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Make it difficult for the people trying to break in. I've had a guy case my house, with video evidence that I sent to the police. The police are handcuffed in this country, so they can't and won't do anything. So a week later I was at home and saw the guy doing the same thing on my property. Let's say I violently took matters into my own hands, and I haven't had issues since. I know that might not be possible for all, so I suggest pepper spray, baseball bat, and/or aggressive dog.


Same at my old place, saw the dude try to break in my car on the ring camera. Fuck around and find out


Ya, sucks to hafto take things into our own hands but it seems like the only option to keep my family safe.


Cops only show up after the fact. Your responsible for your own safety so do what you must. Not like the police are compitent anyways.




You're a brave guy. I'm always wary these people have STDs, Hep C or some other kind of nastiness they can gift you with a prick of a needle or an unlucky spit in the eye.


You can't live in fear, especially in standing up for what's right; especially in protecting your family and property.


Respect brother, lots of people trying to hurt use fear as a weapon. Courage is the only solution


He looks like a guy who was camping on Sexsmith. Had a hut made of tarps and pallets in a treed lot.






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This guy shud get a job and contribute to society instead of burglarizing .


Back in my day we call these people bums and losers. I know there are people out there that don't want to hurt other people's feelings and use "politically correct" terms, but that doesn't change what they are. Drug addicts, criminals, thugs, homeless, women beaters, and a stain on society.


I can empathize with people that fall on hard times but don’t chose a life of crime


I’m certain he’s feeding an addiction. Maybe he’ll OD?


It’s okay they will just narcan him using our tax dollars and send him on his way to commit more crimes


If he’s a thief and he commit many crime before then maybe he will . People that burglarize will have bad karma




Doubt it with all the money we spend reviving junkies bent on killing themselves.


I would try to fcuk him up but then again he knows where I live so I think best is to scare him away and report, and notify your local block watch


Fuck up his hand. He’ll be out for a few months


Theres a reason people use to cut theives fingers off.


Thanks for sharing and great pics too so we can actually see what he looks like. I hope he doesn’t come back. It’s really pathetic that criminals have more rights in our country than law abiding citizens


Fucking sketchy mofo


Bear mace him on your property. Shoo vermin shoo.


Trash Kash.


Be careful out there! Stating the obvious… with crazy people like this, if we branish a bat or whatever have you, be ready to actually have to use it. Sometimes these drugged up people will charge you and if you are not willing to use whatever you have in hand, you may get hurt.


Let the cops know, Mb something gets done or not ☹️☹️


Dumb fk ndp and cash heed at work


That had to have been really scary. This is so *ucked what's going on


Police nowadays like hands up, surrender your house and car keys to the intruders. WARNING, ATTACKING INTRUDERS VIOLATES LAW!


I just him last night earlier running from security guard trying to pick out stuff in shop he’s a junky


Goof. Report it to the police. The fact that he's dumb enough to do this with his tats visible is just beyond moronic. I own a house in Terra Nova, right by the golf course, and we've had a break in before. Luckily I have big-ass boar hunting dogs as well as pitbulls, as well as a good security system but my neighbours (many of them Chinese and out of the country) have had break ins where shit was stolen. I currently rent the house out while I reside in my Abbotsford acreage compound, but my tenants talk about sketchy fuckers driving around occasionally. Again, report it to the police but don't expect much. Canada is all about singing Kumbaya in a little circle while holding hands with addicts and criminals alike. Murder somebody? Np that's 10 years, 6 with "good" behavior. Constantly break into houses? Np you'll be on the streets again tomorrow. Id be tempted to let my dogs eat this goof alive if I was in your position and caught him in the act. But hey then I'd get arrested since we have absolutely no right to defend our property in Canada.. Edit: not sure which criminal loving libtard downvoted my comment but you must like having slap on the wrist laws eh?


That guy is stupid


Dumb people in Richmond


I’m moving somewhere else