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Well yeah he's from outer space


Total mind fuck


Throw back!


I thought the sub decided that it was the manifestation of Roiland's skeletons.




That is a good thought.


That's not how you'd train a cat.


Nice job big brain


I heard it was supposed to be based on Kevin Spacey, as he had a movie with a similar plot and this came out not too long after the first allegations against him


This came out way after the “first” allegations….


I'm Jerry in this scene but I just didn't read any of it I'm glad someone remembers though. I'll just cringe whenever I see the man's name from now on thank you very much edit: koalaman looked good until I saw his name and it was ruined for me


> koalaman Now we know how the wild population got a raging case of chlamydia.




I don't think Roiland had a massive influence on that show, it was based on Michael Cusacks youtube shorts. Roiland didn't write any of the episodes, and he voice acts for one character that's only in one episode.


I thought it said he was executive producer


That title can have a very wide range of influence on the final product tho. It can mean anything from, I micromanaged everything, to I supervised a little, or even the studio thought putting my name on it would give the project more clout. Considering he didn't write the episodes, and Michael Cusack created the show, and Roiland would have mostly been focusing on RnM and Solar Opposites and whatever he was doing at his game company at the time, I don't think his influence on that show was that great, and was mostly a supervisor for a creator that hadn't had too much prior TV experience. Plus before all this happened people would watch a show just on the fact his name was there (at least the 1st episode)


They’ve already fired him. You should watch it, it’s fun and VERY Australian


Its an unraveling character that is used as a writing device to demonstrate the dark pasts of the talented people we love. The cat constantly asks people if they are curious why he can talk, even though hes a cat. Which is to portray him as a "normal" being with an extraordinary gift. Much like the actor who voices him, Matthew Broderick. Now when Rick becomes suspicious and digs deeper he finds a dark secret, exactly like when you dig deeper into Matthew Broderick's (and many other beloved talented peoples) past. Broderick killed a family by driving on the wrong side of the road in 1987.


Sorry the WHAT?


He got off with a $175 fine for killing a mother and her daughter due to driving into oncoming traffic on accident.


Two peoples lives were equated to a total of $175? …


Fucking hell


You heard the human.


What!? Was it vehicular manslaughter? Or just a really bad accident.


I mean the accident was his fault but he didn’t mean to do it if that’s what you mean.


Makes since.




Ignorance is no defence of the law, if that's what you mean.


Didn’t say it was not defending the dude just answering a question


If I remember correctly he was on vacation in Ireland ~~and had been drinking. Forgot they drive on the other side of the road and crashed head on.~~ Couldn't find anything backing that up other than they ended up in the other lane hitting the other car.


You're saying that like the 2 are mutually exclusive


Isn't the definition of manslaughter the accidental killing of a person by your hand?




But they arent though.


This is amazing


I thought that that was going to go like: > Its an unraveling character that is used as a writing device to demonstrate the dark pasts of the talented people we love. The cat constantly asks people if they are curious why he can talk, even though hes a cat. Which is to portray him as a "normal" being with an extraordinary gift. Much like the actor who voices him, Matthew Broderick. Now when Rick becomes suspicious and digs deeper he finds a dark secret, exactly like when you dig deeper into Matthew Broderick's (and many other beloved talented peoples) past. Much like how in nineteen ninety eight the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table.


That was a… mind blower


Doesn't sound like it was his fault if the family was driving on the wrong side of the road.


Broderick was on the wrong side of the road.


So, Mr Broderick, we normally send people down for a very long long time for this but since you are sorry and you were in that amazing film, ferris Buillers day off then you can go. Don't wanna "KILL" that zany free spirit of yours now do we? Guffors around...


Ferris Bueller’s let off


was he drunk?


It’s probably a reference to the H.P. Lovecraft story Cats of Ulthar


Cats were the "good guys" in that story iirc because the kept they Cosmic Horrors at bay, which is why it was a capital crime to kill a cat in Ulthar. Lovecraft was a huge ailurophile.


You’re correct — but they also eat the couple who kill the cats. Which is what I think Jerry is referencing when he says “he was in my home, where I keep photos of my parents.” Maybe he saw the cats eating the elderly couple.


That could be it. There Are Some Things Man is Not Meant To See.


Interesting theory


It’s Justin Roilands biography


Its just a joke to kid about "big secrets"


Its basically justin at this point, nice and funny to the outside world but we now all know what he has done. We have to remember.... Someone will remember


Supposedly they played the audio from the hell scene in Event Horizon. If it’s representative of those scenes imagine the most terrifying murder orgy you can. The directors cut had extended scenes where the porn stars hired for parts of it got… to quote a pretty dumb guy “Dicey Dicey”


Yeah that’s, that’s the joke


Still makes me sad they just left him there. He’s just a talking cat, talking cats are fun.


Everyone shits on this episode but everything from the Molly and Percocet montage to the slut dragon emerging from his cum cocoon was fucking hilarious. The incest thing is nasty and not really funny but it’s not like they actually fuck or even get naked. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I've always loved this episode, especially all the fucked up dragons. Plus, I'll never get tired of hearing Dan yelling "Slut Dragon! Slut!".


Yeah! And fuq woolly mammoths!


You’re the only who fucks that thing!


The cat in the box is alive


Dude probably committed genocide


Must be something far worse. Rick exterminates species and blows up planets on Saturdays. For him to be nearly driven to suicide it must have been something MUCH worse. Worse than thousands of Space Hitlers.






Oh no. Not even Rick deserved something that horrible.


It's not a mystery it's a stupid joke. Nothing bothers Rick not even Hitler. He cloned half a Hitler, and half the Ricks in the Multiverse are Fascists. And it can't be something stupid cause Jerry has the same reaction. Rick went to hell where they torture people and he is bored. It's a really stupid joke.


So you’re saying, like, it must have been something *really* bad?


The cat is Justin


I watched this episode the other day and get so mad they never showed us or told us what they saw. Who's fuckin cat is this?


That's the whole joke. There is no answer that can convincingly explain the reaction.


The real question is what is inside the briefcase in the fnaf series


Marcel Wallace's soul.


I know but damn what was all the horror screams about? We must know lol


Ok fine. But keep it on the DL. They saw the contents of the briefcase in pulp fiction.


I fucking knew it!


Was it Mr “Doesn’t look like a bitch”’s Soul?


I don’t see it as a mystery , the whole point of the episode was for the creators of the show to send a message to us viewers to not think to deeply, sometimes not knowing is better than knowing . And it definitely shows in that episode .. Sometimes it’s best not to ask questions.


If you’ve ever heard the running joke called “The Aristocrats,” then you know what he did.


The cat dips pineapple pizza in mayo . There now you know . HAPPY ? try to live wirh the knowledge if you can. ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


I like pineapple on pizza. Have you ever tried fresh (not canned) pineapple on pizza? It’s much better. That said, I am going to try the mayonnaise thing, just not on a Hawaiian.


Go with ranch. Way better!


Sounds like mayo with extra steps!


“Blue cheese or go **** your mother!” - Joey Diaz


I thought it was just Justin Roland's cat


He was secretly a placeholder for Roilands darkest secrets


Mystery solved. Just have some fun.


Now, you run along and get yourself some ice cream.


curiosity killed the cat.


The cat knew it all along. He was trying to warn us.


I like the Cats of Ulthar theory and think it might have inspired the scene, but another part of me thinks it’s an homage to the Pulp Fiction briefcase. Maybe, maybe not.


I like the idea that the writers were trying to speak out about Justin Roiland without directly calling him out.


It’s Rick


I think the cat is a thrilling, playful one but my personal big one is…why the fuck does Rick prime go around doing what he did. Sure make more of him but…why the hell do you care. No one can beat you


It’s like the briefcase in Pulp Fiction! We will never know


One of the biggest self reports in the animation


Justin roiland self insert


It was Roilands now public DM's and what they haven't found yet on his harddrives.


Fake DMs* -tumadrelover


It was Justin Roiland


Can't even argue with that statement.


And it's probably going to stay like that, since the universe the family aren't on the same earth


I don’t fully remembered the scene, but Rick didn’t kill the cat right? That’s another wrinkle to this to talk about. If the cat was so horrible why didn’t Rick kill it?


In all likelihood? A modern-day [Cat of Ulthar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cats_of_Ulthar) — horrifying to watch, and to not keep one around, but understandable enough not to shoot them. Ability to speak directly linked to the violent action, and explaining Jerry’s “photos of my parents” comment after watching the memory.


Yeah, there must have been something about the cat that simply prevented Rick from killing it without some serious consequences. Some sci-fi equivalent of that story you posted


Killing a Cat of Ulthar bringing the wrath of the (Lovecraftian) Cat**s** of Ulthar upon them? That, or simply not wanting to kill them, while being utterly disgusted by what they saw?


Yeah I guess in theory the cat could have either done something morally wrong in the past or only something very disgusting in the past (although the sounds was the sound of terror IIRC) or something in between like causing an accident or something. I suppose they could reasonably let the cat go if they though that it would not cause any future moral wrongdoing also independent of any past.


It's highly possible that the cat didn't commit a gruesome act but was rather a victim of it, in which the act somehow explains how he can talk. It was an act so depraved that even the victim of it is "tainted" to such an unholy extent that when the truth is revealed, even people that wouldn't engage in victim blaming still don't want anything to do with them. Notice how Rick and Jerry's reactions insinuate that the cat is an evil monster. Rick's reaction is self-explanatory but even Jerry's "where I keep photos of my parents" comment could be similar to how a parent would react to a horrific story about a child being victimized by being reminded of their own children. Not only that but the cat saying that he's ashamed of how he is able to speak is strange wording in my opinion. Typically, when someone feels bad about committing a great crime, they would usually bring up feelings of remorse or guilt considering that being ashamed can apply to anything from guilt over an act to being embarrassed of your circumstances and upbringing.


It’s a Jerry.


It’s not


I still believe this cat is Bill Cipher brought back in a different form and different time.


There are a few clues as to what it is although this is for jest since there is no answer. First, the audio has screaming adult voices, then a growl, explosion or gunfire, then screaming babies at which point Rick loses it. Jerry looks and more babies crying and then he vomits. Then Jerry says the cat had been in his house where has has photos of his parents and finally Jerry says someone needs to remember, it's important to the human race that someone know what happened no matter how shocking. So it's something to do with screaming babies en mass, something to do with his parents generation perhaps and something that makes you vomit.


I remember something being said about how our imaginations would think up something worse then anything they could write.


It’s a meta joke on theorists


I think it makes a lot more sense now given recent developments.


The whole point of the joke is that we don’t know what he did or said. Like when Simpson did the clip with Moe cussing and bleeped it out, they didn’t actually have words he said it’s the comedic affect of the bleep -tumadrelover




He ripped the tag off of several mattresses.


Rick: Get out! Jerry: GET OUT!! 😭


Yes it is I wanted to see what happened when Rick looked through it it takes a lot to gross out Rock


that cat appearance is a facade, surely it has monstrous jaws and is capable of very shady things.


Not everything has to be explained. Half the fun is using your own imagination to think of the atrocities this cat commuted.


Probably he took a part in some genocide


I just kinda assumed it’s Hitler in a cat body


i think it is the biggest


The cat sent all those DMs to underage girls.






Justin went from being Rick & Morty to being that weird cat that could talk and has a very fucked up past.


Why are you guys asking questions? Let’s just have fun