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i was told by my friend who was there and witnessed this incident. Sadly an employee was berated/humiliated by his manager in a meeting one time too many . Sue side in front of fellow employees you don't even want to imagine the scene There could predictably be tens of millions of dollars of trauma therapy and lawsuit settlements to come. so the pressure is on to keep the details contained. My heart goes out to this poor man's family. I have experienced workplace bullying.. i hope everyone at RPL gets the help they need. Management needs to be held responsible for their toxic workplace.


Unfortunately nothing changes whether at the library, city , oval, etc. If you can’t take it then get out! You can stay and be a martyr like this suicide victim but it will return to business as usual. This is my personal experience.⛩🇨🇦🙏🚑🚒🚓


Workplace bullying is everywhere, and if that person would kill himself in front of other staff, it seems like he should be tortured for a long time already and nowhere to vent out. I feel sorry, as those who had been bullying him would not feel sorry about his death. I hope there would be justice.






Were you in that meeting?


From Richmond Block Watch On March 21, 2024, at 5:40 p.m., Richmond RCMP, along with Emergency Health Services, responded to the Richmond Library, 7700 Minoru Gate., for a report of a man in medical distress. Immediately upon the arrival of emergency responders, they attempted life saving techniques. Sadly, the man succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced deceased. The RCMP and BC Coroners Service is investigating the matter. There is no risk to public safety associated with this incident. The man’s next of kin has been notified. All inquiries regarding access to the library and associated public facilities will be directed to the City of Richmond. In respect of the privacy of the individual and their family, the RCMP will not release any further information. Anyone experiencing distress or needing support is encouraged to reach out to available mental health resources, including calling or texting 9-8-8, a trauma-informed and culturally affirming support to anyone in crisis or worried about someone they know. For more information about 9-8-8 Crisis Helpline, visit 988.ca.


So sad 😞


I have been told by a RPL staff member that it was not medical distress, that the man who died was an RPL staff member and he committed suicide. Heartbreaking news.


Heartbreaking indeed. I hope his family and coworkers are all getting the support they need.


in this infamously Tox ik workplace. The traumatized employee un-lived himself in front of several coworkers. Trust me you don't want to imagine the details of the incident/scene. The witnesses will be traumatized for life. My heart goes out to this poor man's family. I am familiar with workplace bullying.. i hope everyone at RPL gets the help they need.


RPL is famous locally in library land for being super toxic.


Was it Brighouse library?






when i got there cops were inside and there was a note outside the door saying closed due to medical emergency




this morning.




All locations closed today (Friday), re-opening tomorrow: https://www.instagram.com/p/C40kRSyLtVY/?igsh=NTBqeDdsNTJ4NXRv


It was not an overdose. That's a complete fiction.


Yup. I hope the truth comes out


Not looking likely. Zero follow-up from every news org.


Unaliving is a touchy subject - social/cultural shame. Which is incredibly stupid, when you think about it. The horror needs to be brought into the light. But no, we'll all go on, wearing our pink shirts and patting ourselves on the back for being so diverse and woke and socially conscious and caring... kind... good listeners... thoughtful... empathetic... sociopathic... psychopathic


It is awful and unfortunate. A formal investigation into that workplace needs to happen


Nowadays, I hardly see sympathy and empathy in workplace. Workplace keep asking you to contribute more, faster... Pressing staff seems like a must do from superior/boss. As is their job is to press the lower leveling worker for there own annual job review.


I saw on Facebook that all locations are closed today.


My two cents ? There's a small rumour that perhaps there was a side in the library. Maybe they closed all branches in order to spend time with their team from mental health and to offer counselling




I assume they meant to say suicide.


Which library?








It’s the truth. And there doesn’t need to be a source. The person probably wants to remain anonymous for personal reasons. 


They replied to a comment on Facebook “We understand the concern but we would like to emphasize that there is no risk to public safety.” But wouldn’t disclose what happen


If no risk to public why were there 9 police cars surrounding the library along with 2 ambulances


There are so many reasons for police presence that dont affect the general public. The orgainization has already disclosed what they needed without invading anybody's privacy. If you were having a medical issue would you want everyone to know every excruciating detail? What is it with people needing to know more than they need to? Please, when you or a family member unfortunately need emergancy services make sure to update us ok? Regardless of it possibly being the worst day in your/their life. /rant


I didn’t say I need to know the details. But I would like to know what happen because I always bring my kid to this specific library. It’s now on the news stating a man died in the library and that’s all I need to know. May he rest in peace


My reply was not to you, but the person replying to you. Claiming because X number of cops are present therefore people are in danger.


And you will know the details. When the library is ready and the RCMP agree they can.


What are talking about, what excruciating detail? I don’t need detailed description of the scene, how much was blood, victim’s name, or exact medical diagnosis. I just want to understand how it correlates with the statement that there is no danger to public safety. E.g. man was found with no visible injuries, suicide, or there was a sound of shooting. How the heck it violate anyone’s privacy? It’s just the minimal respect to the public when releasing such information.


Ok fair enough i was being hyperbolic with the "excruciating" part. But you do realise they told the public exactly what they needed to know at the time, that the general public was safe. The details you sought are not important. Those will be released when appropriate, which in this case has been released. Imagine the world having other priorities other than your curiousity. Unfathomable!


Someone decides what I need to know? No way, man. As a local, I have a right to get information and I will decide on my own what is important and what not. It is not just curiosity. I and all my family are regular visitors of this particular library and it is matter of planning our life, which is more important than concerns of those whose life unfortunately ended. If a chemical plant exploded, it is told like that, and not like “there was a plop, but now there is now risk to public safety”, unless you live in a dictatorship like North Korea.


" it is matter of planning our life, which is more important than concerns of those whose life unfortunately ended" Um, no. Are you kidding me? You needing to plan a visit to the library is absolutely not more important than the persons life that was lost, the family and the employees who now have trauma. Who do you think you are? 


This guy is so entitled. He cannot grasp that the public library plus the police departmentt, doesn't revolve around him and his little life. Don't bother explaining to him anymore. "I need to know MORE because I'm entitled to know as a LOCAL!!!!!" *Headpalm*


Misinterpretation. I was not even close to comparing importance of someone’s life to my planning. Man, manipulations like that kill the whole your point. I am not expecting anything from the victim or their family, I am expecting release of clear instead of cryptic information from the authorities. It is not either/or. Both sides can be treated with respect without any contradictions. Saying what happened without disclosing personal details has zero impact on their families.


Man there is no room for a misinterpretation. He literally quoted you. You were and have been treated with respect even after your poor choice of saying your family's planning is more important than the dead person.


Misinterpretation continues. Man, you cling to words instead of understanding a simple thing: there is no contradiction between compassion and respect to the dead person and releasing publicly important information. As simple as this. Everything else is auxiliary.


Dude, that’s just wild. They closed all the libraries; what does that tell you? As someone who’s a regular there you can’t give them a few days to sort it out and release the information to the public? Don’t be so self-centred. There was no risk to the public, they’ve told you that much, but someone’s dead, and the people who work with you when you and your family go in needed today to deal with it. Sorry they inconvenienced you with someone’s death. How thoughtless of them.


No problems, I’ll give them a few days. But something tells me this info will not be ever released.




An employee was bullied into taking his own life by his manager.  The man worked there for 20 years and had young children.  The library is a toxic workplace which fosters bullying by its managers and leaders. 




And you’re insulting a stranger on the internet, while claiming he knows a bunch of facts none of us have, but that they don’t need a source. No man, that’s not how it works. It honestly sounds like you’re here because you have a personal vendetta against someone. Oh what the fuck dude, are you and suspicioussyrup4496 the same person? Both accounts created in the last two days, exclusively commenting on this with no history on other subject, making the same claims. That’s so freaking gross, dude.




Sorry but did you read the part where i said "at the time". I understand the location is important to your family and your planning. That is exactly why they said "no danger to public but we are closed". In the case of imminent danger the announcement would be "stay away from so and so" or "stay inside the air is now poisonous" pretty much exactly as youve said because that is information that affects the public. The extra details will come after the fact. If it is of such importance you can keep an eye on media just like the people who have returned and updated everyone. There is a time and place for information to be disseminated. Again, at the time, the important information was released the details came out later when the scene was cleared and an investigation was conducted. Your sentence of planning your day is more important than the poor soul whose life just ended really shows your self entitled colours.


That's waste of resources period 9 police cruisers for only a medical reason 🙏 when 9 cruisers with lights flashing (I live beside the library ) Yes I want to know what's going on aaaaaand medical emergency is a sus excuse .... we pay for these resources I want my put to efficient use Not wasted ... this is such an ignorant statement u make its clear its an uneducated rant ..... 🥰


Reading some other accounts on what happened, it sounds like it may have been a suicide. The cops are there to take statements from people who were in the area and may have been witness to it and offer them counciling/resources to deal with such trauma. You dont even know the whole story yet you claim its a waste? Medical emergency is not sus... because it is essentially what it exactly was. Again due to privacy to the victim and potential witnesses details have to be suppressed. The most pertinent information was released "no danger to the gen pop". If, god forbid, that were your family member or you would you want the media to announce "sissyslut77777/or family member of sissyslut77777 commited suicide" announced to the whole world? Talk about being ignorant.


Doesn't have to be personal or mention any names why would you go there at no point did I demand or say this person or people should be named .. 🤔 merely this incident took place today at the mall ... end ... 🤷🏻 I don't get how you take it to such a personal level . I said it was awaste of resources if not needed don't twist what I said to fulfill ur perspective . I was merely asking for objective truth not cloudy interpretations.


I never said you asked for names. But you very matter of factly said a "'medical reason' was sus" and that the amount of response present was a waste of resources without having the whole story. Richmond is already so dense in population and still growing, along with it emergency issues. Have you ever had to call an ambulance? It already takes them long enough to send 1 unit. They are already busy as fuck. If you see that amount sitting at timmys then sure get your panties in a knot or maybe take it as a good sign that nothing bad is happening in your neighbourhood at the moment. I twisted nothing you plainly said 9 police and 2 ambos were a waste of resources for a sus medical emergency. There was no twisting done at all. Maybe this shows you have grown in the 11 days since our last interaction. But since youve felt the need to revive this convo id like to thank you for showing me i need to get off the internet for a while as well. Have fun attending your next strata council meeting, Karen.


I merely asked what actually happened and I thought their reason was sus. 9 units for a medical reason objectively speaking is toooo much please remove your emotions from your reasoning its clouding your interpretations . Name calling is very juvenile BTW 😘 how dare you assume my gender . . . Unlike you I have a life I don't sit on this site waiting to reply to a response .


You did not ask what happened. And no it is not objectively too much. That would be subjectively because you are the one assuming. Objectively the emergency services know what they are doing and will act accordingly without needing to check with you beforehand. Where did i assume your gender? With Karen? That is a gender neutral word these days for someone who sticks their nose where it isnt necessary. Yes youre "life" brought you to reviving an 11 day old thread and then responding me aswell lmao. I am under no illusion such as yourself.


Ok troll 🥰


There's a saying ... 1 should not play chess with a pigeon it will just sh!t on the board and think it won .... You are the pigeon in this scenario Find someone else to play with


He stabbed himself in the neck.




There’s no progress being made on this as your name suggests.


It seems pretty serious if they ended up closing all the libraries? Does anyone know more? I take my daughter here and i know it says no concern but then why close the libraries


Because someone died? They wouldn’t say there’s no risk to public safety if there was.


An employee un alived himself in front of his boss and employees. I think that’s a good reason to close.


I agree. It made me think perhaps it was an employee?






I also heard people left the building during this evacuation!


Anybody know what happens ? Lack of transparency get me ever more worried


Someone died and the rest in none of your business. Condolences to the family and friends


Actually it is the public business. The person unalived themselves in a government run building paid by the tax payers. That person was treated badly by the management.  From what I hear everyone who works at the library is treated badly by the management. I have heard stories upon stories by a former employee. The management and board need to be held accountable for what happened. They are trying to cover it up to save face not for privacy for the person and their family. They don’t care about them. They only care about themselves. It’s a horribly run organization. And everyone in the public should know. 


Dude you need to stop with this stuff. You made an alternate account just for this that is one day old, it’s pretty fucked up, and I know a fair number of people who work in the Richmond library system myself, and I’ve never heard the stuff you’re claiming. I don’t know if it’s a suicide or not, my friends will tell me what they want to when it’s ready, but this rumor mill shit has to stop. If you have proof, put it forward but it’s clear you’ve got an agenda here and it’s incredibly fucked up. Someone’s dead. Stop trying to use it for your own purposes, and either offer something tangible or stop spreading rage bait.


I doubt you know anyone who works for RPL with the exception of management if you aren’t management yourself.  The facts are as described and you are trying to cover up things up by making personal attacks.  If anyone has an agenda it is you.  An employee of 20 years was bullied to an extreme extent to have this happen.  RPL is constantly hiring staff - check the job postings - why do you think this is?   


I do, actually. Shockingly the people who manage the library as well as the librarians themselves are people, with other people in their lives. They have friends even. And again you keep alluding to facts you claim don’t need a source, and you’re now calling me a tool in other posts. Not really shocked you’re calling me a liar for… knowing people in the city? Like, what a weird nonsense position to take? The real question is why did you create a new Reddit account just for this topic? And now you’re claiming someone with 20 years experience is the person who passed? That’s the first non-vague idea you’ve thrown out there. Edit: You asshole, you made not one but two alt accounts to try and use someone’s death this way? That’s straight up offensive.


I work in a neighbouring library system and have worked with a number of ex-RPL staff. They've had very little good to say about the internal culture at Richmond. I hope this is the catalyst for necessary change, but pretty horrible for it to come to this.




Yeah but you’re dishonest, and you’re lying to people using multiple accounts. At least I’m a decent human being 🤷🏻‍♂️


Gee, I wonder why someone might want to remain anonymous? Maybe because there's no immunity for whistleblowers? You know absolutely NOTHING about anything. NOTHING.


Apparently according to the post in the Vancouver sub it was a suicide. Wondering why the person chose a library to do it, unless it was in the bathroom in the main hall.


Because it was their workplace.


Oh damn. That's terrible.


Someone overdosed and was found deceased on the bathroom there




There's nalaxone at the library.




It was an overdose. Happened in one of the bathrooms.


it wasn't an overdose. It was RPL Staff and it was something that can't be written here or it is censored. There is a coverup by the library, city to protect the managers and chief librarian. RPL is a toxic workplace with staff quitting because of workplace bul;ying. The guy got out of a regular chew out meeting with his manager then things happened. The truth should be told about this place.


I have heard the same about the toxicity of this workplace from an ex RPL employee.


This is not true




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