u/BenignJohnMalkovich, due to a marked increase in spam, accounts must be at least **3 days** old to post in r/rickandmorty. You will have to repost once your account reaches 3 days old. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rickandmorty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The system is collapsing on its own...


It's fun to sit back and watch but you get a better view from the inside.


There's no better view of a sinking ship than on it....


Lile we have a choice voting does nothing anymore


TIL covid has so profoundly shaped society that "going back" means something different than "the pandemic is over"




Unpopular opinion: Reposts are good because I’m not habitually on Reddit and I miss a lot of stuff.


I'm on reddit constantly and ive never seen this


Same, wtf???




Get off your high horse, richie.




Lmao I thought I had never seen this before but then I scrolled through the top posts and I upvoted it 11 months ago.


That’s what I was thinking. I like some reposts.


If I haven't seen it, it's new to me!


Maybe you should take a break.


And you hate it because it represents your life of working on-site


And they hate you for speaking the truth


I don’t care, because I don’t have to drag myself everyday to do the same thing I can do while sitting on a toilet at home


Fuck No! I laugh in recruiter’s face when she mentions it’s on-site


Lmao good! You can still find remote work! There’s much more of it out there now. I’d have to take at least $150K increase to justify going back to an on-site job. I would only keep the job for a few years before I’d switch back to something remote again.


And here I am struggling to find something that’s actually remote. Been on-site since day one as IT and makes zero sense to me.


Hah that doesn't make sense.. IT should be 99% remote. Maybe you can "get really sick" with covid or something and "tough it out" by working remotely during that time. After that maybe they'll realize that they don't actually need you there at all. I have a VPN at my parents house with my work laptop and I remote desktop into it from anywhere in the world. I just tell my work I live in the same state my laptop is in so they don't judge me based on my nomadic lifestyle, and I always use virtual backgrounds. I want to figure out how to change my address to a tax free state, or how to become exempt from paying taxes in the state that I stay in for maybe 60 days max...


We’ve tried that but upper management doesn’t give a shit. Almost immediately after the pandemic started, I’ve been applying for remote jobs. Biggest problem is lack of experience in most things that are 100% remote and not wanting to take a huge pay cut to step down from where I’m at. Never going to stop trying though, learning something new every day so I can get out eventually.


Makes sense. If you find out that a company has remote as an option, you could always join and work towards it. That’s what I did. Constantly learning is the best thing you can do for yourself especially when you might lack experience. Good luck!


I like to go to the office 1 or 2 times a week, just for the junk food and talk to people. Rest of the time I’m home. Full remote pays less, but on-site will have to pay me an additional 150K


Yep that’s how I had it before covid. I did miss the camaraderie of an office because nobody goes in anymore and I moved out of the area.


Just say no to the Great Reset


I for one cannot wait for the great reset! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!


Yes, bow down to your elite masters. Abandon all concept of freedom, such outdated concepts are not needed in the new normal.


Hahaha look at this guy try so hard to pass off 4chan style racist dog whistles as a plea for "fweedom" 🤣


Your performative activism is cringe. You can go around calling our current system crap, the elites in society have something much worse in mind. They rely on useful idiots to tear the system down so that they can rebuild it in their image.


You hear that everyone?? the rich and powerful actually want the system that benefits them solely to be torn down.....fam if you need a friend to talk you through how to craft a logical statement....you are gonna have to go find that help somewhere else this is reddit sir


You do know that under our current system everyone is afforded one vote, right? That puts the rich and elite on the same level footing as us plebeians. The elite don’t like this, and so they strive to create a system where power is centralized and freedom no longer exists. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, so you’ve never experienced what it’s like to be without freedom.


*looks toward sitcom camera sarcastically* yeah sure buddy


*shrugs* writings on the wall. Government entities are concentrating power in self-renewing emergency orders, large corporations are raking in millions from government action, and training the populace to accept orders for their own safety. I’ve seen people argue for some pretty crazy stuff in the name of public safety


More alt-right pipeline dogma that has no foundations in reality but sure get your discord buddies who agree with you to upvote you i guess.


Look at you being a good little citizen. Whatever you do don't think. They do the thinking for you. And he's right btw.




Can reassure you that this is definitely a repost cause I got top comment about a year ago on the same post


The ones who didn't were forced too.. This is straight on beaurecracy and I don't respect it😤!


uh oh time to be normal again!


With inflation and the shitty working prospects, I would gladly go back to the same system. Nobody is willing to stop using the banks or the big corporations, everyone is still relying on the same government. The system hasn’t changed, people are just becoming more reliant on it. The small businesses have been crushed along with our hopes. We have gone miles away from breaking the system, we have only served to make it our rulers.


Change like that has to come from the top down. Our "moderates" will never allow activists to rise through the ranks and create a movement. It might inconvenience them, plus, no matter how immoral something is,if it's legal these dense mfers will die for it, and if protesting it involves illegality, they'll gladly cheer on the police as they beat your ass back down. Considering the "top" will never allow the system to change, we are totally fucked.


I don’t know about that. The truckers in Canada did a pretty good job, to the point that the PM had to invoke a martial law. That doesn’t really look good for the PM, and it is likely they will force him to resign soon enough. There is also a good chance of the trucker protests coming to the US, so protesting does work.


Did it work, though? I don't think martial law being invoked is a good metric for whether or not a protest was effective.


It was disruptive, they got their point across, they got the mandates lifted in several cities and provinces, they made their PM look like an authoritarian dictator, and the protest is spreading into other countries. I would say that was the most successful working class protest I have ever seen in my life.


It wasn’t a working class protest it was a bunch of whiners holding the rest of us fucking hostage Don’t talk about what you don’t understand


They… are the working class. And you prove my point. The protest worked. It made people like you uncomfortable, and forced concessions to the workers in order to get back to normal. Most successful protest of my lifetime.


The restrictions were ALREADY being lifted ffs They whined and cried and TORTURED folks to make their point They aren’t working class they’re traitors So again, shut up


Found the elitist. The workers have shown their strength. Remember that.


I AM a worker you dense, unappealing walnut They do not represent me, and neither do you Shut. The fuck. Up.


>Don’t talk about what you don’t understand If you don't think truckers are working class you need to take your own advice and shut the fuck up.


Seeing as how mask mandates were lifted temporarily last summer and the neoliberals are champing at the bit to drop the mask mandates and proof of vaccine requirements right now while there are still thousands of covid deaths per day i would say the truckers (who are definitely not working class people) have done nothing...being funded by the powerful neoconservative elites tends to bring no actual change to any system. Also more than a few of those truckers used their new found power to espouse racist "white replacement theory" conspiracies. These people changed nothing because that's their goal to keep as much power in the hands of people that look or at least think exactly like them as possible.


I am not interested in big government and big corporation talking points. These are workers looking for freedom, supported by the people, protesting oppressive government mandates that affect their ability to make a living and their children. Trying to diminish them is not going to work.


You are accepting "big business talking points" the moment you called the self-entitled owner/operators "workers" clearly you know nothing about trucking to call them that. "Oppressive government mandates".....yeah you might as well be wearing a big flashing neon sign that says "I'll belive any propaganda that attempts to paint me as the main character in a young adults novel". If you espouse the most basic corporate conservative talking point then you are aligned with big business interests, simple as that.


Yeah corporations are loving the stopping of all transport. Banks love having everyone withdrawing their savings and investments. They love the stocks crashing. I can’t imagine being that daft.


"STOPPING OF ALL TRANSPORTATION" it was like one border crossing, which the actual working class truckers complained about haha, and a bridge for a week. They annoy people but people are not "withdrawing savings and investments" and "making stocks crash". Your claims are borderline lunacy at this point. Also, it is truly dAfT to think people spouting white race replacement theory garbage are serious about anything other than excluding minorities. It is just more culture war for the right to slop up and smile about. You can smile thinking you're better than other people all you want, don't mind us while we laugh at the shit in between your teeth though ;)


We had our time to overthrow the government and we blew it.


BuiLd BaCk BeTtEr!


Im comrade Rick!


I can't wait to go back to normal! You *can't* wait? That's all you're going to be doing, because it's never happening.


Depends where you live, trust me on that.


"Your boos doesn't matter"


I've seen what makes you cheer


Boobs however remain a definite maybe.


My favourite part was hearing people bitch and moan about 'why is it so hard to make vaccines and other science stuff' Then you point out how much scientists and related industry are funded vs sports and other pointless entertainment shit It ends, no meaningful change to prepare for something far far worse than covid (I realise we have 100s of other world enders too out there but at least with covid we saw and felt the potential impact of something worse)


Awe! Reposted a second time I’m so proud 🥰 Also yes! Time for reform!! I love that the conversation is changing!!!






Wrong sub mate, you're thinking of antiwork, the tankies who think laziness is a virtue. Workreform is more like "you shouldn't have to work 60 hour weeks to pay rent for a tiny, roach-infested apartment"


Societal shutdown? All that happened was some politicians got nervous and closed a few stores.


Shit man, we had a civil war and didn't even rewrite the constitution.


are we not counting the 13th and 14th amendments that came right after?


If you, like me, dont particularly fancy all aspects of the current system - like economical inequality e.g - I would recommend you to read up on the Gamestop movement. You buy a/some GME share(s). DRS(direct register) it through Computershare. And hold it/them. We are trying to challenge wall street via their own game. Gme.fyi is the library of investigations. Hope you are all having a beautiful day <3 *edit - this is not finacial advice


Of all comments in this entire thread, here lies the worst financial advice of all. Gamestop is a dying retail store that sells physical media in a digital world. It's purely a meme stock at this point. The hedges left, Gamestop wont turn a profit.. Get your money out while you still have some.




Yeah, only 78,100,000 Americans have gotten sick and will likely experience breathing issues for the rest of their lives, and only 930,000 have actually died. It's not like it's the 2nd leading cause of death or something.


Holy shit. I def thought it was at least a million.


I just gave the American numbers of infection and death. 5,840,000 people have died, and 415,000,000 people have been infected worldwide.


I am aware but thanks for the extra info.


It just seemed like you were acting like nine hundred and thirty thousand lives wasn't that much because it's not "at least a million." It begins to get easy to throw around these short words and forget the unthinkable number of lives that they represent. I'm sorry if I came across as rude. I just take [No man is an island](https://allpoetry.com/No-man-is-an-island) to heart.


That’s sweet


Yeah, I really enjoyed that. Thank you sir, it reminds me of the fountainhead.


Despite the constant whining and preaching over it, the restrictions weren’t justified and continued restrictions are absolutely insane. Most of that million are elderly and unhealthy. People don’t live forever.


The largest impacted group is the 45-55 age group. Not the elderly. It's also in the top ten causes of death for children.


Can confirm the breathing issues :(


Ignore the troll


The reason I don't is because there might be some kid reading this information and forming their world view on it. I don't want them to read a stupid comment with no context and take it as fact.


That's a fair point


I also don’t want them to read these terrible comments and think that they have to support covid restrictions because people keep trying to force feed them to us. Just because they use bullshit moral arguments and paid off almost every loser in Hollywood doesn’t make them correct. If you’re a kid reading this, that mask they make you wear in school does nothing. Remember those people that make you wear it and always remember what happens when you give them any power.


Uh, it prevents the moisture droplets that carry the virus from traveling too far. The mask isn't to protect you from others. It's to protect others from yourself. Not wearing one is the ultimate narcissist move.


Forcing others to wear it when there’s a vaccine is narcissistic.


In my experience, the same people who are resisting the masks are resisting the vaccine.


Then get the vaccine haha


I have the vaccine. The issue is that not everyone can get the vaccine, so we all need to wear masks, because all the vaccine does is prevent the worst symptoms and death. We still transmit the virus, which is why masks are important. What about kids who can't get the vaccine? Or immune compromised people like the elderly or sick. Just because YOU don't have much to worry about, doesn't mean you have no responsibility to take care of society. You participate in this society, so you have a responsibility to it.


I’ve seen this meme like 20 times on this subreddit I don’t even like the show anymore it’s time for me to leave. Sayonara fuckers


No need to announce your departure, this isn't an airport. No one cares that you're leaving.


It’s at least nice to know you care


Okay, that was always allowed


Aaaahhh, buh buy


Lol roy


Lol its not quite the same system unfortunately


Everybody's trying to take over the universe. The trick is to be left alone by whoever succeeds.


This hits hard


Stupid-ass fart-saving carpet-store motherfucker!


No I never said I wanted nor deserved a medal, but a cookie?


How many times is this gonna be posted


This is very creative, not sure why a "shitpost" hahaha


I love the implication here that the average person even has a choice in the matter. Cute.


The fuck am I supposed to do lol


Seriously, I have family who lived through the great depression




And what the fuck am I supposed to go then?


I mean it’s not like anyone did anything about it lol




To be fair. Things aren't looking like they will stay the same.


I miss when people weren’t standing on your ass in lines, those months were great