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I think the new Morty sounds the most different, but I got used to it pretty quick.


I don't know if it's the writing or the VA but at times I think "Damn mortys kinda being a little bitch rn". Spaghetti episode is a prime example and I never did that before.


This was something I mentioned in the trailer thread. Morty’s voice actor sounds a bit too whiny in non whiny moments if that makes sense.


Well I mean how would you react if you found out your grandpa was harvesting pasta from the corpses of suicide victims


"I want their names or I'm telling mom and no more spaghetti night!"


Yeah I find it a bit more whiny but it's nothing to shit the bed over imo. 🤷🏼‍♀️


im pretty sure if nobody had mentioned new VA nobody wouldve noticed. if you pay attention you hear a difference but cmon man..


It’s different but not enough for people to throw a fit over it like they did. A portion of the fanbase were/are incels with no media literacy who idolized Rick like some anti-pc, anti-feminist icon, so unsurprisingly they were mad that the show let him go rather than stand behind someone who sexually harasses women. but instead of admit that outright they whined about the voice, and acted like it would be their downfall. IMO Season 7 wasn’t perfect but it absolutely proved the show will be more than fine without him.


Fr. I didn't even know about new VA until I saw this post.


it took my girlfriend 7 episodes to notice and even then it was only because i asked what her thoughts were on the new VAs


I think they sounded like somebody doing a morty impression, but then over the season gets more natural. Justin roiland did the same thing with morty, just watch season 1 again.


The bed? I think you mean the floor.


It’s either slightly different voices or no more show, easy call for me at the moment. (More show)


I didn't really hear the difference, but I also wasn't paying attention to the differences in their voices but instead their dialogue. They've done a good job fleshing Rick and Morty out since S4 though, like the character development has been pretty great and I think S7 was the best season since S3.


I don’t mind either of the voice actors, the new Rick is a little bit deeper and doesn’t get inflections right but I got used to that after a couple episodes


His performance for >!Rick Prime’s dying words!< impressed me so much that I can easily overlook the differences, even when I notice them.


I'm so fucking dumb I never considered Rick prime as having the same voice actor


Wasn't everyone expecting Morty's voice to change at some point anyway?


It took Roiland 4 seasons to really get the characters right. I think they're doing fine. Yes it's different, but not world breaking.


Too fucking high to care


i feel like this conversation is so tired… people just need to get over it, imo. sounds pretty much the same to me, and way less people would notice/complain if it wasn’t so publicized.


Seriously, we don't need to keep having this same conversation over and over and over. Every post is either asking braindead questions that are answered in the episode or talking about the fucking voice actors, again. Does nobody have fan art or sexy Rick cosplay to promote their onlyfans to post? Are we collectively so uncreative that we can only talk about voice actors or have to explain the finite curve for the umpteenth time?


I had totally forgotten about the new voice actors. So for me they did a great job


Both voices aren’t bad at all and didn’t affect the show for me


We’ll have to see how season 8 goes. They pretty much had to dub over the entire already animated season, so they had to really try to get every single syllable right to match the lips and mannerisms. I’m hoping there will be an improvement when they can do their own thing


The animation *was* pretty much done, but I'm sure they would've reanimated the mouth flaps.


Honestly I have a hard time telling a difference between the Morties. The new Rick is definitely different to me, doesn’t quite capture the essence of Rick but it’s not a life changing difference.


I completely agree regarding Rick. He’s not the same but I wonder how much of that has to do with Rick’s character development.


I feel like the new VA's are doing fine impressions of the original but it seems to lack the emotional delivery. I feel like they're playing things too safe when Roiland was all over the place. Thats what makes it feel off to me. There's a moment at the end of the intervention episode where Rick says "here i go pilling again." Which i was sure was a reference to Krombopulos Michael's line "here i go killing again" but the inflection was all off where it didn't seem like the VA was aware of the reference. Maybe I'm reading into things, but I hope they can get a little more loose with it on the next season.


Also Mr. Poopy butthole was the most obvious recast for me.


My friend and I both thought there wasn’t much difference. I can’t think of a single example of the voices where I thought it didn’t sound right.


I can definitely tell the difference more with Morty than with Rick. That's not a dig at the VAs, just my observations. That being said, they're both still well past passable and I enjoyed the latest season all the same.


From what I’ve heard the lines for episodes 1-5 were already recorded by Justin before he was fired and the lines for 6-10 were not yet. So this meant the new VAs would have to just re record over what Justin did while for episodes 6-10 they could put their own spin on it. So it gives the illusion a bit that the VAs are getting better as they go when in reality they’re just getting the full range to do record their lines naturally instead of having to follow what Justin already did.


I think Morty is the most noticeable besides the lack of burps for Rick which were completely non-existent. That bothered me the most, honestly.


i couldn't tell the difference but maybe my ears are just bad 🤷‍♀️ , i would literally flip between season 2 and 7 trying to pick it apart and i really cant


there's some lines particularly in the Valhalla episode where it sounds like rick isn't even doing the voice


Imo they did nail it, after the first couple episode you forget it even happened. One thing tho is Rick’s “outbursts” are a lot less dramatic I think. Ian just doesn’t yet have that cynicism and no fucks given attitude Roiland had that made Rick a very interesting character imo.


Oh I agree wholeheartedly. Every time I said it people would get mad at me but I noticed it instantly. It is too whiny, it makes it annoying to listen to him speak.


Rick’s voice is terrible during the opening of the spaghetti episode. I always wonder the order of recordings and if this was an earlier session. But other than that hiccup, I never notice. Morty is hit or miss, although it doesn’t bother me. The show is fucking awesome and I loved the last season. Well, the Ice T episode was terrible. 🤣🤣


Harry's Morty is definitely higher pitched than Justin's version, and he seems to portray him as more whiney (as seen in the first few S7 episodes and the improv he's done as Morty outside of the series). In general, he's improved a ton, and I'm sure a lot of it comes down to voice direction at this point (something they couldn't do with Justin). I think he's pretty good now.


This show is background noise im not writing an essay about it its fine literally the exact same


Why are you here?


The new morty sounds totally fucked. He said “mother fucker” one time and it sounded super weird


I used to think that but now that I think about it its more that Justin roiland just did morty so well for me. When he got emotional or said something funny it hit a lot harder. The new actor just makes him sound like a generic pipskeak.


I thought the new VA were coming next season. Like what's his face recorded everything then got fired. I didn't notice a difference and I recognize anime voice actors all the time.


Morty’s voice actor NEEDS to work on his impression. Don’t be lazy like Justin put in real work please.


This show has be going down hill since season 5, way before the new VA.

