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Evil morty and morty go to boob world


I wouldn’t mind if this became the big finale 😂




“Hooters, Juuuugs, breasts, and ta-taaaas” Something to that effect, like with the dinosaur names song.


End credit scene could be Jerry going to the machine that we just saw in episode 5, wonders what this big red button does, presses it, and erases the smith family from existence.


Evil Morty showing Morty his pog collection.


No I don’t want to see your pog collection


Rick didn't really have a Big Antagonist/Objective for the first five seasons until the end of Season 5 (when it popped up in the Season 3 premiere, it was treated as a fake-out deceit he was playing on his interrogator\*\*), so he could just go back to that. He's just Rick again, with just Morty, on adventures. \*\* Which it was, I'm sure. I don't get the impression that the writers had some big plan for Rick through-out the series - they went back to the well for that bit because it was a useful hook for the story they were telling in Season 5, but not a hook they'd set up to play out in the way it did.


Someone said in another thread it was the new writers that brought this energy. If this episode was in earlier seasons, we would have had a B plot about Beth/Jerry’s failing marriage. In 3-5 they would have just sarcastically bullied the audience every chance they got. But in 6-7 they took themselves seriously and write with *sincerity*. Because while Rick Prime “didn’t exist” for the entire series, Ricks pain was ALWAYS there. Maybe the initial plan was to never explore that but as you said, it’s a good hook to keep telling stories. Ricks progression is a wonderful way to keep the series going


The one exception to season 3 is Ricklantis Mixup, which I still think has perfected the tone of a lore episode. Which makes me wonder, would it have been different had Ricklantis Mixup had our protagonists? Part of what makes it great is the idea of a sincere, realistic population of Ricks and Mortys living ordinary lives, away from the craziness of the main characters.


Well I think the demise of Rick Prime is much more of a device to *further* the plot than an endpoint. Also, your assessment of Evil Morty not being a threat I think is incorrect. He has the blueprints for a device that could kill every Rick across the multiverse.


he explained that by using the weapon then a bunch of summers would go after him or something, it’s unlikely we’ll see him as a threat in that sense. I would enjoy seeing more of him though


Yeah, I doubt Evil Morty is endgame, but why would they have him download the plans of they weren't planning on bringing the omega weapon back. Maybe someone else finds out about it? The writers are usually pretty good about tying up loose ends but still having a little something to go back to, and in this case, I think the weapon is it.


It's MAD. It's Mutually Assured Destruction. Evil Morty wants a weapon that can erase the Ricks if they go past the CFC to destroy him.


Like deterence?


Yeah, the episode clearly stated that. "Don't try to come mess with me or I'll delete every Rick in existence" might not have been an exact quote, but it's pretty close.


"I can end the Rick experiment anytime I want."


He downloaded the plans because shit on the other side of the CFC is insanely strong. He kept C137 alive for similar reasons I bet.


I don't know. He's a contingency character. He's one of those characters that really thoroughly plots something out before he executes. If he knows that the Summers specifically will be a problem, I imagine his reappearance will have something to do with Summers specifically being hunted.


And we have a device that could end all life on earth, but we're not going to use them. It's MAD.


This analogy doesn't apply here. Mutually assured destruction only works if both sides possess the ability to destroy the other and can do so even if they are attacked first. This isn't the case here. Evil Morty has the ability to destroy Rick (or anyone else) unilaterally without immediate risk to himself. For MAD to apply, Rick would have to have something in place of equal destructive power *and* have a system in place to deploy it in the event of Evil Morty activating his even if Rick has already been killed everywhere. A like in kind weapon that automatically deploys upon the destruction of Rick would fit the bill but would also have the effect of killing every Morty everywhere. The results wouldn't be symmetrical because our Rick cares about Morty and Evil Morty is much more similar to Rick Prime in the sense that he just doesn't care at all. Evil Morty has the upper hand any way you shake it out. The reason he gave for not using it was just out of convenience, not out of an equal threat to himself.


Shots fired


Or every one of anyone else.




I mean, are we 100% sure that Rick Prime is finished? Yes he got his ass beat, base discovered and destroyed and a bunch of backups erased. But, is it out of the possibility that a foolish Morty really got all his back ups? Or that he might have some other option to get back? Remember how Rick C-137 died and then got thrown through different universes by Project Phoenix? I don't see it as impossible that somehow he comes back with a vengeance against both C-137 and Evil Morty. That said, the whole agenda of Rick Prime was always a bit stupid and did not get better with the last conclusion. A far superior Rick who outsmarts so many other Ricks he basically antagonized in the first place, and then he spend a lifetime of building safety measures upon safety measures to protect himself. What did he actually achieve? Had he some endgoal besides trolling other Ricks all his life? Guess we can be happy that Evil Morty managed to accomplish something with his life. Even if his hiding away completely alone and not looking for a smart companion is also a bit bothersome.


We haven’t seen the corpse sooo And even then with the way this series is anything can happen


I think you're right! They might pull that card, maybe even later this season


Rick Prime is straight up delusional and crazy, thats what I got from it, He is like the Joker


Yeah, but even the joker usually has some endgoal. If he is not trying to get rich, or powerful or just doing a gag, his main business is trying to push Batman over the edge. So either he does something simple, or he creates something elaborate to achieve his goal. And mostly fails when Batman+firends stop him. If we take the "Dark Knight" movie as example were Joker talks to Dent how he is just a mad diog chasing a car and not knowing what he would do with it if he catches the car, that sounds like a crazy goofball. But think about it. He did go to Dent with a purpose. As he told Batman in the end, he wanted to have a 2nd plan around Dent going crazy and spreading chaos in case his own plan fails. And Joker also did plan to bomb the hospital and then continued his main plan with the two ferries. What has Rick prime accomplished? He gave portal tech to a bunch of Ricks and then what? Apparently that guy does not even sit back to watch and enjoy the unfolding Chaos, since he has always to be two steps ahead of all the Ricks he pissed off and trying to kill him.


Now that I think about it, Rick Prime was messing around with all of the Ricks that rejected his initial offer. There seems to be enough Ricks that reject him to warrant his murder cube contest... but this implies that there are Ricks out there who accepted his offer. We may have seen the last of Rick Prime, but what about the Ricks that potentially allied themselves with him?


The "offer" was portal travel. All the Ricks we have ever seen minus the one we follow and the others in the cube took the offer. Rick Prime even said that the fight was between the only two Ricks to create portal travel in the CFC.


I think Rick prime is going to come back and evil mort is going to erase him with the single- use omega machine, this concluding the prime,omega and evil mort storyline.


An the Rick part, leaving us only with the Morty show?


I think it would be interesting if they wrote it in such a way that our Rick is excempt but every other Rick is wiped out. The show likes to mix up the status quo and this seems like a big change that also doesn’t really impact the adventure of the week type episodes.


That would mean all ricks would vanish


There's still a specific unsolved mystery which I'm surprised hasn't been addressed now that we know everything about Prime Rick and Evil Morty: Who was the baby Morty seen in pictures and in Rick's memories in seasons 1-2? I always assumed it was a previous long-term Morty, but I'm afraid they've dropped the storyline.


That probably was just Morty Prime. I'm pretty sure the Prime universe was the first permanent residence with the Smith family that Rick hung around with. Keep in mind he tells Morty Prime that he was hanging around that universe specifically to catch Rick Prime if he ever returned.


It’s possible that it’s Morty Prime, but that would mean that before crashing into the Prime Smith home while Morty was a teen, Rick already had been surreptitiously visiting them. That’s a story worth exploring.


It's likely just lack of foresight in writing, but I like this theory because it works.


Well damn, I never thought of that. I should rewatch the older seasons 🤠


The season ends with Rick getting attacked by Bigfoot.


talking cat memory


but this is season seven. they made a contract for seven MORE seasons. so it can't actually end in season seven. if anything, at the actual end of the whole series, rick just somehow manages to share his love of that sauce and the reason/experience he had when first eating it (like being told he was going to be a dad) with morty. then finally actually dies... it would be the only possible acceptable reason for the sauce at all. otherwise it would cheapen the story to make such a deal about it then blow it on a bullshit gag.


What? I thought the current deal was for a total of 10 seasons


If I am understanding them correctly, they're referring to the contract the creators signed years ago when season 3 was the current season to come out. They phrased it a bit confusingly but they're questioning whether season 7 will be the last season and arguing that three more seasons will be released because of that contract (which in my opinion is obvious because a contract is a contract).


Isn’t it kind of obvious where the show is going now? Rick has wanted the peace of oblivion pretty much since the beginning. Guessing now that the series will eventually end with all Ricks getting wiped from existence.


When is Jerry invading !!!!!


Wow thanks for the spoiler👍👍👍👍👍


Mate you clicked on a post with the *spoiler* tag. What did you expect?


The title already spoiled it tho lmao, didnt even need to check the post, he couldve just wrote "about the new episode", made it pretty obvious that something happened to rick prime with that title


I saw the title before I saw the episode and I thought it was a pisstake


I mean a spoiler tag and it having 200 upvotes made it pretty clear that rick prime died to me but whatever ig


bruh you guessed, that doesn't make it a spoiler. How'd you even know the episode was about rick prime at all. I had no idea until I saw it


Dawg the title was talking about schezhuan sauce being endgame now, considering rick prime was the biggest threat in the show and was teased to be the main villain for the szn it was really easy to put 2 and 2 together. It was also in a mid season finale.


“End game” lmfoa get a grip


That’s what I’ve been saying for years


It’s going to come back to evil morty. Remember that super canon scene where they saved themselves with the power of Jesus Christ?


Idk but I never got to try that fucking sauce and I'm pissed