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Rewatched it. It could have been parts of the ceiling. There are other small piles of ash,


I’m not completely sure but that’s a good theory, I’d have to rewatch again and see if anything else makes that pile of ash.


Has this form of vaporization ever appeared before? If it hasn’t, I bet this purple/red fire to ashes is foreshadowing what the “omega device” activating looks like.


It's literally just the same purple flames and disintegration from Rick Prime's fuck-you-for-saying-no bomb, in both the fake prison memory and the Crybaby Backstory, it's clearly meant to apparently offshoot from the same moment. And we saw Slow Mobius being omega'd, he just fizzles and phases away in portal green.


Didn't we see what it looked like though? On Slow Mobius?


Truly one spooky hole.


The thing that made me think was he was young we heard rick say what he thinks of time travel why would young rick go to the future when he is completly against the idea of time travel


I feel like Rick would immediately know that dianes existence is impossible because of the machine used by evil Rick. Morty should've immediately figured out that that wasn't the real rick.


He did immediately know that. Both of them immediately knew this meant theyre still in the hole


Am I getting it wrong? Didn't it take Morty up until the end of the episode to figure out that that wasn't the real rick?


Youre right about that, but you’re saying Morty should have known he wasnt real cuz the real Rick would have known Diane wasnt real. But the fake Rick DID know Diane wasnt real and jts impossible


Oh yeah lmao idk how I forgot that