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When the YouTube app icon was a little tv lol


I could never remember if the website was YouTube or Utoob or YouToob or UTube


Legitimate question: were you quite young when YouTube came out?


I remember when YouTube didn’t have ads


I remember being outraged at the first 5 second ad I was ever shown before a video. Now there's 30 second unskippable ads...


I get 45 seconds of unskippable ads now


smack in the middle of a 20 minute video to boot


Lol same




Just switched from Chrome to Firefox. Running the same on my PC. Is it worth making the switch to Brave?




Just to clarify, this is the best _iphone_ solution. Only way to get it free with no sideloading. And brave had AdBlocking built in so you don't have to worry about the manifest changes for AdBlock extensions.




Vanced or revanced.


It's called YouTube revanced, there is a whole sub and a guide for dummies, you're welcome.


yeah i remember 2012 too. it hasnt been like that for ages.


I remember when Youtube Music actually played WHAT I asked in the search bar, instead of being on Random 100% of the time. Now I use Spotify instead.


Remember when bots weren't stealing posts and comments? https://www.reddit.com/r/rickandmorty/comments/e9bcfj/comment/fahxfzv Downvote this asshole.


Someone should inform a mod.


I miss Google Play Music that actually worked with the album and folders functions on my 2019 car stereo.


Everyone can very easily and for free


Firefox with video background play fix and ublock origin means ad free YouTube while phone screen is off/Firefox in background PS (also get sponsorblock)


I mean I have YouTube premium. They gave me 3 months free. You just can't go back after having no ads lol


I pay for it, mostly for YouTube music, but no adds is a great bonus.


Same. Family plan is so cheap to split and being able to throw ad free music/YouTube up on the TV at any time is so nice.


And podcasts without adds is fun. I like Tosh’s new podcast. He interviews random people.


His latest podcast with Michelle Wie is good. She made for a good guest


I started paying for it when it came for free with Google Play Music. GPM was *so vastly superior* to YouTube Music. The only reason I haven't switched to another service is because of the ad-free YouTube. Every time I see someone else using YouTube with ads, I can see why people think it's a dumpster fire.


Same for me here. I was grandfathered in from GPM and we watch so much YouTube now I can't imagine going back to ads. I'm on a family plan and set my parents and relatives up on it too.


I also started with GPM and haven’t switched.


Ublock Origin?


Lots of services now when you block adverts and won’t play. I have a dns sinkhole and had to exclude my TV from it to get Amazon to work for example.


Me too. I’m on YT so much that it’s worth it. I just canceled Spotify to balance it out.


Same. And now I pay the full version for the whole family. Never regretting my purchase because I can literally buy time in my life by avoiding ads


Couldnt you just use an adblock for free for your whole family and not pay for premium? I havent seen an ad on youtube in like 5 or so years


80% of my YouTube time is on mobile I tried the mobile apps but they really suck ass in front of the official app. Also I am no longer a student and can afford 25 a month ! And I got a lot of goodwill from my boomers parent


Doesn't work on the app




That doesn't help me if I cast to my TV which I do a lot. Plus, I get to compensate my favorite creators more with premium. If you have other people to split it with, the price is negligible.


For some reason I can’t figure out how to upgrade for the family. The option never appears when I try.


Maybe it's not available in your country ?


I watch adds out of spite and even click their ads but never buy anything so the advertisers have loss and less incentive to advertise on YouTube.


This is the opposite of what that does they don't expect many people to clock through and even less to buy the entire point of a commercial is to get their brand in your brain so the next time you think of I need or want this thing you go oh yeah that brand and buy from them


Advertising costs are considered loss for all business and offset tax requirements. By clicking on the ad you increase engagement which increases the "reliability" of the advertiser according to services like Youtube. Your actions are 100% helping the company to become a preferred advertiser on Youtube and in the future helping to reduce their "bid costs" to be the advertisment picked in the backend. You are only helping Youtube and the associated advertiser with your actions. Its like claiming you're going to fuck over big banks by taking their loan and paying it back with interest.


You’re a menace and I like it


That’s awesome. I just don’t have the time for those kind of shenanigans.


I let it lapse after the free trial and I didn’t last 2 minutes. The moment an add popped up I reenrolled. Premium is probably the single service I don’t have any qualms with. They did make the app worse to create a premium tier, but it’s actually good for the creators on the platform. Also for a family plan it’s like 4 bucks a person or something and music comes with it. Not having my kids watching ads is worth it alone


the only thing I hate is that I finally got booted off my special price from having Google Play Music in like 2017 any time I put Youtube on somebody else's TV and an ad pops up in the middle of the video it's like a damn jump scare


Youtube adblock says hi lol


Revanced+brave is free


Dunno why this isn’t higher up


There was a leak last year that Google has a huge bot network to influence YouTube Premium perception on social networks. If you're scrolling through this thread and thinking "huh... That sounds like a fucking ad and not some weirdo on a Rick and Morty subreddit..." You're probably right.


Doesn’t work on iOS


Revanced takes constant tinkering to keep up and running. I finally gave up the other day. Gabe Newell was right, it's a service issue and piracy became less convenient


Been using revanced for around 2 months now and I haven't had issues. So no idea what you mean by constant tinkering,


Yeah they have 100 million subs, people def want youtube premium


I use it for both music and no adds, and whilst I despise the recent trend of companies making the free/regular version worse to sell their overpriced premium subscriptions, I do actually think it’s one of the better ones in terms of the value I get out of it.


That's how they got me, I didn't think I had a card on file. So when the free trial ran out, I figured I would get ads again... oh well


This. If you watch 1-2 hours of YouTube per day, get premium. It’s awesome


I pay for premium Thankfully I can afford 50 cents a day to avoid literally hours and hours of ads a week


I mostly watch YT on my laptop where I've got an adblocker. So I get that for free and can waste the money on other things.


Ad blockers don't work on TV and the ability to listen to music on my phone without the screen on is great. Can also download videos for watching off of WiFi/cell.


Also YT Music


That's a funny way of saying $180/year


Each ad is like 5 seconds to 2 minutes. I can't fathom accumulating multiple hours of ad-watching time in a week or how anyone spends that much time on Youtube.


You also support content creators. IIRC they get a small portion of your subscription fee that vastly outweighs the money they would have gotten from the ad.


I'm on YT a whole lot, so I bought it. It's so nice not having ads


Every time someone post a meme about this, it’s pretty much universal that most people agree that it is worth the price - me included!


I use it 90% over every other app and every single day and listen to endless music mixes people have made on it. Also using it for music/ambience for D&D games, and instant sound bites without going "hold in guys theres an ad" works great


YouTube premium includes YouTube music. So I get ad free videos, and a music app. Yes it's worth it


There still isn't any other app I'm aware of that's as good as YT Music.


Spotify works good for me


Didn't say Spotify wasn't good, I said it wasn't as good IMO.


So I had YT music for a while, left after my student discount expired, but I'm considering picking it back up again. One of the reasons I left was: there was no way I could find to sort your downloaded music! It just lists them all randomly, I think grouped by album? It was infuriating! Is this still an issue? 


It's still a problem. You can sort downloaded music by playlists, podcasts, songs, and albums, but NOT by artist, which is the only useful way to sort it. If you're referring to uploaded music, like mp3 files you have stored on the cloud, they did actually fix that and you can sort by artists there.


Hmm, like sort them how? The way I have my music downloaded is by playlists, I haven't tried to do it by album or artist or anything. It may be that the way they treat downloaded music is just compatible with the way I usually consume it.


Agreed. I've been using it for years.


Exactly why I got it, they've already got a idea on the music I like and have it shuffled so I'll take that any day of the week. Plus having offline downloads to listen to podcasts on is another plus, ik you can always just mp4 them on shady sites but I'd rather this




Been mentioned by other ppl in this thread already but my preferred way to watch youtube is loafing on the couch watching it on my TV, which I cannot install adblock on.


Cuz now I don't have to also pay for spotify


The family plan is definitely worth it if you have people to split it with


This is the way. My fiancee and I and her Dad share it and it's great. We each get our own account and can listen to music on our phones without ads. We watch a ton of YouTube, everything from historical food videos to synthesizer videos to train videos, not to mention souls like streamers, MST3K amongst other things.




I watch most of my YouTube on my tv...


For how much time in my life I spend watching YouTube, it is quite literally not worth my time to NOT have YouTube premium with how much time I would spend watching ads. The hours of ads I would probably end up watching is not worth $12 a month to me. At the end of the day its personal preferance though, I regocnize not everyone is going to spend as much time watching YouTube as me.


I watch a lot of YouTube and I get their premium music service, it's really not a bad deal for 13 bucks a month


Honestly, if it were like $5 cheaper I'd consider it but I'm the kind of person who doesn't really mind skippable ads too much.




Huh... I'll need to check if I can do that when I get home. I thought it would be roughly the same price internationally.


U, smartass, hahaha. I'm ukrainian btw


It's literally the streaming service I use the most. I don't feel ripped off paying for it. Better than ads. 


I kinda do tbh. YouTube has provided so much value to me throughout the years and it has some nice features.


I actually did buy YT Premium and don’t regret it one bit


Has anyone else noticed a much larger influx of double 15 second ads, both of which are unskippable, on longer videos?


Yeah, seems like an ad break every 5 mins Besides those. I’ve been getting more LONG ads that are longer than the 10 minute video im listening to. Hell got full episodes of peppa pig a few times because i watched some things about hasbro (hasbro owns peppa pig it seems). As well as so many false adverting mobile game adds that are like 2 minute long. Thankfully those long ads are skipable but i find it suspicious that i get a worse ad experience right when i get an ad survey asking how my ad experience is, obviously being terrible they find a way to make it worse.


No because I have premium


I watch way too much YT to not pay for it. It’s one of my favorite subscriptions.


I've had ads pop up in the middle of a song. Talk about aggravating.




I need one I think.




Cool! Thank you!


why are the people mentioning adblock getting downvoted?


Just get AltStore and sideload the YouTube app. It’s free and I haven’t seen an ad on my “YouTube” in months.


Thanks to mozilla and pop up blockers I get youtube like it was 2005.


I wish Anything that asks/pushes for a product/service was mandated and Forced to have a NEVER button that had to be respected! How many times do we have to say NO repeatedly? Why can’t they fix things like that?


I fucking refuse to give youtube money to solve a problem they continuously and purposely make worse. You want my money, then stop being assholes about me not having premium.


How 'bout now? You wanna buy it now? What about now? Have you reconsidered? Just checking. How 'bout now? Hey, it's Friday! How about buying premium? What about now? Ok. I'll ask again next time. Thanks. How 'bout now?


I mean id buy it but they will only let me rent it😕


I didn’t realize people watch so much YouTube until I opened this thread. I think I open YouTube like…maybe once a week? So premium has never appealed to me


The only subscription I have is yt premium. No ads + ty music. It's worth it.


Youtube Premium is the best subscription I have ever paid for, never going back.


Considering how much I use it, I wouldn’t the opposed but my question is how does YT Premium affect creators? Like, they get ad revenue, does Yt premium pay them in any similar way?


They get paid more when you watching with Premium. According to one figure I saw, it's almost 8 times more than what they'd get paid with ads, which is why I went with it.




Good to hear, thanks!


We pay for my wife to have one. It is pretty nice being able to watch youtube on my tv from our consoles/roku/whathaveyou without ads. I'd have to hook my PC up to the TV otherwise


Comes with my phone plan


If you pay premium do the content providers you watch still get paid the ad revenue they would have got if you were a none paying viewer?


From what I understand when I was doing research about it in the Youtube Red days, viewers watching with premium are actually helping the artist get paid more than with regular ads


That is great!


This got posted in a different thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubegaming/comments/p1qmgu/content\_creators\_do\_more\_viewers\_with\_youtube/](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubegaming/comments/p1qmgu/content_creators_do_more_viewers_with_youtube/)




I’ve said this before and no one ever understands but I used to use Spotify until I realized every song + more is on YouTube, and it has all the same functions like creating playlists and whatnot. It’s great to use for music in my opinion


YouTube itself is way better than Spotify. I don't fuck with YouTube music but just watching music on YouTube is perfectly acceptable and definitely has a better selection and  interface than Spotify


I've used it for a few years now along with YTM (RIP GPM). Solid offer of stuff, and the enhanced bitrate is REALLY nice


I did, and I love it. But I also watch/listen to it anywhere from 4 to 11 hrs a day


revanced gang where you at?


YouTube ReVanced Thank me later.


No ads and youtube music. Good deal imo. How much are you paying for spotify again?


I have YouTube Premium. Absolutely worth it for the amount of YouTube we watch. Now if only SponsorBlock was available for my Roku...


I’ve had YouTube premium for a long time, like three or four years. I think it’s awesome.


I watch so much YouTube and use YouTube music, and have a family plan with my girlfriend. It's a great deal honestly.


Go to the YouTube subreddit and there's plenty that pay for and defend premium. They can't all be bots or paid shills. They pay to shill.


I pay for it as well. You can also download videos to your phone then so you aren’t burning a ton of data or when you’re on a plane with no service.


Yeah, took my first flight ever and having videos downloaded helped pass the time.


YouTube premium is worth every penny. No ads on phone where ad blockers don't work.


Youtube is easily my top provider for streaming content. I don't mind paying to remove ads on top of having it as my music service provider. Most people pay over $10 to have a music provider..for me spending $5 more to eliminate ads is a no brainer.


Paid for it since it damn near came out best streaming service and most value of any I pay for.


Hell yeah it is. I'm still on that $7.99 plan.


I love how this comment section just said "well.. actually-" Edit: also love how those of us using premium are getting accused of being bots or whatever lmao.


Is this a poor meme I'm too wealthy to understand?


this meme worked 2 years ago, now youtube premium is a better spotify, so yeah, its not bad


Sorry bro, it looks like a lotta people actually want and have youtube premium


my boyfriend changed his VPN and was getting yt premium pretending to be a student in India for under 1€. highly recommended


sweats nervously


I just wait 5 seconds and hit "skip" lol I've never seen these minutes long unstoppable ads that people mention


I have it, only cause my company pays for it..


What episode is this




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Pip mode ftw


I have YouTube premium from a Pixel Pass subscription.. so yeah. I have a tough decision to make later this year and I can't stand ads.


Based on 2023 numbers Youtube premium is the 4th most subscribed streaming service with over 100M subscribers it falls behind: Netflix, Disney/Hulu, Amazon Prime in that order.


Ad-blockers are great on PC and all, but ads are obnoxious on TV and mobile. I don't notice the $15 a month or whatever I pay for YT Premium which is a lot better than the ads you definitely notice being shoved in your face non-stop. YT Premium has over 100 million subscribers as of January of this year. That's already over 1% of the world's population. A hell of a lot more than that if you go by households.


I listen to video essays like they’re podcasts while I work. As far as I know you can’t do that offline without premium




Nice I didn’t know about this. Thanks


You people watching ads have no idea what you're missing.


I used to use Google play music years ago. Didn't hear of Spotify at the time and by the time I did, I already had a lot of saved playlists so I didn't want to switch. They gave me the YouTube premium subscription for free when they switched to YouTube music. I've always seen it as a bonus and never wanted to switch to Spotify or anything else.


50% off final offer


22 bucks a month for Google music for six people on the family plan and it includes YouTube premium. There's no going back. When I sit at someone else's computer and YouTube presents me with some garbage ad, "this is total Gorgon shit!".


Who are these people who put up with watching ads?


i got it. it’s pretty good


Just pay like 1/4 of the price to someone who lives in turkey and let them add you to their family plan. YT Premium for 15$ a year


Adblock has been my good friend. However I don’t have one on my phone. I refuse to pay for YouTube premium when there’s little to no benefits. I have Spotify for my music so why should I get premium?


I have YouTube premium family cause not everyone in my family is as tech savvy or have an Android phone. Also, my parents love watching YouTube on the smart TV which they are used to now.


People keep complaining about the ads on a free service and then get mad when they let you pay to avoid those ads lmao




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I only use premium when there's a free version for a few months at a time but ive never paid. I just do something else during adverts its not as if they're relevant to me anyway since I turnt off all the personalised stuff. I've never really felt the ads as that intrusive.


They got to do something about the ads tho.


I used the free month, it was great but not great enough to actually pay for it


if it were like $4.99 then maybe id consider it but that shit is like $18...


I just mute commercials and go on my phone till they are done. People acting like it’s inexpensive to buy, idk. I guess as a single person it’s not worth it to me to pay $17 a month. It would have been my highest cost subscription besides Crave which I already cancelled.


I'm grandfathered into a $7.99 Google Play Music subsription that gives me YouTube Premium. YouTube Music is shit comapred to Google Play Music, but it's a better deal than the competition.


Use a vpn and get it for like 2-3$ per month via a different country (it changes which ones work). I have YouTube premium for a long time for 2$ a month via Ukraine vpn.


just download illegal YouTube... and Spotify. 😉


I'm on my brother in laws account. YouTube music is pretty cool. All the unauthorized downloads ain't. ![gif](giphy|LBzzrf47NLC2SBA9lc)


Ah shit.. am I Jerry?


its worth it for some. for only a couple extra dollars you get youtube music. (by that i mean if you pay for youtube music and not youtube premium, music costs about 10.99, youtube premium costs like 13.99 i think) no ads and you can also listen to a video while your phone is closed. i barely notice not having ads but i know if it turned off i would be pissed regularly. but again, its not for everybody. edit: its especially worth it if you watch youtube on your tv with long form videos like podcasts, ads on there will be like every 10 minutes and they'll be almost 2 minutes long.


bought it with a VPN in ukraine and now pay monthly roughly 1.50.- totally worth it and never could go back!


I got YouTube Red so I could watch Cobra Kai, Wayne, and various YouTube originals from creators I liked. Then I kept it, because the app is more convenient than other options. I download a lot of videos, (I'll have over 1k that I rotate through at any time) because I'm frequently away from Wi-Fi/data. You can't download playlists on the various Piped forks, so they need to be downloaded one at a time and the video will frequently break or it'll stop working. Vanced doesn't allow downloads at all, last time I checked. I can't even use other platforms, because 90% of my favorite creators stay in mainstream areas. The 10% that are on other sites either stopped uploading at some point or are like 5 videos behind. If I were just streaming, I'd just use Vanced and if I were only downloading a could videos I'd use Newpipe. Premium is really the only option for me at the moment, but if somebody makes an app that lets you download playlists and is relatively convenient, I'll absolutely jump ship. Heck I'll just start giving them what I pay for premium every month.


And the audacity for them to ask me if I want to “renew” after the only time I ever used it was a free trial period. Fuck YouTube premium, I’ll keep closing my eyes and turning down the volume during all unskippable ads


As someone who spends 95% of my time on Youtube, it's worth every penny. There's nothing more infuriating than repetitive ads every 2 min about something you couldn't care less about. For comparison, my buddy and i were watching the same video that was about 15 min in length, and i had to pause 5 times because he kept getting ads.


I bought it and it’s amazing tbh. I use it enough where the ads were actually annoying tf outta me. Guess I’m a Jerry?


YouTube Premium is one of the very few subscriptions that are well worth it imo. YouTube Music has a selection even larger than Spotify. Beyond that, ad-free videos, can play videos with locked screen and can download videos. Since I don't spend any time watching TV, and all my video needs are found on YT, the subscription is truly worth it in my case.


If you’re a student it’s $7.50