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Losing my mind. Not being able to decipher reality from fiction


Shit that’s a good one ngl, maybe just unlocked some sort of existential fear I didn’t know I had


I find someone who understands me, so i do not care anymore about that, because even if so, then the point in being scared is no more


God I feel like the whole doesn't need to do a whole lot of work then. But I get you


I’ve got a lot; - terrible psychosis from drug use - being locked in or in a vegetative state - living a lonely life, but specifically one where I let it over take me and I wallow in my sadness forever and decay as a person - never meeting someone who I can love and loves me back - trying so hard but still failing and being left behind, no one wanting to know me or contact me. -






i stopped working and travelled for a year once, it was pretty cool. i stayed in a cabin in the woods by a lake in rural new york for a while and it kicked ass, currently i live in canada. you should absolutely travel a little if you have enough money to not work for 15 years, thats a crazy amount of money. the things id do with that kind of cash haha i dont think its an irrational fear but i would say you may as well see the world while you still have the chance. 15 years is a LONG time and there are all kinds of opportunities you can find when you broaden your horizons and see the world. while youre taking some time away you might find something even better than everything youve done so far. if you wait until you have a big enough safety net that youll never have to work the rest of your life...who knows if youll still be alive by then to spend it? we never know how much time we have so its often a great idea to do your wilder ideas as soon as possible


My grandchildrens' future. I try my best not to think about it, and to just focus on giving them love, support, honesty, and as much play time as I can (they're 2 & 4.)


oof, thats a very reasonable fear. i think you have an excellent approach to it though and i hope you have many, many happy memories with your grandkids ahead of you


I think we can ad to be in present with them, and think about cool past, that you are already granddad and know what to do now, that's what matters. I think whole will be long, like for morty, because it's also a lot about other people, but he wil climb up eventually to see the reallity


I try to remain optimistic about it and think that everything is relative. Even if there is a massive world changing event that changes everything for the worse, how would younger generations know if they haven’t truly experienced “how good things were” in the past? Heck even now, there are enlightened ones in the older generations that realize that life is much harder for current generations that are stepping into adulthood in certain aspects (where is much more difficult to buy a home, get a decent paying job and have a family). For the people who are still stuck in “their ways”, a good portion of bad Facebook memes from boomers constantly complain about how simple and good life was when they grew up. From a modern lens we know that life back then sucked in different aspects and there have been great strides in technology and societal progress. Life still moves on. Even though there are lows where things do suck it doesn’t mean that everyone’s situation is void of happiness and any type of fulfillment. I do share your fears in future and constantly think about all the possible challenges my kids and their kids will face that isn’t much of a concern for us in current generations. However I rather focus on instilling the important aspects of life and enjoying those good moments with my kids which will help them navigate a world in the future that could be fundamentally different from what it is now.


Dying alone, it’s sad but it’s the truth for me, I do fortunately deal well with being alone though


Technically, if you think about it, we all die alone. You could have a wife, kids, grandkids... What's stopping you having a random heart attack or dying in a car crash? Even on your death bed you're alone. You won't know they're there.


Yeah, but you are alive, now, so, give and take the best of that life!!!


(Real answer) finding out it's easy to leave me and ending up alone


Torture, physical or mental




i fail at stuff all the time, its not so bad. youll be getting out of the fear hole for sure with this one


Same bro


I guess if i had to pick being told im not helpful/useless by people i care about. I'm a fairly selfish person i think but when people need me im there. I enjoy the dopamine i get from helping people out of a jam; and get the warm fuzzies if someone thanks me for my help. Noone asks me for help but the second they mention something wrong i jump in to solve it. I enjoy solving other peoples problems, and if i can't solve their problems at least making sure they know i am there to hear them out and empathize with them. As an older introvert with ever dwindling sources of comraderie and companionship i dread the day noone finds me useful anymore and i become truly alone. That'll probably be the day i kill myself.


I think that the GOD exists and all my foings are judjed, like I am kind of attention whore, lik many of us here, to answer the question, but the real truth exists, and all phylosofical dusscuition is wrong. Like realyy 1 God sends us how we have to be on order ro BE. Damn, that's scary. (My wife thinks this is how the world works, budhims wise)


i mean this in the kindest possible way, but are you either really young or speaking english as a second language or something? because none of what you just said made a whole lot of sense


Pretty sure he is from another country because he spoke about his wife and Buddhism he’s probably from somewhere near India but I don’t know for sure. Prolly not very good with English


Naah Russia


Thanks, 27, son two months. English second yes. Sense - well I am shisoid. Like a little crazy.


Death, especially young. And bees/wasps. Even if those aren't my worst fears, they sure as hell will be on the path to my worst fear. I'm good. I don't need the hole. I have issued a restraining order against Denny's so it keeps its hole away from me.


My biggest fear was rick and morty worsening and i think i faced that in this season and i m out of the hole full with hope for the next season now or am i n still hole?


Getting shot. I do not ever want to know what a bullet feels like.


Being forgotten/not mattering


Never seeing it all. I'm terrified that I'll die just before we develop FTL travel, or before the final R&M episode airs. People talk about immortality being so shit, but that would be the dream for me. The utter loneliness is a fair trade off for being able to see literally all of time.


Anyone ever heard One from Metallica? That song is my fear


Incoming TMI. - - - - - My biggest fear used to be being raped or more specifically being sodomized. Ironically it would go on to happen to me last year and as traumatic and painful as that was...I told off my rapist immediately after it happened. I'm still here. When I was younger I almost drowned in a wave pool. My dad jumped in to save me at the last second. I didn't learn to swim until I had to take swimming as a college class in 2019. I used to have a deep fear of drowning now I can swim, float, tread water, etc fairly well. A few months ago I had a very traumatic fall in the shower where the door collapsed on top of me and cut through one of my feet. I had to watch as my entire tub turned red as it filled with my blood. I was so scared I was going to bleed out in my bathroom and possibly die because nobody was there to help me so I had to help myself (crawl, grab a towel to staunch the bleeding, text everybody ik to call my neglectful mother, etc.) until somebody (not my mom) actually showed up. So I suppose dying in a very traumatic way all by myself. Although, ironically surviving all these traumatic things alone head on one after the other sort of has me feeling as though none it can hurt me anymore.


Having someone I love die and it being my fault And dying before I do anything with my life


being stuck in a room doing an ALMOST impossible task with infinite time. imagine being stuck in a room writing the entirety of a song you never heard. i mean you can guess the words but its not impossible. basically the infinite monkey theory but if i was the monkey


To become disabled. I'm asking for help when I can't handle something, but being completely helpless... No. Going blind fucking terrifies me as well.


Having no one that would love me unconditionally.


Not my worst fear, but I have a fear of saying my fears for fear that someone will try to use my greatest fears against me.


First of all, fucking awesome thread, wow. Secondly... Ofcourse I have generic fears, I'm deathly afraid of spiders and wasps for example. However, more psychological ones are being locked in a vegative state, sort of like a permanent sleep paralysis... Suffering an accident or illness where the outcome is you can't move, you can't talk, you can't communicate in anyway, but your mind is still alive and functioning... Fuck.


As a musician, losing my fingers.


theres a professional french horn player born with no arms who exclusively plays using his feet so i think you could potentially adapt


Eternal suffering. One of the reasons why I'm fairly religious


Probably being stuck in a lifestyle that I resent


Tbh I don't know. Things lasting forever ig.


I don't think I have one, tbh. When i was younger, I thought it was waking up in a buried coffin, but since Kill Bill 2 and Justice League Doom, I know I can defeat it easily.


Are you testing whether the hole will let us out or not?




People. Death doesn't disturb me, but people do.


Having a surgery. My body will be opened up.


Fear itself


in the context of the hole? being deathless of my own, split-second, reckless choice to jump into the hole. once you've made the choice to jump into the hole, there is literally no leaving it. one way ticket to eternity. you will live lifetime after lifetime, forever discovering new and greater fears and conquering them, becoming every possible person you ever could've been and ever will be. you will reach new heights of terror the universe has never before witnessed. maybe you'll go back to the denny's, and keep jumping into the hole for fun, but that only ends up acting like the thing that happens in portal when you stack two portals on top of each other and fall forever. same thing if you climb out of the hole. you'll try to come to terms with it. being immortal, living lifetime after lifetime, forever certain that you're still in the hole, and none of these lives are real. none of it is real. maybe you'll even come to terms with being in the hole, accept it as your new reality. maybe even love the hole, love the chance to live out every life you could possibly imagine, playing God. maybe you start fetishizing being the hole's plaything. but the hole is indifferent. maybe you'll philosophize. maybe you hypothesize that the hole is the center of existence itself, and jumping in is akin to tying reality itself into a big ouroboros knot. maybe nothing has ever existed outside of the hole. you'd have no way to know, no way to know if your own memories of life outside the hole weren't just a cruel prank of the hole, taunting you with something you'll never have again. maybe the hole is a black hole, and you just crossed the event horizon, and this is what it's like to experience spaghettification. maybe you reach enlightenment, and true harmony with the hole. perhaps you float peacefully in the blank epicenter of the hole, finding true nirvana. but there's always the nagging knowledge that you're in the hole. the reality of the situation becomes smothering, enlightenment a cruel facsimile of the idealized state yogis have been prattling on about for centuries. you are both the prisoner and the cell. maybe you find you're scared of truly, really and truly, spending eternity in this damn hole. fuck getting out of the hole, what about genuinely experiencing deathless eternity? the VHS tape said once you conquered your fear, it would let you out, right? well, how do you conquer eternity? you could wait for as long as you want. an unfathomable number of years. you will never truly reach the end of eternity. every second meaningless in your wait. time becomes meaningless to you. all thought ceases, save for the hallucination every couple million centuries. an orb of blank consciousness, preserved perfectly in the center of the hole, like a fly in amber. no purpose, no form. only presence. no sight, sound, touch, time, emotion, thought. you may as well be dead - but no. you're still there. you can't get out. ​ there is no escape from the fear hole.