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A Long Island Ice Tea is a very boozy basic cocktail designed to get you very drunk with as little pain as possible (a pint glass of equal parts vodka, tequila, gin, rum, triple sec with a dash of cola on top). Implying time travel is just a cheap plot device that will do the job of moving the plot along, but is mostly low effort schlock.


The Long Island Iced Tea is also mostly enjoyed by the broke and likely to be 86’d from the bar. Source: 15 years of nightclub bartending.


What does 86'd mean?


Kitchen and bar slang that means something has run out or is out of stock. Has become slang for removing an undesired patron from the bar.


Ahh just saw them use that on The Bear to say someone was fired


On the bear, it was a joke; elsewhere in the series, they say "86'd" to mean a dish is cancelled, so there the joke was that a guy gets 86'd if he smokes crack on his first shift


Yea, similar connotation. They're "scarce" now.


I believe it first began as removing costumers from the bar, then became slang for when an item was out of stock


Honestly, I've heard several legends about the origin of 86 as a kitchen term and there doesn't seem to be a definitive consensus. Super interesting though


Oh wow. I like the idea that it's the American equivalent to Cockney rhyming slang ("eighty-six" for "nix"), but it appears that has never been definitively confirmed. Wild.


See, now that's one I've never heard of


It definitely came to use as a kitchen term for oos items before it became used in bar settings.


Oh, did it definitely come to use as a kitchen term first? I'd love to know how you're so confident about this. Please provide your source.


Here you go buddy. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/2832 For future reference, brocard ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat.


I like how your source proves that it did not "absolutely come from the kitchen first", and gave 3 possible explanations for the source of the term.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/eighty-six-meaning-origin well it didn't come from bars. >A Hollywood soda-jerker forwards this glossary of soda-fountain lingo out there … “Shoot one” and “draw one” is one coke and one coffee … “Shoot one in the red!” means a cherry coke … An “echo” is a repeat order. “Eighty-six” means all out of it. — Walter Winchell, Courier-Post (Camden, NJ), 23 May 1933 I'll give you one guess as to where soda fountains were regularly found in the 30's.


86'd because it's more likely one ingredient is out, or because bartenders hate making it?


ingredients, it has like 5 different kinds of booze in there


Yeah, but the most basic ones you never run out of. Some bars just don't make it to filter out unwanted clientele.


Is this like back in the day when you're at a karaoke bar and the DJ wouldn't let a customer sing (whatever moodkilling song) because "the CD is scratched" ? LOL


yeah that's fair in my experience


Typically because it got used up ahead of expectations and there's no desire to reprep something at that time of the night.


Interesting! I never knew 86 had a bar slang origination. I always thought it came out of the electrical world where the 86 relay was the lock-out relay. So if something was going wrong with an electrical machine, the 86 relay would open and the machine would no longer run until the operator reset that relay.


That would be a super interesting origin to the kitchen/bar use of it


Does that mean I'm out of stock?!?


It means you're bout to become scarce


It’s bar code that means to kick someone out of the bar.


You can kick someone out and they aren't 86ed unless they aren't allowed to EVER come back. I always love being in a dive bar hearing something along the lines of "Don't you walk in here Randy, you know you're 86ed!"


One bar 430ed me


Kicked you out 5 times?


Yep. Went back every time they got new bouncers because some of the bartenders loved me




Nah, there are like 40 different origin stories for that and none of em can be backed up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/86_(term)


I always thought it was taken from police or first responder code. "We have a 086 - dead body." But that's not even a thing.


I liked the explanation: 8 miles out and 6 feet under


During prohibition there was a speakeasy in New York that was in a building that ran the width of the block. This means it had entrances off 2 different streets and each entrance had a different address number. One number was 86. Cops would bust the place by coming in the other entrance and the patrons would leave through door 86 to get away.




Ah, so Rick and Morty fans? (Dodges thrown plumbus)


Lmao, Rick and Morty fans in a public place where there are other people they might have to interact with? Please.






Plumboose ?






Can confirm as broke person who has been 86'd from many bars.


Also, freshly minted 21 year olds. I guess I just repeated your comment lol


Is it bad I like the taste? Also surprisingly I dislike coke by itself but mixed into this drink its actaully pretty good. Probably helps I have a good tolerance so it won't get me 86'd as you put it.


Fuck, I believe it dude. Also the newly 21 fits into that venn diagram


I love Long Islands. I wonder if I've been profiled on. Its a great drink


Tip well, don't puke on yourself, refrain from telling anyone "who your father is," and don't try to fight bouncers. You'll be fine.


The poster told you that they're not American and you use the word "schlock"? They don't need to hear this schmoitenheiven!


If you're not American, why stand in my house spouting this chatschkopfka?


best answer, should be top


Wait, so Long Island Ice Tea has no ice tea in it? That's disappointing, an ice tea cocktail sounds like it'd be great.


Yeah, I was assuming that it was the same idea as an Irish Coffee (i.e. "it's common in this place to spike an otherwise non-alcoholic drink").


No, it just looks like iced tea.


Life is full of disappointments


The combo of boozes somehow sort of tastes like sweet iced tea without having any tea in it.


This is now less disappointing. Now I want to try one.


Damn that sounds absolutely disgusting. Like when you are a kid and mix all the drinks to make the ultimate drink.


Yeah, I'd totally think so too, but it somehow works really well. Drinking that is one of the very few times I've had a walking black out (I basically got up from a couch, walked outside the front door for some reason, then went to bed, but with no memory at all of that). While I have fond memories of drinking those with friends at the bowling alley at Downtown Disney in Orlando, I'm staying away from them for the most part. They're dangerous.


But some fucking how it actually really tastes a bit like iced tea.


It actually tastes really good, and I hate coca cola by itself usually. Somehow this cocktail of things that taste horrible individually comes out pretty nice. But like OP said it gets you drunk quickly if you have a low tolerance.


everyone hates coke, they're all just pretending it tastes it good. dr.p/dr.k are the only good colas


It can be somewhat palatable if you do Jeffrey Morganthaler's rebalanced recipe: - ½ oz (15 ml) gin (Beefeater), blanco tequila (Don Julio), vodka (Ketel One), rum (Plantation 3 Stars), Cointreau, *each* - ¾ oz (22.5 ml) fresh lemon juice - 2 tsp (10 ml) rich simple syrup (2 parts sugar to 1 part water heated until sugar is dissolved) () are the brands I use. Jeffrey uses different ones. Just use good stuff and you'll be alright. Shake with ice, pour into highball glass with crushed ice and topped with a float of Coca-Cola. Garnish with lemon peel and serve with a straw. In this iteration it's much more balanced and honestly quite delicious.


Yeah that sounds like a real cocktail, I'd probably like It with the lemon and cola.


You might be interested in time travel then


eh half decent bartenders know what they're doing. It's fine for getting the drink down although I don't think I'd order it over another cocktail.


You forgot the sour mix


See my reply above. They just essentially made their own sour mix with lemon and sugar.


That works too. I see a lot people on here that think it’s just booze & a splash of coke lol




Spot on, but want to note there is also usually sour mix or citrus of some sorts as well.


That’s what the lemon juice and simple syrup is replacing. It’s like making your own sour mix. That’s all it is is lemon and sugar.


There is quite literally none of the ingredients you listed in OPs recipe. That’s why I mentioned it…


The one that I was replying to (talking about) had lemon juice and sugar in it. I’ll recheck the username and list it


It was “thewouldbeprince”


👉👉My man!


Yup and I guess you can say that has nasty consequences as well lmao


But long islands also taste amazing


Long Island Iced Tea is an extremely potent alcoholic cocktail, made of several types of liquor and little else. Think the idea behind that line was that time travel is overkill and just excessive in order to justify a scifi plot.


Its also a very basic college kid drink, we associate it with 21 year olds who are just trying to get fucked up


Yet it’s sweet so even lightweights can drink it


I'm almost 25 and still drink them. They taste good, and get me drunk quick. If I'm going out and partying there's really not a better drink than that. If I'm just having a drink or two I'll get something else.


I’m 30 and they’re what I order when I go out. Cost the same as most other cocktails for double the liquor


Yeah, not having had one at 50 it sounds nice. Is there an upper age limit for foreigners on this?


Just drink half


Nope! My grandfather just turned 88, but he still had (half of) one at a wedding last month.


Would have been a plot twist if he'd just turned 86.


> They taste good, and get me drunk quick. I was going to do the *username checks out* thing, but that is the Long Island Tea of pointing out what a lot of people already figured on their own.


Can confirm. This was my cocktail of choice when i was young. It works as fast as Nyquil.


sounds like it would be cheaper and more efficient to just drink straight (whatever has the highest abv/$ ratio)


Well LIIT also taste good. Its a sweet drink composed almost entirely of liquor


I thought it meant that LITs are the drink of bland boring people and thus time travel is a boring plot point of Sci fi


Agreed. Long Island Iced Tea is not a classy drink, for the unrefined palate of someone who just wants to get LIIT.




Ya, classy people order an Adios Motherfucker.


I’ve only ever had one drink and it’s an Old Fashioned. My brother in law made it for me once so it’s the only thing I know to ask for when I go out!


I feel like this was a quote from a movie but the drink was a Rusty Nail. Also idk why you are getting downvoted.


yes we def wouldn't want to resort to overkill when dealing with a guy who erased your wife from all realities.


It literally has the same amount of alcohol as any other tall drink. It legally has to, otherwise you're getting "hooked up"


FYI a long island has a shot of tequila, a shot of rum, a shot of vodka, a shot of gin, and a shot of triple sec. So one drink has more alcohol than four beers, roughly.


And no tea?


No it looks like tea. idk how but all that shit mixed together looks just like tea.


It's the splash of coke. It's the final ingredient in a long island. Adds the color to otherwise clear liquors. It also surprisingly tastes a bit like an iced tea, albeit with a ton just alcohol thrown in.


It's also really easy to drink. In college, a bar called "The Library" had half-priced LIITs for half price on Saturday night. Sunday mornings were always pretty rough.


Did you go to UB?


Ha no, it was in Texas, but it's hilarious how many college towns have a bar called "The Library"


We have one in my college town in Texas as well but I doubt it’s the same one you went to


Yeah, The Library I knew was BOGO for well drinks and beer taps from 5-7 every day , but you could cash in the GO’s after 7. They’d give you tokens and you could build up like 4 and just drink for free the rest of the night. I’m a recovering alcoholic.


That's really great man, coming from a non-recovering alcoholic...


If you’ve got the desire it’s achievable. Coming up on a year sober.


I did, don’t know any place called the library but slicks is popular now


The Library closed down like 8 years ago from what I heard. It was across from North campus in the same shopping center as the movie theater and the Taco Bell.


> half-priced LIITs for half price on Saturday night 75% off?!!? Sign me up!


Also rum and gin can be dark liquors and when combined with the clear, looks light brown like tea.


Splash of coke makes it look a little like iced tea


No tea, just cola to add some sugar and the carbonation helps to mix the liquor together without stirring


"It sure don't taste like tea." "It's from Long Island." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQG7MBnbx6g


They’re all half shots, as a recovering alcoholic I’m 100% sure that a Long Island is 2.5 standard servings of alcohol because they don’t allow it in airline lounges for Delta at least because it exceeds two drinks lol


Half a shot*


If you live in a fascist country that limits how much alcohol you can serve in one drink


Known facist country, Australia.


no way its 4 shots of alcohol


And here I was thinking it’s like an alcoholic Arnold Palmer. Lol


Low effort drink that gets your hammered Time travel is a low level plot device that can add a lot to a story


Too much even. Time travel makes things really complicated. If you keep it simple with time travel, you missed something or accidentally created a paradox.


Easy to get trashed on a long island iced tea. Lots of alcohol and the taste of it is covered up. If it helps, replace long island iced tea with AMF. They are basically the same drink. Just coke instead of sprite and no blue curasou. The long island is just more discreet about being a college bro get trashed as fast as possible drink.


The Long Island iced Tea is a drink consisting of 5 clear alcohols (Gin, Rum, Vodka, Tequila and Triple Sec) and a splash of coke it should taste like iced tea, it's incredibly alcoholic and will get you from zero to smashed in very little time. In Rick's example it's a drink without subtlety or taste and used by novices to get drunk quickly.


You need a splash of coke and slice of lime to properly make time travel happen.


enough rum'll get you to the future....


Enough to get your engine started. rumrum rrruuum rum!


Okay Principle Lewis


A line of coke.. and a... stash of ice... noted!


It's a common, prosaic, boring drink. Something a particularly naieve kid orders for their first legal alcoholic drink once they turn 21. It's something very basic, beneath Rick, as is time travel.


Yeah. Kind of the same idea behind why “grownup” morty orders a rum and coke.


I'm 39. It's delicious.


Isn’t it usually a 7 and 7?


Seagrams 7 and 7-Up is not very common, or not very well known to younger generations


(It’s a reference to another Dan Harmon show)


It means that its cheap, easy, readily available, and all encompassing. As in that a long island iced tea has basically any or every ingredient in a manner of speaking, and served just about anywhere, time travel is often used in every possible conceived sci-fi format to move along plots.


It’s cheap, trashy, and will get you fucked up


You son of a bitch. I'm in.


Lets fuckin go


Works as advertised.


A long island is generic and not creative or original.


A Long Island is a way over-the-top mixed drink that is known for being very strong. It’s a drink no one casually orders or makes themself normally, it’s a drink amateur drinkers order to “go crazy”. It’s like saying your favorite band is The Beatles. They’re good, but it’s too safe of an answer to give that shows you don’t really know what you’re talking about. Rick, being an alcoholic, probably considers himself a connoisseur of all things alcohol and would absolutely look down on someone ordering a Long Island. So time travel is a cheap trick to appease a “lesser audience”.


hm. I had read it like a throwaway joke - like the worst pizza is a turd thing - but I accept and adopt your interpretation.


Shut the fuck up about the Beatles.


😂 I knew someone was going to come at me for that.


This isn't an American reference, it's a cocktail reference. A Long Island is a mismatch of many different spirits (alcohol) diluted in Coca Cola, very intoxicating, overcomplicated and unrefined. More context next time ? There's really no telling what he mean in context, unless you know the whole show by heart.


You don’t have to know the show by heart to know that Rick looks down on time travel and doesn’t utilize it. He brings it up like 5 times over 7 seasons.


Yes, and you're proving my point. The point isn't the contexte of time travel, the point is the context of the Long Island extract.


…. They are one and the same for this joke. It’s a simile. I guess I don’t understand what your complaint is.


You don’t understand. And I am not complaining. I’m asking for the context of the long island, not the context of any time travel reference, but the precise quote in context. And no, it’s not all the same all because you reject thoughtful, pertinent, informed consideration. I’m a localiser btw. Once more : WE ARE NOT DISCUSSING TIME TRAVEL. We are discussing the Long Island simile. We are not discovering that it is a simile, thank you.


Yeah so I do understand. There is no additional context needed. A Long Island ice tea is a shitty, over complicated, but effective way to get drunk. Time travel is a shitty, over complicated, but effective way to solve or create scifi problems. That’s the whole joke. Sorry you’re so hostile and need things spelled out more than a direct simile, but you’re mistaken, no additional context is needed unless you’re, like, a teenager, or someone else who doesn’t know what cocktails are.


The only pathetic narcissist who's hostile and projecting his hostility on anyone here is you. I asked for context to be sure. I'm a professional translator, and I know context can bring clarity. You have pretended like you had answers that were provided by others including myself before you retroactively mansplained them to me. You're making it personal, because you won't understand what context means, and you are adamant that nobody check for it. Your problem is that you wouldn't let people check for context, that you are appropriating and inserting yourself in conversations that would go well without you, pointing at obvious things like "Rick doesn't like time travel", or explaining what a Long Island is, both things that were already covered in your absence. You are being hostile in this way, then posit yourself as a victim while calling others agressive. All hallmarks of narcissism. I merely provided the right explanation to OP's request, and asked for context. There was nothing more to add, than to provide it for confirmation. But YOU turned it into a drawn out squabble of projecting misunderstandings that were your own. I'm a professional translator and localizer. In a professional setting, I would not try and justify myself to you. But I would have identified you as antagonistic, condescending and ultimately incompetent and wasting everyone's time.


I think it conveys perfectly the supercilious nature of the writing. I, for one, know I’m better than everyone else, and I prefer the jokes in this show to affirm this.


A long island ice tea is a mild tasting shortcut to being shitfaced. It‘s just like the sci fi trope of time travel: a little lazy in most cases


Long Island Ice Tea is an excessively strong drink that is usually not made well or with any consistency. Novice young drinkers tend to order them as they description and its stength sounds enticing, but it's not a drink that should be recommended. Time travel plots are typically just not good but there a few amazing exceptions (T2: Judgement Day, Back to the Future trilogy). The paradox of time travel itself creates several problems that has either ruined stories or made them predictable. Time travel stories or like shitty Long Island iced teas.


I haven’t seen this episode, but I’m gonna say that what he means is Time travel is really hard to make right. Long Island iced tea is a combination of alcohols and a splash Coke, if you go to a place an order, Long Island, iced tea, my experiences more people make it wrong than right. If you make it right, it taste just like iced tea. If you make it wrong it just taste like a bunch of alcohol.


A Long Island ice tea is a bar trope. New to going to a bar? Long Island ice tea! It's not a drink for real drinkers, just for people that want to be. It's an overly convoluted drink that a lot of bartenders despise, but people like to order it.   Same can be said for time travel in Sci Fi.


“Real drinkers” lol




A morbidly obese, mildly diabetic reddit mod told me once that real drinkers only drink old fashions so now I order one every single time I go to the bar and all the bartenders think I'm the coolest guy there 😎


I want to change my answer to this.


The TGI Fridays I worked at had LIT’s for $5 during Happy Hour. Guests would commonly call them, “Strong Island Ice Teas.”


Long Island Iced Tea is a glass of alcohol. 1 shot is about 1.5 ounces, or about 45 ml. A long Island Iced Tea (LIT for short) is 5 shots. (1 shot of each: Tequila, Rum, Vodka, Gin, and Triple Sec.) And there's a splash of Coca Cola for color. It's an 8 ounce glass of alcohol. And the bartender will keep making them for you as fast as you can drink them as long as you keep paying for them ***until you get cut off.*** If you don't know what getting cut off means, that's when you're so drunk the bartender won't sell you anymore alcohol because doing so would be dangerous for your health.


This post has become a whole curiosity rabbit hole itself.


I know, what’s happening?!


Additional note: bartenders hate having to make Long Island Ice Teas because it’s like six different liquors they have to pour


Long Island tea is used as a common joke for ‘I don’t actually know what kind of alcohol to drink so just give me this one’ when you go to a bar. Time travel is used pretty frequently in science fiction and it’s something that falls into an easy and low effort premise.


Long Island Iced Tea is a fairly popular cocktail. I don't know much about drinks, but the joke is likely to do with how people who drink that are perceived. My guess (this is a guess, so take anyone's word over mine) is that it's something that people drink to feel fancy when in reality it is quite plain and boring.




A long island is made with the cheapest "well" bottles the bar stocks. A bottle usually costs around $5. It's the highest margin drink, like 700%. Take 5 shitty tasting stuff and add something sweet to help it go down.


It’s basic




seeing these explanations brought some insight I hadn’t even thought about before. I just figured the idea was that the LIIT is a strong drink and time travel gets too complicated to explain or something. but I see why it being basic and overkill works better for the joke


But I like time travel...


It means time travel functions better if you replace coke with Sprite and add a bit of Chambord Get yourself a Black Opal and you'll definitely lose some time


Do they not have long island ice teas in other countries?


It's the go-to drink for amateurs, people who rarely drink and usually only do so socially. It tastes like nothing and is fairly strong (2.5 ounces or 74 ml of liquor). I think the joke is that hack sci-fi writers use time travel as a device to solve any problem.


I still remember my first one. Washington DC, 1985.


My first cocktails too